

Stack Family






Researching the History of Stack Family, Kerry, Ireland and anything Stack-related


Stacks, Stackes, De Staics all welcome! Over 800 members from around the world (Mar 2020)


There are a considerable number of copies of historical documents, books and original source material in the group files section.


You may also be interested in the Google map of Stack 'places' : feel free to add your own location or mark a place of interest


This is a list of reference sources useful:


The Stack Family of Kerry also provide a specialist library for members interested in the Errimore Branch. Members must "Friend" the "librarian" Andrew McDonald before joining this library.


This group does not accept post or enquiries in relation to the Stack Clan gathering – please see


All members are encouraged to share their stories, research or questions in the group.


If you have a ‘Stack Story’ that you would like to add to our blog please contact the group admins (Andrew Mc Donald or Mike O’Driscoll).




Arthur John Stack, Sr. Ireland 419

16. Catherine A. Stackpole Connelly Ireland 500

21. Cornelius J. Stack Ireland 419

22. Daniel Stack Ireland 419

24. Delia Mullin Stack Ireland 565

27. Eileen Phelan Stack Ireland 419

28. Elizabeth Mullins Stack

35. James F. Stack Ireland 419

39. John J. and Eileen Phelan Stack Ireland 419

40. John Oliver Stack Ireland 419

50. Katherine Stack Ireland 419

52. Katie Stack Ardfert, Ireland 419

53. Mae Curtin Stack County Kerry, Ireland 419

36. James Joseph Stack

55. Mary E. Stack Cordon Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland 89

57. Mary Jane Stack Bartley Ireland 489 58.

Mary O'Connell Stack Ireland 419

59. Mary Stack Clark Ireland 82

62. Maura O'Neill Stack Ireland 419

63. Michael Francis Stack Ireland 641

64. Michael J. Stack County Limerick, Ireland 641

66. Nora McElligott Stack County Kerry, Ireland 419

67. Nora Stack Duall, Co., Kerry, Ireland 641

68. Nora Stack O'Shea Ireland 320

69. Patrick J. Stack Ireland 419

70. Patrick Stack County Kerry, Ireland 419

79. The Ellen Stack Family Ireland 419

80. The Patrick and Anna Stack Family Listowel,County Kerry, Ireland 565

81. The Stack Family Duagh, Ireland 737

85. Thomas Patrick Stack County Kerry, Ireland 419


Ballybunion Eviction 1884

November 4, 2017Written by Kay Caball


One of our readers, Mary Wesley-Smith  has kindly alerted me to this letter which her relative John Stack wrote to the Kerry Sentinel in 1884.   A well written letter outlining his case:


Ballybunion   7/6/1884

Sir, You will oblige me by giving publicity to the following facts in the columns of your popular journal to demonstrate the hardships to which the victims of landlord oppression are subjected. For the third time in the last 7 years have I been cast forth from the home of my fathers by that cruel agent of landlord tyranny viz-the “Crowbar Brigade”. I received the 1st visit from the landlord’s emissaries in March 1877. It was then I experienced the awful penalties attached to an eviction. On a bitter March morning my house was surrounded by the sheriff with his staff of police, bailiffs, etc.  My personal effects were thrown out by the bailiffs who took a fiendish delight in their work – my aged mother suffered such a shock that she became from that day forth a helpless invalid. I did not owe a penny rent, yet such was the state of agrarian legislation that my future was left to the tender mercies of an arbitrary landlord. The same was enacted in April ’82 and finally in April ’84 my house was surrounded by the sheriff, police etc. and my invalid mother was carried out in a downpour of rain by 2 emergency men and having received the last rites of the Church died a few days later , a victim of landlord oppression.


Such is a brief outline of the many wrongs I have suffered . I will now briefly state the facts which led to my last eviction. I hold 2 farms one at Bromore and the other at Trippol. The aggregate rent is 27 pounds-5 shillings,  the valuation 12 pounds. The Landlord is Mr Wilson Gun and the agent G.R. Brown his son in law. Since the first day he inherited the property I have been to him (for some unaccountable reason) an object of especial hatred.


Last Jan I sold one of my farms with the land lord’s consent and lodged in the bank the amount of arrears due, one year’s rent, but he would not sanction the sale unless I sold both, an arrangement I indignantly refused. His object simply was to get rid of me as peaceably as he could but I who have been trice victimised by him will endure the greatest privations ere I would abandon the land of my forefathers. He thinks I must finally  yield , but I publicly avow that as long as a drop of blood courses through my veins I will never submit to terms dictated by a representative of that miserable set whose ascendancy has given way to the enlightened sway of public opinion and the will of a determined people .

I am Sir,

Yours respectfully,

John Stack.


P.S. I may mention that when I lodged the money in bank and secretly rejoiced in triumphing for a third time , the writ already ( ………not sure what this word is)  was executed a few days afterwards ,the humane agent having a few days previously departed for England after issuing his orders to his minions.


Note:  Wilson Gun was the Immediate Lessor in 1884 of the above land.  Another relative of John Stack has added an addrndum:


Parnell tried to get lease holders admitted and so did the finding of the Cowper Commission I know Gun  did not like the Stacks.John’s brother Robert was Secretary to the Ballybunion branch of Land League . Up to the 1881 Land League Gun’s tenants had free turbery but so annoyed was Gunn by the clause of the Act …the three F’s…that he imposed a bog rent The Stacks refused to pay and Robert got a fortnight in Tralee jail. If John was wrongfully evicted there would have been a boycott as boycotting was common then


   Pam Marquardt (nee Dower)

    January 7, 2018 - 5:31 am


    Just wondering if John Stack is related to my 2xGreat Grandmother Joanna Dore/Dower (nee Stack) ?

    My ancestors came from the Ballybunion area.


Kay Caball Author

January 7, 2018 - 5:33 pm


Pam, you would need some more information – dates and locations to find out. Why not log in to and see if you can find Johanna Stack’s marriage to ?Dore. The marriage records would give you Johanna’s father’s name and address then. If you could get hold of my book Finding Your Ancestors in Kerry, you would get all the hints and help so that you could research all your Kerry ancestors then,



Austin Stack had relations in Listowel area, anyone know where are his letters.


Irish Press 1931-1995, Tuesday, December 09, 1952; Page: 6


An Austin Stack Letter


THE two men disagreed


violently on political matters, but that didn't prevent Austin Stack and James Clarke, the Ballybunion merchant, from being excellent friends. The fact that the Republican leader wrote to Mr. Clarke from Richmond Barracks, Dublin, on June 10. 1916, on one of Air. Clarke's billheads showed how close was the friendship. The document is a little browned with age now, but Stack's clear hand can still be read. I got it through a Galway priest from a nun in the Isle of Wight with the suggestion that it should be sent to the 1916 Collection.


" My dear Jem," the letter opens, and there follows the remark: "You so loyal may not expect a letter from a rebel. . . " After inquiring for Mrs. Clarke and the family, the information is given that " I am to be tried next week, and maybe I shall see you all before the end of the summer." The hardships of imprisonment in Tralee, Spike Island and Dublin make Stack think of the sea breezes of Ballybunion, and he expresses the longing to join his friends down there for a holiday.


The rebel Is optimistic. " With a fair trial I should be acquitted as there is really no evidence against me, but these court-martial proceedings are farcical, if I may use the word with regard to matters so serious. . . . Of course, to you this may be rank sedition, but you have long known my sentiments."


Stack informs his friend that things in the prisons have been fairly good since Asquith's visit but stresses that " it was not for love of us" that the British Prime Minister ordered better treatment — public opinion, especially in America, had been responsive. And again: "This Rising has resulted in good already and further victory is to come, for Imperialism in this country is done with for ever . .Every conviction brings us nearer the goal, so I shall welcome my sentence if I get one. I only envy the brave men who fell for Ireland while I was as a rat in a trap." It is part of history now that Stack was arrested for his work in preparing for the landing of the German arms. His trial followed the pattern of the period and he was sentenced to death, but this was commuted to twenty years' penal servitude, which ended with the. general amnesty in June 1917. He was afterwards Minister for Home Affairs in the Republican Government. He did forty-one days on hunger strike while a Republican prisoner in 1923. He died in 1929.




Austin Stack had relations at 26 Church Street in Listowel and he used stay with them on occasion. This was related to me by a lovely lady, Mai Quillinan, who had been a librarian in Dublin, Mai came to live with an elderly aunt on her retirement in Listowel. They lived in a well documented house at number 26 Church Street, known as the Emporium. The frontage of which is now regarded as one of the master plaster craftsman, Pat McAuliffe's, finest pieces of his unique craft. A photograph of the top frontage can be seen on page 158 of Carmody's " Snapshot of an Irish Market Town".


In another publication, "Streets of Listowel" published by the North Kerry Architectural Survey Committee in 1987, The Emporium is described as follows,




" A delightful fusion of Celtic, Eastern and American influences, this facade, built circa 1840 is a spectacular memorial to Pat McAuliffe's artistry and workmanship.


There is a progression in detail from top to bottom. The ground floor has a distinctive scroll-like name fascia, now bereft of title, with a raised Celtic plaster design on either side. There is a row of 'egg and dart' decoration underneath the cornice. The large window is protected by a wooden railing -an important consideration on fair days.


The first storey is more elaborate - two dragon-like creatures 'support' a curved name fascia on which the word " Emporium" was once written. Shafts on either side bear a repeating Celtic interlace.


The second storey has two pilasters with a changing etched design on the shaft and a swan motif on the capital.


An American eagle crowns the building and sits on a panel which bears two lions heads, a sunburst and the inscription " E Pluribus Unum" - meaning " One out of many". Two horses are in attendance on either side, completing what is an unacclaimed work of art"


Among memorabilia that I have, is a black bordered, thank you card, which bears the legend, " Mrs Austin Stack returns sincere thanks for your very kind sympathy in her great sorrow" with the address and date underneath, "Sea Bank, Merrion, Dublin. May 1929.




have you seen the group on Facebook regarding the various Stack families?


You do have to request to join, but here's the link




There was also a Stack's family gathering in 2012/13? which as far as I remember took place in Listowel!






Timothy O Neill Lane, lived at Kilmorna with his relations for some time, they in turn had relations in Church Street, Listowel just yards from Bryan McMahon.


Another great Listowel man John R Rice, B.A. M.D. Surgeon at Rotunda, Dublin. Medical Officer Listowel Workhouse foe six years, Surgeon in Crimea for two years, in Government Hospital Hong Kong for two years and according to the Daily Alta, Cal of 9th June 1865 was living at 254 Fourth Street, between Howard and Folson N.W. Corner. Another branch of the Rice Family went to NZ and fought in the War.


See St. John’s for great Workhouse pictures on display this month.






LANE, Timothy O’Neill (1852–1915)


I dTeampall an Ghleanntáin, Co. Luimnigh, a rugadh é. Feirmeoir san áit sin a athair Timothy Lane agus b’as Ahane Cross, Brosnach, dá mháthair Mary O’Neill. Bhí ceathrar deirfiúracha aige, b’fhéidir, agus beirt deartháireacha.




List of names








O'Brien, Mary Lucy (1923–2006), missionary sister and doctor in Africa, was born Nora Veronica O'Brien on 17 August 1923 in Ballinderry, in the parish of Cummer, near Tuam, Co. Galway,








Prayer For Lent


   Bless me heavenly Father


forgive my erring ways.


Grant me the strength to serve Thee


put purpose in my days.


Give me understanding


enough to make me kind.


So I may judge all people


with my heart and not my mind.




Teach me to be patient


in everything I do.


Content to trust your wisdom


and to follow after You.


Help me when I falter


and hear me when I pray


and receive me in Thy kingdom


to dwell with Thee someday.






Photo from




Nineteen Twenty One:


A Black U.S. immigrant


fathered a female,




born in Queens, New York.


His wife came from a home of


voracious readers.




A Cornell student,


he’d majored in chemistry


until funds went dry.




As their baby grew,


she developed a hunger


for education.




Her mother spent long


hours reading to her from the


books that graced their home.




Books on the subject


of science and scientists


sparked interest in her.




She earned her B.S.,


then M.S., then Ph.D.,


in chemistry … this




making her the first




woman to do so.




Now a professor


and researcher, her studies


helped to discover




the relationship


between high cholesterol,


and clogged arteries.




Her groundbreaking work


helped to clarify how the


human body works.




Marie M. Daly.


I had to dig to find her.


A treasure unearthed.




© Marie Elena Good, 2020




Information and some direct phrasing from:












Final evacuation from the ill-advised Gallipoli invasion which saw the death of 3,500-4,000 Irish soldiers fighting either in Australian, New Zealand or British uniform. An estimated 44,000 allied soldiers died.




The Gallipoli campaign was a costly failure for the Allies, with an estimated 27,000 French, and 115,000 British and dominion troops (Great Britain and Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Newfoundland) killed or wounded. Over half these casualties (73,485) were British and Irish troops. New Zealand suffered around 8,000 killed and wounded, about 5.6 percent of Allied casualties on Gallipoli. The Ottoman Empire paid a heavy price for their victory: an estimated 250,000 Turkish and Arab troops were killed or wounded defending Gallipoli.




Of the 1,100 of the 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers who landed on 25 April where ‘the water of the bay ran red with blood,’ the Military History Society of Ireland, states that only 11 would survive the entire campaign unscathed. The botched campaign forced the resignation of Winston Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty.








Kerry Champion Saturday, November 17, 1945; Section: Front page, Page: 1




Public Park.


Mr. R. A. Macaulay, solicitor to the Council wrote to the Acting Town Clerk under date November 12th enclosing map and letter received from Messrs. M. J. Byrne and Co. Solicitors, relative to the gift to the Council of a tract- of land at Gurtinard, donated by the Listowel estate.


Messrs. M. J. Byrnes’ letter explained that the property transferred is to be held in trust for the use of the inhabitants of the town of Listowel as a public park and no buildings of any kind are to be erected thereon without the consent in writing of the transferors.


Gifts Act.


Mr. Macaulay, the Council’s Solicitor, also wrote enclosing copy of the Local Authorities (Acceptance of Gifts) Act 1945. Mr. Macaulay’s .letter stated that he had not yet had an opportunity of preparing a draft scheme for submission to the Council but that he thought it would be of great assistance and would make for economy in time if the enclosures he sent therewith were submitted to the Council to obtain their views on the broad outlines of the undertaking. The Council may have definite views affecting the management of the gift property and also affecting the provisions of the proposed scheme and when such views were submitted to him he, Mr. Macaulay would prepare a draft of the scheme which could be submitted to the Council in due course. Having discussed the matter the Council unanimously approved as far as possible the provisions of the scheme but they requested the Council’s Solicitor to draft a scheme which would be considered at next meeting.






Re: Chicago Golden another child of Michael Goulding


View Posts- 11 Apr 2009 3:42 AMQUERIES- Golden Goulding Howard Gaynor


There was a Hugh Goulding age 25 that came to Chicago in 1911 also from Newtownandes and also the son of a Michael Goulding of Newtownsandes. He was going to his brother John Goulding in Chicago.


Re: Chicago Golden Re: Chicago Golden- popsullivan- View Posts- 411 Apr 2009 3:49 AM




Hello, I live in co. Kerry, Ireland. My great grandmother, Catherine Goulding was from Newtownsandes in north Kerry. She had a brother, John, who was 26 years old in the 1911 census. Johns father, Hugh was 68 years old in 1911.Hughs wife, Bridget was 55 years old in 1911 .I hope this is of some help, Mike




Re: Chicago Golden- ballynan- View Posts- 11 Apr 2009 2:53 AMQUERIES- Golden Goulding Howard Gaynor


Many thanks for your reply, Mike. It may well be that our Gould/Gouldings are connected. I place my John Golden in Chicago on Apr 9 1911. He was a sponsor at Visitation Church in Chicago at the birth of a John Walsh, son of Denis Walsh and Cath Sullivan. The other sponsor with John Golden was my great uncle John Howard. John Howard's brother Dan Howard later married a Bernice Goulding/Golden form Newtownsandes who was the sister of my John Golden. (Dan died and Bernice remarried to an Ed Gaynor) Did you have any Golden/Gouldings that came to Chicago? (Below I included Bernice's obit, does anything connect for you?) Nice to hear from you, Nan Brennan/Chicago 1962-03-08 Chicago Tribune (IL) Gaynor Bernice Gaynor, nee Goulding, beloved wife of Edward; loving mother of Edward Howard and John Gaynor; fond sister of Marie O'Brien, Margaret Kirby, Josephine Culhane, Nance, the late John, Hugh, Thomas, Patrick, Dennis, Michael, and Catherine O'Laughlin; grandmother of nine. Funeral Saturday, 8:45 a.m., from McInerney's Funeral Home, 46th pl. and Wallace st., to St. Gabriel's church. Mass 9:30 a.m. Native of Newtownsandes, County Kerry, Ireland. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. BO 8-0703.




I forgot to add in my last email that John Howard was in Ireland in the 1911 census with his parents but also in Chicago with John Golden in April of 1911. But that's consistent with some going back and forth by the Howard brothers, Dan and John.




There was a Hugh Goulding age 25 that came to Chicago in 1911 also from Newtownandes and also the son of a Michael Goulding of Newtownsandes. He was going to his brother John Goulding in Chicago.




Hi again Mike, I just checked the Ellis Island passenger record for my Bernice Goulding/Golden When she came in May of 1908 she went to her sister in Chicago: Marie Goulding c/o James Coffey on West 45th St, Chicago. She was 17 years old. Her father was Michael Goulding of Cloonprohus? Newtownsandes.






Marriages and deaths in County Kerry. You can access the site at Good luck.




