Tom Neville Stacks views on Irish Banking are contained in the Blue Book which was issued by a committee of the House of Commons
Knockanure Branch of the Land League
A meeting of the Branch was held on Sunday 1885. Mr T. W. Leahy in the chair. Other officers were Mr Patrick Kennelly, Mr J. T. Nolan honouree secretary, Mr. James o Connor, Mr. Hugh Goulding, Mr. John Carroll. Mr. M. o Connor, Mr. Dan F. Leahy, Mr. W. T. Leahy, Mr. James o Sullivan, Mr. Dunne.Honouree secretary of Athea Branch also Present.Reports of previous meetings were also read. A large number handed in their subscriptions and received cards for membership. Subsequently a large contingent headed by the Athea fife and drum band marched into the village. A large crowd had assembled outside the League room and were addressed by Mr. D. T. Leahy Mr. J O Sullivan and Mr P Dunne who spoke forcibly on the necessity of the organising the friendly feeling between Farmers and labourers vote of thanks to the Athea Contingent brought the Proceedings to a close. The Release of Knockanure Land League Prisoners in 1885 who arrived in Listowel by train from Tralee was greeted with deafening cheers. Mr. James o Sullivhan of Kilmorna presented of behalf of the noble young ladies of the parish a bouquet of flowers to Daniel Leahy and his colleagues who were just realised from prison. A crowd headed by the Listowel Brass Band marched through to Mr. Stacks new house. A meeting chaired by John Fitzpatrick of St. Michaels Collage was held. Others attending were J. Condon, solicitor Newcastlewest. J. Moran, solicitor, Listowel.
J. Stack M.P for North Kerry addressed the Meeting. A vote of thanks having been passed the people dispersed. The released prisoners were entertained to dinner at the residence of Mr. John Stack
JFK: Destiny of Ireland: Inspired by the words of JFK, the last truly great American President..
Who hoped for Ireland and the Irish people:
"that your destiny lies not as a peaceful island in a sea of troubles, but as a maker and shaper of world peace" "And no nation, large or small, can be indifferent to the fate of others, near or far"
"Modern economics, weaponry and communications have made us all realize more than ever that we are one human family and this one planet is our home"
The Man from Clare who started Australia’s Biggest Gold Rush
This entry was posted on August 10, 2022 by FOS, in News. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments
By Martin Gleeson
Patrick (Paddy) Hannan was born at Gorteen, near Quin, County Clare in April 1840, the son of John Hannan and Bridget Lynch. It is thought that he attended school in Kilmurry. He grew up during the bleak Famine days in Clare and many of his family emigrated to Australia from 1852 onwards.
Bust of Paddy Hannan in Ennis Library
Paddy sailed to Australia when he was 22, arriving in Melbourne at the end of 1862 aboard the Henry Fernie from Liverpool. He was the first of six brothers and six sisters to leave Ireland. He joined his uncle William Lynch who was mining at Ballarat, Victoria, and for a while he worked in the goldmines. During those heady days of gold prospecting, Paddy became determined to discover gold for himself.
Post by Doody Gal » Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:46 pm
My Grandmother was a CATHERINE DOODY, Father JOHN THOMAS DOODY, Born circa 1860
According to Family here he was from Co Clare, maybe Kilrush??
He was the Second Son of a THOMAS DOODY of Listowel Co Kerry according to a Newspaper Item i found on his marriage here in 1888
So Could they have moved from Co Clare to Kerry???
He came here to South Australia with a Sister Mary Joseph DOODY in 1881
Mary Josephine DOODY was born circa 1864
There were Apparently DOODY families in Clondagard Co Clare
Does anyone have access please to Clare Records that they can perhaps check for a birth of a Mary Josephine doody circa 1864 with Father Thomas
My grandmother was called Catherine(kit) Doody so maybe that was thomas Doodys Wifes name
Thanks for any help
Does anyone know of this Family
Kennelly Search
TALE: An old tale of the same neighbourhood related that Finn threw a ‘finger stone’ of a ton weight across the Shannon from Knockanure in Kerry to Carrigaholt in Clare. A similar story was told to me in 1869 by an old man, Shaneen O’Halloran, a retainer of the Stacpooles of Edenvale. A giant named Hughey in the days of Finn threw an enormous boulder from either Mount Callan or Loughnaminna Hill at a hostile giant whom it just missed, breaking into two. The pieces stand at the northern end of the Edenvale ridge, opposite the Kennels. The ‘Irish militia’ (i.e. Finn’s troops) made the huge, mysterious, many-gated stone fort on the summit of the Turlough Hill, south from Corcomroe Abbey; so I was told by an old herdsman who crossed the ridge while I was plotting the fort in 1905. Other rock memorials of Finn I have already mentioned, and the Dindsenchas gives a similar legend of another rock, the Cloch nan arm, ‘on which the Fianne ground their weapons yearly.’ The tale previously narrated about the Tuam an goskaigh stone may belong to the Finn period, as it is placed in a Glasgeivnagh locality. The same nameless ‘champion’ is commemorated in Barnagoskaigh; he was defeated and slain at Doonaunmore fort because he had lost his ‘druid’s staff.’
Guy's Directory, 1893
Part 4: County Establishment: Justices of the Peace
Fitzgerald, W F Vesey (J P co Kerry), Moyvane, Newtownsandes, co Kerry
Turner, Colonel Alfred E, R A, G B (J P cos Cork, Kerry, and Limerick co and city)
Bassett's Directory, 1880-1
Fitzgerald, W. F. Vesey, Derrybrick, county Clare; Moyvane, Newtownsandes, county Kerry
Video link
Belfast Walk from West Belfast to Queens University.wmv
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France and Ireland
Bad news, grounds for hope, and good news in formerly Catholic countries
By David Daintree | March 19th 2024 9:19 PM
The mainstream media have had much to say about the recent constitutional change in France, and they have done so for the most part with little detail, but much euphoric delight. My thanks to Fr. Pius Noonan for finding the actual words for me, which are as follows: “La loi détermine les conditions dans lesquelles s’exerce la liberté garantie à la femme d’avoir recours à une interruption volontaire de grossesse.” I offer the following pretty literal translation: “A woman is guaranteed the liberty to have recourse to a voluntary interruption of pregnancy, and the Law determines the conditions under which that is exercised.”
Much has been made of the fact that a constitutional change is difficult to reverse. That is no doubt true. Liberal feminists, not only in France but elsewhere throughout the West, are clearly exultant about this apparently uncompromising outcome, while pro-life supporters are deeply saddened and fearful for its consequences.
But there are some grounds for hope. The sweeping comprehensiveness of those words could turn out to be a weakness: They make no show of distinguishing early from late “terminations,” for example, or terminations based on sex discrimination. For an orthodox Christian (or for an authentic Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, and many unbelievers too) the killing of an innocent human being is always wrong, but decent secular people often attempt to make distinctions out of a genuine sense of humanity, or perhaps to ease their consciences. Is there a heartbeat? Is an anesthetic used? Much more importantly, people will want to know if the baby is being slain because she’s a girl and her designer-parents want a boy. This law will run into trouble — even among the seemingly heartless French liberals — as actual cases of repulsive discrimination become known.
A possible approach to constitutional law, once it becomes unpopular or unfashionable, is simply to ignore it. If you doubt that, take a look at the Australian constitution, whose preamble informs us that the people of the Australian states,
humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown…
I rest my case.
In Ireland, if not in France, there has been some good news for those who value traditional family life. Two proposed changes to the Irish constitution have been comprehensively rejected by voters, the first by 68% and the second by 74%. (The Irish Electoral Commission provides a full account of the proposed amendments.) The NO vote has had the following consequences:
Article 41.1.1 continues to give special constitutional status only to the Family based on marriage between two people, without distinction as to their sex.
Article 41.3.1 continues to recognize Marriage as an institution that the State must guard with special care and protect against attack.
Article 41.2 continues to recognize the importance to the common good of the life of women within the home. It requires the State to endeavor to ensure that mothers should not have to go out to work to the neglect of their ‘duties in the home’.
It is interesting to note that all the major parties and the great weight of opinion among the mainstream media and chattering classes supported the YES vote!
David Daintree was President of Campion College (Australia’s only Catholic liberal arts college) from 2008 to 2012. In 2013 he founded and is now Director of the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies, under the patronage of the Archbishop of Hobart.
You can also view this image, and many thousands of others, on the NLI’s catalogue at catalogue.nli.ie
Suck Diesel
National Library of Ireland on The Commons Teresa Stokes Yes, and a fine portrait it is too, which confirms his identity. The dates ascribed are often only approx, even his name was misspelled. The level of detail is due to the large size of the "negative", 16.5cm x 12 cm, many times larger than old 35mm film or modern digital. You may be interested in further shots of the dig, including one of J. F. Fuller www.ireland.anglican.org/news/9326/digging-for-emmet-ghos...
Teresa Stokes
Suck Diesel Thank you, and in fact I found that website yesterday via Google and saved the other two photos that feature my gt gt grandfather, but of course they are quite small. The NLI have sent me a message as to the owners of the original glass negatives and I may contact them and see if they could provide me with higher resolution images to share with my family.
Teresa Stokes
Suck Diesel I have just been directed to this photo by another reader. James Franklin Fuller was my great great grandfather and we have only a handful of images of him so it's a wonderful find.
Teresa Stokes
I am very impressed by this photo from the NLI which is so large and of such fine quality that when zoomed in you can see every thread in his tweed suit and every crinkle in the corner of his eye. Proof that the man is James Franklin Fuller is here in this colour portrait owned by my family. You have only to compare the two.
Paddy Waldron
Sosrdponet,01a0mtgm2271gMa3e0cb 4P5u4lat 72 6hmeD 53cr2938084c0l17el6: ·
Dear Santa
Will you please bring me a big team of archivists to help with the overwhelming task of cataloguing the Waldron archive of letters and papers, dating back three generations?
I am very grateful to Paul O'Brien for finding this letter amidst the chaos. It was sent to you in Germany 100 years ago today. I presume you had gone there for your Christmas holidays. Please don't bring Paul any more archives until he's finished playing with the big ones you brought him last year.
Over the remaining 85 years and 2 days of his life, the writer of this 1923 letter grew to consider the Christmas season an ordeal to be endured. His son is doing likewise.
Happy Christmas to all
Paddy Waldron
Martha (Mangan) Enright opted to come back to Moyvane to join her late husband,
Jackie in Ahavoher. She spent most of her adult life in Leeds but enjoyed the best
of both worlds. She spent her Summers in her family home down the “new road”,
she bought a car and learned to drive after Jackie passed away. She was independent, very sociable and good friends with her neighbours. She was a regular at the Irish Centre in Leeds, loved dancing and playing cards. Martha is survived by her daughters, Margaret & Yvonne, son John
and their families. From Moyvane Notes Jan 2024.
Ms. Carrie (Caroline Mary) Townshend, (1859 -1951). West Cork and Dublin. Popularity of the Irish Harp. Teacher of Irish. Giving evidence in America of British Brutality During Troubles in Ireland. Member Christian Science Church. 1915 Aeridheacht at Glandore with Madeline Townshend. The name Caroline Townshend is known to only a handful of people in Ireland but if any deserves to be a household name, surely it is hers, for it almost entirely due to her efforts that the ancient Irish harping tradition became firmly re-established.
Today I was in a shoe store that sells only shoes, nothing else. A young girl with a tattoo and green hair walked over to me and asked, "What brings you in today, I looked at her and said, "I'm interested in buying a refrigerator." She didn't quite know how to respond, had that deer in the headlights look.
I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is when you still have something on the ball, but you are just too tired to bounce it.
When people see a cat's litter box they always say, "Oh, have you got a cat" I just say, "No, it's for company!"
Employment application blanks always ask who is to be called in case of an emergency. I think you should write, "An ambulance."
The older you get the tougher it is to lose weight because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.
The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
Have you ever noticed: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL.
The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he knows when he's really in trouble.
Did you ever notice that when you put the 2 words "The" and "IRS" together it spells "Theirs"
Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
Some people try to turn back their "odometers." Not me.
I want people to know why I look this way.
I've travelled a long way and a lot of the roads were not paved.
Ah! Being young is beautiful but being old is comfortable.
Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.
May you always have:
Love to share,
Cash to spare,
Tires with air,
And friends who care.
Sunday, August 1, 2021 - 12:00
On the first of December 1959, representatives from 12 countries came together in Washington D.C. to sign the Antarctic Treaty. This document guaranteed that the Antarctic region could only ever be used for scientific research, wherein all findings would be shared openly with other nations, and also that Antarctica could never be used for any means other than peaceful ones.
Chronicles Insight - Ireland's Antarctic Explorers
Though some of the signatory nations had previously made claims on the land in Antarctica, the Treaty makes it impossible for any of these claims to be recognised, and instead Antarctica is a region which belongs to none but is for the furtherment of scientific knowledge for all. The Irish played a significant role in developing our early knowledge of Antarctica. Let us look back at the legacy of three men from Cork who aided in the discovery and exploration of the vast Antarctic region.
Edward Bransfield (1785-1852)
Edward Bransfield was born in 1785 in the village of Ballinacurra in County Cork. Born into a well-respected family, Edward was denied access to an education as the Penal Laws were in effect in Ireland at the time. At the age of 18, Edward began his career in the Royal Navy. There are some sources that claim that he was taken against his and his father’s will in an act of impressment wherein young men were forced into military service. Regardless of how his naval career began, Edward soon proved his worth as an accomplished seaman. He served on a number of gun ships and eventually earned the title of Master of his own ship.
In January 1820, Edward was commissioned as part of a south bound voyage of discovery. On this journey, he landed on King George Island and turning South from there passed through what is now known as the Bransfield Strait. At this point, he recorded seeing the Trinity Peninsula, which we now know to be the most Northerly point of Antarctica. Edward kept meticulous notes when out on voyage and his description of “two high mountains, covered with snow” is generally accepted as the first recorded sighting of the Antarctic Continent. One of these “high mountains” has since been named Mount Bransfield in his honour. Edward then continued to chart the Trinity Peninsula following a route to the North-East.
Edward made a number of other Antarctic discoveries, including Elephant Island and Clarence Island. His contribution to the age of Antarctic exploration is immense as without his first sighting of the great frozen region, there may never have been any further interest in navigating southwards. Edward is remembered by a number of landmarks in Antarctica bearing his name, and also by a monument dedicated to his memory which will be unveiled in Ballinacurra in January 2020.
