So we know for sure that there is no oil in the banned areas?
Calendars of Wills and Administrations 1858 - 1920
Wills and testamentary records are of assistance to genealogists as evidence of the date of a person’s death and for other information which they may contain concerning the dead person’s family, place of residence and property.
public warning as major network provider set to shut down mobile internet access
Millions of Brits could find their mobile phones cut off from the internet very soon. O2 is gearing up to switch off its 3G service later this year, leaving older handsets without web access (Picture: Getty)
Commemoration event at the Embassy of Ireland in Seoul honouring the life and achievements of Columban Missionary Fr Kevin O’Rourke on Thursday 17 October 2024.
SOLAR: 13 Important Health & Environmental Benefits of Solar Energy
Solar energy is a natural, unlimited, and renewable energy source that emits no gases or by-products that contaminate the environment or the air. It is sunlight converted to energy for use, just like regular electricity. Today we will look at the various environmental benefits of using solar energy.
NOTE FROM FR JIM. Lenihan ..
As we come to the end of our Christmas Season this weekend we celebrate a beautiful feast called, ‘The Baptism of the Lord’. For the early Christians getting their heads around the incarnation was tough going because God is so high above our created nature that the idea of God taking on our nature is like a carpenter wanting to become a chair, it’s just absurd. So to be born into poverty and in a smelly cattle hut in the middle of nowhere was just incomprehensible. And it didn’t end there, the Baptism of John was for sinners, so to see Jesus, God incarnate queue up with sinners into the muddy waters of the Jordan was just simply embarrassing. And of course this plunging into the muddy waters was just a foreshadowing of Jesus being plunged into His death on Calvary. Jesus wasn’t baptised to be made holy by the water rather He was baptised to make the baptismal waters holy for us. Jesus of course is sinless so like his baptism he took upon himself our sins and put them to death on Calvary. As our second reading of today’s mass puts it, ‘It was not because he was concerned with any righteous actions we might have done ourselves; it was for no reason except his own compassion that he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and by renewing us with the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our saviour. He did this so that we should be justified by his grace, to become heirs looking forward to inheriting eternal life’. So the baptism of Jesus changes the nature of John’s baptism. The sacrament of our baptism has made us ‘a new creation’. Not only are our sins washed away by the atoning sacrifice on Calvary but it allows us to share in His spirit making us His brothers and sisters and thus Children of God. God the Father gazes upon His son Jesus with an indescribable love and now because we’re baptised and are God’s children, He now gazes upon us with that same indescribable love. Take time to contemplate this unimaginable love which God has bestowed upon us and live life with appreciation.