Mary, Let me make a few more suggestions re your research. You may wish to try Prior to 1892 Irish immigrants




Re: Co Kerry/Daley's- Carolbengle-View Posts


07 Mar 2020 3:20 AMQUERIES- Daley


I wonder if these could be my Daley relatives. What I know about mine- my grandmother was Mary Daley and lived in Holyoke, MA after emigrating in 1880 at about age 21. I was told she was from County Kerry by one relative and County Clare by another and I am not certain which is correct. Mary had a sister Julia in Holyoke and several siblings who moved to Chicago- John, Daniel, Liz... and a Meg who was either another sister or an aunt. Mary and her siblings' parents were Daniel Daley and Eliza. I have not been able to trace them back in Ireland but I am trying. I believe my Daley relatives left Ireland because of the smaller 1879 famine, but they did not all come to the US together. I have what I think is Mary's ship manifest but I don't have the others. She came Queenstown (now Cobh) to New York (Castlegarden). Please let me know if you think our Daleys are related.






Sacramento Union- 28 March 1907


RICE—In this city, March 26, 1907, Julia, wife of the late Peter Rice; grandmother of Mrs. Madge Williams of San Francisco, a native of County Kerry, Ireland, aged 78 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o’clock, from their late residence, 230 M street, thence to St. Stephen’s church, where funeral services will be held, commencing at 2:30 o’clock. I Interment St. Joseph cemetery.——-en–20–201–txt-txIN-%22County+Kerry%22——-1






Calexico Chronicle, Volume XVII, Number 209, 16 April 1921




CORK, April 16.—A dozen houses were burned in county Kerry following the shooting to death of Major Mackinson yesterday.——-en–20–1–txt-txIN-%22County+Kerry%22——-1




Liam O’Connor and Brian Kennedy


International Artists Residency - Olive Stack Gallery


Listowel, Co Kerry, Ireland




The Olive Stack Gallery Artist’s Residency was estacblished in 2015. Since then the gallery has received applications from established and emerging visual artists from around he world. Including artists from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, Malawi, Netherlands, Serbia, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey and the USA. All eager to share the experience that others have had in Listowel.




Visual Artists may apply for a one or two-month residency, ideally shared by two artists. This allows both time and creative space for making art in exchange for helping in the gallery. To date all visiting artists have been provided with accomodation and studio space at no cost to them.




The residency continues to forge connections across continents and creative genres. Building new bodies of work illuminating the beauty of Listowel and its people. The ensuing results have been expansive and surprising. Artists have made fast and enduring friendships in the heritage town of Listowel. The residency continues to enrich both locals and visitors. As a result Listowel is fast becoming a favourite destination for a growing international family of artists!




The residency is fully booked until 2021, applications for residencies in 2021 will open in January.




The artwork on auction has been generously donated by previous Olive Stack Gallery Artists in Residence All the proceeds will go towards running costs of the residency.




We appreciate all of your support so much!




Olive Stack Gallery




4 Main Street


Listowel Alabama, 49735


12/18/2019 9:00 PM








   Brendan Kennelly: Victors and Victims


    Journal Article


    Brendan Kennelly: Victors and Victims


    Gerard Quinn


    The Irish Review (1986-), No. 9 (Autumn, 1990), pp. 44-54


    Topics: Love poetry, Irish poetry, Narrators, Killing, Revenge, Sadism, Sexual violence, Rats






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Imagi-Nation in Brendan Kennelly's "Cromwell"


Journal Article


Imagi-Nation in Brendan Kennelly's "Cromwell"


John McDonagh


Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 91, No. 361 (Spring, 2002), pp. 46-54


Topics: Irish poetry, National identity, Nationhood, Language, Irish literature, Imagist poetry, Postcolonial literature, Political ideologies






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'Blitzophrenia': Brendan Kennelly's Post-Colonial Vision


Journal Article


'Blitzophrenia': Brendan Kennelly's Post-Colonial Vision


John McDonagh


Irish University Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Autumn - Winter, 2003), pp. 322-336


Topics: Irish literature, Postcolonial literature, Irish poetry, National identity, Literary criticism, Nationhood, Poetry, Irish history, Irish nationalism






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Betraying the Age: Brendan Kennelly's Mission


Journal Article


Betraying the Age: Brendan Kennelly's Mission


Åke Persson


Irish University Review, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring - Summer, 1996), pp. 118-126


Topics: Poetry, Literary criticism, Irish poetry, Breathing, Irish literature, Narrators, Children, Psyche, Journalism






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Rebel Women: Brendan Kennelly's Versions of Irish Tragedy


Journal Article


Rebel Women: Brendan Kennelly's Versions of Irish Tragedy


Marianne McDonald


New Hibernia Review / Iris Éireannach Nua, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Autumn, 2005), pp. 123-136


Topics: Women, Irish literature, Irish drama, Men, Irish poetry, Theater, The Troubles, Killing, Irish politics, Gender roles






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Journal Article




Thomas Dillon


History Ireland, Vol. 25, No. 4 (July–August 2017), pp. 40-41


Topics: War wounded, Irish resistance






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The Quiet Path of an Invisible Man: Irving Linwood Peddrew III and Desegregation at Virginia Tech


Journal Article


The Quiet Path of an Invisible Man: Irving Linwood Peddrew III and Desegregation at Virginia Tech




The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 126, No. 4 (2018), pp. 422-466


Topics: Law schools, College admission, Law students, African Americans, Desegregation, School segregation, Segregation, Legal education, Attorneys general, Civil rights






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From finding Ireland’s favourite poem to poetry slams is all in a day’s work for Poetry Ireland


Journal Article


From finding Ireland’s favourite poem to poetry slams is all in a day’s work for Poetry Ireland


Siobhán Devoy


Books Ireland, No. 359 (January/February 2015), pp. 30-31


Topics: Irish poetry, Slam poetry, Oral poetry, Poetry festivals, Literary criticism, Irish literature, Writers






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‘You’re making our city look bad’: Olympic security, neoliberal urbanization, and homeless youth


Journal Article


‘You’re making our city look bad’: Olympic security, neoliberal urbanization, and homeless youth


Jacqueline Kennelly


Ethnography, Vol. 16, No. 1 (March 2015), pp. 3-24


Topics: Olympic games, Musical games, Police services, Neoliberalism, Ethnography, Marketing, Cities, Focus groups






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Normal Courage: Robert A. Anderson and the Irish Co-operative Movement


Journal Article


Normal Courage: Robert A. Anderson and the Irish Co-operative Movement


James Kennelly


Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 100, No. 399, the past in ireland's present (Autumn 2011), pp. 319-330


Topics: Cooperative movements, Collective farms, Irish politics, Sustainable agriculture, Business management, Irish nationalism, Agricultural organizations, Obituaries, Farm exports, Idealism






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Secretarial Work, Nurturing, and the Ethic of Service


Journal Article


Secretarial Work, Nurturing, and the Ethic of Service


Ivy Kennelly


NWSA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Summer, 2006), pp. 170-192


Topics: Nurturance, Government services, Working women, Occupations, Men, Mothering, African Americans, White people, Nurture






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"I Would Never Be a Secretary": Reinforcing Gender in Segregated and Integrated Occupations


Journal Article


"I Would Never Be a Secretary": Reinforcing Gender in Segregated and Integrated Occupations


Ivy Kennelly


Gender and Society, Vol. 16, No. 5 (Oct., 2002), pp. 603-624


Topics: Men, Feminism, Sales personnel, Working women, Gender equality, African Americans, Womens rights, Gender identity






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"Acting Out" in the Public Sphere: Community Theatre and Citizenship Education


Journal Article


"Acting Out" in the Public Sphere: Community Theatre and Citizenship Education


Jacqueline Kennelly


Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation, Vol. 29, No. 2, Democracy and Education / La démocracie et l'éducation (2006), pp. 541-562


Topics: Public sphere, Citizenship education, Democracy, Theater, Citizenship, Audiences, Acting out, Neoliberalism, Deliberative democracy, Educational attainment






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"That Single-Mother Element": How White Employers Typify Black Women


Journal Article


"That Single-Mother Element": How White Employers Typify Black Women


Ivy Kennelly


Gender and Society, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Apr., 1999), pp. 168-192


Topics: Working women, Black people, Men, Stereotypes, White people, Single mothers, African Americans, Employment, Single women






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Identical Electrical Networks in Series


Journal Article


Identical Electrical Networks in Series


A. E. Kennelly


Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 64, No. 1 (1925), pp. 1-16


Topics: Resultants, Electrical networks, Radians, Alternating current, Bibliographies, Symmetry, Power lines, Electric potential






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Sanitizing Public Space in Olympic Host Cities: The Spatial Experiences of Marginalized Youth in 2010 Vancouver and 2012 London


Journal Article


Sanitizing Public Space in Olympic Host Cities: The Spatial Experiences of Marginalized Youth in 2010 Vancouver and 2012 London


Jacqueline Kennelly, Paul Watt


Sociology, Vol. 45, No. 5, Special Issue: Sociology and the 2012 Olympic Games (OCTOBER 2011), pp. 765-781


Topics: Olympic games, Musical games, Police, Boroughs, Homelessness, Spectacle, Downtowns










Luaí Ó Murchú




Luaí Ó Murchú was reared in South Armagh, but spent most of his life in Listowel, Co Kerry.  He was born on 30 May 1909 in Netownhamilton.  He was educated in Ballymoyer School (where his father was Principal Teacher), St. Mary’s College Dundalk, and Salesian College Pallaskenry. He was a playing member of St. Killian’s Football Club between 1928 and 1940, winning an Armagh J.F.C. medal in 1940; during that time he served as Club Secretary and reperesentative at County Meetings; he was a member of the Armagh team which won the Ulster J.F.C. in 1929, and registrar of Armagh County Committee in 1933. 




He joined the Civil Service in 1934, his employment eventually taking him to Listowel, Co Kerry, in 1946, where he played a prominent part in the founding and development of Writers’ Week, Listowel.  He was a founder member and first Chairman of Listowel Writers’ Week. (1971-






 A writer and broadcaster in both Irish and English, South Armagh has provided the background to much of his creative work.  Many of his stories have been broadcast on BBC Radio and Radio Éireann. Other stories have appeared in The Irish Press and in various publcations. Over the years he contributed numerous articles and reviews to newspapers and periodicals including Inniuand Comhar.  Much of his writing in English was under the pen-name Redmond O’Hanlon. He published the history of his local football club “St. Killian’s G.A.C. Whitecross” in 1996, and his collection of short storties “Journey Home” was published in 1997. He died in 1999.




"He adopted the pen-name of Redmond O’Hanlon.  Redmond O’Hanlon was a 17th century Irish Raparee who was born in 1640 at the foot of Slieve Gullion, a mountain which could be seen from my father’s home-place in Whitecross, Co Armagh."    Eamon ÓMurchú






Count Redmond O’Hanlon (1640–1681) was a “rapparee” or guerrilla-outlaw. He is often referred to as Ireland’s answer to Robin Hood. Although born in impoverished circumstances, he was a descendant of the last O’Hanlon chieftain who was Lord of Airgíalla and Master of Tandragee Castle. O’Hanlon lands and property was confiscated when he was alledged to have been present at a fatal argument. He took to the hills around Slieve Gullion and became an outlaw, or rapparee. Many other Gaelic Irishmen flocked to his banner.


Like many dispossessed members of the Gaelic gentry, Count O’Hanlon forced the Anglo-Irish landowners and Ulster Scots merchants to pay for insurance against theft. Travellers under his protection were provided with a written pass, which was to be shown to anyone trying to rob them. Those who disregarded the Count O’Hanlon’s passes or rustled from livestock herds under his protection were forced to return the stolen merchandise, then fined, and finally murdered if they persisted.


On 25 April 1681, Count Redmond O’Hanlon was fatally shot near Hilltown, County Down. According to popular account, he was murdered while sleeping.




Redmond O’Hanlon (Sung by Tommy Makem)


There was a man lived in the north, a hero brave and bold


Who robbed the wealthy landlords of their silver and their gold


He gave the money to the poor, to pay their rent and fee


For Count Redmond O'Hanlon was a gallant rapparee




Then hurrah for Count O'Hanlon


Redmond O'Hanlon


Hurrah for Count O'Hanlon


The gallant rapparee


He had a noble big, black horse that was his joy and pride


A brace of loaded pistols, he carried by his side


He roamed the hills and valleys with a spirit wild and free


Count Redmond O'Hanlon, the gallant rapparee




'Twas high upon Slieve Gullion that he used to ply his trade


And Squire Johnson from the fews, this handsome offer made


He said "I'll give four hundred pounds to hang him from a tree"


But, not a man in all the land would sell the rapparee




They sent the soldiers after him to try and bring him back


O'Hanlon only laughed at them upon the mountain track


And while the soldiers slept that night among the mountain gorse


He stole their guns and rode away upon his noble horse




'Twas back in 1681 that Count O'Hanlon died


And still along Slieve Gullion's slopes, they speak of him with pride


And anyone will tell you from Rathfriland to Forkhill


That in the silence of the night, you'll hear him riding still




From Listowel Connection






Listowel's Carnegie Library






This story is still rumbling on.








Denis Quille found this old photo of The Bridge Road. In it, on the right hand side, you can see the remains of the old library.






Quick recap on the history of that building.




In 1910 local leaders recognised the need for a library in town. They passed a motion at the UDC meeting to approach Lord Listowel for a site. They proposed to approach The Carnegie Trust for money to fit it out and then to pay for the upkeep from an extra penny on the rates.






The story dragged on a bit with approaches to Crosbie, Lord Listowel's agent, to the Carnegie trust, a bit of a local kerfuffle when a Cork firm got the contract etc. until 1915 when the library or Hall as it was known was finally opened.






Listowel's own Carnegie Hall was the town hall, a concert venue, a classroom and meeting room as well as a free lending library.






It thrived and served the people of the town well until one Sunday night in 1921 at the height of The Troubles, the building was gutted by fire. Fearing that the dreaded Black and Tans, who were on their way to town, would set up headquarters there, the local IRA burned the building. The UDC records as well as the books and equipment were all lost. A notice posted on the burned out shell claimed that the IRA had saved it from "the army of occupation".






The ruin of the building remained on Bridge Road, a grim reminder of a troubled time until it was eventually levelled to make way for a store.






Now back to the old photo which Denis Quille found in an old album. I mistakenly thought that the photo was taken while the building was intact. Not so.






Derry Buckley who knows Bridge Road well has done a bit of research for us.






Derry has circled the houses which were built by his grandfather.




"Jerry Buckley, my Grandfather built a house, and then  lived in it while he built another. He moved home to the next house as he went along,  Dad was born in 37 Bridge Rd. in 1932. The twins who died were born in another then Beatrice and Toddy in the corner house 51 in 1938. The end houses which are in the photo 53 and 55 were built after this so pic is about 1940."




Another piece of evidence that the photo is younger than I thought is the presence of electricity wires. Listowel had electricity before rural electrification. The below quote is from the ESB archive






    ·      Listowel Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd. was in operation before 1927. It supplied 336 homes and businesses in 1929, and was acquired by ESB in September 1929.




     Derry has also circled in blue, Junior Griffin's old home which was built in the 1930s.




    So until anyone else comes along to tell us otherwise, we'll take it that this great photo dates from the 1940s.


    By the way, wasn't Gurtinard Wood massive?