Robert Forde (1875-1959)
Robet Forde was born on the 29th of August 1875 in Moviddy in County Cork. Interested in seafaring from a young age, Robert joined the Royal Navy at the young age of 16. A talented seaman, Robert quickly rose through the ranks to eventually achieve the title of Petty Officer First Class. His dedication to his work and his diligent attention to detail saw him gain the attention of a number of naval officers.
On the 16th of April, at the age of 35, Robert volunteered to take part in Captain Scott’s ill-fated Terra Nova expedition to Antarctica. His role on the mission was as Petty Officer First Class whilst they were at sea, and whilst moored he was largely involved in the important task of depot laying. He was also involved in some of the survey work alongside geologists and physicists. This work involved spending a large amount of time away from the ship, at one stage he spent as much as six weeks investigating three glaciers on Ross Island. He also went away from the ship to check that the supplies in the depots were all still in good order. All this time out in the harsh Antarctic conditions took its toll on Robert, and he was eventually forced to return to the Terra Nova when he developed a severe case of frostbite in his hand. He was ordered to leave the expedition and instead returned to his naval career where he spent the rest of his years fighting in the war and eventually retiring back to his native Cork where it was remarked that he always wore a glove over his frostbitten hand.
Robert Forde’s contribution to the Terra Nova expedition was nothing short of essential. Without his diligence in laying the depots, there may have been many more lives lost on Scott’s race for the pole. He is remembered by a memorial on the promenade in Cobh where he spent his later years.
Patrick Keohane (1879-1950)
Patrick Keohane was born in Barry’s Point in Cork on the 2nd of June 1879. Patrick’s father worked on the local lifeboat, and it is often remarked that Patrick himself was a sailor from his very earliest years. At the age of 16, Patrick enlisted in the Royal Navy and began his sailing career in earnest. His dedication and skill spoke for themselves, and Patrick soon saw himself achieving the rank of Petty Officer.
When he was 30 years old, Patrick received a recommendation from none other than Robert Forde for a place on Captain Scott’s Terra Nova expedition. His role on this voyage was one of explorer, as Patrick was chosen to be one of the men who would engage in the race for the pole. He was, however, one of a group of men whom Scott sent back when he was merely 350 miles away from the highly sought after South Pole. Though he must have been irritated by Scott’s decision at the time, it was a move that would ultimately save Patrick’s life, as the men who carried on to the pole never made it home. As the weather conditions became increasingly difficult, it was soon realised that Scott and the remaining men were in dire peril. Patrick made an attempt to rescue his Captain, but was forced back to the Terra Nova by inclement weather. There he waited out the harsh Antarctic Winter before venturing out in the Spring to bring home the bodies of his fallen Captain and Compatriots. Patrick erected a wooden cross where he found the frozen bodies of Scott and his two remaining men.
Patrick’s bravery and his dedication to his captain were incredibly admirable. His memory is kept alive by a statue erected in his honour in Lislee Court
The contributions and sacrifices of these brave men from Cork are immense to say the least. They each played an essential role in an exciting age of discovery and exploration, and it is thanks to their efforts that we now have the scientific findings from the Antarctic region which are just as essential today as they were all those years ago.
Tom Crean, The Irish Explorer
Home IrelandXO News Tom Crean, The Irish Explorer
Monday, January 17, 2022 - 12:00
Tom Crean, is famous for his bravery and acts of heroism that were undertaken on the coldest and most inhospitable place on the planet – Antarctica. In 1913 he became one of the rare recipients of the Albert Medal for bravery. He was awarded the medal for undertaking a 35 mile solo march through snow, ice and blizzards to save the life of Lieutenant Edward Evans. Along with Sir Ernest Shackleton and Frank Worsley, he also played a primary role in the historic rescue of his colleagues while serving on the Endurance expedition between 1914-1916.
Tom Crean, Irish Hero, Endurance Expedition
Background and Crean's Pre-Antarctic Career
Born on or shortly before February 16th, 1877, into an impoverished existence, Tom Crean, one of 8 brothers and 3 sisters born near Annascaul, County Kerry, joined the Royal Navy in July 1893. Joining the Navy had been a longstanding and traditional route of escaping poverty for the sons of the Dingle peninsula and with little else on offer to change his fortunes, Crean made his way to the navy coastguard station nearby Minard.
Tom Crean
A picture of Tom (Thomas) Crean, Irish explorer with Edgar Evans in Antarctica. Downloaded from https://picryl.com/media/tom-crean-and-edgar-evans-with-ponies-antarctica-winter-1911-f2816e
Tom Crean Statue
A picture of Tom Crean's statue. Downloaded from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crean_img_1.jpg
Dingle Peninsula
A picture of Dingle Peninsula in Ireland. Downloaded from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dingle_Peninsula_%2839715876%29.jpeg
He was almost 16½ years-old when he signed up and following a harsh training period aboard HMS Impregnable on England’s south coast, Crean was deemed ready to undertake his first naval assignment.
HMS Impregnable
A picture of HMS Impregnable, a ship that Tom Crean had his training on. Downloaded from https://picryl.com/media/quarterdect-of-hms-impregnable-by-linnaeus-tripe-c1853-d65a47
Still a boy sailor, Crean was ledgered to the ship HMS Wild Swan in December 1894 as she headed out of Plymouth bound for the Americas. On reaching Valparaiso in Chile, Crean would join the crew of the Pacific Station’s flagship, HMS Royal Arthur. His time aboard the vessel would bring him close to armed conflict in a stand-off with Nicaraguan rebels at the port of Corinto and for the young Irish sailor, his first active assignment turned out to be a baptism of fire he would hardly have imagined when leaving home two years earlier.
HMS Wild Swan
A painting of HMS Wild Swan, a ship that Tom Crean joined in 1894. Downloaded from https://picryl.com/media/hms-wild-swan-rmg-pu6269-77e63f
HMS Royal Arthur
A picture of HMS Royal Arthur, a ship where Tom Crean joined for a while. Downloaded from https://picryl.com/media/hms-royal-arthur-in-drydock-sydney-bf6a48
Image: Map showing the extent of Tom Crean’s travels before his first expedition to Antarctica
Rejoining HMS Wild Swan after a three-month term aboard the flagship, Tom Crean’s career as a young seaman continued during a 3½ year period of service on the Pacific Station whilst based in Esquimalt, Canada. From here HMS Wild Swan would attempt to safeguard the interests of the Crown in an area across the Pacific and its west coast that covered 133 degrees of latitude from the Arctic down to the Antarctic circles. It’s strange to picture Crean, noted for his heroic deeds on the ice, serving his apprenticeship in locations that are today considered tropical havens, yet places such as Acapulco, San Diego and Hawaii, were all regions in hotter climes where Tom Crean would leave his footprints.
In 1895 Wild Swan would spend Christmas and New Year in Honolulu before heading out to Tahiti. As idyllic as his travels sound, this was an era when revolutions and uprisings were commonplace across the Pacific and Crean’s pre-Antarctic career was more a trial by fire than a leisurely tour of the tropics.
Tom Crean while assigned to HMS
Image; Tom Crean while assigned to HMS Ringarooma.
In the year 1900, Crean would travel thousands of miles once again, assigned to the Australian Station, where more of the same challenges lay in wait. An outbreak of the plague in Sydney saw Tom Crean and the crew of HMS Ringarooma, the ship he was now ledgered to, spend time in quarantine shortly before embarking on a journey to the islands situated off Australia’s east coast.
There, troubles were rife with warring tribal chiefs and the continuing battle with the French, at a time when empire-making and territorial disputes were still high on the agenda. Crean’s dismay after his return from the three-month tour from hell, was reflected by the second demotion on his service record. Demotions were applied for the slightest of misdemeanours such as smoking a pipe outside of designated times or for returning late from shore leave. We are left to wonder the reason for Crean’s downgrade and it is possible that he considered ‘doing a runner,’ following in the footsteps of a number of his shipmates who had fled Ringarooma after a tour that had clearly taken its toll on all of the crew
Old Irish folk music and songs : a collection of 842 Irish airs and songs hitherto unpublished
AuthorsP W Joyce (Patrick Weston), 1827-1914,(Editor)Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.
Musical Score1965
New York : Cooper Square Publishers, 1965.
The pretty girls of Abbeyfeale
Fields and daisies ; Knockfierna ; The Kerry jig ; Ye natives of this nation ; My darling is on his way home ; The crows are coming home ; Lament for Donoch an bhaile-aodha (Donogh of Ballea) ; Billy from Bruff ; O, tabhair dham do lámh = O, give me your hand ; Ardlamon (in Limerick) ; Dwyer's hornpipe ;
Today on the show, David shares the significance of stone lifting around the world and specifically in Irish culture, the practicalities of lifting a 400-pound stone off the ground, and what stone lifting has taught him about being a man.
October 31, 2023Written by Kay Caball
Bridget (Biddy) Ryan who gave her address on arrival in Sydney as ‘Bruff’ is one of the intriguing stories of the Earl Grey Orphans and one we have not solved entirely.
When Bridget was originally ‘selected’ by Lieutenant Henry in Listowel Workhouse, her address on the Board of Guardian Minutes on 11 September 1849 was ‘Listowel’. However, when she arrived in Sydney on the Thomas Arbuthnot on 3 February 185o, she declared her Native Place as Bruff, Limerick, age as 16, her parents as Anthony and Johanna, and that her father (a Soldier) was living in Sydney. She was able to read and write. It was noted under ‘State of Health, strength and probable usefulness: Poor’.
KENNELLY: Losing his Swans coaching role during the Covid disruptions brought on a period of depression.
The support he got from friend David Eccles, prompted the pair to form a men’s wellbeing group, When No One’s Watching – WNOW. ‘We wanted to create a safe and supportive space for men to connect and explore what it means to be better men in our communities,’ Kennelly said.
Lakelands is the feature debut for writers and directors Robert Higgins and Patrick McGivney, picking up the Best Film Award at the 2022 Galway Film Fleadh and Kerry International Film Festival.
Kennelly coaching in July 2018. Image: Wiki Commons.
Pope Francis’ prayer intention of the month of November is for himself — the pope.
“Pray to the Lord that he will bless me,” Pope Francis said in a video released Oct. 31. “Your prayer gives me strength and helps me to discern and to accompany the Church, listening to the Holy Spirit.”
“The fact that someone is pope doesn’t mean they lose their humanity,” he added. “On the contrary, my humanity grows each day with God’s holy and faithful people.”
ARTS: Aoife is a flute/fiddle player and singer from Dingle who holds a PhD in Folklore/Ethnomusicology (Dingle Wren & European Carnival Cultures).. She lectures in Folklore/Béaloideas at the
Folklore Department, UCC and is currently working on her third solo album. A regular contributor to radio and television, Aoife works and publishes in both Irish and English and was appointed
to the Board of the Arts Council of Ireland by Minister Martin in February 2022.
LONDON: But then, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was a great clean-up. For more than a decade, scaffolding surrounded landmarks like St Paul’s Cathedral, as power washers hosed the grime down into the sewers and out of sight. These days the city is russet and pale grey, silver-mirrored and blue green – the colours of brick, limestone and glass. The pollution is now polychrome: the primary residue adhering to buildings is not the black of carbon soot, but a warmer browny-yellow colour from the organic hydrocarbons in petrol and diesel fuel. As sulphate emissions from traffic fall, buildings may yet turn green as mosses and lichens grow back.
A Platinum Anniversary: Seventy Years of teaching Irish Dance in Australia
Sep 10, 2023 09:35 am
Jeanette Mollenhauer In 2020, I wrote an article about two Irish dance teachers who had been awarded the Order of Australia medal (https://tintean.org.au/2020/03/07/honours-for-australian-irish-dance-teachers/). One of those teachers is Geraldine Ryan, and this year marks the 70th anniversary of her formal qualification as an Irish dance teacher. She had already been teaching Irish dance; she began classes
The Marian Novena
Join us in a novena to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Begin today to end on September 7, the vigil of the feast of the Nativity of Mary.
The Church celebrates only three nativities in the liturgical calendar: the birth of Jesus, St. John the Baptist, and our Lady.
As Mother of the Church, Mary tirelessly intercedes on behalf of all her children. Through her powerful intercession, may our Mother wrap us in her mantle and guide us ever closer to her beloved Son.
"O God, who through the fruitful virginity of Blessed Mary bestowed on the human race the grace of eternal salvation, grant, we pray, that we may experience the intercession of her..."
Alice Cashin’s grandparents, Joseph and Ellen, were from Thurles, Tipperary in Ireland. They had arrived in Sydney from Limerick in 1838 on the ‘Strathfieldsaye’ with their two daughters. Joseph, Ellen and 256 other Irish immigrants had arrived as ‘bounty (sponsored) Immigrants’ to alleviate the labour shortage in the colony. Joseph was a carpenter and had been sponsored by the Colonial Government. Joseph and Ellen settled in Sydney and were to have a further 7 children, one of whom, Richard, was the father of Alice.
Alice was born in Melbourne in 1870 to Catherine (nee Mehan), Richard’s second wife. Catherine died just one year later, so Richard, with Alice and Joseph, the son of his first marriage, moved back to be close to family in Sydney.
REUNION recently in Benner’s Hotel of Presentation Convent Leaving Cert class of 1973, it was 30 years since their last reunion.
The girls, mostly from farming and fishing families, took their Leaving Cert seriously because it offered a path to a career and independence. About a quarter of them became nurses, a similar number went into teaching, there was a small mix of other options, and for all but four of the girls having a career meant leaving West Kerry.
There were only three ‘townies’ in the class - Elizabeth Graham and Kathleen Lovett from Station Row, both of whom became nurses and now live in Tipperary and Galway respectively, and Angela Graham from Avondale whose working life as a teacher brought her to Skerries. All three were from fishing families at a time when Dingle was still a fishing village, there were very few tourists, Greaney’s was the town’s only restaurant and the highlights of their year were the Races, the Wren and the Regatta – in that order.
They said the career options available to them when they did the Leaving Cert were pretty much confined to nursing, teaching, the civil service, the bank, and secretarial work, but they didn’t see the limitations at the time. “We just got on with it and we were glad to have the opportunities.”
Mary Walsh from Coimín was among five from the class who did nurse training in Lewisham Hospital, London, after successfully completing a recruitment interview, conducted in Benner’s Hotel by Lewisham’s Nurse Tutor Mary McKenna from West Kerry. Mary recalled arriving in Heathrow in January 1974, where a taxi driver “couldn’t understand a word I was saying and I finished up somewhere on the wrong side of London”. In Lewisham Hospital there were 42 trainee nurses of whom 34 were Irish.
“Our pay as trainee nurses was £35 per month, and our accommodation was provided. We were delighted to be nursing. We enjoyed the work and we had our own money, we didn’t have to be depending on anybody,” Mary said.
Another of the nurses from the class of 73 was Joanne Johnson, who travelled to the reunion from Kent where she has lived and worked for the past 40 years. Like Mary Walsh, she too had language problems, but in Joanne’s case this happened after her family moved back home to Baile an Chnocáin from America where she was born.
East End Doss House
Now an English-language pejorative term, a "doss house" had a literal definition - a cheap lodging house for homeless people
It was the cheapest form of accommodation where all that was provided was a communal bench with a straw mattress or "doss/dossel" in front of it.
People would sleep sitting in the bench whilst their arms would be slumped over the doss to avoid falling over.
The term ’doss house’ dates from Elizabethan times
Remembering Farrell’s Jimmy Houlihan- May 10, 2023
By Ken Nolan
We always drank beer from stemmed glasses in Farrell’s Bar and Grill. We were college kids, hair creeping down our necks, and we would meet in the crowded, gleaming bar in Brooklyn’s Windsor Terrace to plan the evening or our lives.
Like our parents, we were from there — Holy Name Parish and attended local schools like Brooklyn College, St. John’s, and St. Francis, ones that we could afford.
We were miserable, of course, living at home with our parents and their infuriating questions and reminders: Where are you going? What time will you be home? Don’t forget to go to Mass tomorrow.
Farrell’s was our refuge, our frat house, and it was there, more than 50 years ago, I met Jimmy Houlihan, who served us cold, 15-cent Buds. Hooley was a decade or so older than me and, like most of the working-class Irish, looked askance at our long hair, ratty jeans, and anti-war buttons.
Yet every Friday, Saturday, and more, we stood at the rail with construction workers, cops, firemen, and those that still spoke with brogues. And if our politics enraged, and debate became invective, Hooley would simply say: “They’re OK,” and all would be calm.
Farrell’s was never just a place to have a beer. Along with the Church, it was the center of our world. There, connections were made, jobs were found, money raised for the nuns, or, quietly, for those without work, or a widow with kids.
Owner Eddie Farrell, in shirt and tie, made the bar unlike the other saloons that were on every corner — one with class, humility, and generosity. But it was more than a place to have a few. It was, I later realized, a family — one of kindness, respect, and even though Hooley with his gruff exterior would never admit it, love.
After Farrell died suddenly and too soon in 1995, I represented the bartenders — Hooley, Danny Mills, and Timmy Horan — as their lawyer, in the purchase of the business and building.
“I want to run it just like Farrell did,” Hooley told me, and he did that and much more. The other bartenders were wonderful characters, but Hooley was the mayor.
He ran the softball and football teams, organized trips to Giants games, the Preakness, and Cape Cod, and he ordered T-shirts and hats. Hooley was the one who listened to problems and found solutions, while pouring the coldest beer in Brooklyn — at his own leisurely pace.
When the classrooms in Holy Name Parish school needed painting, Hooley passed the word. Dozens answered, and in a weekend, the 30 or so classrooms, with their 20-foot ceilings, looked new.
He organized fundraisers, like the Eddie Farrell Golf Outing, to support Holy Name School and Bishop Ford High School, so that many could afford tuition. Change happened despite our opposition.
Over the years, our working-class neighborhood gradually and then suddenly gentrified. Holy Name Church and school were no longer packed. The schoolyard where we’d spent every free moment — a utopia teeming with kids playing basketball, stickball, punchball — was now a cold, concrete slab.
Yet, even as the neighborhood and the world changed, Hooley, in his apron with his direct manner, made sure Farrell’s didn’t, at least not too much. Time and too many years on his feet slowed Hooley. His commute to his home in Suffolk County began to wear. He never complained about aging, or his personal grief, losing his beloved Maureen to cancer, and then his lovely second wife, Eileen, to that same disease.
I’m going to hang it up, he told me, but I’ll go out with a party. The T-shirts read: “Hooley’s Last Call, April 18, 1965 to November 16, 2019,” and the bar was jammed with all those who adored this honest and considerate man. A typical Irish wake.
We spoke every few weeks or so, and then he had to move in with his son, Jimmy. He didn’t get around so well, he said. And soon there was mention of a walker, a wheelchair, rehab. Finally, I called and he didn’t pick up, an ominous sign. On Sept. 17, 2022, Jimmy died peacefully, amid family. He was 83.
Jimmy Houlihan, in his unassuming, kind way, maintained for decades the wonderful ideal of caring for and helping not only each other, but also the neighborhood.
Jimmy did it without conceit or acclaim, but because it was right and good and, as a humble bartender in a corner bar, he knew nothing else. I hope I am wrong when I state that Hooley’s final Last Call marks the disappearance of working-class neighborhoods, a way of life, never to be repeated in my beloved Brooklyn. I hope others emulate his gentle, generous life; a life of a neighborhood guy who done good.
Ken Nolan is a parishioner of St. Anselm’s, Bay Ridge. He was raised in Holy Name Parish, Windsor Terrace. This story originally ran in the blog Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood.
Irish Abroad
Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, a Sister of Saint Joseph of Brentwood, has spent the last 26 years as the founding Executive Director of Hour Children, a nonprofit program based in Queens, NY, that provides comprehensive support within the prison walls and in the community - including prison visitation, supportive housing, job training and placement, mentoring, mental health support, and child care - to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children. Believing, wholeheartedly, in a person’s potential to change and acknowledging every child’s right to a stable and secure family, Sister Tesa lives among and stands beside the families that she serves helping them to achieve their potential.
Noah divided the world amongst his three sons, begotten of his wife Titea: viz., to Shem he gave Asia, within the Euphrates, to the Indian Ocean; to Ham he gave Syria, Arabia, and Africa; and to Japhet, the rest of Asia beyond the Euphrates, together with Europe to Gadea (or Cadiz).
full text of the metrical dindsenchas www.archive .org/metricaldindsenchas 1903 royal irish academy downloaded pdf
1434bc annals of the kingdom of ireland four masters invasion of ireland shortly after the exodus scotia daughter of pharaoh of egypt sailed from the delta travelled to spain by ship she settled in the county of kerry she married milesius and gave him eight sons king milesius –golamh milesius in ireland to conquer ancient tribes and to take kingdom from tuatha de dannanns maccuill macceacht macgreine fought a long bloody battle about three miles from tralee dannaans princes died scota the warrior queen killed
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Michael Bartholomew Kennelly - The Canadian Virtual War Memorial - Veterans Affairs Canada
Veterans Affairs Canada
www.veterans.gc.ca > Michael Bartholomew Kennelly
Nov 5, 2022 - Canadian Virtual War Memorial Michael Bartholomew Kennelly In memory of: Private Michael Bartholomew Kennelly November 8, 1917 Military Service Service Number: 193093 Age: 28 Force: Army Unit: Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regiment) Division: 1st Coy. 15th Bn. Additional Information Son of Martin and Ellen Kennelly, of 420, Catherine St. North
Page from book: - Books of Remembrance - Memorials - Remembrance - Veterans Affairs Canada
Veterans Affairs Canada
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May 5, 2022 - to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial. Sgt Smith, Cecil Trice 73rd Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 28th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 58th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 46th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles Henry 5th Bn 1917 S.Sgt Smith, Charles Kennelly , M.M. 1st Bde.C.F.A 1917 Pte Smith, Colin 8th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Daniel Thomas 5th
ARCHIVED - Conference on Timely Access to Health Care: List of Participants
Health Canada
www.canada.ca > ARCHIVED - Conference on Timely Access to Health Care
Oct 1, 2004 - Dr. Jo Kennelly Health Canada Ms. Kori Kingsbury Provincial Health Services Authority Dr. David Kogon Southeast Regional Health Authority Mr. Normand Laberge Canadian Association of Radiologists Mme Fleur-Ange Lefebvre Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada Dr Antoine Loutfi Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec Dr
Backgrounder: Residents in Eastern Ontario to benefit from a safer drive with local road improvements
Infrastructure Canada
www.canada.ca > Infrastructure Canada
Aug 22, 2019 - of guardrails and signage, and repaving. $779,745 $519,778 $311,390 Reconstruction of Kennelly Road in Admaston Bromley Township of Admaston/Bromley ICIP-RNIS The project will reconstruct approximately three kilometres of Kennelly Road. Work will include road widening and realignment, culvert replacements and repaving. $673,578 $374,172 $193,833 Paugh Lake Road
Page from book: - Books of Remembrance - Memorials - Remembrance - Veterans Affairs Canada
Veterans Affairs Canada
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May 5, 2022 - to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial. Sgt Smith, Cecil Trice 73rd Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 28th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 58th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 46th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles Henry 5th Bn 1917 S.Sgt Smith, Charles Kennelly , M.M. 1st Bde.C.F.A 1917 Pte Smith, Colin 8th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Daniel Thomas 5th
ARCHIVED - Transcript | CRTC
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
crtc.gc.ca > Public Hearings
Charles Kennelly Smith - The Canadian Virtual War Memorial - Veterans Affairs Canada
Veterans Affairs Canada
www.veterans.gc.ca > Charles Kennelly Smith
Nov 5, 2022 - Canadian Virtual War Memorial Charles Kennelly Smith In memory of: Sergeant Charles Kennelly Smith August 22, 1917 Military Service Service Number: 40080 Age: 27 Force: Army Unit: Canadian Infantry (Central Ontario Regiment) Division: 78th Battalion Citation(s): Military Medal, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal Honours and Awards: Military Medal
Page from book: - Books of Remembrance - Memorials - Remembrance - Veterans Affairs Canada
Veterans Affairs Canada
www.veterans.gc.ca > Page from book
May 5, 2022 - to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial. Sgt Smith, Cecil Trice 73rd Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 28th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 58th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles 46th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Charles Henry 5th Bn 1917 S.Sgt Smith, Charles Kennelly , M.M. 1st Bde.C.F.A 1917 Pte Smith, Colin 8th Bn 1917 Pte Smith, Daniel Thomas 5th
Peter Clarke was indeed a blacksmith of Limerick. His father, Joseph, left Limerick and his business at Brunswick Lane and settled in New York in 1869. He worked on the construction of Brooklyn Bridge but it wasn’t long before the Clarke Family had its own business – Joseph Clarke Railings. The company made and installed wrought-iron fences, gates and indoor decorative ironwork. Some of that work is still standing today.
This man I met the other day told me that the New York Clarkes – the Blacksmiths from Limerick – made the huge entrance gate of Third Calvary Cemetery in Queens and the extensive iron fence surrounding the Merchant Marine Academy on Kings Point, Long Island, still holding up well today.
Subject: 1974-10-26 Irish People - Irish People, The - Collections Hosted by the Indiana State Library
MAURICE LANGAN (1) Kilcolman & Glin Parish. Co. Limerick.
(My greatgreatgrandfather)
Following some painstaking and tedious research by Nora Gahuri Langan it looks as if we have finally unearthed our true ancestrial line. Maurice Langan, Nora’s greatgrandfather and my greatgreatgrandfather, was indeed the son of Tom Langan & Bridget McElligott, Knockanure. Maurice was born on February 27th 1818 at Chapel Cross, Knockanure, one of his sponsors being a Catherine Kelly. As previously stated, (See Tom Langan, Knockanure) Maurice had a sister Ellen Langan, b. September 12th 1831 at Chapel Cross, Knockanure, her sponsors being Daniel Griffin & Bridget Dillane. (Ellen married John Ahern as stated heretofore.) Maurice had another sister, Bridget Langan, b. April 6th 1834 at Chapel Cross, Knockanure, her sponsors being – Edmund Stack & Margaret Stack. He had yet another sister Kate Langan, b. circa 1836 and died circa 1896. (No further details on Kate) He had a brother Patrick Langan, b. September 2nd 1840, Chapel Cross, Knockanure, his sponsors being – William Stack & Johanna Kane. There must have been other family members as there is a gap of 13yrs between the birth of Maurice in 1818 and the birth of his sister Ellen in 1831
5 Pieces of Advice for Spending the Semester Abroad in Ireland
Aug 6, 2015
adviceDublinstudy abroadtravel
end of dublin 021
end of dublin 030
end of dublin 028
end of dublin 031
In honor of my one-year return from Dublin (gulp) and my near-constant reminiscing, I thought I would put together a few pieces of advice for anyone thinking about visiting or studying abroad in Ireland. I know I’ve talked to a few people who are headed that way this summer (lucky ducks!), but I’m sure this will be helpful for anyone in the near future.
If you are there for the entire semester, OPEN AN IRISH BANK ACCOUNT. This was a (fairly) easy procedure, and one that saved me a whole lotta trouble in the long run. Ultimately, you’ll need a few forms of identification (my student ID and Passport were acceptable) and you will have to fill out an application.
After your application is processed and accepted, you will be able to wire funds from your bank at home directly into your new account. For this step, it was wonderful to have someone on the other side (hi Dad) helping me to take care of this. The bank will give you a registration number and Personal Access Code, and you will be asked for these when you are attempting to wire any amount.
From there, you will have access to your money within a week or so (make sure you have some cash on you during this week!), as well as a brand new, shiny debit card that will allow you to make any and all purchases. Ireland actually runs on a pin and chip system (something that took me awhile to really figure out), but having an Irish debit card will save you the hassle of swiping when you should be sticking (LOL—you’ll see).
I never had any issues with the bank or my card, whereas some of my friends who only had American credit cards certainly did. It was also great to have access to an ATM without extra fees, and if you are lucky enough to study on UCD’s campus like I did, there is an AIB branch (ATM and all) right there! Make sure to close your account about a week before you leave.
Invest in an Irish SIM card! I did this and it made all the difference (while in Ireland at least). When I got off the plane, I was handed a welcome package that included a SIM card from O2, one of Ireland’s most popular mobile networks. All I had to do was pop into an O2 store—I frequented the one in the Dundrum Mall where they were super helpful and friendly—and they were able to exchange my American SIM card for theirs. I paid a monthly fee of about 30 euros, and I was able to access unlimited texts, as well as a set amount of data—which was SO handy whenever I wanted to explore and needed the internet! Similarly, it was beyond easy to pay, as you can connect your bank account to your O2 account, and “top up” each month. You will be assigned a new Irish phone number (a number so long, you will have to write it down), and you will be able to share this number with all of your friends and family back home, as well as any new friends you meet along the way. Some of my friends kept their American SIM cards and were only able to message and use the internet while they were in WiFi, but I would argue that an Irish SIM card is absolutely a worthy investment.