Above from Listowel Connection site


Ballybunion Eviction 1884


November 4, 2017 Leave a Comment Written by Kay Caball


One of our readers, Mary Wesley-Smith  has kindly alerted me to this letter which her relative John Stack wrote to the Kerry Sentinel in 1884.   A well written letter outlining his case: Ballybunion   7/6/1884 Sir,You will oblige me by giving publicity to the following facts in the columns of your popular journal to demonstrate the hardships to which the victims of landlord oppression are subjected. For the third time in the last 7 years have I been cast forth from the home of my fathers by that cruel agent of landlord tyranny viz-the “Crowbar Brigade”. I received the 1st visit from the landlord’s emissaries in March 1877. It was then I experienced the awful penalties attached to an eviction. On a bitter March morning my house was surrounded by the sheriff with his staff of police, bailiffs, etc.  My personal effects were thrown out by the bailiffs who took a fiendish delight in their work – my aged mother suffered such a shock that she became from that day forth a helpless invalid. I did not owe a penny rent, yet such was the state of agrarian legislation that my future was left to the tender mercies of an arbitrary landlord. The same was enacted in April ’82 and finally in April ’84 my house was surrounded by the sheriff, police etc. and my invalid mother was carried out in a downpour of rain by 2 emergency men and having received the last rites of the Church died a few days later , a victim of landlord oppression. Such is a brief outline of the many wrongs I have suffered . I will now briefly state the facts which led to my last eviction. I hold 2 farms one at Bromore and the other at Trippol. The aggregate rent is 27 pounds-5 shillings,  the valuation 12 pounds. The Landlord is Mr Wilson Gun and the agent G.R. Brown his son in law. Since the first day he inherited the property I have been to him (for some unaccountable reason) an object of especial hatred. Last Jan I sold one of my farms with the land lord’s consent and lodged in the bank the amount of arrears due, one year’s rent, but he would not sanction the sale unless I sold both, an arrangement I indignantly refused. His object simply was to get rid of me as peaceably as he could but I who have been trice victimised by him will endure the greatest privations ere I would abandon the land of my forefathers. He thinks I must finally  yield , but I publicly avow that as long as a drop of blood courses through my veins I will never submit to terms dictated by a representative of that miserable set whose ascendancy has given way to the enlightened sway of public opinion and the will of a determined people . I am Sir, Yours respectfully, John Stack. P.S. I may mention that when I lodged the money in bank and secretly rejoiced in triumphing for a third time , the writ already ( ………not sure what this word is)  was executed a few days afterwards ,the humane agent having a few days previously departed for England after issuing his orders to his minions. Note:  Wilson Gun was the Immediate Lessor in 1884 of the above land.  Another relative of John Stack has added an addrndum:




Parnell tried to get lease holders admitted and so did the finding of the Cowper Commission I know Gun  did not like the Stacks. John’s brother Robert was Secretary to the Ballybunion branch of Land League . Up to the 1881 Land League Gun’s tenants had free turbery but so annoyed was Gunn by the clause of the Act …the three F’s…that he imposed a bog rent The Stacks refused to pay and Robert got a fortnight in Tralee jail. If John was wrongfully evicted there would have been a boycott as boycotting was common then






Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19980 1930/07/15


...last after a short illness. Mr Kelliher was born in 1850 at Farmers' Bridge, County Kerry, Ireland, and came out... (Orari, Canterbury, New Zealand - 1850)






New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24780 1943/12/31


...has been awarded to Private Richard Kelliher, of Ballybeggan, Tntlc.e, County Kerry, Ireland, for acts of bravery" in New Guinea.... (New, Auckland, New Zealand - 1943)




The Brosnans of Glounlea, Co. Kerry


...Kerry. Married Kathy Kelliher in Killarney, Co. Kerry on Sep 10,... (Killarney, United States - 1999)




Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7623 1890/08/06


...Wellingtoii, to Catherine, second daughter Thomas Kelliher, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland.... (Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand - 1890)




The Cincinnati daily star 1879/08/26


... Simon Kelliher, grocer, of Tralee, County Kerry, has become bankrupt.... (Tralee, Kerry, Ireland - 1879)




Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7608 1890/07/19


...Wellington, to Catherine, second daughter Thomas Kelliher, Tralee, Comity Kerry, Ireland. TO-DAY'S CONTENTS. LAlOR QUESTIONS WHARF LABORERS DIFFICULTY... (Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand - 1890)




TIOT... (Volume 1990)


...Joyce, Bottom. L-R: Stacey Law, Andrea Kelliher, Cathy Norton, Kerry Coli... (Norwood, Massachusetts, United States - 1990)




Irish Catholic directory


...Cloyne Kelliher, Timothy, C.C., Castletown Bere, Co. Cork Kerry Kelly, Albert,, St.-Mary's, Windouree, Ballarat, Victoria.... (United States - 1808)




The Brosnans of Glounlea, Co. Kerry


...and Katie Kelly. Married a Miss Kelliher from Kilcummin, Co. Kerry.... (United States - 1999)








New Zealand Herald, Volume 80, Issue 24780, 31 December 1943




IRISHMAN WINS V.C. BRAVERY IN NEW GUINEA SERVICE WITH AUSTRALIANS CANBERRA, Dec. 30 The Victoria Cross has been awarded to Private Richard Kelliher, of Ballybeggan, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, for acts of bravery" in New Guinea. Private Kelliher, who came to Australia 10 years ago, enlisted in Queensland. The citation announcing the award, says that during an attack on a Japanese position at Nabzab on the morning ' of August 13, Private Kelliher's platoon came under heavy fire from a concealed enemy machine-gun. Several of the platoon were killed and others wounded, and it was impossible to proceed without further losses. In the face of these casualties, Private Kelliher, on his own initiative, dashed toward the enemy post, hurling grenades into it and killing some of the enemy. Then, returning to his  section, he seized a Bren gun, and, again dashing forward, completely silenced the post with accurate fire, j After this Private Kelliher requested permission to go forward again to rescue : his wounded section leader. This he successfully accomplished. "These actions," says the citation, he not only enabled the advance to continue and resulted in the capture of a strong enemy position, but also saved  his section leader's life."








Press, Volume XLVII, Issue 7608, 19 July 1890


MARRIAGE. Elliot- Kelliher—On July 17th, at the Roman Catholic Church; Rangiora, by the Rev. Father Browne, William, eldest son of Edward Elliott, Lower; Hutt. Wellington, to Catherine, second daughter Thomas Kelliher, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland










New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXIII, Issue 37, 14 September 1905


Note, also reported that Lord Iveagh opened home for 500 single men at his own expense.




KERRY— Sad Fatality Mr. John Edward Hussey, J.P., County Kerry, died from the effects of injuries received by accidentally falling over a cliff at Annascaul.


 A Cynical Breach of Honor;  Mr. L. Talbot-Crosbie,.D.L., in reply to an address presented to him at Ardfert Sports, described the Government's Redistribution proposals as a cynical breach of national Honour, which, when thoroughly apprehended, would be opposed in Ireland by Unionists and Nationalists alike.


A Lady Doctor; The list of the Glasgow University includes the name of Miss Mary Teresa Gallagher, who has got her medical degree. Dr. Gallagher hails from the 'Kingdom' of Kerry, her father holding a valuable post in the Civil Service.


A Successful Engineer The ' Salt Lake Herald ' announces the promotion of Mr. B. B. Kelliher to be chief engineer of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. For the past two or three years Mr. Kelliher has been division engineer of the Grand Trunk Pacific, with headquarters at Winipeg, Manitoba. Considering the fact that his engineering associates are in America, that his work before going to Canada was all in Ireland, and further that he went to the Dominion without pull of any kind and worked his way up entirely by merit, Mr. Kelliher's promotion (says the ' Freeman's Journal ') is taken as a compliment not only to his own merit and energy, but to the Cregton Short Line system, where he achieved some of his earlier successes. Mr. Kelliher is the third son of the late Mr. John Kelliher, of Ballyplymouth, Castleisland, county Kerry.


LIMERICK— Long-established Flour Mills Captain Denis Lyons, of the 13th Hussars, is about to close down the Croom flour mills, established by his great-grandfather in 1788. They provide employment for a great many, who will suffer keenly from their abolition.


 The Irish Language; In opening the Thomond Feis the Right Rev. Mgr. Hallinan, of Newcastle West, paid a well-deserved tribute to the work of the Limerick City Branch of the Gaelic League. To this branch he rightly attributed the suggestion  of making St. Patrick's Day 'a national holiday, and to it also he gave credit for its work on behalf of the teaching of the Irish language. He said there was no place in Ireland, as far as he knew, where the Irish language in the schools was making greater progress than it was in Limerick City, and if it was making the same progress in the county the fact was due to the inspiration of the city.






Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19980, 15 July 1930




More Breen Kelliher Sept 2017




Roche Family Tralee > Haverhill, Massachusetts


jgy171 (View posts)


Posted: 15 Sep 2004 02:49AM    


Classification: Query


I am looking for any connections to my grandmother's family. Thomas (1798-1874) and Mary (Martin) (1798-1878) Roche came from Tralee to Haverhill, Massachusetts in the mid 1850's. They came with their young adult children. The children were Ellen, Mary, Michael, John, Margaret, James (1837-1903). The three sons married and had families. John Martin Roche married Bridget Shea, Michael Roche married Mary Barry and James Roche married Mary Power. James and Mary were my great great grandparents. Mary was from Mitcheltown, Cork , Ireland. They married on October 13, 1857 in Haverhill and had 9 children, Thomas (1858-1893), David Francis (1860-1925), James E. (1862-1955), Honora (b. 1864), Mary E. (b.1867), Margaret E. (b. 1869), John (b. 1871), William P. (1873-1950) and Edward J. (1878-1878). David Francis Roche was my great grandfather. He married Mary Jane Dorsey on June 27, 1883 in Haverhill. They had 9 children Norbert (1884-1885), Leo David (1886-1948), Ann Norton (1887-1937), Bernadette Mary (1890-1920), Donald Francis (1892-1929), Catherine Dorsey (1894-1971), Faber Neuman (1896-1944), Dorothy Esther (1898-1988), and Mary Gertrude (1899-1993). Bernadette was my grandmother. She married Joseph James Gavin (1889-1954) on February 15, 1912 in Haverhill. They had 3 sons and 1 daughter. They were Donald William (1913-1981), Helen Bernadette (1915- ), William Francis (1917-1944) and David Roche (1919-1999). David was my father. William was single and was killed during WWII. The other 3 married and had families. Donald married Marjorie Quill, Helen married Hugh R. Kelleher Sr. and David married Marion E. Hoar.


I also have further information on the extended Roche family beyond what's here.








Roche Family Tralee > New York City > Brooklyn NY




Posted: 02 Feb 2006 07:41AM    


Classification: Query


Surnames: ROche/Roach, Brosnan/Bresnahan/Bresnihan/ Burreen/Breen Tralee, Curravough, Abbeydorney, Ballymacelligott


have a Daniel Jeremiah Roche, b Dec 1838, from Tralee County Kerry, who had a brother James Roche b 25 Apr 1841 in Tralee. Daniel and James had another brother, Michael Roche, b 31 Jan 1837. Daniel arrived in US 1857 and was a fireman in NYC, then lived in Brooklyn, the Bay Ridge area, until his death in 1886. He was married to Julia Brosnan/Bresnihan/Bresnahan, b 1837. Daniel, Michael and James' parents were James Roche, b abt 1812 and Catherine Burreen (Breen) b abt 1816 in Curravough, near Abbeydorney, County Kerry. They married in April 1836 at St John's RC Church in Tralee, County Kerry. I have much info on the descandants of this couple. They had 5 more children between James, b 1860 and my Grandmother, Katherine Roach, b 15 Sep 1879. Please be in contact to .






Abbeydorney Pic Mick Kelliher 1930






Kilmore Press Vic.18 July 1812


OBITUARY.  Mr. Thomas Denis Ryan, who had been a resident of Kilmore for 27 years, and a business man of the highest probity and honour, died at half past twelve at his residence, Powlett-street, on Thursday morning last. Mr. Ryan, who was 62 years of age, was born in Glasgow in 1850; he was the only son of Mr. Thomas Ryan (a Customs official) his mother's maiden name being Mary McElligett, both being natives of   Ballylongford, Kerry, Ireland. His father having died when the subject of this notice   was only three months old, his mother remarried a Mr. Stack having issue three in family---the Rev. Gerald Stack, parish priest of Cambalang near Glasgow formerly a professor in St. Patrick's College in the city named---Mrs. Brady, now resident of Falmouth, and the late Sister Sebastian who up   to the time of her death some two years ago was rev. mother in the Presentation Convent at Glasgow, all of whom were much attached to their step-brother ; indeed Father Stack came all the way to Australia some two years ago to visit Mr. Ryan, spending some time with him, a matter of great, solace and pleasure to Mr. Ryan, who was then, and for some years previously, in delicate health. Deceased gentleman came to Victoria when quite a young man, and after spending a brief period with the late Mr Martin M'Kenna, of Kyneton Brewery, he took up duty with the old established and popular metropolitan firm of Messrs. Hogan and Mooney, wine and spirit merchants, to whom he proved a most capable, efficient and trustworthy employee. After some years with the firm named he married Miss Mulcahy, owner of the Oriterion hotel and store, which handsome business he actively carried on for some time, and practically supervised almost up to the day of his death, the delicate state of his health not seeming to dim his unusually bright intellectual capacity. During his long years as an invalid he was zealously and carefully looked after by his good wife, whose self-sacrificing devotion should be mentioned as deserving of all praise. The writer, who had special opportunities of knowing Mr. Ryan, has no hesitation in attributing to him many admirable qualities, being just, straightforward aud highly conscientious in his dealings and one whose accuracy was unquestionable. His death was most peaceful and edifying, being attended most assiduously by the local Catholic clergy- men---being conscious to the last moment. The remains, enclosed in an oak casket, were interred in the Kilmore Catholic Cemetery on Friday afternoon, the Rev. L. Martin,   P.P., attending to the obsequies at the grave. Mr James Beegan had charge of the mortuary arrangements, which were efficiently   attended to. We notice the death announced of Mrs. Mary relict of the late Mr. John Peavey, an old Moranding respected resident, aged 82 years. She died at the residence of her son, Mr. John Peavey, Gisborne. She was also mother of Mr. D. Hennessy, formerly a well- known Moranding and Kilmore resident, Mrs. Peavey came to this district with her first husband in 1854, and, although some distance from here for years, her affection for the place may be understood when she visited Kimore a couple of months back, and, in accordance wish her






Stack and More Names


10 June 2004

The staff of Rathmore Community College gathered in the Killarney Park Hotel on Friday afternoon to bid a fond farewell to their esteemed colleagues.Individual presentations were made on the day to Ann McCarthy, Sr Stella Stack and Sr Mary McMahon.Sr Stella Stack, of the Presentation Convent in Rathmore, was a career guidance counsellor at the school. Sr Stella also taught I



The staff of Rathmore Community College gathered in the Killarney Park Hotel on Friday afternoon to bid a fond farewell to their esteemed colleagues.

Individual presentations were made on the day to Ann McCarthy, Sr Stella Stack and Sr Mary McMahon.

Sr Stella Stack, of the Presentation Convent in Rathmore, was a career guidance counsellor at the school. Sr Stella also taught Irish. Ann McCarthy, from Boherbue, taught Irish and Religion at the school for the past 35 years. While Sr Mary McMahon, also a member of the Presentation Convent in Rathmore, had also taught Religion in the school until recently.

At Friday’s function, Principal Ger O’Donoghue thanked each of the teachers for their contribution to the school over the years and described them as hardworking, caring and loyal.

“These three teachers touched all our lives. They were not just colleagues - they were also our friends. Each of the three teachers represents the type of teacher that all teachers would like to be.

“They were open, transparent, straight forward and inspirational with plenty of humour.


They will be missed greatly by us all,” he said.


Re: Terence James Moran

Posted by: Ralph Connors (ID *****9163)Date: June 14, 2010 at 07:34:56

In Reply to: Terence James Moran by Catherine von Ibsch nee Moran of 3259



Hello Catherine:


I search, a new, free, online database of Co. Kerry &

Dublin church B/M/D records. I found this:


Baptism of TERENCE MORAN of LENAMORE on 1 April 1854 (Assumed) Parish of






Further details in the record Date of Birth 1 April 1854 (Based on other date





For a marriage of the possible parents:


Diocese of KERRY, Parish of BALLYLONGFORD R.C.

Marriage of DERMOT MORAN of NR and MARGARET CONNOR of LENAMORE on 1 January

1860 (Assumed)

Husband Wife




Witness 2 JOHN MORAN



"Only for Tuatha Chiarrai we would not have been able to start the project in Knockanure. The total of the project was €513,000.00, we received the 1st grant from Tuatha Chiarrai for the total of €65,000.00. The old school was converted into a Community Centre, which is highly beneficial to the community of Knockanure today. Tom O'Donnell and all the staff of Tuatha Chiarrai have been wonderful to us."

Mary Flavin
Knockanure Community Development Association


National Lottery funding ; Knockanure Development AssociationKilmorna,Listowel, Co Kerry€ 50,000


Leslie Mary MacWeeney (b.1936)
Born in Dublin, Leslie MacWeeney studied at the National College of Art under Seán Keating and Maurice MacGonigal (q.v.). She was awarded a scholarship to the École des Beaux Arts, Paris, where she studied under Professor Souverbis. MacWeeney has been included in many group shows, making her debut at the RHA in 1957, and participating in (and helping to organise) the IELA (1954-1963), the Oireachtas (1955, 1962) and the WCSI (1963). Each time her address was given as Kilteragh Lodge, Foxrock, Co. Dublin. She was also included in the 1959 and 1961 Paris Biennales, and more recently in the Irish Women Artists exhibition, organised jointly by the National Gallery of Ireland and the Douglas Hyde Gallery in 1987. In the catalogue to this latter exhibition, Dorothy Walker gave high praise to MacWeeney's wall hangings of the Stations of the Cross, which now hang in the Corpus Christi Church, Knockanure, Co. Kerry. Walker deemed this series to be "one of the most important works of religious art in the sixties" and found in them "no false note, nothing maudlin, nothing trite, but a powerful emotional content" (pp.56-57). MacWeeney has also had solo shows at the Clog Gallery, Dublin (1957), and the Ankrum Gallery, Los Angeles (1961), and several shows at the Dawson Gallery, Dublin. Her work is in the collections of the Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon, TCD, the Thomas Haverty Trust, and the Santa Barbra Museum of Art, California.

Patrick Mulvihill b. 1883 Knockanure, Kerry
Posted by: kay Date: October 24, 2001 at 19:43:08
of 489


I have a birth record for the above, born 21 July 1883 to John and Mary (Carmody) Mulvihill of the above town. Would be pleased to send it to a descendant.






Sister of St. Joseph Karen M. Kennelly is president of Mount St. Mary's College in Los Angeles. c 2000


History: Notice in the Boston Pilot of 1850. Richard Stack from Knockanure left Ireland in November 1851 in the" David Cannon" for New Orleans. When last heard from was in Dearborn Co., Indiana. His wife Catherine Murphy would like to hear from him c/o Mrs Griffin 119 Twelfth Street, Louisville, Ky.



Gerald and Peggy Roux posted a message around March last on a Website on

the Internet to find out about a William Stack b. Moyvane 1863 , died Elphin Co Roscommon in 1895.

. He married Mary Ellen Barry born 22/05/1864 Ballingar, Co.

Roscommon. They had 4 children born between 1890-4, John William, Mary Francis,

Richard Eugene, Nora Josephine. His father was John.



My ggggrandfather was Lt Richard

HUDSON who fought in the Battle of Waterloo, he had at least one son,







Marriage resembles a pair of shears joined so that they cant be separated often moving in opposite directions yet punishing anyone who comes between them.


Financial headaches are bad severe pain extends as far down as the pants pockets.


Loud mouths don't have to worry about food shortages. They usually eat their words.


Life is a constant struggle to keep money coming in and teeth and hair coming out.


By the time most learn to behave they are too old to do anything else.


Some have many temptations because they know where to find them.


The reason the ram ran over the cliff he didn't see the ewe turn.


It is better to have loved a short guy than never to love a tall.


A person who is busy as a bee. May wake up to find his honey missing.


Some cocktails make you see double and feel single.


A partner sticks with all the trouble they wouldn't have if they hadn't joined.


Today is the day you worried about yesterday.


Taken from Tom and Peg Stack












CONGRATULATIONS to Shane O Connell of St Ita's Athletic Club who won the U12 All-Ireland long jump title in Tullamore on Sat the 11th July with a jump of 4.67m.



SPACE: International Space Station is visible until July 23, it can be seen over Ireland at 10:52pm on Thursday, July 9 and at 11:16pm on Friday, July 10.

THOUGHT: If I can enjoy a joke at the expense of another; if I can in any way slight another in conversation, or even in thought, then I know nothing of Calvary love, Amy Carmichael.

UPS and downs of Dickens, Newton and van Gogh were definitely heritable says Samuel H. Barondes a neurobiologist and psychiatrist at the University of California.




SNIPPET from : The Football Feats of Jack Flavin by John Murphy. Moyvane footballer Jack Flavin was born in Aughrim and grew up when Con Brosnan was the best midfield player in Ireland from 1924 to 1932. At 19 he was on the Newtown (Moyvane) team which won North Kerry in 1928. At 20 he was on the Kerry junior team who won the all-Ireland in 1930. Two of that team also went of to greater honours -David O Keeffe and Roondy Landers. In 1931 he was of the team who won the National League and was sub the same year when they won the all-Ireland. In 1932 he was again sub in the 4 in a row win. Then politics began to rear its ugly head and a valley period in Kerry Football set in from 1933 to 1936. But back again in 1937. He was part of a forward machine which swamped Cavan in the replayed final -the other forwards were Purty and Roondy Landers, Miko Doyle, Charlie Sullivan and Tim O Leary. In 1938 he was on the Galway team which beat Kerry in a replay. In 1939 he won the National League with Galway. Still with Galway he won three more Connaught Championship medals only to be beaten twice by Kerry in the All- Ireland Finals of 1940 and 1941 -the third time by Dublin. Truly a great player, a local poet puts it better,
Mick Roche played a great game at mid-field, but Flavin was peerless. His equal is surely missing from football in Kerry today.

DEATH took place on July 5th `09 of Liam Buckley Trieneragh, Duagh , he is survived by his wife Nellie, son Michael, daughter Mary, daughter-in-law Marie, son-in-law Mike, brothers Fr. Michael C.S.S.P. and Joe, sister Maria. Following Requiem Mass at St. Bridget's Church, Duagh on Wednesday July 8th `09, Liam Buckley was laid to rest at Springmount Cemetery, Duagh. Mass was celebrated by Fr Michael Buckley, assisted by several priests. Liam Buckley was born in Moyvane Village to Michael Buckley and Nora Shine and was predeceased by siblings Fr Denis, Con, John, Donie, Paddy, Ned and Kit.

DEATH occurred of Kit Windle nee Mulvihill on July 7th `09, she lived at Upper Aughrim and was predeceased by her husband Nicholas Bob about 28 years ago. Kit is survived by her daughter Mary son-in-law Eamon, grandchildren Katie, Jack, Sandra and Linda Lee, sister Nell, brother Pat. Following Requiem Mass celebrated by Fr Lucid at the Church of the Assumption, Moyvane on Thursday July 9th `09 Kit Windle was laid to rest at Ahavoher Cemetery, Kit was predeceased by siblings Denis, Mary, Nora, and Peg. Kit Windle nee Mulvihill was born to Michael D Mulvihill and Margaret Enright on August 3rd 1920. DETAILS of 1,700,000 men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the two world wars can be viewed at


KENNELLY Families Newtownsandes, County Kerry

Con Kennelly and Brid Bunce c1840; Con Kennelly and Liz Mangan c1830; Con / Mgt Moore c1850;Con / Joan Bunce c1880;
Con / Ann Hanrahan c1900; Dan / Joan Connell c1830; Dan / Kate Mahony c1860; Dan / Joan Mulvihill c1850;
Dan / Kate Thornton c1880; Dan /Mary Stack c1880; Dan / Mgt Stackpoole c1880; Ml / Ellen Kissane c1900;
Dan / Mary Walsh c1830; Denis / Ellen Creagh c1830; Ml / Ann Kennelly c1880; Mort / Brid Shaughnessy c1840; Pat /Mary Enright c1830; Pat / Mgt Lawlor c1840; Pat / Mary Anglin c1860; Pat / Ellen Dore c1880;
Pat / Mgt Mc Elligott c1900; Tom / Mary Foran c1830; Tom / Mgt Nolan c1830; Tom / Mary Fennell c1840;
Tim / Cathy Connor c1830; Tim / Mary T Hanrahan c1910;Wm. / Catherine c1890; John / Ellen Enright c1840;
John / Brid Kirby c1840; John / Joan Mulvihill c1840; John / Mgt Hanrahan c1860; John / Alice Hanrahan c1860; John / Joan Healy c1860; John / Mary Stack c1860; Jas / Joan Mulvihill c1840; Jas / Mary Hanrahan c1840; Jas / Kate Ryan c1840; Jas / Kate Goulding c1870; Jas / Kate Moriarty c1900; Jer / Mary Griffin c1850;
John / Mgt W ?1830; John /Joan Histon c1830; John / Kate Flavin c1830; John / Alice Mulvihill c1840;
John / Brid Mulvihill c1840; John / Nora Connor c1840; Martin / Mgt Finucane c1830; Martin / Brid Connor c1840; Martin / Mgt Connell c1850; Martin / Nora Callaghan c1890; Mce / Cathy Grady c1830;
Mce / Mgt Burns c1830; Mce / Ellen Connor c1840; Mce / Mary Golden c1840; Mce / Deb. Byrnes c1860;
Mce / Joan Donegan c1870; Ml / Mgt Nolan c1830; Ml / Brid Crowley c1850; Ml / Cathy Moran c1850;
Ml / Cathy Moore c1860; Ml / Mary Kennelly c1860; Ml / Mary Connor c1860; Ml / Ann Pelican c1870;
Ml / Ann Callahan c1870; Ml / Mary Connell c1880; Nora / Richard Collins c1830; Nora / John Connell c1830;
Kate /Pat Moore c1840; Nora / John Keane c1830; Brid / Ed Liston c1880; Kennelly / Pat Lyons c1880;
Kennelly /Jim Mahony c1880; Kate / Tom Moloney c1840; Nora / John Dore c1830; Kate /Tim Cronin c1830;
Mary / Pat Culhane c1890; Ellen / Pat Ryan c1870; Mary / Pat Shanahan c1870; Mary / Ml Stack c1860;
Alice / Pat Sullivan c1870; Kennelly / Pat Synan c1860; Mary / John Keane c1860; Kate / John Mulvihill c1830;
Nora / Ml Nash c1900; Mary / Ml O Brien c1900; Nora / John Connell c1830; Denis /Mary Griffin c1840;
Wm. / Ann Enright c1840; Martin / Kate Windle c1840; Ml / Kate Cunningham c1860; Martin / Mary Cusic c1840; Pat / Mary Enright c1830.

DEATH has taken place of Peg Normile of South Mall, Glin, Peg was born to Con O Connor and Nora Bambury of Glin Road Moyvane 93 years ago. She was predeceased by her husband Tom, daughters Margaret and Noreen, Brothers Tom, Martin, Maurice and Jack and Sister Nora. Peg is survived by her daughter Mary and sisters Mary and Joan. Following Requiem Mass in Glin Church on Sunday June 7th Peg Normile was laid to rest at Kilfergus Cemetery, Glin.

DEATH took place on June 10th `09 of Johanna O Donnel nee Creed of Blanemore, Ballylongford she was predeceased by her husband Mick and son Micheál and is survived by her daughters Nuala Mulvihill of Glenalappa, Moyvane and Ann Costello of Croagh. Following Requiem Mass at St. Teresa's Church, Ballydonoghue on Friday June 12th `09 Johanna O Donnell was laid to rest at Gale Cemetery.

DEATH took place on June 11th `09 of Margaret Stack nee Mann late of Ballygologue, Listowel, at the age of 95 years, she was predeceased by her husband Paddy and daughter Mairead and is survived by daughters Pat and Betty, Following Requiem Mass in Listowel Church on Saturday June 13th Margaret Stack was laid to rest in St Michael's Churchyard.

Died recently Jack Ross aged 110 years he was Australia's oldest man and its last surviving veteran of World War I.

ANNIVERSARIES: Kitty O Donnell, Mary Murphy, Ned Cronin, Maureen Moors, Bridget Stack, Bridie O Connell, Myles Kearney, Kathy O Donoghue, Pat McElligott, Maureen Ahern, Liam Barry, Joe Lynch, Patrick O Keefe, MASS for the week; Tues. 16th in Knockanure at 8.00pm for Peg McElligott; Wed. 17th at 9.15am for Con O'Connor, Glin Road; Thurs. 18th at 8.00pm for John P. & Ellen O'Connor; Fri. 19th at 9.15am for Peg Normile who died recently; Sat.20th at 8.00pm for William, Mary & Helen Stack & Sr. Alphonsus; Sun. 21st at 10.00am in Knockanure for Denis Flaherty & Months Mind for Anna Nancy Flaherty and the

11.00am Mass in Moyvane is for Catherine & Daniel Keane, Clounprohus.

200 years ago the foundation stone was laid of Old St Patrick's Cathedral in New York.

THOUGHT: Creativity is not ultimately about public recognition or outstanding achievement. It's about self-expression, about nourishing something into life & about the satisfaction this brings with it,' Ronald Ronheiser.





Stack Orbits


Dean Grey Stack d July 1985.

Austin Stack 1879-1929.

E J Stack Listowel KS Oct 26-1910.

Elizabeth Stack Ballyconry KM 14-1-1939, p2.

Mrs J P Stack Kilmeaney KS Oct 28-1916, p3

Mrs J P Stack Tralee 12-3-1902.

Mrs James Stack Duagh 23-12-1944 ,p2 KM.

James Stack NY 25th Oct 1969 ,p13 KM.

John Stack Ballybunion 27-12-1941, p1 KM.

Mrs Mgt Stack Bunagara 9-3-1910 , KS.

Sr. Michael Stack Kilflynn 28-121963 ,p3 KM.

Msgr P J Stack USA 27-4-1984, p17 KM.

Stp Stack Nts 2-2-1952 , p6.

Tom Stack & Mary Foley 24-3-1951 ,p7.

Mrs Tom Stack Church St 14th Aug 1907.

Mrs Stack Gortdromasillihy 18-2-1911 ,KS

Richard Stack Clounbrean d 13th Sept 1929.

Mary Agnes Stack Carrueragh d 9-5-1997.


Marriage of Stacks sample.


Tom/ Jna Neville 1829.

Tom/Helen Ahern 1831.

Wm. / Nora Ahern 1865.

John / Mary Loughnane

Tom / Mary Lindon Park 1846.

Pat / Mgt Connors 1848.

Phil / Mary Hunt 1857 Clash.

Ed / Kate Mullane 1860.

Pat / Joan Fitzgerald 1873.

John / Kate Lynch 1874.

John / Kate Stack 1885 .

John / Mary Stokes c1890.

John / Joan Connors c1890.

John / ? Lynch.



Of Coolkeragh ? Wm. Stack d 1946 ?. Ellen Stack d 1947, also Patrick d June 1953.John Stack d 19-2-1956. James died England Buried Listowel. Mike Stack Cleveland Ohio.

Old Mick Stack Coolkeragh wed Ellen Brassel of Ballylongford in c1860



Bishop of Kerry Mce Stack d 1451.


60 Stacks got pardons in 1590.Garrett Roe Stack 1600 in Ballyheigue a brother in law of Lord Kerry.


General Edward Stack French Army 1777 d 1833.


Chief Marshall [Jimmy] Neville Stack b 1919 d 26-1-1974. His Father was on the first Flight to India he died sudden in India.


John Stack MP 1886-1892.


Sr Augustine Stack Founding member of Listowel Presentation Convent c1844.


Fr Mundy Stack d 5th Oct 1997 aged 90yrs. Son of Ned Stack NT and Liz Stack of Tour Duagh.


Bishop Marshall of Salford Diocese, was nephew of Ned Stack who worked on the Lartigue Railway.


1901 Census Stack Index.[Sample] of 180 families .


Ml, John ,Ed, Tom, Pat, James , Garrett of Dooncaha. Garrett of Tournageehy. Ed of Trieneragh. Dan & James of Toor. Garrett of Dromclough, Pat ,ML & Nora Coolkeragh. Garrett & Tom Carrueragh. Gerald & Wm. Kilmeaney, Mary Moyvane, Sarah Dromurhur, Mary & Kate Carrueragh, John -Pat & Rd Aughrim, Wm. & Richard Gortdromasillihy, John- Ml & Ed Moyvane, Ed Kilbaha, Ed Ahalanna, Ml Clounbrean, Bridget & Mgt Doon.

Also Ed Stack Clounleharde E born Kerry.


Mrs Stack Patron of School in Ballyconry c1824 .

Gerald Stack Dominican Priest Knockanure c1812.

School Teacher John Stack Lixnaw 1831.

John Stack Chairman of Listowel Town Council 1894.

Blacksmith Tom Stack Ballybunion 1880.


Listowel Trades 1886 . Baker Richard Stack, Chandlers Garrett L Stack, Draper John Stack, Vintner Liz Stack, Carpenter Tom Stack, Blacksmith Tom Stack.


1880 Census Reps of Major General N M Stack had 1000 acres valued £400.





Stack info




In 1286 the Stack family Anglo-Normans originally came from England. In the first part of the fourteenth century and by the 16th century they were completely Irish, being among the foremost Kerry adversaries to English. They were from the FitzGeralds, allies of the Fitzmaurices, lords and knights of Kerry. The Stacks of Crotta settled in Kilflynn in 1320 and expanded out of there building a resident at Crotta. In fact the town of Kilflynn was known as Stackstown. Their association with the area was further perpetuated by the Stack Mountains, which are situated between Tralee and Abbeyfeal. This entire area around Crotta is known as Pubble (Probal) Stack or Stack's country. Their association with Clanmaurice is perpetuated in the Stack Mountains between Tralee and Abbeyfeale and a district in the vicinity was long known as Pobble Stack or Stack's Country.