Two words: BUS PASSES. Bus is the primary mode of public transportation in Ireland (wait til you see the huge, double-decker, yellow and blue things), and so investing in a bus pass is a great way to not only save money, but also to save time and frustration. If you do not buy a bus pass, it’s up to you to have the correct change every single time you board the bus, and if you are anything like me, this is bound to get super old, super fast. You can buy a student bus pass at SPAR (like the local CVS), and while you can buy a pass for the entire month for about 100 euro, do not purchase this unless you completely trust yourself. I know I lost mine about three days into my trip and I’m still scarred… Otherwise, buying a weekly bus pass is just as easy and will result in a much smaller monetary (and sanity) loss if you do end up losing it. The trip from UCD’s campus into city center is about a ten minute bus ride, and there a few apps that you can download for the iPhone that will allow you to keep track of the buses’ schedules. Also, the busses do only run until 11:30PM, so make sure to keep that in mind if you are going into the city at night!
When taking a trip to Ireland, converters/adapters will be your new best friend. To be honest, I’m still not entirely sure of the difference between the two, but I know I brought both (and I’m pretty positive they were both used at one point). I bought mine before I left the States (at Target, duh), and it was great, as it actually ended up being a converter/adapter for Ireland, as well as the rest of Europe (which has different plugs), and I was able to charge my phone and my laptop whenever I needed to without blowing anything up (hahaha)!
PSA: I know most people recommend leaving entities such as hair straighteners and blow driers at home and buying some when you arrive in Ireland (for fear of destroying their beauty tools and the outlets), but I do know people who managed to use these tools with their converters/adapters and it was fine. Unfortunately for me, I left my beloved straightener at home and the one I bought did not do my crazy hair justice. It was a frizzy semester for sure!
Do your best to pack lightly. Of course, I’m a hypocrite (aka chronic over-packer) and can never seem to follow my own advice, but if I were to do it again, I would bring half of what I brought the first time around. I hate to say it, but I wore the same few things over and over and over until they were basically raggedy, hole-filled scraps of fabric (don’t worry, I threw it all away). Things such as leggings, basic and neutral t-shirts and a few good pairs of jeans were essential, and I almost never wore fashionable items. ALTHOUGH, tights, dresses and booties were popular (all black of course), and tons of people wore Converse… if you really want to fit in, be sure to pack your middle-school-esque items from Hollister and Abercrombie. As for other items, I was glad I had my go-to make-up supplies (especially since make-up is so expensive in Ireland) and shampoo, but there were plenty of options at the local store. It was also wonderful to have some creature comforts such as my favorite sheep blanket and some photos from home. I managed to fit everything into one 50 pound suitcase, one 25 pound suitcase and a carry-on duffel (thank goodness for Space Saver bags), and it was still too much, but trust me, if I can do it, you can too!
Until next time, when I’ll share a few of my favorite places to see and be seen in Dublin!
Sláinte! (Cheers!) Erin Frawley
Arlington National Cemetery honors the fallen heroes who have served our country in the military. Meet Sandra Griffin, a leader in today’s all-volunteer Arlington Ladies community. The Air Force Arlington Ladies have not missed a single airman's funeral since 1948,
Brief Life History of Francis Moore
When Francis Moore Petty Jr was born in 1753, in Lunenburg, Virginia, British Colonial America, his father, Francis Moore Petty, was 25 and his mother, Mary A Haydon, was 18. He married Eunice in 1782, in Virginia, United States. They were the parents of at least 3 daughters. He lived in Hartford, Ohio, Kentucky, United States in 1830 and Ohio, Kentucky, United States in 1840. He registered for military service in 1812. He died on 18 September 1849, in Narrows, Ohio, Kentucky, United States, at the age of 96, and was buried in Narrows, Ohio, Kentucky, United States.
Name Meaning
English: variant of Petit . The name is also found in Ireland, the main branch there having been established in County Kerry in the 17th century by Sir William Petty.
Event by Kilrush and District Historical Society and Paddy Waldron
Teach Ceoil Kilrush
Public · Anyone on or off Facebook
We are delighted to announce that our first lecture, post the lifting of restrictions on 22 October, will be delivered by Damian Shiels, historian and archaeologist, on the topic of Federal pensions which the widows and dependent parents of those who lost their lives in the American Civil War were entitled to receive.
In the region of 250,000 Irish Americans served in the Union military during the American Civil War, some 180,000 of them Irish-born. Though its impact on Irish people is largely forgotten in Ireland today, the conflict almost certainly saw more men from Clare fight and die than any other conflict in modern history, including the First World War.
Those files, held in Washington D.C.’s National Archives, constitute the largest repository of detailed social information on ordinary nineteenth-century Irish people that exists anywhere in the world (including Ireland). Among the pieces of evidence that applicants sometimes included in their applications were original letters written by Irish soldiers and sailors during the conflict. The lecture will explore some of the letters and stories of West Clare men and their families, in both Ireland and the United States.
Dr. Damian Shiels is a historian and archaeologist. He recently undertook a Ph.D. at Northumbria University analysing the correspondence of Irish families in the conflict. A former curator at the National Museum of Ireland, he has lectured and published widely both nationally and internationally on both Irish conflict archaeology and history. He has operated the www.irishamericancivilwar.com educational website since 2010, one of Ireland’s longest-running history blogs. Among his books are The Irish in the American Civil War (The History Press, 2013) and The Forgotten Irish: Irish Emigrant Experiences in America (The History Press, 2016).
Kerry Search
Poem from an exile
Missing You
The lights of Dublin
seem so far away,
Glowing dimmer day by
I left home to see far
off lands,
islands and golden sands.
Eight years now since
my departure,
And the lights of
Dublin seem even further.
We travel this country
following the boom,
away from Ireland’s gloom.
“No work today'” Christy
As the youth of Ireland
lay in their beds.
The pubs are empty, the
shops are shut,
People are broke and
stuck in a rut.
Those people in the
banks and in the Dáil,
you raped the country
and watched it fall.
Driven by money,
corruption and greed,
You took the life from
the country and watched it bleed.
There’s nothing left,
there’s nothing there,
only drugs and suicide,
gloom and despair.
The lights of Dublin
seem so far away
Getting further day by
As the sun burns my
skin and the sweat stings my eyes,
Covered in dust and
tormented with flies,
I think of my family a
life time away,
one day I’ll return to stay.
This poignant poem was penned by a young Irish emigrant in Australia on the Irish in Australia website.
An American Wake in Na Gorta Dubha
September 30, 2021Written by Kay Caball
Muiris Bric, a native of Na Gorta Dubha, Ballyferriter, is now a long-term resident of New Rochelle, New York. Maurice has a great memory for the significant events of his childhood at home in the Dingle Peninsula as in this memory of An American Wake. Muiris says ‘This is the story of Múraí, real name Séamus Martin and his immigration to Chicago back around 1950’:
I was about six [years old] and I liked to hang around the cowshed when Mam and Dad were milking. I liked the rhythm of the pings when the spray of the milk would hit the bottom of an empty bucket. I told Dad one time & he raised his eyes skyward for some reason.
One evening I heard Mam saying, “Fuair Múraí na páipéir inniu.” (Moorie got the papers today) and then she said, “Beidh sé ag imeacht go B’leá Cliath saras fada.” (He’ll be going to Dublin shortly.) I didn’t understand any of it. I thought he had picked up The Kerryman newspaper but why would he have to go to Dublin then? Mam explained it, he got papers from America certifying that whoever sent them would sponsor him to go there and he would have to go to Dublin for a medical and other certifications. Múraí was going to America.
He was called Múraí due to his strapping height, a fine-looking man. His name was Séamus Martin. I remember him on a donkey coming down the middle road of Gorta Dubha and a few of us had a great laugh because his feet were scraping the ground as he went.
He left for Dublin and about a month later he was due to go [to the U.S.]. Since he was a next-door neighbour, I was there on the night before he left. I was there mostly for a chance of a slice of currant cake with jam and maybe a cup of lemonade. There was an air of celebration about but it wasn’t [a celebration]. That evening all the village visited to say goodbye. I noticed some bottles of porter in a bag and any man who came in was offered one and he drank to the health of Múraí. The women had tea and sweet cake with butter and jam and some biscuits as well. They all sat around talking and reminiscing and Múraí would nod his head from time to time but he didn’t say much.
Irish Fireside. Maggie Blanck
I noticed his mother up by the fire very deliberately smoking her pipe and just barely acknowledging anyone who spoke to her. Múraí’s sisters Úna and Mág were packing his suitcases with great care, I could see. An elderly lady arrived about nine o’clock, after walking from Tír Amháin and asked if Múraí would bring a pair of socks she had knitted to her son, Margain in Chicago because he was working on the Railway and it got very cold in the winter there. Úna said there wasn’t any room left in the suitcase but her mother turned from the fire and told her to find room because she was a relative.
Paddy Fitz said to Múraí, “Beadsa ag fágaint leis. Tabharfad fé Chicago.” (I’ll be leaving too. I’ll give it to Chicago.) There wasn’t much merriment for such a gathering. At times it seemed like a wake and his mother just sat by the fire reddening her pipe now and then but far from her usual welcoming self.
I was up early next morning as I knew a car was coming for Múraí and I loved the sight of a car. Tommy the Taylor was the driver and sometimes he’d let Pat Sé, my best friend, and me sit in for a few minutes and that was heaven. Múraí’s brother, Steevin brought out the suitcases and loaded them in. My Dad and some men gathered by the car to say goodbye and he shook hands with them all. Then he turned up the steps where his mother was standing and went to shake her hand but she turned in towards the door and I saw her body tremble and she went in.
Irish Emigrants 1950s
The car sped off and didn’t the dog speed after it back the road barking and nipping at the rear bumper. The dog returned after an hour or so and sulked for the rest of the day in a corner of the barnyard. No, Múraí never returned but in about six months he sent his mother a beautiful pair of boots lined in fur and for years she showed them in the box to whoever came to the house.
South Wales Daily News. 8th January 1878
DR. KENEALY SUMMONED BY REPORTERS. At Hanley, yesterday, Dr Kenealy and his three sons were summoned for non-payment of wages due to Messrs Payne and Ridgway reporters on the Staffordshire News, at Hanley. Dr Kenealy denied that he was the proprietor, and said that his son Maurice, was name was in the imprint, was a mere boy, who did not appear. The bench ordered payment of the respective amounts £3, 18s-6d and£2 18s 6d, with costs.
LECTURE: Presented by Dr. Christopher Ridgway, Curator Castle Howard
NEHGS, 99-101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA
Dr. Christopher Ridgway, curator at Castle Howard, will be speaking about the stately English country house in North Yorkshire whose construction began in 1699, and has, for more than 300 years, been the private residence of the descendants of Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk. Castle Howard is one of Britain’s finest historic houses and gardens, and it has appeared in many television programs and films including Brideshead Revisited.
Among the treasures of Castle Howard that Dr. Ridgway will speak about is the Morpeth Roll, a unique document, more than 1,370 feet long, comprised of 652 pieces of paper containing the signatures of over 160,000 people across Ireland in 1841. It was a parting gift for George Howard, Viscount Morpeth, when he left his post as Chief Secretary for Ireland. The Morpeth Roll is a genealogical gem that contains information that predates the Great Famine and substitutes for Irish censuses lost to the civil war.
Niall Williams has written one brilliant novel after another, each Irish without any kind of sentimentality or bravura. We learn here that his New York-born wife is also a writer and that this is in fact the fourth book they have written together. The hero in the book is the earth, not the planet but its lowercase version, and how it responds to affection and care. ‘That every year the dreamt garden will be better, can be improved just a bit, seems to me a good small hopeful thing to think of, these days especially. (My mind being the way it is, it is only a short step for me to think the plants, in first waking underground, are thinking the same: this year the gardener will be better.)’
The time period suggested in ‘these days’ is the calendar year of 2019 with a special chapter added to take into account the pandemic of the year that followed and how it affected even an isolated little parish in County Clare. The sections of the text written by Christine almost all deal with the plants and the cycle of life in the 34 years the couple have lived in Kiltumper.
The complexity of relationships in this country town is rendered perfectly in this excerpt where Flo sets off to Cattleford’s Lawyers of Belgrave Street, not in the nice little car that made other women admire Burley for his generosity. Even as she sets off like an avenging angel with righteous indignation in her sails, she can’t withhold her snobbery or sectarianism:
She was ready at last and fastened her hat, for it was autumn and blowy, and took off to cross the bridge. Let them see her walking like one of Barsby’s shopgirls.
All was sadness that had been light. This side of the river, the broad concourse of Rudder Street where goods were unloaded from coastal steamers, though not as many since the railway came just before her marriage. Now they had put the new war memorial there. The ghosts of young men were more numerous than passers-by. Below, on the river-bank, settlers had planted weeping willows from England to lean forward to dangle branches so appealingly in the green fast water. The big river was muscular, as she thought of it, deep with sinews of current. When it flooded, it ran like a mad bailiff through the centre of town between West and Central, reclaiming flimsy structures and invading polite ones to dump its mud. People over there in Central and West put their houses on stilts and built them on higher ground, but no householder considered himself immune if the river, instead of enclosing the town in a beautiful bow, decided to break levees and run straight.
And, though she lived in East, high and safe above the torrent, now the flood has risen in her and was violating all the rooms.
The Harp of Erin store was on her left, yokels lounging on its veranda. She did not use The Harp, since they were Irish. Burley said it well: ‘We only run up bills with other Protestants.’ (p.123)
Vengeance is the dark heart of this novel. Among the human failings which are characteristic of Keneally’s fiction, there is kindness, and good humour, generosity and courage. But the cold and vicious hatred of the avengers is shocking…
Author: Tom Keneally
Title: Corporal Hitler’s Pistol
Cover design by James Rendall
Publisher: Vintage (Penguin Random House), 2021
ISBN: 9781760893224, pbk., 334 pages
Australian Book and Author Anniversaries 2022
Jan 4, 2022
Death of Castleisland Nurse Jean Browne in India 50 Years Ago Today
Posted on January 18th, 2022 from Maine Valley Post.
Friends and colleagues in the Irish Concern Team created this memorial card for Jean Helena Browne – a cherished team member who made a lasting impression in spite of the short time allowed to her and her work in the refugee camp in India.
It’s 50 years ago today that the tragic news of the sudden death of a 24 year old Castleisland nurse in India reached home to her family, friends and the wider community.
Jean Browne was looking forward to spending Christmas 1971 in Castleisland with her family but a call from a refugee camp near Calcutta changed her plans and she responded to that call and to her calling. She was less than a month there when she was taken suddenly ill and she died.