James Stack of Brosna * * Batt Stack of Doonimlaghber * * Tom Stack of Carrignafeela * * James Stack of Green Lane * * Bridget and Margaret Stack of Doon * * Johanna Stack of Ballyeagh * * Pat Stack of Leitrim * * Martin Stack of Kilmoyley * * Tom Stack of Garrynaneskagh * * John Stack of Fahavane * * Robert Stack of Tullig * * John Stack of Rathkenny * * Robert Stack of Glankeagh * * Garrett Stack of Coolaruane * * Pat Stack of Irrabeg * * Gerald and William Stack of Kilmeany * * Ml. of Stack Bungarha * * Ml. Stack of Shanbally * * Edmund Stack of Curraghtook * * William Stack of Commons * * Tom Stack of Killoerim * * Garrett Stack of Dromclough * * Hanora Stack of Duagh * * Mary and Mary Stack of Moyvane * * Sarah Stack of Drumurrher * * Mary and Catherine Stack of Carhoorhagh * * Pat Stack of Banna * * Edmund Stack of Currahane * * Pat and Ml. and Hanoria Stack of Coolkeragh * * Edmund Stack of Dromlought * * William Stack of Irremore * * Garrett Stack of Ballintogner * * Edmund Stack of Lissahane * * William Stack and Thos. Stack of Beal * * John Stack of Cloonamon * * Tom Stack of CTarrigane * * Edmund and Bridget of Kilcohman * * Kate of Larha * * Robert Stack of Bromore * * James Stack of Trippul * * John Stack of Gullane * * Johanna of Rathroe * * Mary of Acres * * John of Muckenagh * * John Stack of Kilmealy * * Hanoria Stack of Gortagurrane * * Hanora Stack of Toor * * Pat and John Stack of Ardagh * * Robert Stack of Clloghane * * John Stack of Fahavane * * Ml. and John and Pat and Rd Stack of Aughrim * * Ellen Stack of Ballinascreena * * Tom Stack of Dromkeen * * Pat, Stack of Banemore * * Dan and James Stack of Toor * * Edmund Stack of Trieneragh Pat Stack of lnchamagilleragh * *Gerald Stack of Lahardane * * John Stack of Ballygologue, * * Garrett and Mce and John and Pat and Edward and Margaret. and Hanoria and Mary and Margaret nnd Kate Stack of Listowel * * Tom Stack of Cloonametagh * * Robert Stack of Dromcunnig * * lohn Stack of Montanagay * * Catherine Stack of Leamprelalne * * Jobn Stack of Kilfeighney * * Mary Stack ol Tullig * * Edmund Stack of Behine * * Garrett Stack of Toornageehy * * William Stack of Rathea * * William Stack of Moyessa * * Stephen Stack of Dromin * * Pat Stack of knockamoohane * * Robert and William. Stack of Skeneherin, * * Mce. and John and Eyre Stack of Gortagurrane, * * John of Stack Toohalla * * Eyre Stack of Carah lake * * John of Stack Ballyconry * * Edm. Stack of Toohana * * William and Rd. Stack of Gortdromasillihy * * John and Ml. and Edmund Stack of Movvane * * Edmund Stack of Kilbaha * * Edmund Stack of Ahalahanna * * Mi. Stack of Cloobrane * * John Stack of Ballvheige * * Mce. Stack of Ballinprior * * Mi. and Rd. and James and John and Tom Stack of Banna * * Pat Stack of Currahane, * * John and Robert Stack of Ballymacquin * * Stephen and John and Edmond Stack of Ruagh * * Edmond and Tom Stack of Knockavallig * * XXX Stack of Foildarrig, * * Ml. and John Stack of Doon * * Tom Stack of Ballybunion * * Ml. Stack of Gortnaskeha * * Ml. and Tom Stack of Ballyeigh * * Tom Stack of Lahardane * * Ml. and John and Edmund and Tom and Pat and Jas. and Garrett Stack of Dooncaha * * Edw. and Edmund and Edw. and Gerald Stack of Listowel * * Edmund Stack of Clieveragh, * * Garrett and Tom Stack of Carhooeragh * * Tom Stack of Pilgrim Hill * * William Stack of Lacoa * * John Stack of the Mall * * Robt. and William and Edm. Stack of Brogue lane * * Augustine Stack of Pembroke St. * * Edmund Stack of Muing * * Tom Stack of Ballyardl * * Jas. Stack of Doon * * Ml. and Ellen Stack of Gurrane * * Eliza Stack of Liscahane, * * Edmund Stack ef Caherleheen, * * Martin Stack of Barrow * * Tom Stack of Baltygarron * * Mary Stack of Russell St. * * Ml. Stack of Ballyganeen * * Mary Stack of Green lane * * Pat Stack of Inch * * Ml. and John Stack of Smerwlck * * Eyre Stack of Glounagillagh * * Pat Stack of Coomnafanada * * Ml. Stack of Cloonaghlin * *Mce. Stack of Gortirragh * * In 1398 William Stack was rector of Fyndtrahig. * * In 1424, Philip Stake was rector of Cuoygnys, vicar of Rynbera and rector of Kylbertan * * In 1427 Mce. Stak was canon of Ardfert. * * In 1488, Rev. John Stack, bishop of Ardtert, was buried in the cathedral. * * In 1217, Mar. 21, Petronilla Bloet wife of Dermot Magarthy, king of Cork, was granted the marriage portion which Thomas her hrother gave to her. * * The State Papers contradict the assertion quoted by Abbe Mac Geoghegan that Stack was her name. * * Stackstown, or Crotto, was granted to Henry Ponsonby in 1666. * * Stack's mountain is a townland in Killfyn parish. * * Wm. Stack in 1422 was archdeacon of Ardfert.* * In 1285 Alexr. Stake, to have peace paid the sheriff £4, and £6 in 1286, and 40s. in 1286, and £13 6s. 8d. in 1287 also 7 marks. * * Rev. Gerald Stack 1493, * * Maurice * * Philip from 1588 to 1595, * * Mother Mary Augustine Stack, * * Fr. William Stack was parish priest of Ventry, in west Kerry in 1398, * * William Stack who had been chancellor in 1403, was archdeacon of Ardfert in 1408, * * Fr. Gerald Stack parish priest of Listowel in 1493, * * In 1596, Maurice Stack was a bishop of Ardfert in 1449, Bishop of Ardfert 1588 and his brothers may be trusted, writes Carew, and that Garrett Duff Stack of 1592 was of English desnent. * * Michael Stack m. Julia (the Saint) Shanahan * * Garrett Roe Stack in 1603 was besieged in Ballingarry castle. * * Mary Stack m. William Shanahan of Farran, Abbeydorney * * Mce. Stack, an ally of Sir George Carew was killed at Beale in 1600, after his service at Liscahane. the Stacks of Ballyloughran fought in strength on the Irish side at the battle of Kinsale in December 1601 * * Margaret Stack of Fahivane, Kilflynn m.Tom Shanahan 1739 of Aulane, Abbeydorney, they had 21 children * * James Stack and wife Mary went to Ennisemore, Canada in 1825 with the Peter Robinson Expedition * * John Stack of Ballyconry m. 1780, Bridget Studdert having Dinah, Ann, Isabella, Eliz., Col. Geo. d. 1855 John m. 1802 Catherine Massy having Eyre d. 1856, John, Nathaniel major-genl. h. 1811, d. 1874, m. 1858 having Geo. Eyre, Maria, Agnes. General Edward Stack, lieut. in French army in 1777, entd. British army as It.-col. of Irish brigade in 1794, col. 1801, major-genl. 1808, lt. genl. 1813, general 1830, died at Calais in 1833. * * Thomas Stack from Dooncaha, Tarbert, in b. 1880. His parents were Patrick Stack and Hanora Sullivan. He came to USA, around 1910 m. Mae Curtin John Stack m. * * Margaret (Peggy) Shanahan children Robert, Peggy, Thomas, Mary, * * Catherine, went to Ennisemore, Canada in 1825 with the Peter Robinson Expedition (Margaret died enroute) * * Rev. Francis Stack O.P., 1863-1915, bro. of J. P. of the Mall, and son of E. of Bridge St. in Tralee, was prior of Drogheda * * Thomas de Stack translated Irish poems. * * Rev. John Stack was P.P. of Brosna 1776 * * Mary (Ciss) Moore Stack, to Philidelphia, John Henry Moore Stack, to Philidelphia, Louis Moore Stack are children of Bridget Stack (first wife, distant relative) and William Moore Stack (the Fenian) 1842-1899 of Carrueragh, Knockanue son of Henry Stack . b. 1799 d. 1839 m. Anne Brown went to New York son of Patrick Stack b. 1775 d.1808 m. Hanna Moore, son of Edmund Stack of Crotto * * Josephine (Jo) to Philidelphia, Nicholas (Nick), James (Jim), to Philidelphia, Austin Stack T.D, Separatist (leading member of Sinn Fein, deputy chief of the I.R.A. Minister of Home Affairs in First Dail military council of the I.R.B. planned the 1916 Rising., Michael Collons right hand man before the treaty) Beatrice (Bee), to Philidelphia, Nora, to Philidelphia, Nanetta, to Philidelphia, Teresa (Tess) to Philidelphia. children of William Moore Stack 1842-1899 and Nanette (Nannie) O'Neill (second wife) of Donnybrook. * * The Stacks of Listowel and all of north Kerry being a deeply religious Cathloic family many became parish priests and nuns, Fr. Michael J. Stack (Kerry Diocese) 1939, Fr. Thomas Stack (Peterborough, Canada, Diocese) 1899, Fr. Patrick J. Stack ((Baker Diocese) 1915, Sister Nora (Presentation) 1935, Sister Minnie, (Poor Saints of the Mother of God) Sister Molly (Sisters of Mercy) 1935, Sister Anna (Sisters of Mercy) 1933, Sister F (Franciscans) 1947, Sister D. ((Presentation) 1904, Sister A. (Providence) 1954 * * By the 16th century the Stacks become thoroughly Irish and opponents of the English, In 1600 the Stacks of Ballyloughran was on the Irish side in the battle of Kinsale. When the barbarous Lord Cromwell marched in, much of their previous land was taken from the them. In 1687 some of the land was restored back and today they retained much of their ancestral lands around Crotta. * * The Stacks differentiated the branches of their family by adding the name of the appropriate female line to their patronymic, like the Moore-Stacks of north Kerry settled in Tralee, the Eyre-Massy-Stacks at Ballyconry, Sean Stack, the Massy-Stacks of Ballyconry, the Shanahan-Stacks around Farran, Abbeydorney, Lixnaw and Kilflynn, the Keane-Stacks, Neville-Stacks and the Harnett-Stacks around Listowel, the Fitzmaurice-Stacks at Ennismore east of Listowel, the Bachall, Mick Stack, Denis Dinny Stack, Gerrot Roe Stack, M.P. John Stack, etc. the Gray-Stacks, Baggot-Stacks, Stokes-Stacks Stacks were deeply associated with the McElligott and Shanahan families. * * Patrick Stack son of Gene in Ireland came of a family styled Stack de Crotta. The Stacks of Crotta motto was "Honorabo me Honorantes" - I will honour those who honour me.ral Edward (Edmund) Stack settled in Cork. The Stacks married into the Moores, O'Neills, of Ballinruddery, General Edward Stack (d. 1833) born




1847 Directory for Listowel

James Stack Linen Draper, Eyre Stack Gent, John Harnett Stack Surveyor, John Stack Ballyconry Gent


John Stack Dingle Shopkeeper.


1886 Directory William Stack Newtownsandes Farmer,

Tom Stack Pound Lane Listowel, Tom Stack Boltens Cross Listowel, Tom Stack Church St Listowel, Richard Stack Main St Listowel, Baker, Draper, Grocer etc, Garrett Stack Chandler, Elizabeth Stack Vintner, E Stack Shopkeeper,



E Stack Tralee, J P Stack Tralee, Miss Stack Tralee,


1847 Tralee

Catherine Stack Dressmaker, Edmond Corn Merchant, Edmond Salt Merchant, Eugene Boots, James Butcher of Shambles Tralee, John Harness Maker, Tom Cooke Stack Butter, Coal,

Spirits, Grocer & Corn.


Stack Writers

Bridget, Austin, J H , John and Patrick.


Of local interest.

Sr. Winifred O Connor Australia Kerryman page 9 Feb 11th 1961




Stack Crowley


Stack and Sullivan families.


Bridget O Sullivan grandmother of the Stacks from Gortdromosillihy, Moyvane, born Dirreen, Athea1873 (died 1958), she was daughter of Sean Tadhg O Sullivan and Mary Liston . Sean Tadhg was son of Tadhg O Sullivan and Mary was daughter of Tom Liston and Joan Hanley.


Bridger O Sullivan had siblings John, Julia, Mary, Tim (Thade), and Paddy who never married.

They married; Bridget O Sullivan married Patrick Shanahan having Madge, Mai, Nora, Julia, Hannah, Catherine, Eileen, Pat Joe, John and Con.

Patrick Shanahan born 1874 died 1957 was son of Patrick Shanahan and Margaret Kennelly. Old Patrick Shanahan was married to Margaret Burke.


Kate O Sullivan married,? Collins of Coileain Pub in Ballylongford and lived in America, among their children was Monsignor Dan Collins.


John O Sullivan married Kate Shanahan and had no family they live in Athea.


Julia O Sullivan married Patrick Ahern of Dirreen and had Michael, John, Mary, Nellie, Margaret, Catherine, Anne, Patrick died as baby, Patrick, Stephen, James, William, Julie Ann and Bridget. They had 14 children.


Mary O Sullivan married ? ? and lived at Glasheen, Charleville, they had Willie among others?


Tim ( Thade) O Sullivan m Margaret Histon of Dirreen, Athea and had Molly, Tim, Jerry, Jack, Paddy, and Nell




Descendants of Edmund STACK
Second Generation
2. Margaret STACK (Edmund ) was born about 1840 in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died _.
Margaret married James (Jamesie) FLAHERTY / O'FLAHERTY "Jamesie". Jamesie was born in Glenalappa, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. He died _.
They had the following children:
Johanna FLAHERTY died _.

Denis (Denny) FLAHERTY died _.

James (Jimmy Jamesie) FLAHERTY died _.

William (Bill Jamesie) FLAHERTY died _.

Ellie FLAHERTY died _.

Catherine FLAHERTY was born in Glenalappa, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died _.
Catherine married John O'SHAUGHNESSY on 1909. John was born in Kinard, Glin, Co. Limerick. He died _.
Ned FLAHERTY was born in Glenalappa, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. He died in prob. U.S..

Ned emigrated to the U.S.
'unknown' FLAHERTY (female) was born in Glenalappa, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died in prob. U.S..

This daughter of Margaret and Jamesie emigrated to the U.S.
3. William STACK (Edmund ) was born about 1841 in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. He died 1918 in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry.
William married Margaret DILLON on 1875. Margaret was born 1847. She died 1911 in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry.
They had the following children:
Mary STACK was born 18 Jun 1876 in the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died in prob. U.S..
Mary married 'unknown' BUCKLEY. 'unknown' died _.
Edmond (Ned) STACK was born 4 Jan 1878.

John STACK was born 20 Jun 1879 in the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. He died in New York.

John was ordained a priest in 1907. He was later appointed pastor (parish priest) in Rockaway Beach, New York, and was known as "The White-Haired Padre".
Margaret (Madge) STACK "Madge" was born 3 Mar 1881 in the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died in Asdee, Ballylongford, Co. Kerry.
Madge married Paddy HANLON. Paddy died _.
Catherine STACK was born 27 Feb 1883 and died 20 Sep 1967.
4. Nora STACK (Edmund ) was born in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died _.
Nora married James (Jamesie Ellen) GALVIN. James was born in Gortaclahane, near Rahea, Listowel, Co. Kerry. He died _.
They had the following children:
Nellie GALVIN died _.
Nellie married 'unknown' PURTELL. 'unknown' died _.
Mary GALVIN died _.

5. Brigid STACK (Edmund ) was born in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died _.
Brigid married Thomas MULVIHILL, son of 'unknown' MULVIHILL. Thomas was born in Faha, Ballybunion, Co. Kerry. He died _.
They had the following children:
Thomas MULVIHILL died _.
Thomas married 'unknown' WOULFE. 'unknown' died _.
6. Mary STACK (Edmund ) was born 1856 in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died 19 Jul 1886 in prob. Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Co. Kerry.
After the death in December 1877 of Nano, the wife of her brother, Tom, Mary moved from Gortdromasillihy to Gortdromagowna in Knockanure, to help Tom with the housekeeping.
Mary married Daniel (Dan) KENNELLY "Dan", son of Jeremiah KENNELLY and Mary GRIFFIN, on 31 Jul 1879. Dan was born 1854 in Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Co. Kerry. He died 11 Aug 1887 in prob. Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Co. Kerry.
Dan was the brother of Nano, first wife of Tom Stack. After Nano died in childbirth in 1877, Dan helped Tom with the farmwork, and that was how he met his future wife, Mary Stack, who was Tom's sister and housekeeper.
Both Mary and Dan died around their early thirties of "fever".
Dan and Mary had the following children:
Patrick (Paddy) KENNELLY was born prob. 1879 and died _.
Mary Anne (Sr. Berchmans) KENNELLY was born in Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Co. Kerry. She died _ in poss. Brighton, England.

Mary Anne and her siblings were orphaned as young children after their parents died of "fever" a year apart. They were raised by their uncle, Pats Kennelly and his wife, Ellen, with assistance from Pats' mother, Mary (née Griffin).

Mary Anne entered the convent, joining the Poor Servants of the Mother of God. She lived in Brighton in England.
Jeremiah Dan (Jerry) KENNELLY died _.

7. Thomas (Tom) STACK (Edmund ) was born 1855 in prob. the Hill, Gortdromasillihy, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. He died 22 Jul 1909 in prob. Ballygoughlan, Glin, Co. Limerick.
Thomas married (1) Nora (Nano) KENNELLY "Nano", daughter of Jeremiah KENNELLY and Mary GRIFFIN, on 13 Feb 1877. Nano was born about 1850 in Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Co. Kerry. She died 29 Dec 1877 in Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Co. Kerry.
Nano died giving birth to twins who also died. She was only 26.
Thomas also married (2) Ellen (Ellie) SHANAHAN "Ellie", daughter of John SHANAHAN and Catherine WOULFE, on 10 Feb 1884. Ellie was born 1859 in Kilbaha, Moyvane, Co. Kerry. She died 15 Oct 1903 in prob. Ballygoughlan, Glin, Co. Limerick.
They had the following children:
Mary STACK was born 3 Jan 1885 and died 1 Feb 1966.
Edward (Ned) STACK was born 17 Feb 1886 and died 8 Dec 1939.
John STACK was born 1888 in Ballygoughlan, Glin, Co. Limerick. He died 28 Sep 1918.

John worked on the family farm in Ballygoughlan. He was unmarried when he died around the age of 30.
Margaret (Babe) STACK was born about 1889 and died 2 Feb 1931.
William (Bill) STACK was born 4 Feb 1890 and died 25 Aug 1929.
Thomas (Tom) STACK was born 15 Aug 1891 and died 16 Aug 1953.
Hanora (Nora, Sr. Evangelist) STACK "Nora, Sr. Evangelist" was born 25 Mar 1893 in Ballygoughlan, Glin, Co. Limerick. She died 21 Dec 1977.

Nora was a Mercy sister, professed on 19 September 1935, and was a hospital matron in Listowel.
Richard (Dick) STACK was born 19 Aug 1894 and died 12 Jul 1961.
James (Jim) STACK was born 3 Sep 1896 and died 17 Jul 1965.

Patrick (Fr. Paddy) STACK "Paddy" was born 6 Sep 1899 in Ballygoughlan, Glin, Co. Limerick. He died 3 Mar 1984 in prob. California, USA.

Paddy was ordained a priest in Frieburg in Switzerland. He later served as a parish priest in California.

See Helens Family Tree for Full details on the internet.





Thomas Moore



Thomas Moore (1779-1852) - Poet, Composer and Singer.

Thomas Moore was born in Dublin in May 1779. He died in Wiltshire, England in February 1852. His father, John Moore was from Kerry- his mother, Anastatia was from Wexford. The father ran a modest grocery shop in Aungier Street in central Dublin. The building is still extant.

While growing-up in Dublin he studied music and piano. He was also well educated in the classics in private schools in Dublin. He entered Trinity College, Dublin in 1794, graduating wit an Arts degree from the University in 1799. He then moved to London where he studied Law. However, his motivations from the beginning led him towards the literary and musical fields.

His first literary work, Ode to Anacreon based on the Greek poet's Anacreon writings, was published with great success in 1800. It was a work celebrating wine, women and song- as a result Moore developed a somewhat devilish reputation in London. The work was dedicated to the Prince of Wales.

With the publications of the first of the ten volumes of Moore's Melodies in 1808, Thomas Moore's fame in the musical world was secured both in Britain and on the continent. Some considered the Melodies to be Moore's greatest lifetime work.

However, Moore's talents were always more literary than musical, although by his own account it was really music that caused him to start writing poerty.
Moore's next endeavor, The poetical works of the late Thomas Little, published in 1801 continued in the same mode, although it was not quite as successful. His reputation grew to the extent that he was invited to the drawing rooms and salons of Society, where his vocal and musical attributes were also praised by the elite of London.
In 1805, having spent some time on the Island of Bermuda as a British Government representative he took time off to travel in America and Canada. Meanwhile, his assistant in Bermuda proceeded to mismanage the Government funds and in the process Moore became implicated.

To avoid imprisionment in Britain, Moore went to live in continental Europe instead of returning to Britain. During this period he spent extensive time traveling in Italy with his long-time friend, Lord Byron. During this period, Byron entrusted Moore with his written memoirs to "do with them as he wished." Ultimately Moore, along with his publisher, John Murray, for whatever reason decided to burn Byron's manuscript- preferring instead to write his own biography about his gifted friend based on Byron's letters and Journal.
Additionally, Moore also eventually managed to deal with his legal problems arising from his Bermuda financial obligations and was able to return to London and reside there.

In 1808 the first edition of ten volumes of Moore's Melodies was published, the arrangement was by the Irish musician John Stevenson. The poetry was by Moore, and the music for the songs was adapted from old Irish Folk tunes which had been collected and put on paper by Edward Bunting, who developed most of his collection while attending the Belfast Harp Festival of 1792.

Eventually, the subsequent nine volumes which were published through 1834 contained more than 130 songs. Some of the more famous being- ‘Tis the Last Rose of Summer, The Harp that Once Through Tara's Halls, The Minstrel Boy, Oft In The Stilly Night and Erin the Tear and the Smile.

In 1817, Moore wrote Lalla Rookh, an extensive oriental romantic poetic work which became very popular and also the subject for an opera and other musical compositions by various European composers, such as Gaspare Spontini, Felicien David, Hector Berlioz and Anton Rubinstein and in Britain, Charles V. Stanford and Graville Bantock.

Throughout the years that have followed, many new editions of Moore's Melodies have been published, including one particularly important arrangement by the Irish composer, Michael W. Balfe in 1859, in London and later, another by another Irish born composer, Charles V. Stanford. Many of the songs had strong patriotic themes which also made them very popular in America.

Moore's recognition continued to grow, not only in Britain but also throughout continental Europe and in America, Canada Australia and New Zealand. Selected songs from his Melodies were also translated into various foreign languages. The far flung fame and popularity of the Melodies resulted in him gaining a significant ongoing income from his work.

His fame placed him in the front rank of of British Society. On the continent, renowned composers such as, Ludwig van Beethoven, Hector Berlioz and Robert Schumann produced selected arrangements of songs from the Melodies with translated text. And, perhaps Moore's most famous song of all, ‘Tis the Last Rose of Summer became the main theme music for the opera Martha by Friedrich von Flotow which had its premiere in Vienna in 1847.

In addition to his Melodies, Moore also composed several other songs, some to music by Irish composer, Michael Balfe. Moore's songs and selected other works became quite popular with singers of the period, such as the great Irish soprano, Catherine Hayes who introduced several of them while visiting Australia in the 1850′s. To a lesser extent, Hayes' renowned contemporaries and friends, Jenny Lind, and British tenor Sims Reeves also sang some of them.

On the personal side, Moore was married to Elizabeth "Bessie" Dyke in 1811. Her father was from Cork and her mother was English. They had four daughters and two sons. Tragically all of their children died before the parents, which was not uncommon during the 19th century. Moore died in 1852 and his wife followed him in 1865. He's buried at Bromham Cemetry, Wiltshire, England.

Moore returned to Ireland many times throughout his life, particularly while his mother was alive. He was always welcomed with open arms by his friends and associated in the city of his birth, Dublin.
Selected Recordings/Selected Works

Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies - The Complete Collection -
Recorded in Dublin in 2008 for the "My Gentle Harp" program celebration of the 200th anniversary of the publications of the Irish Melodies. The Michael Balfe arrangements have been used for the majority of the songs. There are a total of 139 numbers including supplements and extra tracks with numerous vocalists and piano accompanyment by Una Hunt and Mairead Hurley.
Claddagh Records 6 CD Set TMF2008 101-106 -

Dear Harp of My Country, James Flannery, Tenor, Janet Harbison, Irish Harp
ESS.AY Recordings - 2 CD Set 1057/58. Includes 49 of the Melodies/Songs.
Romancing Rebellion, 1798 and the Songs of Thomas Moore- Kathleen Tynan, Soprano, Dearbhla Collins, Piano - Includes song arrangements by Beethoven, Berlioz, Stanford and others.
22 items are included in this 1 CD Set. Black Box Music CD BBM1022
Opera Martha - complete opera with German/English libretto sung by the Bavarian State Opera with soloists conducted by Robert Hager Note: The dominent music theme in the opera is based on Moore's beautiful song, The Last Rose of Summer.
EMI CD (2) Set

The Journal of Thomas Moore 1818-1841 by Thomas Moore - 1964
The Harp that Once... Tom Moore and the Regency Period by H. Mumford Jones - 1937
Minstrel Boy, A Portrait of Tom Moore by L. A. G. Strong - 1947
Leigh Hunt and Opera Criticism, by Theodore Fenner - 1972
Bard of Erin: The Life of Tomas Moore, by Ronan Kelly - 2008
Music in Britain: the Romantic Age 1800-1914 - Editor, Nicholas Temperley - 1988
New Grove Dictionary of Opera - Editor, Stanley Sadie - 1992
The Oxford Dictionary of Music - 1994



Julia Lynch 1860

Home County: Kerry Parish: Listowel Townland: Barony: Iraghticonnor

Poor-Law: Listowel


Tom Lynch 1866;Home County: Kerry Parish: Ballylongford / Aghavallen

Townland: Ballynoneen Barony: Iraghticonnor Poor-Law: Listowel


Mce 1860; Home County: Kerry Parish: Killury Townland: Ardoughter Barony:

Clanmaurice Poor-Law: Listowel

Garrett Barry 1853; Home County: Kerry Parish: Listowel Townland: Glinno

Barony: Iraghticonnor Poor-Law: Listowel

Pat Stack 1860; Home County: Kerry Parish: Galey Townland: Drummunin,Gale

Barony: Iraghticonnor Poor-Law: Listowel



Richaed Stack; Home County: Kerry Parish: Knockanure Townland: Barony:

Iraghticonnor Poor-Law: Listowel SEEKING PERSON'S INFORMATION

Name: Catherine Stack Relation to missing: Wife Gender: Female Residence:

Date of advertisement:07-23-1853 Contact name: Griffin,Mrs. Contact address:

Ky,Louisville, 119 1


Richard Stack 1858; Home County: Kerry Parish: Kilfeigny Townland:

Pallace,Listowell Barony: Clanmaurice Poor-Law: Listowel



Robert Stack;Home County: Kerry Parish: Galey Townland: Drummunin,Gale

Barony: Iraghticonnor Poor-Law: Listowel


Tnm Stack, Patrick Robert 1860;Home County: Kerry Parish: Galey Townland:

Drummunin,Gale Barony: Iraghticonnor Poor-Law: Listowel




Stack Family

Video link
New folder b Stack.wmv
Video link
2021-01-03P J Stack from Anne.wmv
Video link
P J Stack pictures.wmv
Fri, 23 Dec 2011, 17:30
to Robert
Maurice STACK's Family
Pedigree Charts for my GRANDPARENTS

Garrett STACK


Mary Agnes FINLAY
Alfred Charles CALLANAN


Other Family names include:

The information on my families is the result of years of research which has fortunately included
travel to England, Ireland and other Australian States. Many Libraries, Record Offices, Cemeteries in
the cities, towns and villages of our ancestors were visited with enthusiasm. There were many long
hours without any result, only to be surprised at where another line leads.
Family who have helped over the years include the recollections of my late father, aunts Evelyn and
the late Sr. M Madeleine, 2nd cousin Min Wright and the research of the late Colleen Thompson and
her extensive DOOHAN/SCANLON tree.
We still have much work to do as there are many missing pieces to the puzzle of our ancestors lives.





| B: 1805 Listowel Kerry Ire
| M: 1829 Lixnaw Kerry Ire
| D: ?

| B: c1780 Listowel Kerry Ire
| McELLISTRIM Catherine
B: c1780 Listowel Kerry Ire

STACK Garrett

| B: 1831 Listowel Kerry Ire
| M: 1876 Melbourne Vic Aus
| D: 1897 Melbourne Vic Aus


STACK Garrett
B: 1877 Melbourne Vic Aus
M: 1906 Perth WA Aus
D: 1955 Melbourne Vic Aus


| THORNTON Margaret
B: 1812 Listowel Kerry Ire
D: ?

| B: c1780 Listowel Kerry Ire
| McELLIGOT Elizabeth
B: c1780 Listowel Kerry Ire


| B: c1800 Kerry Ire
| M: c1830 Kerry Ire
| D: ?

| B:

B: 1837 Currow Kerry Ire
D: 1918 Melbourne Vic Aus


B: c1800 Kerry Ire
D: ?

| B:






| B: c1796 Co Limerick Ire
| M: 1817 Nicker, Limerick Ire
| D: ?

| B:

| B: 1832 Nicker Limerick Ire
| M: 1862 Nicker Limerick Ire
| D: 1901 Melbourne Vic Aus


FINLAY Mary Agnes
B: 1877 Melbourne Vic Aus
M: 1906 Perth WA Aus
D: 1914 Perth WA Aus


| HAYES Johanna
B: c1796 Co Limerick Ire
D: ?

| B:


HANLEY William
| B: c1810 Co Limerick Ire
| M: c1835 Co Limerick Ire
| D: ?

| B:

B: 1838 Nicker Limerick Ire
D: 1915 Melbourne Vic Aus


| RYAN Bridget
B: c1810 Co Limerick Ire
D: ?

| B:





| B: c1830 Co Limerick Ire
| M: c1855 Co Limerick Ire
| D: ?

| B:

| B: 1855 Port Elliot SA Aus
| M: 1881 Ross NZ
| D: 1910 Boulder WA Aus


CALLANAN Alfred Charles

B: 1883 Ross NZ
M: 1911 Boulder WA Aus
D: 1940 Perth WA Aus


| KEOUGH Margaret
B: c1835 Co Limerick Ire
D: ?

| B:


MORGAN Frederick William
| B: 1832 Bishopsgate Lnd Eng
| M: 1861 Dunolly Vic Aus
| D: 1912 Boulder WA

MORGAN James John
| B: c1798 London Eng

| WOOD Eliza Caroline
B: c1798 London Eng

| MORGAN Mary Ann
B: c1864 Dunedin NZ
D: 1944 Sydney NSW Aus


| McDERMOTT Mary Ann
B: c1838 Co Derry Ire
D: 1903 Boulder WA Aus

| B: c1815 Co Derry Ire
B: c1815 Co Derry, Ire





| B: c1830 Co Galway Ire
| M: c1850 Co Galway Ire
| D: ?

| B:

| B: c1856 Claddaghduff Galway Ire
| M: 1886 Lambton NSW Aus
| D: 1899 Teralba NSW Aus


B: 1890 Teralba NSW Aus
M: 1911 Boulder WA Aus
D: 1951 Perth WA Aus



| KING Mary
B: c1835 Co Galway, Ire
D: ?

| B:


| B: c1839 Ballynacally Clare Ire
| M: 1865 NSW Aus
| D: 1925 Cessnock NSW Aus

| B: c1815 Clondagad Clare Ire
| BYRNE Catherine
B: c1817 Co Clare Ire

| SCANLON Catherine Theresa
B: 1868 NSW Aus
D: 1934 Perth WA Aus


| DOOHAN Maria
B: c1834 Clondagad Clare Ire
D: 1907 Teralba NSW Aus

| B: c1805 Co Clare Ire
| KELLY Bridget
B: c1806 Clondagad Clare Ire






| B: c1815 Clondagad Clare Ire
| M: c1837 Clondagad Clare Ire
| D: NSW ?

| B: c1790 Co Clare Ire
| Jane
B: c1790 Co Clare Ire

| B: c1839 Ballynacally Clare Ire
| M: 1865 NSW Aus
| D: 1925 Cessnock NSW Aus


SCANLON Catherine Theresa
B: 1868 NSW Aus
M: 1886 Lambton NSW Aus
D: 1934 Perth WA Aus


| BYRNE Catherine
B: c1817 Co Clare Ire
D: NSW ?

| B: c1790 Co Clare Ire
| Ellen
B: c1790 Co Clare Ire


| B: c1805 Co Clare Ire
| M: 1826 Ennis Co Clare Ire
| D: ? Co Clare Ire

| B:

| DOOHAN Maria
B: 1868 NSW Aus
D: 1934 Perth WA Aus


| KELLY Bridget
B: c1806 Clondagad Clare Ire
D: 1887 Musswellbrook NSW

KELLY Timothy
| B: c1780 Co Clare Ire
| IRVIN Mary
B: c1780 Co Clare Ire

© 2000 - 2003 Marilyn Dimond & Maurice Stack


State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents that I, Elizabeth Stack of Lexington District, in the state aforesaid, for
and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear unto my beloved
daughter Elizabeth Sligh, wife of Thomas Sligh of the said district, as also for the better maintenance,
support and livelihood of the said Elizabeth Sligh, have given granted aliened and released and by
these presents do give grant alien and release unto said Elizabeth Sligh and to the heirs of her body,
all that tract and parcel of land to which I am legally entitled as follows; first, my right and claim of
dower in a certain tract of land of which John Stack my late husband died deceased lying and
Lexington district in the state aforesaid in the waters of Saluda River, consisting of the following
tracts vis-à-vis 100 acres purchased by the said John Stack deceased from Christian on 10
February 1806 originally granted to Catherine Clackly on 25 May 1774 being bounties land; 95 acres
originally granted to Edward Watts on the first day of January 1787 and 144 acres, originally granted
to Jacob Siebel's and Peter Brazleman, on the sixth day of August 1787 known in the said grant as
number one; these three tracks are joining to each other. And secondly, the undivided share of
William Stack one of the heirs of the said John Stack deceased which is one fourth part of the residue

of the said deceased land after my dower or third is deducted from the said land, which the said
William Stack conveyed to me by deed on the 28 day of November 1829
Together with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances to the said
premises belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and singular the
premises above mentioned and described or intended so to be, unto the said Elizabeth Sligh and to
the heirs of her body for ever in fee simple (except the right which I reserve to myself of living on the
premises during the remainder of my natural life) and I do said Elizabeth Stack do hereby bind myself
my heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the premises
before mentioned unto the said Elizabeth Sligh and the heirs of her body (except as before accepted)
against myself my heirs executors and administrators and against all persons whomsoever claiming
under me lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof.
Witness my hand and seal this fourth day of February in the year of our Lord 1830 and in the 54th
year of the independence of the United States of America
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
Jesse Debruhl Elizabeth Stack
James T Wade her Mark

South Carolina
Richland district

Personally appeared Jesse Debruhl before me and made oath that he saw Elizabeth Stack science
seal and deliver the within deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that he with
James T Wade in the presence of each other witness the due execution thereof
Sworn to before me this 4 February 1830 Jesse Debruhl
Benjamin Rawls

Elizabeth Stack
To declaration of gift
Elizabeth Sligh

South Carolina
recorded in the office of register of mesne conveyance for Lexington district in book H page 236 and
237 16 April 1830 H. Fort, Registra

n Reply to: Re: searching for parents of Edward and Patrick Stack by Lucy Richards1

of 851

Are you noting Jim Colgan's posting?
Posted by: Jim Colgan Date: November 08, 2000 at 13:39:19
In Reply to: Re: William Stack b.1863, Noyvane, Co. Kerry by Gerald Roux of 831
"Moyvane in Kerry was called Newtown Sands prior to 1922.My grandmother Mary Mulvihill,was
born in Moyvane in 1863, married Patrick Stack who was born in Co. Wexford but raised in Kerry in
Chicago in 1882. Any connection?"

Jim is also talking about a Mulvihill/Dineen marriage I see all over the Trib papers:
"The Mrs. Stack you refer to in your note is my grandmother, and the stepsisters you name are her
halfsisters. Her parents were Cornelius Mulvihill and Bridgid Dineen,whom he married after Nora
Cunningham died. There were three children with Nora and ten with Bridgid all born on a farm just
outside Moyvane, Co.Kerry. Cornelius' greatgrandson is still farming it, only he is now the owner not
a tenant farmer as was my great grandfather. I have information on the Chicago relatives as well as
the Irish cousins. If you are interested, my e-mail address is Please contact
In response to this posting:

Brian Stack Murder
But Brian never got the chance to test his theory, or reveal what he knew, because someone singled
him out and shot him in the back of the neck outside the National Boxing Stadium in Dublin on
March 25, 1983. What is particularly heartbreaking about the murder of this brave servant of the
State is that he did not die immediately, but lived for another 554 days, brain damaged, paralysed, in
need of 24-hour care, before he died from pneumonia on September 29, 1984.
For more than 20 years, not one minister for justice called to visit Brian Stack's widow Sheila, or her
three sons, Austin, Kieran and Oliver. Not one senior garda contacted them to discuss the murder
file, which until recently was effectively left to gather dust. But now, largely thanks to the recent
agitation by the Stack family, the long-term paralysis of the State in re- investigating Brian Stack's
murder seems to have lifted.