Kind Older Sister
After a family ceremony in Castleisland at the weekend, led by Fr. Mossie Brick, Jean’s sister Clare remembered her as the generous, kind older sister who was full of fun with a most caring nature.
She remembers a telegram arriving and then Bishop Eamon Casey and lots of people crowding the house at 96 Main Street as the awful news of Jean’s death was brought home to them.
“We didn’t know what hit us, I remember not being able to take it all in for a long time,” said Clare.
Bad News Came Home
“We were just getting used to the fact that she was gone before Christmas and, like everyone else, we didn’t even know she was taken sick over there.
Then, all this news came home to us together – I don’t think my mother ever got over it,” said Clare.
Jean’s move to India had been followed by The Kerryman chief reporter and later editor, Seamus McConville at the time. Her story and her sudden passing was covered in a front page article in the paper on January 22nd 1972.
The following is the headline and the contents of the late Mr. McConville’s report as they hit the page at the time:
Death of a Young Woman’s Dream
“Jean Browne left her home in Castleisland for India just four weeks ago to do, as she said herself, something really worthwhile in life.
She took up duty in a make-shift hospital at a camp of 250,000 Pakistani refugees outside Calcutta three days after Christmas.
Early on Tuesday morning the 24 year old nurse, who had turned her back on a life of fun and sun on board a holiday cruiser to help the starving and sick victims of the Pakistan war collapsed and died.
A letter which reached me only twelve hours before she died of a haemorrhage, described her work in the refugee camp as “a wonderful if disturbing experience.”
Jean said in the many and informative letters she sent to her mother, Mrs. Joan Browne, to her brothers, and sisters, and her many relations and friends that she felt “privileged” to work among the Hindu people. She spoke of the great lesson of humility which this meant for her but she was “very happy and glad” that she had gone to India.
The only note of regret that was contained in any of her letters home was that somebody had snatched her vanity case in London on the first stage of her plane-hopping journey to Calcutta.
Jean, full of the vitality and good humour that were hallmarks of her personality, arrived in Calcutta on Christmas Eve, after volunteering to give up the pleasure of spending the festive season with her family at home.
She told me on the eve of her departure: “I had not expected to be going until after Christmas. But then Fr. O’Kennedy of African Concern called and asked me if I’d go straight away. There was just a moment of indecision as I thought of Christmas at home with the family. But then I thought of the need for nursing and medical help in India and my mind was made up.
“I have had a good life. I have travelled the world. For the first time I have the opportunity to do something worthwhile. That’s why I’m going.”
Jean was still wearing the deep tan that she acquired during a six week holiday in Greece. Prior to that she had spent twelve months or more cruising around the world, helping rich passengers to soothe their sunburn or ease their simple aches and pains.
Life at Salt Lake Refugee Camp ten miles outside Calcutta, was a different proposition. There were 250,000 refugees there. Jean worked fifteen hours a day in the bamboo and plastic building which was their hospital. Her letter to me this week said that conditions should be seen to be believed.
It added: “ The children suffer mostly from malnutrition and generally they are a very pathetic sight. No child has more than one garment and it’s really cold at night. The old feel the cold so much and the minority are lucky to have sandals.
“ At the moment we are without light or running water. Today a sackful of children’s clothes was bought with donations from Ireland. There are young couples with children in the hospital. They queue up in the morning for a spoonful of glucose, which means so much to them.
“There are a quarter of a million people in the camp and only for the help of the Indian Government and organisations like Caritas these people would have starved of frozen to death.
These words were the last written by Jean Browne. They clearly indicate that what she had undertaken by volunteering for service among the refugees was making good her ambition – to do something really worthwhile.
Those who mourn her death are her mother, her sister Clare, and five brothers, Junior, Billy, John, Ted who is doing hotel management in Germany, and Declan.
Jean was educated at Castleisland Presentation and at Holy Faith Convent, Greystones. She trained for a nursing career at St. John and Elizabeth Hospital, in London.
Immediately after qualifying she took on a job as housekeeper to a community of monks in the St. Bernard Pass in Switzerland. Then she began her world travels as a nursing sister with the Greek Chandris Lines.
Her body is to be flown back to Ireland for burial in Castleisland.
The remains will leave Shannon at 3.30pm today (Friday) and will arrive in Castleisland at approximately 6pm.
The funeral will be held on Saturday after 12 noon Mass to the new cemetery, Castleisland.”
Castleisland Notes 29-1-1972
In the Castleisland notes in The Kerryman on the following week of 29-1-1972, Willie Lyons wrote of the ‘incredible news’ of the death of Ms. Browne thus:
“Just a few days before Christmas Nurse Jean Browne,, in true missionary spirit left home, family and friends to labour among the destitutes of Pakistan.
A few letters home and to friends described the horror of prevailing conditions there and the privilege of being one of the too few medical and religious missionaries serving there.
On Tuesday morning of last week the incredible news of her death after a very short illness came as a terrible shock to her family and the entire community.
Her remains were flown into Shannon on Friday and were accompanied to the parish church by a huge cortege. His Lordship Bishop Eamonn Casey officiated at the obsequies and the con-celebrated Mass at noon on Saturday after which the funeral of very large dimensions took place to the new cemetery. Rev Fr. Kennedy of Africa Concern and two companion nurses travelled the long journey with the remains.
To her mother, sister and brothers, the sympathy of the community is extended.”
You can contact The Maine Valley Post Castleisland County Kerry on…
Celine Kennelly was part of a discussion panel during the week for the launch of the latest Irish Diaspora Strategy along with Minister Brophy and Irish Ambassador Mulhall.
Celine is Executive Director of the Irish Immigration Pastoral Center in San Francisco as well as President of the Irish Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers - a long way from Leitrim Middle!
"He told me all the men had their pipes in their mouths and that they stuck a pipe in the mouth of their dog - Speed was his name - for the craic and would you believe it, you can see the dog with the pipe in his mouth in the film.
"It’s lovely to see that the story I heard as a boy from my grandfather was true."
Advocate (Melbourne, Vic. : 1868 - 1954)Sat 4 Sep 1909 Page 43
Again the Daughters of the Cross have to record the loss of one of their Sisters, who died at Anand on Sunday, 18th July, after an illness of only a few hours. Sister Agnes Mary was born in Kerry, Ireland, in April, 1865, and joined the congregation at Liege in October, 1884.Two years later she arrived in India, and since that time worked with the greatest earnestness in the convents at Karachi, Igatpuri, Bandra, Panchgani, Dadar, and finally at Anand, of which house she was made Superioress in December, 1908. In the first week of July, cholera broke out in that locality, and some of the orphan children confided to the care of the Sisters; contracted the disease. A few cases proved fatal. However, on Sunday last it was hoped that the epidemic had ceased, an intimation to that effect
having been written by the Superioress herself, little thinking that she would be the next chosen victim. Sister Agnes Mary saw without fear death approaching, and was perfectly calm and resigned to God's holy will. During the years she spent in India, and in whatever house she laboured, she was ever a subject of the greatest edification to her Sisters in religion and to all with whom She came in contact. Her happy disposition endeared her to everyone, and her loss will be keenly felt. Quietly and religiously she spent her days, and one may truly say: "She went about doing good." Her death was a fit crowning to her life—a victim to duty, she has fallen at her post.
R.I.P.—Bombay "Examiner."
The death took place of Mary O’Donoghue (née Mackessy) of Woodlawn, the Bronx, New York and formerly of Tarmons West, Tarbert.
Mary died at her residence on Friday 23 July 2021 surrounded by her family. She was aged 97 and was predeceased by her husband Michael O’Donoghue of Skibbereen, County Cork. Mary was one on 12 children, 7 boys and 5 girls born to the late Thady and Mary Mackessy of Tarmons West. In the late 1940’s, like many of her friends and neighbours, she was obliged to take the emigrant boat in search of employment.
Following two years in England she and her sister Helen emigrated to the United States in 1949. Mary (aka Mame) became an active member of the New York Irish community.
In time she became President of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Bronx Division, 9 Ladies AOH. She was a member of the St Patrick’s Day Parade Committee and was appointed aide to the Grand Marshal of the New York Parade in 1988. Mary was a woman of boundless energy and enthusiasm actively fund raising for numerous Irish and American social causes. She was also a great lover of Irish history, culture and music and was a skilled harmonica and button accordion player.
She was waked on Wednesday 28 July in a funeral parlour in Yonkers. Her funeral Mass took place on Thursday 29 July at St Barnabas R.C. Church, the Bronx followed by burial at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Valhalla, New York. She will be sadly missed by her son Michael and his wife Marianne (New York), daughter Catherine (New York), sisters Lila Kissane 94 (Tarbert ), Kitty McGee ( Birmingham), Noreen Burke (New York ) brothers Con In Tarbert, Tom in London, Jim in New York, sisters-in-law Theresa and Agnes Mackessy, nieces, cousins, friends and neighbours. She was predeceased by her sister Helen Moriarty, brothers Paddy, Timmy, Johnny and Joe Mackessy
From Listowel Connection
I learned this story on RTE radio by chance one morning when I heard Alan Groarke (Moyvane and Colorado) being interviewed about the memorial that the Irish Network in Colorado is planning to build in memory of these poor people who suffered so much. Alan is president of The Irish Network.
(Mock up of the Irish memorial
In the centre of the Evergreen Cemetery will be a memorial. A spiral pathway will lead to the top of a mound where a sculpture will sit. It’s reminiscent of ancient Irish burial mounds. The names of each person in the plots will be carved into glass walls or onto plaques. )
West Cork History
Mar 31, 2021
Irish Christian Brothers Mission to Hupei, China, 1921-1926, Memoir of Brother Dougan (1900-1987), Impressions of Shanghai 1921, Assistance to Columban Fathers Prefecture Hubei, Monsignor Galvin, Hanyang Iron Works taken over by Japanese, holidays in Kuling Mountains, Chinese Funerals, Ancestor Worship, Marriage Customs, Snakes, Malaria, Small Pox (Black Death), Warlord Wu-Pey-Fu in Hupoi, Moscow trained Political Commissars take over College home via Saigon elegant Boulevards, shock in Dublin at new Griffith Avenue
West Cork History
Irish Christian Brothers Mission to Hupei, China, 1921-1926, Memoir of Brother Dougan (1900-1987),
Rosemary Ffolliet Collection Excerpts
Collected from Newspapers 1756 – 1827 -Daly
Indian married Daly of Cork
The Travels of Dean Mahomet
On 15 January 1794, Mahomed published a book titled The Travels of Dean Mahomet. The book is in epistolary form as was common for travel books and many novels in that era and consists of 38 letters.[20] The book begins with a brief introduction where he contrasts Ireland and India, writing that "the face of every thing about me [is] so contrasted to those striking scenes in India."[21] and proceeds to give a sketch of his early years. He then describes his travels over the period 1770 to 1775 as a camp follower to the Bengal army as it moved around North East India. A series of military conflicts are described along with descriptions of some major cities, including Kolkata (Calcutta) and Varanasi (Benares). This is accompanied by first hand accounts of Indian culture, trade, military conflicts, food, wildlife, etc.[22] The book concludes with a description of Mahomed's voyage to Britain where he arrived at Dartmouth in September 1784. While Mahomed gives an insightful and sympathetic account of India and Indian customs, as Mona Narain points out this is done from an essentially European cultural perspective - he consistently uses the pronoun "we" to describe himself and Europeans, and does not in his writings seek to challenge poor governmental management within the East India Company.[23] The historian Michael Fisher, who published a biographical essay to accompany an edition of the
U.S. Federal Census 1930
The place of birth of five of the staff is recorded as ‘Ireland’. We know that three of them were from north Kerry – Katherine “Kathy” Buckley (44) who was White House Head Chef and her two colleagues, relatives by marriage, Mary (36) and Hannah Heffernan (32) of Moyvane,
AWARD: Dr. Mike Ryan World Health Organisation Awarded Trócaire’s Romero Award. Irishman Dr. Mike Ryan has led the global response to Covid-19 through his role as Executive Director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme. Recently he received Trócaire’s Romero Award. In his acceptance speech Dr Ryan made significant comments that we all need to know. Dr Ryan said that, “The most vulnerable populations in the world have now become even more vulnerable. Those we left behind before are now even further behind. Covid has laid bare and exploited fundamental inequities in access to public healthcare and the reality that healthcare can be used to empower or curtail the human, civil and political rights. Healthcare can be a force of good but it can also be a weapon of oppression if you don’t have access to it or if access to that healthcare is dependent on the colour of your skin or your ethnicity or your political affiliations. Access to healthcare during Covid-19 has not been fair. It has been influenced by gender, by age, by social class, by legal status, by ethnicity and by so many other factors. ”Dr Ryan said that “We need a world that is more sustainable, where profit is not put before communities. Where the slavery to economic growth is taken out of the equation. We need sustainable growth in our communities. We need sustainable livelihoods for our people. And we’re taking huge risks –massive risks –with our future if we don’t manage the planet in which we live. And we’re being extremely irresponsible right now.”
Traditional Archive Channel
The Biddy Boys and the Brídeogs....
As today is the eve of St. Brigid's Day here is a wonderful film piece from the archives which was recorded in South Kerry in 1965.
In a custom very similar to the Wren Boys you will see the Biddy Boys dressed in costumes, parading while carrying St. Brigid dolls which we call 'Brídeogs'. Traditionally we make the Brídeogs from scraps of old material and they can be stuffed with straw or hay. They're usually dressed in white with a little bonnet. Enjoy this piece and we'll share more with you later. Beannachtaí libh, John & Rachel
Cover of second issue of Táin
The Irish Program at Melbourne’s ethnic community radio station 3ZZZ and the Celtic recently invited Tinteán to make a radio programme in celebration of twenty continuous years of Australian Irish Australian publication: the magazine Táin (1999-2007) was a full-colour publication that morphed into the hard copy of Tinteán in 2007. The magazine finally moved online in 2012. Here is a good story in this year of turmoil. The radio programme was hosted by The Celtic Club and interviews conducted by Frances Devlin-Glass. Below is a summary of the highlights.
11 November in Australian history
I’d often wondered whether Galvin’s courageous action was down to his youth: had he been in the job longer, his sympathies perhaps hardened, he might have blocked his ears or looked away. But Carl believed that his father always had a “moral compass” and a strength of character. Despite the traumatic start to his career, he completed thirty-two years’ service in the police, which was all his adult life.
For Carl, his involvement with the David Oluwale Memorial Association is one way of honouring his late father. “He passed the baton to me when he gave me that scrapbook as if to say, this was wrong, you need to make sure it isn’t forgotten about.”
Ten Reasons to Vote for President Trump
by Fr. Frank Pavone
There are hundreds of reasons to vote for President Trump in this election, and to vote to give him a Republican House and Senate that can do its part to accomplish his agenda, including the fuller de-funding of Planned Parenthood. Here are ten reasons to give the President a second term.
1.He loves his country and puts America first.
You can’t lead a country if you don’t love it. He does. He unites America by rallying us around its founding principles, protecting its identity by protecting its courts, borders and history. He lives and inspires the virtue of patriotism, opposing both globalism and socialism. He puts America first, not in a way that despises other countries but in a way that better enables us to serve them. He tears up international agreements that put America at a profound disadvantage – such as the Paris Climate Accord and NAFTA – and instead accomplishes deals that benefit everyone involved, like the USMCA. He has the same “frontier mentality” that the Founders and the explorers have: there are greater heights to reach, both on earth and in space, and the best is yet to come.
2.He believes the power belongs to the people, not government bureaucracy.
“Faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the American way,” President Trump declares at his rallies. He calls us, his fellow citizens, the elite. He restores power to us: freedom of religion, freedom to choose our children’s schools, freedom to grow businesses without burdensome government regulations, and the freedom that comes by achieving, as he has done, the strongest economy ever, the lowest unemployment levels, and the strongest energy independence in decades. Because he believes in the people, and connects with the minds and hearts of Americans, we have the unprecedented phenomenon of people chanting, “We Love You!” at his rallies.
3.He did not come into office as a politician, and has broken the mold of political correctness.
President Trump is the most transparent president in history. He doesn’t hide behind a veil of bureaucratic silence; instead, he engages the press in briefings, and the public in tweets. You always know what he’s thinking, where he stands, and how he’s fighting for you. You know that he rejoices in the things that help the people and gets angry at the things that hurt the people. He doesn’t bow to political correctness or to the establishment either on the left or the right. Unlike past presidents, who did not energetically fight back when attacked by the Left, he does fight back, and wins.
4.He keeps his promises and does more than he promises, breaking achievement records and accomplishing things past Administrations have tried but failed to do.
Among numerous examples, the President moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Past presidents of both parties had agreed that was a good idea and promised to do it, but failed. President Trump started the Space Force, even though that was never mentioned in campaign promises. He had been told North Korea was an unsolvable problem, yet he negotiated with them and calmed a tense situation. He was told that trade negotiations with China should never be promised, yet he accomplished them. And he accomplished the first Middle-East Peace Accord in a quarter of a century.
5.He built the strongest American economy in history and is rebuilding it again.
Never in our history and never in the world has the American economy reached the heights to which President Trump brought it prior to the pandemic. Not only did it become the strongest economy, but also the most inclusive, with minorities benefiting as never before from jobs, business growth, median household income, and more. He brought us to a 17-year record in poverty reduction. Even since the pandemic, the economy has bounced back sharply, and the last several months have seen more than half of the jobs lost by the pandemic restored. In fact, there has never been a period in American history of the kind of continuous job growth we’ve seen in these recent months.
6.He protects religious freedom.
President Trump has said he wants to be remembered as the President who prayed more than any other, and his Campaign holds prayer events practically every day. He has defended the rights of students to pray in school, of university students to bear witness to their faith on campus, of clergy to speak more freely in the pulpit, and of ministries like Priests for Life, Catholic University of America and many others to be free from the HHS mandate.
7.He protects the right to life.
No president has done more for the unborn than President Trump. On the state, federal and international level he has in fact de-funded Planned Parenthood to the extent that the Executive Branch can do so, protecting billions of dollars from going to the abortion industry. He has urged Congress to send him pro-life legislation, indicating his intention to sign it, as well as to veto any bill that would weaken existing pro-life protections. Other Executive actions have raised the status of the unborn.
8.He exposes and eliminates corruption and unfairness in government, business, trade agreements and media.
President Trump is draining the swamp, calling out in word and action those who spied on his campaign and attempted a coup of a duly-elected President. He exposes unfairness in trade and other international agreements, calls out the lies of the media, and insists on transparency in business, instituting such things as price transparency, ending surprise medical billing, and insisting that insurance companies be up front about whether they cover abortion.
9.He dismantles terrorist networks, drug cartels and human trafficking operations.
The President has rid the world of its top terrorist leaders, destroyed the ISIS caliphate, dismantled over 3000 drug trafficking organizations, doubled the number of convictions for those engaged in human trafficking, sent out of the country some 500,000 criminals who weren’t supposed to be here to begin with, including 20,000 violent gang members, and much more.
10.He protects our borders and our communities.
Without border security, we don’t know who is coming into our country, and cannot screen those who are coming with malicious intent or infectious disease. With the wall, and with improved procedures and policies, our borders are safer than ever before, while our country remains the most generous in the world in welcoming immigrants.
Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Manchester, NH 10-25-20
New post on West Cork History
Sir Michael Henry Gallwey, B.A., T.C.D., Greenfield, Clonakilty, Later, Attorney General, Chief Justice Natal, South Africa, Commission to Investigate Abuses of Indian Indentured Servants, Natal, South Africa 1872. Died 1912 Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
by durrushistory
Sir Michael Henry Gallwey, B.A., T.C.D., Greenfield, Clonakilty, Later, Attorney General, Chief Justice Natal, Commission to Investigate Abuses of Indian Indentured Servant, Natal, South Africa 1872. Died 1912 Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
1826 or 26th October 1828-1912 Sir Michael Henry Gallwey, TCD Kings Inns 1849, Q.C., Attorney General and Chief Justice adn Acting Governor Natal, Arbitrator between Transvaal and the Zuus. Died 1912, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1st son , 10 siblings, Henry Greenfield, Margaret McCarthy Co. Cork in Kings Inns Admissiones 1849, Greenfield, Ardfield. Practiced Munster Circuit, father Henry mother Margaret McCarthy her father Denis Rathroe "Margaret McCarthy, Millstreet, Married Henry Gallwey of Greenfield, Clonakilty c1824, they had eleven children. Their eldest son, Sir Michael Henry Gallwey ‘was admitted to King's Inns entitled to practice as a Barrister-at-Law. He graduated from Trinity College in 1851 with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (15). He held the office of Chief Justice of Natal between 1890 and 1901. He was Deputy-Governor of Natal in 1897. He held the office of Administrator [Natal] in 1898 (15). " Blackhall on Munster Gallweys. ‘He held the office of Member of the Legislative Council (M.L.C.) [Natal] between 1857 and 1890. He held the office of Attorney-General [Natal].He was invested as a Companion, Order of St. Michael and St. George (C.M.G.) in 1883. He was invested as a Knight Commander, Order of St. Michael and St. George (K.C.M.G.) in 1888.He was invested as a Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) in 1888.’ The eldest son of Henry Gallwey of Greenfield House, Ardfield, nr. Clonakilty, Co Cork, b. 1794 was, Michael Henry (MHG) (Sir), KCMG, QC, b. 26 Oct 1826, educ TCD, Attorney General Natal 1857-1890, MEC, MLC, Chief Justice 1890-1901, Acting Governor or Administrator for several terms, m. 23 Aug 1861 Frances Cadwallader (known as Fannie CampbellTown,Tasmania 5 Dec 1840, bapt 5 Dec 1840 - Ref.. RGD 2; Yr 1840, Reg. No. 1150, d. 23 Sep 1914, Isle of Wight), eldest daughter of Lt- Colonel the Honourable David Erskine, Colonial Secretary of Natal (third son of the second baronet and grandson of ''the great defender of the rights of man",
Australian Cemeteries Index
The purpose of this index is to provide a searchable data base for all cemetery inscriptions that have been recorded by the authors over several years. It is intended to be a useful tool for those researching their family history.
The index contains details of headstones from a number of cemeteries in Australia. It initially concentrates on cemeteries in regional NSW, but can expand into other areas as required.
Look for a Cemetery
To get details about a specific cemetery, and see the list of inscriptions and images available for it, click on the Cemeteries link.
Look for a Name
To search for all inscriptions for a specific family name across all available cemeteries, click on the Inscriptions link.
Digital images accompany many of the inscriptions, and are free to download and use without restriction. No other images are available apart from those already linked here.
Some images are also available in higher resolution than displayed here. If you need a high quality image for reproduction in a publication, please contact us to see if one is available. In such cases an acknowledgment of the source of the image would be appreciated.
What we Record
This is not a record of burials, but a record of inscriptions on headstones or plaques found in each cemetery. To see details about what we do and do not record, see the What we record link.
To conserve space, certain abbreviations are used for common words and phrases. For details see the Abbreviations link.
Updating this information
If you have any suggestions for additions or corrections to this information, please contact Reg McDonell.
We are prepared to include details of unmarked graves in any of the cemeteries on this list, provided that reasonable evidence of burial at that cemetery accompanies the information (e.g. a death certificate; death transcription, undertaker's note; funeral notice, obituary etc.) 66y son/Stephen & Sophia
Please notice: An excellent source of information exists on the Irish Times Home Page. www.ireland.com/ Go to Ancestors and click on Heritage then go to Browse and click on Our Links. There you can look up passenger lists for several ships that brought immigrants to the United States.
JC Sullivan suggested the following site for additional genealogical information:
No. 001
Looking for information concerning my grand-parents. Denis Sullivan (or O'Sullivan) and Julia Daly Sullivan. Location: Co. Kerry in the vicinity of Tralee. Denis was born in 1842. His parents were Patrick Sullivan and Mary Lane Sullivan. Julia's parents were Timothy Daly and Julia Kane Daly. She was born in 1853. They lived and raised a family in the west side of Chicago, Illinois. Denis had an older brother Timothy that lived with them. They had 13 children, 10 of whom reached adulthood. They were: Patrick, Julia, Elizabeth, Timothy, Mary, Ellen, Denis, John, James and Daniel. All are now deceased.
Submitted by Daniel Sullivan mailto:..daniel@castletown.com
No. 002
Looking for further information on the O'Sullivan (Dorohy) family geneology. Family lived in the Parish of Rusheens, Ballygriffin, Kenmare, Co. Kerry. Have information to share re: 1901 Census and other information with reference to family roots in Blackwater, Cappanacush, and Templenoe, Co. Kerry.
Submitted by Lt. Col. Philip C. O'Sullivan. 10 Brittany Circle, Rochester, N.Y. 14618
No. 22
My name is Maureen O'Sullivan Butler. My great-great-grandfather is John O'Sullivan from Stumble Mt Collins, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, who married Joan Curtin (born in 1846 in Bronsa, Co. Kerry. Their son John O'Sullivan married Anastasia Hartnett from Cragg Mt Collins Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. They had a son Moses (maybe Maurice) O'Sullivan who married Honara Lane (my grandparents). Sound familiar to anyone out there?
No. 44
My name is Michael Sullivan. I am trying to trace my Sullivan ancestry. My great-great-grandfather was Thomas Sullivan who was born in Co. Limerick in 1820. His father was Denis Sullivan and his mother was Ellen McEnery. Thomas emigrated to Australia (no details on when) and married Catherine McCormack in Melbourne, Victoria in 1856. I'm hoping there is someone who can help with information on Denis Sullivan and his ancestors.
No. 50
My daughter-in-law's GGGG-grandmother was Elizabeth Trunnell, born 1814 in Bullitt County, Kentucky. Her mother was Nancy Ann Sullivan Key who married Evan Trunnell in Bourbon County, Kentucky. In the Woodford County, Ill. book, it states that Elizabeth Trunnell was the granddaughter of General Sullivan of Revolutionary War fame.
I found that General John Sullivan had these children who lived: John, James, George, Margery and Lydia.
Does anyone know if they had a child named Nancy Anne? Or did anyone in the families of the General's brothers, Ebeneezer, James, or George have a daughter named Nancy Ann?
Thank you.
Joyce Oshrin
No. 58
My grandfather, Sean (John) O'Sullivan was born in 1892 at Claghane, County Kerry. His parents were Patrick O'Sullivan (born 1863) and Ann Crean-O'Sullivan (born 1864). I would like to know who Patrick's parents were. Patrick was a fisherman. Patrick's other children were: Bridget, Patrick, Maurice and Michael.
Thank you.
Erin O'Sullivan - Jennings
No. 82
I am looking for information on my great-grandparents. Great-grandfather Timothy J. Sullivan was born at Rota Keste or New Castle, Co. Limerick on December 14, 1846. Great-grandmother Ellen Ambrose was born at Ardagh, Co Limerick in 1837. Ellen was the daughter of George Ambrose and Mary Ellen (Collins) Ambrose. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Tim Sullivan
No. 90
Any information on Patrick and Mary Ann O'Sullivan (brother and sister) Their father's name was Timothy. Timothy's father's name was Jerimiah. I think they were from Ballylongford, Kerry, Ireland. (Leanamore). Thanks for any assistance.
Jim O'Sullivan
Hi Folks!
35 YEARS! Well we never could have imagined in 1985 when it all started that we would be still going from strength to strength three and a half decades later! Thanks to all of you for all the years of support and for allowing us to make a living playing the Irish music we so love!
We are just about to hit the road once again for our February and March Tour in the USA with a few dates in England and Ireland added for May. Below is our concert listing so to keep you up to speed with our rambles!
In the past few months we have been very busy! We had a fantastic Christmas tour with 23 awesome shows folllowed by sold out dates in Ireland and Scotland to kick off our 35th Anniversary year with a sold out show of 2500 at the wonderful Glasgow Royal Concert Hall as part of Celtic Connections Festival.
We streamed the concert live on Facebook and if you want to watch it, here is the link to do so! https://www.facebook.com/watchparty/3560770130662084/?entry_source=PAGE_TIMELINE
I am for looking any information about my grandmother Margaret or Marge Foran (1879+or-) and family, Marge married grandfather Thomas Heagarty of Tullamore around 1906/1907, (her sister Mary Foran (1861+or-) married Con Murphy , they lived in Knockaunbrack , Trienearagh .We know Mary had a very large family but we know little else on Marge's family , father?
Mother? brothers? other sisters? ,Where would they have been married? We believe they lived in Knockbrack, Lyrecompane , Co. Kerry , Marge was buried in Lisluaghtin (1960 ) just 6 months after my grandfather Thomas (1959).
Thank you all- John-Anthony Hegarty ,- email: bigmountain@optonline.net
Daniel Dillon, son of Michael and Margaret nee Curtin, married Annie Hartnet at Duagh in 1905. They lived at Kilcarramore, Daniel dying around 1950. On his marriage certificate, Daniel’s age is recorded as 26 giving him a birthdate around 1879. The only baptismal record I can find that fits the bill is a Daniel Dillane of Gortaclohane, Lixnaw (parents Michael and Margaret) baptised in February 1877.