Some of the most experienced gardai in the country have recently been examining the case, meeting
with the Stack family and showing real desire to bring the killers to justice. The Stack family were
invited to meet with previous justice minister Brian Lenihan, and they now want to sit down with the
current minister Dermot Ahern.
There's a momentum to the case, which is making the guilty feel very uncomfortable, and at the very
least isn't that a good thing? The Sunday Independent is right to shine a light on the unsolved
murder of Brian Stack. I believe Irish journalists can do a lot to keep up the pressure, and help solve
the murder of a man gunned down while trying to make Ireland a safer place in which to live.
The fee for this article will be given to the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dun Laoghaire, where
Brian Stack received great care after being shot by cowards who hopefully are not sleeping too
soundly these days.
- Barry Cummins
Re: John Stack Co Kerry, Ireland to Canada
rstack72006 (View posts)

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 1:38PM GMT
Classification: Query

Surnames: Stack

George, here is what I know,
Birth: 1805 in Co Kerry, Ireland
Death: 6 DEC 1863 in Peel Twp, Wellington Co, Ontario, Canada
Marriage 1 Mary UNKNOWN b: 1811 in Ireland
Married: ABT. 1832 in Ireland
James STACK b: 1833 in Co Kerry, Ireland
Mary STACK b: 1835 in Co Kerry, Ireland
Thomas STACK b: 1839 in Co Kerry, Ireland
Patrick STACK b: 17 MAR 1840 in Killarney, Co Kerry, Ireland
John STACK b: 1843
The only child to go to the US was Thomas who went to Iowa via Michigan

Re: John Stack Co Kerry, Ireland to Canada
joannestack136 (View posts)

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 1:39PM GMT
Classification: Query

Hi John; Grandfather was Joseph Stack married to Teresa Cantlon. They had a farm and six children
Arthur Township five miles from Mountforest ON

Stack Austin:

Fred Shanahan Shannon (View posts)

Posted: 3 Sep 1998 12:00PM GMT
Classification: Query

In 1286 the Stack family Anglo-Normans originally came from England. In the first part of the
fourteenth century and by the 16th century they were completely Irish, being among the foremost

Kerry adversaries to English. They were from the FitzGeralds, allies of the Fitzmaurices, lords and
knights of Kerry. The Stacks of Crotta settled in Kilflynn in 1320 and expanded out of there building a
resident at Crotta. In fact the town of Kilflynn was known as Stackstown. Their association with the
area was further perpetuated by the Stack Mountains, which are situated between Tralee and
Abbeyfeal. This entire area around Crotta is known as Pubble (Probal) Stack or StackÂ’s country.
Their association with Clanmaurice is perpetuated in the Stack Mountains between Tralee and
Abbeyfeale and a district in the vicinity was long known as Pobble Stack or Stack's Country.
James Stack of Brosna * * Batt Stack of Doonimlaghber * * Tom Stack of Carrignafeela * * James
Stack of Green Lane * * Bridget and Margaret Stack of Doon * * Johanna Stack of Ballyeagh * * Pat
Stack of Leitrim * * Martin Stack of Kilmoyley * * Tom Stack of Garrynaneskagh * * John Stack of
Fahavane * * Robert Stack of Tullig * * John Stack of Rathkenny * * Robert Stack of Glankeagh * *
Garrett Stack of Coolaruane * * Pat Stack of Irrabeg * * Gerald and William Stack of Kilmeany * * Ml.
of Stack Bungarha * * Ml. Stack of Shanbally * * Edmund Stack of Curraghtook * * William Stack of
Commons * * Tom Stack of Killoerim * * Garrett Stack of Dromclough * * Hanora Stack of Duagh * *
Mary and Mary Stack of Moyvane * * Sarah Stack of Drumurrher * * Mary and Catherine Stack of
Carhoorhagh * * Pat Stack of Banna * * Edmund Stack of Currahane * * Pat and Ml. and Hanoria
Stack of Coolkeragh * * Edmund Stack of Dromlought * * William Stack of Irremore * * Garrett Stack
of Ballintogner * * Edmund Stack of Lissahane * * William Stack and Thos. Stack of Beal * * John
Stack of Cloonamon * * Tom Stack of CTarrigane * * Edmund and Bridget of Kilcohman * * Kate of
Larha * * Robert Stack of Bromore * * James Stack of Trippul * * John Stack of Gullane * * Johanna
of Rathroe * * Mary of Acres * * John of Muckenagh * * John Stack of Kilmealy * * Hanoria Stack of
Gortagurrane * * Hanora Stack of Toor * * Pat and John Stack of Ardagh * * Robert Stack of
Clloghane * * John Stack of Fahavane * * Ml. and John and Pat and Rd Stack of Aughrim * * Ellen
Stack of Ballinascreena * * Tom Stack of Dromkeen * * Pat, Stack of Banemore * * Dan and James
Stack of Toor * * Edmund Stack of Trieneragh Pat Stack of lnchamagilleragh * *Gerald Stack of
Lahardane * * John Stack of Ballygologue, * * Garrett and Mce and John and Pat and Edward and
Margaret. and Hanoria and Mary and Margaret nnd Kate Stack of Listowel * * Tom Stack of
Cloonametagh * * Robert Stack of Dromcunnig * * lohn Stack of Montanagay * * Catherine Stack of
Leamprelalne * * Jobn Stack of Kilfeighney * * Mary Stack ol Tullig * * Edmund Stack of Behine * *
Garrett Stack of Toornageehy * * William Stack of Rathea * * William Stack of Moyessa * * Stephen
Stack of Dromin * * Pat Stack of knockamoohane * * Robert and William. Stack of Skeneherin, * *
Mce. and John and Eyre Stack of Gortagurrane, * * John of Stack Toohalla * * Eyre Stack of Carah
lake * * John of Stack Ballyconry * * Edm. Stack of Toohana * * William and Rd. Stack of
Gortdromasillihy * * John and Ml. and Edmund Stack of Movvane * * Edmund Stack of Kilbaha * *
Edmund Stack of Ahalahanna * * Mi. Stack of Cloobrane * * John Stack of Ballvheige * * Mce. Stack
of Ballinprior * * Mi. and Rd. and James and John and Tom Stack of Banna * * Pat Stack of
Currahane, * * John and Robert Stack of Ballymacquin * * Stephen and John and Edmond Stack of
Ruagh * * Edmond and Tom Stack of Knockavallig * * XXX Stack of Foildarrig, * * Ml. and John Stack
of Doon * * Tom Stack of Ballybunion * * Ml. Stack of Gortnaskeha * * Ml. and Tom Stack of
Ballyeigh * * Tom Stack of Lahardane * * Ml. and John and Edmund and Tom and Pat and Jas. and
Garrett Stack of Dooncaha * * Edw. and Edmund and Edw. and Gerald Stack of Listowel * * Edmund
Stack of Clieveragh, * * Garrett and Tom Stack of Carhooeragh * * Tom Stack of Pilgrim Hill * *
William Stack of Lacoa * * John Stack of the Mall * * Robt. and William and Edm. Stack of Brogue
lane * * Augustine Stack of Pembroke St. * * Edmund Stack of Muing * * Tom Stack of Ballyardl * *
Jas. Stack of Doon * * Ml. and Ellen Stack of Gurrane * * Eliza Stack of Liscahane, * * Edmund Stack
ef Caherleheen, * * Martin Stack of Barrow * * Tom Stack of Baltygarron * * Mary Stack of Russell St.
* * Ml. Stack of Ballyganeen * * Mary Stack of Green lane * * Pat Stack of Inch * * Ml. and John Stack
of Smerwlck * * Eyre Stack of Glounagillagh * * Pat Stack of Coomnafanada * * Ml. Stack of
Cloonaghlin * *Mce. Stack of Gortirragh * * In 1398 William Stack was rector of Fyndtrahig. * * In
1424, Philip Stake was rector of Cuoygnys, vicar of Rynbera and rector of Kylbertan * * In 1427 Mce.
Stak was canon of Ardfert. * * In 1488, Rev. John Stack, bishop of Ardtert, was buried in the

cathedral. * * In 1217, Mar. 21, Petronilla Bloet wife of Dermot Magarthy, king of Cork, was granted
the marriage portion which Thomas her hrother gave to her. * * The State Papers contradict the
assertion quoted by Abbe Mac Geoghegan that Stack was her name. * * Stackstown, or Crotto, was
granted to Henry Ponsonby in 1666. * * Stack's mountain is a townland in Killfyn parish. * * Wm.
Stack in 1422 was archdeacon of Ardfert.* * In 1285 Alexr. Stake, to have peace paid the sheriff £4,
and £6 in 1286, and 40s. in 1286, and £13 6s. 8d. in 1287 also 7 marks. * * Rev. Gerald Stack 1493,
* * Maurice * * Philip from 1588 to 1595, * * Mother Mary Augustine Stack, * * Fr. William Stack
was parish priest of Ventry, in west Kerry in 1398, * * William Stack who had been chancellor in
1403, was archdeacon of Ardfert in 1408, * * Fr. Gerald Stack parish priest of Listowel in 1493, * * In
1596, Maurice Stack was a bishop of Ardfert in 1449, Bishop of Ardfert 1588 and his brothers may be
trusted, writes Carew, and that Garrett Duff Stack of 1592 was of English desnent. * * Michael Stack
m. Julia (the Saint) Shanahan * * Garrett Roe Stack in 1603 was besieged in Ballingarry castle. * *
Mary Stack m. William Shanahan of Farran, Abbeydorney * * Mce. Stack, an ally of Sir George Carew
was killed at Beale in 1600, after his service at Liscahane. the Stacks of Ballyloughran fought in
strength on the Irish side at the battle of Kinsale in December 1601 * * Margaret Stack of Fahivane,
Kilflynn m.Tom Shanahan 1739 of Aulane, Abbeydorney, they had 21 children * * James Stack and
wife Mary went to Ennisemore, Canada in 1825 with the Peter Robinson Expedition * * John Stack of
Ballyconry m. 1780, Bridget Studdert having Dinah, Ann, Isabella, Eliz., Col. Geo. d. 1855 John m.
1802 Catherine Massy having Eyre d. 1856, John, Nathaniel major-genl. h. 1811, d. 1874, m. 1858
having Geo. Eyre, Maria, Agnes. General Edward Stack, lieut. in French army in 1777, entd. British
army as It.-col. of Irish brigade in 1794, col. 1801, major-genl. 1808, lt. genl. 1813, general 1830, died
at Calais in 1833. * * John Stack m. Margaret (Peggy) Shanahan children Robert, Peggy, Thomas,
Mary, Catherine, went to Ennisemore, Canada in 1825 with the Peter Robinson Expedition (Margaret
died enroute) * * Rev. Francis Stack O.P., 1863-1915, bro. of J. P. of the Mall, and son of E. of Bridge
St. in Tralee, was prior of Drogheda * * Thomas de Stack translated Irish poems. * * Rev. John Stack
was P.P. of Brosna 1776 * * Mary (Ciss) Moore Stack, to Philidelphia, John Henry Moore Stack, to
Philidelphia, Louis Moore Stack are children of Bridget Stack (first wife, distant relative) and William
Moore Stack (the Fenian) 1842-1899 of Carrueragh, Knockanue son of Henry Stack . b. 1799 d. 1839
m. Anne Brown went to New York son of Patrick Stack b. 1775 d.1808 m. Hanna Moore, son of
Edmund Stack of Crotto * * Josephine (Jo) to Philidelphia, Nicholas (Nick), James (Jim), to
Philidelphia, Austin Stack T.D, Separatist (leading member of Sinn Fein, deputy chief of the I.R.A.
Minister of Home Affairs in First Dail military council of the I.R.B. planned the 1916 Rising., Michael
Collons right hand man before the treaty) Beatrice (Bee), to Philidelphia, Nora, to Philidelphia,
Nanetta, to Philidelphia, Teresa (Tess) to Philidelphia. children of William Moore Stack 1842-1899
and Nanette (Nannie) OÂ’Neill (second wife) of Donnybrook. * * The Stacks of Listowel and all of
north Kerry being a deeply religious Cathloic family many became parish priests and nuns, Fr.
Michael J. Stack (Kerry Diocese) 1939, Fr. Thomas Stack (Peterborough, Canada, Diocese) 1899, Fr.
Patrick J. Stack ((Baker Diocese) 1915, Sister Nora (Presentation) 1935, Sister Minnie, (Poor Saints of
the Mother of God) Sister Molly (Sisters of Mercy) 1935, Sister Anna (Sisters of Mercy) 1933, Sister F
(Franciscans) 1947, Sister D. ((Presentation) 1904, Sister A. (Providence) 1954 * * By the 16th
century the Stacks become thoroughly Irish and opponents of the English, In 1600 the Stacks of
Ballyloughran was on the Irish side in the battle of Kinsale. When the barbarous Lord Cromwell
marched in, much of their previous land was taken from the them. In 1687 some of the land was
restored back and today they retained much of their ancestral lands around Crotta. * * The Stacks
differentiated the branches of their family by adding the name of the appropriate female line to
their patronymic, like the Moore-Stacks of north Kerry settled in Tralee, the Eyre-Massy-Stacks at
Ballyconry, Sean Stack, the Massy-Stacks of Ballyconry, the Shanahan-Stacks around Farran,
Abbeydorney, Lixnaw and Kilflynn, the Keane-Stacks, Neville-Stacks and the Harnett-Stacks around
Listowel, the Fitzmaurice-Stacks at Ennismore east of Listowel, the Bachall, Mick Stack, Denis Dinny
Stack, Gerrot Roe Stack, M.P. John Stack, etc. the Gray-Stacks, Baggot-Stacks, Stokes-Stacks Stacks
were deeply associated with the McElligott and Shanahan families. * * Patrick Stack son of General

Edward (Edmund) Stack settled in Cork. The Stacks married into the Moores, OÂ’Neills, of
Ballinruddery, General Edward Stack (d. 1833) born in Ireland came of a family styled Stack de
Crotta. The Stacks of Crotta motto was “Honorabo me Honorantes” — I will honour those who
honour me.
Search Stack;
New York NY Irish American Advocate 1935-1936 - 0042.pdf
12 Jan 1935
Jack (Scatteration) Curtin and Mattie Riordan. This Saturday night, Jan. 12, we hope to see the
greatest crowd of all times at the West Limerick benefit, from which the proceeds taken in will be
used to pay the funeral expenses of Mrs. Gibney and her three children who were burned to death
In a fire at Willis avenue and 136th street, Bronx, Dec 8th Last.
The death occurred Dec. 14, 1934, of Patrick O'Connor, Caaleanig, Beaufort, Co. Kerry. The
deceased, who was 33 years of age, died after a short illness. He is deeply regretted by his sister
Bridle in New York, and his brothers, John and Michael In Worcester, Mass
The Kerry ball takes place at the Central Opera House on Saturday evening, January 26.
Officers for 1935 were installed by the Kerry Men's P. & B. Assn. Jerry Buckley is president. Dick
Stack was master of ceremonies. Denis McAullffe's orchestra played.
New York NY Irish American Advocate 1932-1934 - 1260.pdf
29 Sept 1934
The Harvest.—In West Limerick the heavy rainfall has damaged potato crop
SISTERS: The ceremony of profession took place recently at the Presentation Novitiate, Oakpark,
Tralee, where, at the mass celebrated by His Lordship
Most Rev. Dr. O'Brien, the Lord Bishop of Kerry, the following Sisters pronounced their first vows: Sr.
M. de Lourdes Stack, Ballyferriter; Sr. M. Paschal O'Rourke, Abbeyfeale; Sr. M. Eucharia Leahy,
Abbeydorney; Sr. M, Eymard O'Connell, Lixnaw; Sr. M. Aquinas O'Connor, Rathmore; Sr. M. Ursula
McElligott, Rathfarnham; Sr. M. Petronilla King, Tralee; Sr. M. Gonzaga O'Keeffe, Tralee; Sr. M.
Declan Buckley, Listowel; Sr. M. Vianney O'Connor, Glin, Co. Limerick; Sr. M. Possentl Lovett, Dingle.
New York NY Irish American Advocate 1932-1934 - 0126.pdf
19 March 1932
Death, at an advanced age, of Mrs. Ellen McElligott, Glin, has taken place. The deceased was a
member of an old Shanagolden family and widow of the late John Mc-Elligott, first school
attendance, officer, 1904.
The death occurred at the Bon Secours Nursing Home, Strand street, Tralee, of Liam Stack, aged 13.
Elder son of Nicholas Stack, law clerk, Basin View, Tralee. The deceased, who was a very promising
boy, was a grandson of the late William Moore Stack, the Fenian patriot, and nephew of the late
Austin Stack, Minister for Home Affairs in the first Dall Eireann and deputy for Kerry
from 1918 until 1927
Listowel Connection blog

Setting the Potatoes
Good Friday was traditionally the day for setting the potatoes (for some reason we didn’t use the
very “sowing” for potatoes).
Here from the Schools’ Folklore Collection is an account of how it was done in 1938 in Beale.
Potato crop – preparation of the ground
We set potatoes at home. We usually set an acre or so of them. We set them in drills and ridges. If it
is on drills we set them the ground is ploughed once or twice and then harrowed and rolled to make
the earth fine. Then the drills are opened with a common plough. Then the manure is drawn out and
spread between the drills. Then bags of seed are brought to the garden and the neighbouring men
and women come to help spread the seed.
When the seed is spread the drills are finished with a plough-both manure and seed are covered by
splitting the drills. When they set them in ridges the manure is sometimes spread on lea ground and
some farmers wait until they mark the ridges. When the ridges are made the manure is spread on
them and three cuts are made in the breadth of the ridge to receive the seed. Now the earth on the
furrows must be made fine. This is done by a machine called a scuffler and by getting a horse to
draw a stone over the earth to make it fine. This fine earth is put up on the ridges with a spade and
this finishes the preparation of ground and the planting of the seed.
Michael Griffin
Fr Willie Stack
William Austin Stack was born on the 31st of December 1944 to John Stack and his wife Bridie (née
Leen), of Doon, Tralee, Co Kerry. He received his primary education at Listellick National School from
1949 to 1957. He attended Tralee CBS from 1957 to 1960. He worked in McCowen’s of Tralee from
1960 to 1966. During his time at McCowen’s he began to think about becoming a missionary priest.
He decided to join St Patrick’s Missionary Society. In September 1966 he went to St Patrick’s College,
Buchlyvie, Scotland, where he completed his secondary education. He came to Kiltegan in
September 1968 for the Spiritual Year. He studied philosophy at St Patrick’s College, Douglas, Cork,
from 1969 to 1971 and returned to Kiltegan for a four year course in theology. He was ordained in St
Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney, Co Kerry, on the 8th of June 1975. The ordaining prelate was Bishop
Eamonn Casey, the Bishop of Kerry.
Kerry People 1902-1928, Saturday, August 15, 1908; Page: 5
DEATH AND FUNERAL OF MR M O'CONNOR. COILBEE-- Our Listowel Correspondent writes: —
The demise of Mr. Ml. O'Connor has moved from our midst one of the oldest and most respected
members of the parish of Listowel. The deceased gentleman was big farmer, and both he and his
family were amongst the most kindly and generous people in his native district. With his highly
respected family and particularly with his son, the Rev. James O'Connor, Castletownbere, the
deepest sympathy is felt.