Can anyone join up the dots and confirm that Daniel Dillane of Lixnaw grew up to be Daniel Dillon of Duagh? Or does anyone know of an alternative Dillon family with parents Michael and Margaret and son Daniel?
Thank you for any help you are able to give.- Kind regards
Clive Gilbert in Kent, England crg47@sky.com
1850 Apple Seeds from Cousane, Ballydehob to Mount Horeb, Ontario Canada.
by durrushistory
The Skuce family of Coosane, Ballydehob, emigrated to Canada in 1850, and settled in Mount Horeb, near Omemee, Ontario, Canada, they took apple seeds with them, so they could plant them when they settled. They had a special way of storing the apples through the cold winters in special straw lined pits and apparently they were delicious. This was all mentioned in a family write up. In another area where another branch of the Skuce’s settled, near Bark Lake, in a more remote part of Ontario, there are some the old farmsteads that have been left derelict, at one of these we discovered someone had gone out with a quad bike to collect fruit from the very old apple trees, that are were abandoned close to these homesteads, the crop looked amazing, and I do wonder if these were grown from seeds that were brought out by the new settlers, including the Skuce’s, when they first emigrated back in the mid-1830s or so. Bark Lake is where some of the Skuce family who had left Clashadoo/Bantry settled.
From Listowel Connection Jan 2020
A Writers' Week Memory
I'm still welcoming memories or photos of Listowel Writers' Weeks past. Here his a lovely memory all the way from sunny South Carolina
I’m Robert Koch, the husband of Maeve Moloney of Skehenerin. We are retired and live in Columbia, South Carolina. I read your Listowel Connection regularly, as does Maeve, and she explains to me all the details about people and places in her beloved Listowel.
I want to relate to you my fondest recollection of Writers Week. We attended Writers Week events in the 1970s and 1980s during our visits with our two sons to Maeve’s parents from our home in Washington D.C. My fondest recollection relates to a conversation Maeve and I and the children had with the well-known, now deceased, Offaly-born, professor and literary critic, Vivian Mercier.
During the 1960s in NewYork I had met and studied under Professor Mercier, but I had not seen him again until his appearance at Writers Week circa 1980. The moderator who introduced him mentioned that Dr. Mercier had retired from his professorial position with the University of California at Santa Barbara and that he and his wife, the well-known Irish novelist and author of children’s books, Eilis Dillon, were living in London and Dublin.
At the conclusion of his presentation, I reintroduced myself to him and introduced him to Maeve and our sons. Much to my surprise and pleasure, he actually remembered me! We talked for several minutes about our lives, and he was very much the friendly down-to-earth conversationalist with Maeve and the children.
I then remarked how the climate in Santa Barbara was so lovely-warm and sunny- that I wondered how he could have possibly abandoned living there. At that point his demeanor changed. He became very professorial, pointing at me with his index finger, and he said what I have never forgotten and have been ever heedful of since: “Yes, but what about the intellectual climate.” “Enough said”, remarked Maeve, and we all smiled, talked for a few minutes more, and then parted.
Visit of Robbie and Kerrie Whitaker, 1963 Poster Children of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, 9:33AM Date(s) of Materials: 1963 June 20
John F. Kennedy and Ireland
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, America's first Irish-Catholic president, was a son of two families whose roots stretched back to Ireland.
Wreck of an Emigrant Ship; The Armagh Guardian, Monday, October 29, 1849.; CMSIED 9309099
The Captain and one of the mates, we are informed, arrived in the city
from Cohasset, in the noon train to-day. The following statement is from
Captain Oliver himself:-
Saturday, 5 p.m. passed Cape Cod with a light S.E.[South East?] wind;
weather thick; hove to with head to the N.E. [North East?]at 4 a.m. wore
ship and stood south; at half-past six made Minot's ledge. Not having room
to wear ship ventured to run where we saw a brig at anchor, inside of the
light. The violence of the gale and heavy sea caused us to drag our
anchors, when we cut away the masts, and held on for a short time.- The
gale increasing, she dragged again, struck and thumped heavily, for about
one hour before she broke up. Previous to breaking up the jolly boat was
hanging by the tackles alongside, when the stern ring bolt broke, and the
boat fell into the water. The Captain, second mate, and two boys jumped
into her to clear her, when about twenty-five passengers, jumped in and
swamped her. The passengers, together with the second mate and two boys
perished. The Captain caught a rope hanging over the quarter, and was
drawn on board by the first mate. The long boat was got clear shortly
after, and a heavy sea coming on board cleared her from the vessel, when a
number of the passengers jumped to swim to her, but all perished. The
Captain, first mate, (Mr. Cummerford), eight of the crew, and two
passengers swam to the boat, seven men and eight women, came ashore on
part of the deck. Total loss of life 99; saved 21. Twenty-five bodies
have been washed ashore this morning".
The following are the names of the eleven passengers saved:- Austin
Kearn, Catherine Flanagan, Betsey Higgins, Mary Kane, Michael Fitzpatrick,
Michael Gibbon, Barbara Kennelly, Mary Slattery, Michael Redding, Honora
Cullen, Honora Burke.
Up to 4 p.m. yesterday, 27 bodies had been recovered, 21 women, 3 men,
and 3 children. The bodies are to be buried to-day.
Search being made amongst the pleas of the Crown in the Crown-
office of the County of Limerick, I find that at the several
assizes held in and for the said County within seven years
before the tenth day of November instant the sixty persons in
the annexed schedule mentioned, were ordered to be transported
into some of his Majesty's plantations in America as felons
and vagabonds, and that the several sums in the above schedule
mentioned, amounting to three hundred and thirty-eight pounds
one shilling and eleven pence sterling, were within the time
aforesaid, ordered to be raised on the said County for
transporting felons and vagabonds, and for the other services
and uses to the said sums in the said schedule severally
mentioned, which I certify this twenty-fourth day of
November 1743.
George Peacock, Dep. Cl. Cr.
County of Kerry
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been ordered
for transportation in the County of Kerry for these seven years
#PAGE 27
last past, with an account of what money hath been raised for
those purposes, commencing April assizes 1736.
Assizes sixteenth April 1736. Raised for transporting l. s. d.
Maurice Savane and Thomas Savane felons convict,
ordered for transportation 9 18 7
Assizes fifth April 1737. For transporting, transmitting
and guarding William Howran a felon convict, ordered
for transportation 6 10 0
At the same assizes. For transporting James Stack,
Charles Crowly, John Connor, Cornelius Shea and Joan
Carthy vagabonds, presented and ordered for
transportation 30 0 0
Assizes twenty-sixth July 1737. For transporting James
Marshall and James Agherine, felons convict,
presented for mercy and ordered for transportation 10 0 0
Presented then for the charges of transmitting them 2 0 1
Assizes eighteenth July 1738. For transporting Owen
Sweeny, John Mc. Loughlin otherwise Oltagh and Darby
Downey, felons convict, presented for mercy and
ordered for transportation, and for charges of
transmitting them 18 18 8
Assizes fourth April 1739. For transporting John
Mc. Jeffry Connell and Daniel Killeghane convicts,
under the like order, and charges of transmitting
them 14 10 10
Assizes nineteenth August 1739. For transporting and
charges of transmitting Daniel Callaghan, Dennis
Downey, John Bromehane and Ally Noonane convicts
under like order 26 2 6
Assizes twenty-second July 1740. For transporting
Dennis Connor otherwise Gunskagh, Daniel Frenighty,
Thomas Doolin, Maurice Doolin, Darby Sullivan,
Charles Rahelly, Dennis Sweeny and Mary Griffin
convicts under like order 40 0 0
For charges of transmitting them to Corke [Cork?] 7 17 3
Assizes eleventh March 1741. For transporting
Matthias Gallavan, Thomas Paradine, Owen Ferris,
Dermot Collity, Michael Collity, James Bourke,
Cornelius Donoghoe, Teigue Dinaghy and Daniel Dinaghy
convicts and vagabonds under like order 45 0 0
Expenses of transmitting them 8 19 6
Assizes twelfth August 1741. For transporting and
charges of transmitting Patrick Connor, Darby Connor,
Timothy Connor, John Sullivan, Dennis Sullivan, Dennis
Spillane, James Mulcare and John Stack otherwise
#PAGE 28
Crosbie vagabonds presented and ordered for
transportation 49 12 0
Assizes fifth April 1742. For transporting Garret Joy,
John Deneen, Hugh Brosnehane, Thomas Bryan, John
Hease, John Dillane, Maurice Cullane, Florence
Scannell and David Sheghane vagabonds under order 55 0 0
Assizes tenth August 1742. For transporting Daniel
Buohilly, Daniel Breene, Thomas Millone, John Bryan,
Dennis Shea, Murtogh Shea, Timothy Managheene, Daniel
Quirk, Ellenor Mohill otherwise Quirk, Cornelius Lyne
and Cornelius Launy convicts and vagabonds ordered
for transportation 55 0 0
Raised for expences [expenses?] and charges of
transmitting them 11 1 0
Assizes first of April 1743. For transporting Morgan
Sweeny, Ellenor Connor, Mary Mansfield and Catherine
Fitzgerald vagabonds ordered for transportation 20 0 0
Raised for charges and expences [expenses?] of
transmitting them 3 0 0
Total money raised 413 10 4
Total persons 68
No money was presented for those purposes at the last assizes.
Dated the seventeenth of November 1743.
Francis Cashell, deputy Clerk of the Crown
for the County of Kerry.
John L. Sullivan 1858-1918
John Lawrence Sullivan was born in October 1858 in Boston. Both of his parents were Irish emigrants. His father was Michael Sullivan from Laccabeg, Abbeydorney in County Kerry, who had emigrated from Ireland to the USA in 1850, in the after math of the Irish Famine. John's mother was Catherine Kelly from Athlone.
John was reared to follow in his father's footsteps as a builder's labourer and tried his hand at various apprenticeships such as plumber and stonemason. Following various encounters, some not more than barroom brawls. he developed a reputation for himself as the Boston Strong Boy and pursued a career for himself as a professional fighter, participating in "exhibtions" of physical skill, as was permitted by Massachusetts State law in the late 1870s.
By 1881 Sullivan was performing at the renowned Harry Hill's Dance Hall and Boxing Emporium on New York's East Side. Here is met Richark Kyle Fox, Belfast-born and at that time the biggest boxing promoter in the United States.
Sullivan went on to hold the Champion of America for 10 years, from 1882 to 1892. He was credited with 18 knockouts in 35 matches. He is generally regarded as being the first heavyweight champion of the world under the Queensbury Rules.
In December 1887 Sullivan travelled to Ireland and toured the county to widespread acclaim and welcome. HIs visit was much anticipated by sports fan and the press reported his movements and activities while he was there.
His reign ended in September 1892 when he was knocked out for the first time in his career by James J. Corbett in New Orleans that lasted 21 rounds. Upon retiring from boxing he had a varied career which included being a publican, an actor and, in his later years, a temperance campaigner.
He died 3rd February 1918 in Abingdon, Massachusetts.
George Gardner 1877-1954
George Gardner (1877-1954) of Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare was the first undisputed Light Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World. He is considered one of the top fighters of all time, as well as one of the top light - heavyweights of all time.
During his career, Gardner defeated such men as Joe Walcott, Peter Maher, Marvin Hart, Jack Root, George Byers, Frank Craig, Jim Jeffords, Billy Stift and Jack Moffatt.
On July 4, 1903, at Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, Gardner beat Jack Root in a TOTAL KNOCKOUT, Round 12 and won the title of World Light-heavyweight Champion. It was the first ever light heavyweight championship fight to be filmed.
Later that year on Nov 25, 1903, in San Francisco, Gardner lost his title to Bob Fitzsimmons in Round 20.
Gardner was never recognized for being as talented a fighter as he was because he won the Light Heavyweight Championship of the World in one bout and lost it in the next. However, the man to whom he lost in his first defence was a marvel, an All-Time great - Bob Fitzsimmons. To lose to him was no disgrace.
The author of “Celtic Fists” states:
"... the first Irish-born World Champions were the Gardner brothers George and Jimmy from Ballinalacken Lisdoonvarna Co. Clare ... their father, Pat was a bare-knuckle battler and he moved the family to Lowell Mass. USA"
However, this piece of information contains some error. Their father was Michael Gardner of Cloghaun and Pat Gardner of Poulnagun was their grandfather.
On April 18, 1891, the Gardner family emigrated to America and settled in 181 Lincoln St, Lowell, MA. In 1897 when he was 20 years old, Gardner began his professional boxing career. He won several fights in the New England area, being noted in newspapers as the "Middleweight Champion of New England".
He was almost six feet tall and weighed between 150-175 pounds during his career. As the family story goes, his arms were so long that when he sat in a chair, they touched the ground.
In 1901, Gardner was the top middleweight contender and claimed the World's Middleweight Title on August 30, 1901, at the Mechanic's Pavilion in San Francisco after knocking out Kid Carter.
On October 31, 1902, Gardner fought 20 rounds with Jack Johnson (the first African-American to hold the World's Heavyweight Title). Johnson, who held a 30-pound weight advantage, won on points by knocking Gardner down twice in the 8th and 14th rounds.
On April 6, 1903, Gardner fought the Irish Heavyweight Champion, Peter Maher (the most dangerous hitter of his era) and knocked out Maher in round one.
On July 4, 1903, at the International Athletic Club in Ontario Canada, George Gardner became the first Irish-American to hold the title "the Light - Heavyweight Championship of the World" and the first undisputed champion to hold the title. This was the first Light-Heavyweight Title fight caught on film.
In 1908, Gardner retired at age 32 and opened a saloon in Chicago.
Gardner retired with a record of 44 wins, 32 by way of knockout, 12 losses, 7 draws, and 3 no contests. He was reputed to have fought in over 300 battles. One newspaper source noted that Gardner "had drawn from their seats in applause more fight fans than any other light - heavyweight". His son, Morgan Gardiner, also became a pro boxer in the Light Heavyweight division.
His brother, Jimmy Gardiner claimed the World's Welterweight Title in 1908, making the Gardner brothers the first Irish - American siblings in world history hold world titles.
Gardner died at age 77 on July 10, 1954 in Chicago, Illinois. Four ex-champions were pallbearers at his funeral.
Patrick Aherne left County Kerry about 1848 with his mother, Margaret Moore Aherne, brothers, John and Michael, and sisters, Mary and Margaret.
Unknown if his father, Patrick, travelled with them.