After Requiem High Mass on Monday morning the funeral procession proceeded from Listowel to
Killihenny, the family burial ground, and needless to say, the mournful cortege was of the largest
proportions and attended by the most respectable people in North Kerry. The reverend gentlemen
who participated in the solemn function and the chief mourners, were, as follows—Celebrant, Rev. J.
O'Connor, C.C., Castletownbere (son): deacon, Very Rev. T. Canon Davis; sub-deacon, Rev. J. O’
Connor (Bishop's Secretary, Killarney); nephew; Rev. P. Sheahan, C.C., master of ceremonies.
The other priests present were : —Very Rev. J. Canon Molyneaux, Ballybunion ; Fr. Trant C.C; Fr.
Burke, C.C, Ballybunion; Fr. Daly. do.; Rev. J. Shanahan, U.S.A. (nephew); Rev. P. Maher, C.C, Lixnaw;
Rev.D. Murphy, U.S.A. The Very Rev. Canon Molyneaux officiated at the graveside, assisted by the
Very Rev. T. Canon Davis, P.P., V.F., etc., and the chief mourners were:—Mrs. O'Connor (wife), Rev.
James O'Connor, C.C, Castletownbere , Patrick and Dan (sons); Mrs. J. Nolan, Tarmons, Tarbert; Mrs .
J. Barrett, Athea ; Mrs. J. Lynch, Tullig, and daughters; Ml. Anthony Nolan (grandson); J. Nolan,
Tarmons; J. Barrett, Athea; J. Lynch, Tullig (sons-in-law); Mrs. P. O'Connor (daughter in-law) ; Rev. J.
O'Connor, Bishop's Secretary. Killarney; Thomas O'Connor, Kate, Bridget, Edmond and Jack
O’Connor, Tullamore; Matt O'Connor, William street, Listowel; Jerry Keane, R.D.C., do: Thos. Keane,
C.P.L.G.; W. Keane, Ballybunion; C. McCarthy, Ballylongford; T. McCarthy, Ballynoneen,; Rev. J.
Shanahan, U.S.A. ; Dan and Tom Shanahan, Clandouglas; Jack Shanahan, Irribeg; Dl. O'Connell
Cloghercannon ; Jack and James Shanahan, The Spa. Tralee; P Keane, R.D.C., Listowel; M. Keane,
Sallowglen; Dan and Tom Keane, Pullogh: Dan and Mrs. O'Shea, Bedford; Thos. and Denis O 'Shea.
Clountubrid (nephews); Johanna Shanahan. Irribeg; Jerh Shanahan, Spa, Tralee; Ed. Shanahan.
Clandouglas (brothers-in-law): Mrs. O'Shea, Clountubrid (sister-in-law); Mrs John Moran Listowel:
Mrs S. Stack, Dromin; Mrs. T. Barrett, Athea ; Mrs. J. Hanrahan, Ballylongford; Miss M. E. O'Connor,
Ballyloughlan. Miss Amy McCarthy, Ballylongford; Mrs. R O'Connor, Tullamore; Mrs. O'Connor, Gale
Bridge; Mr. R. Savage. The Kerries, Tralee; Miss Kate Shanahan, Clandouglas; Mr. and Mrs. Galvin,
Lixnaw: Mrs. Dillon and children, Janemount: Miss Babe O’Shea, and Miss Bridie O'Shea,
Clonatubrid; Miss Lena Keane, Church street, Listowel; Miss Bridie O'Connell Cloghercannon: Mr.
and Mrs Batt Kelly, Coollkeragh: Mrs. J. Maher, Knockadireen (nieces); Mrs. Matt O'Connor, Mrs.
John O'Shea, Church street, Listowel (nieces in-law).—R.I.P.
The list of people that you sent to me is my family, Ellen Shanahan, Stack, Gregory is my G G
Grandmother. Mary Stack Walsh is my G Grandmother. Ellen, Mary and one of Ellens sons are buried
in the Paris Ky Catholic cemetery. Ellens son Richard came to the USA thru New Orleans with his half
sister Mary Stack on Feb 27 1852, they came up the rivers to be with their mother Ellen Shanahan
and Richard Gregory.
Catherine Gregory was born in Ireland to Richard and Ellen Gregory, She Maurice Golden in Paris Ky
and they later moved to Clinton County Missouri. Her sister who I can not remember her name
Dillawn, or Dillon I forget the spelling and moved to Texas. I have communicated with both families
in the past. Ellen and her son are also in the Paris ky Cemetery as is Mary Stack and her husband

A very representative meeting of this branch was held on Sunday last—Mr. Robert Hunt, president,
occupied the chair. Others present—Messrs. T. J. O'Connor, treasurer ; J. T. O'Sullivan, P. R. Stack,
honorary secretaries; W. E. Stack, J. Leahy, Wm. Murphy, W. Moore, G. Stack, J. T. Leahy, J.
O'Connor, P. Collins, T. Kelly, T. Ahem, J. Fitzgerald, J. Goulding, J. Finucane. The chairman said—So
long as such virtuous exterminators as T. W. Sandes, of Sallowglin, and Mickey Fitzgerald, of Athea,
were at liberty to invade the parish with their crowbar brigade and level the houses of their
unfortunate victims—so long as the unholy head of the grabber of Cornelius O'Connor's evicted farm
appeared in their midst, so long there remained a necessity for that organisation which has brought

many a stubborn tyrant to his knees, and which will in the not distant future bring about the
abolition of that accursed system which has deprived many an Irishman of his home. When the time
came when there would be no necessity for a National League, he was sure that it would be one of
the pleasantest reminiscences of their lives that their branch could be numbered amongst the list of
Kerry branches which had fought the tyrannies of Balfourism in its last ditch, and which struggled to
the last for the freedom and regeneration of their country. A circular was read about the William
Moore Stack Testimonial. The chairman, in putting it before the meeting, said it was unnecessary for
him to recommend the subject of the circular to his fellow-parishioners. He was sure that Kerrymen
in general were well acquainted with the life and motives of Mr. Moore Stack. In days gone by, when
it was not fashionable to be a patriot, Mr. Moore Stack suffered imprisonment, and sacrificed the
emoluments of a high position in the cause of his country. He would say that no Irishman's heart
ever pulsated with deeper or truer love for its motherland than did the heart of William Moore
Stack. Now that he has been incapacitated from filling any office through ill-health, and known, as it
must be, by his fellow-countrymen, that had he adopted the policy of venal Irishmen, and proved a
traitor to the cause of his country, he could by this time have amassed that store which his stern and
uncompromising patriotism has denied him. It was unanimously agreed that collectors be appointed
for the various town lands in the parish to collect subscriptions in aid of the testimonial.
Meeting on Sunday—Mr. Timothy O'Sullivan, president, in the chair. Amongst those present
were:—Messrs. J. Wallace, vice-president; John Lavery, treasurer; Gerald B. Fitzgibbon, hon. sec.;
Michael Stack, Timothy O'Brien, Denis Nash, &c. Resolved—" That we view with misgiving the
proposed Land Purchase Bill about to be introduced by Mr. Balfour."
KILGARVAN (county Kerry.)—Fortnightly meeting on Sunday —Mr. Daniel Healy, president, in the
chair. The committee as usual were strong in numbers. Resolved—" That we emphatically condemn
the action of the Tory Government, who have sought to blacken the character of the Irish nation and
its leaders." "That we thank that distinguished leader of the Liberal Party, Mr. W. E. Gladstone, and
his followers who are exposing the calumny of this foul and despicable conspiracy before the English
electors." "That we thank the electors of St. Pancras who have shown to the Tory Government that
fraud, forgery, and perjury won't satisfy the English people."

Kerry Sentinel 1878-1916, Wednesday, 10 June, 1891; Page: 3
Additional subscriptions—per Mr. Cornelius Farrell, of Listowel—William Stack, Gortdromassihy, 10s;
Cornelius Farrell, Listowel, 3s; James Cronin, Duagh, Is ; J. O'Connor, Caherdown, 2s, T. Broderick, 2s;
P. Connor, Rahoon, 6d; F. O'Carroll, Knockanure, 2s 6d.
Stack Search
TITLE: Affidavit of Dennis McNamara, [Limerick], giving evidence relating to murder in
Shanagolden, County Limerick in 1818
Letter from Stephen Edward Rice, Mounttrenchard, Shanagolden, County Limerick, magistrate for
County Limerick, to William Gregory, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle, 26 May 1819, enclosing
affidavit of Dennis McNamara, boatman, giving information on events surrounding the murder of a
father and son, the Stacks, committed in neighbourhood in 1818. Rice states that he is holding

McNamara in the bridewell in Shanagolden, and awaits instruction. Affidavit sworn before Rice, 26
May 1819.
EXTENT: 3 items; 7pp -DATE(S): 26 May 1819
TITLE: Certificate of John Harnett Stack, County Kerry, to practice as a land surveyor
Certificate of John Harnett Stack of Listowel, County Kerry, stating that he is qualified to practice as a
land surveyor. Signed by Rowley Heyland, deputy surveyor, office of surveyor general of lands,
Record Tower, Dublin Castle.
EXTENT: 1 item; 1p -DATE(S): 24 Jul 1819
TITLE: Letter from Major George Warburton, concerning efforts of his police to check smuggling in
County Clare
SCOPE & CONTENT: Letter from Major George Warburton, Kilrush, County Clare, chief police
magistrate for County Clare, to William Gregory, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle, concerning
difficulties faced by his police, in suppressing smuggling in the area. Notes that the smugglers 'have
lowered the price of Tobacco so as to meet almost any Man's Means & thereby to engage the whole
Population in it'. Explains his reasons for refusing a request from Richard Stackpoole, preventive
surveyor, for police assistance for the revenue corps, 27 January 1821. Encloses copy of letter from
Stackpoole, Miltown Malbay, County Clare, to Warburton, requesting to use Warburton's force for
revenue duty [January 1821], accompanied by copy of Warburton's letter of reply to Stackpoole, 27
January 1821.
EXTENT: 2 items; 5pp -DATE(S): [Jan 1821]-27 Jan 1821
TITLE: File of papers relating to complaints made against Major George Warburton, chief police
magistrate, County Clare
SCOPE & CONTENT: File of papers relating to complaints made against Major George Warburton,
chief police magistrate for County Clare, by the fishermen of Seafield, County Clare. Includes petition
of the fishermen to Earl Talbot, Lord Lieutenant, Dublin Castle, concerning their assistance to Philip
Stackpoole, half pay officer of 49th regiment, and the revenue corps, in moving a large quantity of
smuggled tobacco, seized on Mutton Island, County Clare. Complains that they did not receive the
total pay that was promised for the work. Complains that Warburton directed some of the money to
an informer in his pay [February 1821]. Also includes letter from Warburton, Kilrush, County Clare,
to Gregory, denying the allegations of the fishermen, 10 February 1821, and enclosing his 'official'
reply to Gregory on the matter, directing the men to Stackpoole for redress of any grievance, 10
February 1821. EXTENT: 4 items; 10pp -DATE(S): [Feb 1821]-16 Feb 1821
TITLE: Letter from Major George Warburton, concerning military presence, County Clare
Letter from Major George Warburton, Ennis, County Clare, chief police magistrate for County Clare,
to William Gregory, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle, expressing concerns at plans to concentrate the
deployment of the detachments of the 93rd regiment stationed in County Clare, and to use the
yeomanry in their place. Warburton reiterates his concerns at depending solely on the yeomanry in

certain places. Also reporting the 'barbarous' murder in Cratloe, County Clare, of an individual
named Stack, who had provided information on an earlier murder in the same area.
EXTENT: 1 item; 4pp -DATE(S): 26 Dec 1821
TITLE: William Harnett Stack, Dublin: for permission to visit counties of Munster to conduct social
SCOPE & CONTENT: Petition of William Harnett Stack, graduate, 12 Trinity College, Dublin, to Richard
Wellesley, 1st Marquis Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, Dublin Castle, requesting copy of formal
permission to visit counties of Munster now under the Insurrection Act in order to conduct an
investigation ‘of the manners, customs, habits and opinions, moral, political and religious, of the
Peasantry’: indicates desire to ‘mingle with the people personally’, to converse in the Irish language,
and learn of their grievances towards Government and attitude to the tithe, information that can be
conveyed to Government, if deemed useful.
EXTENT: 1 item; 4pp -DATE(S): 27 Jun 1822
TITLE: Two petitions from Maurice Stack, government witness, County Kerry, requesting
SCOPE & CONTENT: Petition of Maurice Stack, Tarbert, County Kerry, to Richard Wellesley, 1st
marquis Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, detailing his financial distress, because of intimidation following
his giving evidence at recent assizes, against 2 men subsequently sentenced to transportation.
Requests remuneration from government to enable his family to leave the area, 22 October 1822.
Also letter from Mathew Barrington, Dublin, crown solicitor for Munster circuit, to Henry Goulburn,
Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle, responding, as requested, concerning Stack's case and his request for
remuneration, 7 November 1822. Also petition from Stack to 1st marquis Wellesley, reiterating his
request, 3 January 1823.
EXTENT:3 items; 9pp -DATE(S): 22 Oct 1822-3 Jan 1823
TITLE: Petition of Richard Stackpoole, Ennis jail, County Clare, requesting release from green wax
SCOPE & CONTENT: Petition of Richard Stackpoole, Ennis jail, County Clare, to Richard Wellesley, 1st
marquis Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, Dublin Castle, concerning his confinement in Ennis jail for a
green wax fine of £20, and emphasising his inability to pay the amount demanded. Also refers to his
father in Paris, 'endeavouring to recover a property of upwards of one hundred thousand Pounds
fraudulently taken off from him [sic]…by his own Relation (commonly called Lord [Count] George
Stackpoole)….'. Stackpoole also requests the release of a local man, Timothy McNamara, also
imprisoned for fine of £20, stating that he has a 'sickly Wife' and also no means to pay his fine, 1
November 1823. Also letter from William Vesey FitzGerald, Ennis, MP for County Clare, to Henry
Goulburn, Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle, responding, as requested, with information on Stackpoole's
case, and recommending him for government consideration, noting that, 'He is destitute of every
means of paying…'. Also reports that his father is held in prison in Paris, for debts incurred on a law
suit in France, 22 November 1823; with subsequent pencil annotation on front of letter, by
Wellesley, sanctioning the release of both men. Also further petition of Stackpoole, Ennis jail, to
Wellesley, detailing the circumstances which resulted in his being fined. Requests to be released
from payment of the fine, and freed from jail, 25 November 1823.
EXTENT: 3 items; 16pp -DATE(S): 1 Nov 1823-25 Nov 1823

TITLE: Letter from Anthony Stenghton, County Kerry, offering a recommendation for Robert Stack for
employment on the general survey of Ireland
SCOPE & CONTENT: Letter from Anthony Stenghton, Tralee, County Kerry, to Henry Goulburn, Chief
Secretary, Dublin Castle, offering a recommendation for Robert Stack as a person suitably qualified
to undertake work on the general survey of Ireland. Indicates Stack has acquired most useful
experience in surveying through local tithe valuation work, on which his professional output has
been ‘most satisfactory’.
EXTENT: 1 item; 3pp -DATE(S): 6 Aug 1825
TITLE: Letter from John H Stack, land surveyor, Listowel, County Kerry, seeking appointment as
boundary surveyor for the baronies of Iraghticonnor and Clanmorris
SCOPE & CONTENT: Letter from John H Stack, land surveyor, Listowel, County Kerry, to Henry
Goulburn, Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle, seeking appointment as boundary surveyor for the
baronies of Iraghticonnor and Clanmorris [Clanmaurice] in County Kerry under the auspices of the
Ordnance Survey of Ireland. Stresses his professional qualification and, being resident at the heart of
the area in question, his intimate local knowledge of the region. Encloses certificate in his favour
signed by George Sandes, magistrate, and 10 other magistrates.
EXTENT: 2 items; 4pp -DATE(S): 11 Jan 1826-15 Jan 1826