Records of Michael, Mary and Margaret's baptisms is on file at parish church in Moyvane (Newtown Sandes) County Kerry.
You're welcome. Dennis Ahern from Acton, Mass. used to have a website full of Ahern/Aherne information. Several of us Ahern/Aherne/O'Hern members met in Ireland back in 2001 for a clan reunion. He has a lot of knowledge. Here's one of his: http://world.std.com/~ahern/cv.htm which has several referral sites. This one is also one of his: http://world.std.com/~ahern/ Give it a look and see if your people are mentioned. Good luck!
Catherine Allen (Kit) was born in Listowel, County Kerry. Her date of birth: 1907. She married James Francis O’Gorman from Tarbert, born in 1900. They had two sons, Jim and Steven; eight daughters: Birdie, Peg, Mary, Ena, Carmel, Elizabeth, Joan and Geraldine. They raised their children in a a council house at O’Connell Avenue. The family immigrated to the United States in the late fifties and settled in Connecticut.
On Thursday, some 200 emigrants, principally former
servants, of both sexes, and all enhibiting an
appearance of comfort, left Tralee, by rail, for
Queenstown, bound for America, for the Inman
Steamer, whose complement, as announced by telegraphic
despatches to Mr Shea, in Killarney, and Mr
Hanifin, in Tralee, was filled up on Tuesday
morning. Among this hardy "land of hope" were no less
than 100 young women. This large body of emigrants were
principally from Dingle, Tarbert, Listowel and the
neighbourhood of Tralee. Among those booked from
Killarney we regretted to see a respectable member of
the constabalary, Sub-constable Thomas Fitzgerald,
driven away in disgust as too many others of that
valuable force, to which the country owes so much
have already been. This respectable and efficient
young man, who was stationed for the last five years
in Killarney, was one of those employed on the census.
For this labourous task he received a "Splendid
Shilling". This is the shabby way in which the
finest force in Europe are treated. - Tralee Chronicle
28th October 1886
My darling Mother,
Your last letter, about a week ago, was
in answer to mine, moarning over the loss of
letters - of course you know, long before this,
that we are now receiving them regularly -
but those to B'ham [Birmingham?], & one Good Words we
never received, & never shall I fear - Papa's
Express came yesterday, & interested us - I was d
SO much grieved, & indeed so was H. [Henry?] to hear of
poor Miss Charlotte Strange's [?] death - She was
so vigorous & all when we last saw her,
& the others so fragile - Life and Death are
strange - I feel much for the poor sister,
please when you see them, give them
our true sympathy - Poor old W. Stead gone
at last! as old Mr. Harnett of Listowel.
Said in the greatest seriousness "People are
dying now that never died before" -
& Lily married! I wonder how she will like
Australia - We have all been more or
less ill - The children with bad malarious
colds - & I with a sort of nasty feverish
attack, I felt very wretched for a week;
cold, hot, awful headache, pains in
bones etc, etc, for two days I was in bed,
Henry doing every single thing, & keeping the
whole house in perfect working order -
Violet very helpful, & indeed all of them
good - Not a thing neglected, but all as
right as any housekeeper could wish to
see it on getting up - I am now quite
better, but HE just beginning to be as I
was -
So much I wrote two days ago, &
have been too poorly to do any more at it
since - but today feel much better & am
going out for a little walk with Henry who
did not get such a bad attack as I
expected & is now well again but for a
cold - We have had wretched weather
for some weeks - very cold, damp
raw & foggy - today is nice and sunny -
Children now well as possible again
Yesterday this letter came from Mr Gamble
in reply to mine - A very kind, friendly
letter, I am so sorry I have this moment
upset the ink bottle on it - if the children
had done it I'd have been very
angry - however you can make out
the sense of it I think - They wd [would?]
I am sure, be glad to have us go
& stay at their house - & I do
hope we may be able to do so - It
says it must be done & that I must
go - but Oh dear! in this country a
woman can seldom leave home, if
she has children - What would I have
done but for H. [Henry?] this time when I
was ill?
I have not had a single other visitor
& positively I am glad, it will be
just as hard to go out visiting us here
as in Wicklow, with everything to be
done at home -
When Mr Smittison [?] was here he & H.
talked a good deal about us opening
business in Charleston! on account
of Real Estate etc being low after the
Earthquakes!!_ I can imagine your
consternation at the idea, but
I should not mind it in the least
tho' it has been quaking frightfully
of late.
Now Mother darling I must close,
this is a stupid letter, but I feel
stupid & can't help it -
I am going to write again to Mr Gamble
when we go shall bring all
your photoes [photos?]
Fondest of love to each & all
Your own child
N.M. McGLYNN, b[orn?] Boston, Massachusetts to William McGlynn and Margaret
Rogers (both born Cork,
Ire[land?]). Single. Died 23 Jan[uary?] 1933. Buried Goldfield
General Cem[etery?].
PATRICK McAULIFFE, b[orn?] Listowel, Co[unty?] Kerry, Ire[land?] 15 April
1877 to John McAuliffe and Mary Keane
(both born Listowel, Ire[land?]). Miner. Married. Died Goldfield
12 July 1933 aged 56yrs[years?]
2 mos[months?] 27 days. Buried Goldfield Cath[olic?] Cem[etery?]
MRS KITTY BURKE, b[orn?] Co[unty?]. Kerry, Ire[land?] 24 Dec[ember?] 1866 to
Andrew Barrett and Johanna Nolan
both born Co[unty?] Kerry, Ire[land?]). Housewife, single. Died
8 Sep[tember?] 1933 aged 66 yrs
[years?] 2 mos[months?] 14 days. Buried Goldfield Cath[olic?]
MICHAEL H. McGLYNN, born Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 27 Mar[ch?] 1864 to
Thomas McGlynn(born Co[unty?] Mayo,
Ire[land?].) and Mary Callahan[Callaghan?](born Eng[land?].)
Miner. Single. Died Goldfield 21 Nov[ember?]1933
aged 69 yrs[years?] 7 mos[months?] 24 days. Buried Goldfield
Cath[olic?] Cem[etery?]
ALICE BOX, b[orn?] Ire[land?] 19 Sep[tember?] 1855 to John W. King. Both
parents born Ire[land?]. Housewife.
Died Goldfield 3 Mar[ch?] 1934 aged 78 yrs[years?] 5 mos[months?]
14 days. Buried Goldfield K of P
See link for more
Mr. BIRRELL: The following boards of
guardians in Ireland have applied to the Local
Government Board for authority to expend
money for emigration purposes since 1st
January, 1906, to the present date:-
Antrim Ennis Listowel
Ballinasloe Ennistymon Londonderry
Ballymahon Gort New Ross
Ballyvaughan Killadysert Newtownards
Belfast Killarney Roscommon
Caherciveen Kilmallock Roscrea
Cork Kilrush Thurles
Dublin North Limerick Youghal
The details for the several years
will be found in the Board's Annual
Reports for the years 1907-8 and 1909-10.
The further information asked for could
only be obtained, as already stated, after
exhaustive search through the Board's
friends through life, and Henry's, whom they had known long
before I went there. Now, all dead but Nellie, who lives in
Dublin and with whom I still correspond. (1929 -- Dear Nellie
is gone too, quite suddenly. I loved her very much. She was
about my age.)
At the end of six months, in June 1877, Henry was
appointed sub-agent at Listowel, Co. Kerry. It meant increase
of pay, and a good-sized though ugly house in a street -- and
it was a change, and interesting to us both. Many goodbyes and
good wishes from the kind Navan friends. Henry went on to
Listowel, and I to Rostrevor. I let him get our house in order
for us. He took Maria Reilly with him -- and about a month
later, dear Papa took me there. How well I remember the long
journey, (250 miles, By Coach?) with a break at the McNiffs
(At erstwhile moving into Grafton Park) in Dublin and another
at a hotel in Limerick -- where we got quantities of ripe
fruit and red currants, raspberries, etc, and walked about and
were interested in the town. From there by steamer down the
Shannon to Tarbert. Such a wild, strange place! and on, by
outside car there waiting us to Listowel 8 or 9 miles off.
What a drive it was in the dark evening -- such a crazy Irish
driver, Scanlan, and the car without springs! Papa uneasy
about me, and both of us obliged to "hold on." But what a
welcome when we reached the house -- with lights and supper.
Henry so delighted to have me with him again -- and Maria glad
to too, and any amount of talk and things to be asked and told
-- and all the "improper meals" in the house to be admired and
Much more on link below.
Prompt for 2019, week 1 — “First”.
My great-grandfather, William Cornelius (aka Willie) Colbert, was the eldest of 13 children. He was baptized on 31 January 1877, in Moanlena, Mahoonagh Parish, Co. Limerick, Ireland, to Michael Colbert and Hanora Josephine McDermott.[1]
william colbert baptism record_mahoonagh parish_limerickgenealogy
William had 7 sisters, and 5 brothers, one of whom was Con Colbert, who was executed on 8 May 1916, after the Easter Uprising.[2]
Sometime in 1890 or early 1891, the family moved from Moanlena to Athea, as William’s youngest two siblings, Dan and Bridget, were baptized at Templetathea West, Athea parish, Co. Limerick. Williams’ mother Hanora died in childbirth with the last child born, Bridget, on 17 Sep 1892.
As a young adult, Willie became attracted to a young dairy maid named Eileen Houlihan, daughter of Charles Houlihan and Anna Carmody, also of Athea, Co. Limerick. The story goes that William’s father Michael wanted no part of William being involved with Eileen, so Michael paid the passage for Eileen to go to San Francisco[3], where her older sister Margaret had immigrated to in 1897.[4]
As one might suspect, that got Michael nowhere, as Willie soon headed to San Francisco himself. I found a passenger record for a William Colbert from Athea, who traveled to New York from Queenstown on the SS Etruria in July 1899, at the age of 22[5]. That fits with what I know of my great-grandfather. It also fits with the stated immigration date given on the 1910 Federal Census.
Picture above: Diaspora visitors, Jeannie and her husband visiting the RIC Barrracks in Ardagh, County Limerick
This St Patrick’s, amidst uncertainty surrounding the accessibility of Ireland for our UK neighbours, visitors from further afield are more willing than ever to make a momentous visit to their Irish place of origin and to connect with the local community living there today.
In January and February of this year, Ireland Reaching Out has registered 100 different groups who are looking to connect with their ancestors’ place of origin. That’s an increase of 50% on the same period in 2018. With March traditionally the busiest month for this nationwide Diaspora engagement service, there appears to be no slow down in the numbers of visitors looking to discover more about their Irish origins, and in doing so, to create new bonds with communities all over the island of Ireland.
Ireland Reaching Out Programme Manager, Laura Colleran says: “Our Diaspora connect with us on the IrelandXO platform, and what begins as simple curiosity about their Irish ancestry becomes a real desire to understand more about the place they came from, and what it means to be Irish. Everyday we see connections happening online and often, as a result, plans are made to make the journey to Ireland, and to their ancestors’ place of origin.”
With ‘ancestral travel’ a key growth area for the Irish Tourism Industry, understanding the motivations of our Diaspora, and being able to offer a personal and rewarding experience is essential to delivering the Céad Míle Fáilte that Ireland is famous for. By beginning the relationship before the travel plans are even made, Ireland Reaching Out is in a prime position to ensure that every visit reaffirms our Diaspora’s sense of connection, creating lasting bonds among the global Irish community, fostering opportunities at home and abroad.
Ireland Reaching Out member Jeannie Lewis visited Limerick from Chicago in September of last year, re-tracing the steps of her Great Great Grandfather John O'Connor. Speaking of her Ardagh visit Jeannie said: “I am so thankful to local IrelandXO volunteers Seamus Callaghan and Mary Kury. Our Ireland heritage experience was only possible because of their knowledge, their determination to reconnect a family whose ancestor left Ardagh 151 years ago, and their generosity of time. And the best part of this IrelandXO adventure? We did not just find our O’Connor family but we have two new friends in Ardagh”
If you have an interest in local heritage and family history, or simply enjoy welcoming people to your local community, please get in touch by sending an email to Laura or Jane at info@irelandxo.com for more information.
There are many different volunteer roles available at Ireland Reaching Out, and if you are interested in family history research, or creating content for your local XO Community, visit www.IrelandXO.com and locate your local Civil Parish to find out more.
MALONE, Dorothy Dorothy Malone passed peacefully into the loving arms of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday, January 19, 2018, days before turning 94. She was a devoted mother, grandmother, daughter, sister and friend. She will be dearly missed. Born Dorothy Eloise Maloney on January 30, 1924 in Chicago, Illinois to Robert and Esther Maloney. Dorothy was the eldest of five children born into a loving, Christian family. When Dorothy was a baby, her family moved to Dallas, where her heart would remain throughout her life. She attended Ursuline Academy of Dallas for nine years and was a part-time boarder at their convent with the Ursuline nuns while her parents traveled the country to try to find a cure for her two younger sisters stricken with polio. Both her sisters tragically passed away at five and eight years old. Her youngest brother was struck by lightning on a golf course and died at age 16. Dorothy graduated from Highland Park High School with Honors in 1941. She had wonderful high school memories and was voted School Favorite and Queen of the ROTC, and began to discover her talent as an actress when she won first place in a UIL One Act Play. Dorothy earned an academic scholarship to Hockaday Junior College. She then attended SMU, where she was named a Rotunda Beauty. While at SMU, Dorothy was performing in the campus play, Starbound, when an RKO Studios Talent Scout discovered her. It was the start of her extraordinary career and life. Dorothy was a part of the Golden Age of Hollywood and first lived at the iconic Hollywood Studio Club for Girls. Early on, she made her decision to dedicate her career to God and would sign every autograph with "May God Bless You Always!". She made her first major film breakthrough in 1945, captivating audiences as a bookstore clerk in The Big Sleep, with Humphrey Bogart. Throughout the next two decades, she went on to star in over 70 films, in addition to numerous TV guest appearances and commercials. In 1957, Dorothy won an Academy Award for her role as Marilee Hadley in Douglas Sirks' Written on the Wind. In her acceptance speech, she dedicated her Oscar to her late brother, Bill. She was also nominated for a Golden Globe for that role. Some of the more notable films included Young at Heart, Man of a Thousand Faces, Tarnished Angels, Too Much Too Soon, Battle Cry, Artists & Models, Beach Party and The Last Voyage. Dorothy starred alongside such iconic leading men as Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, James Cagney, Errol Flynn, Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra and Ronald Reagan, to name a few. In 1960, her star was added to the Hollywood Walk of Fame for outstanding work in Motion Pictures at the corner of Hollywood and Vine. Landing the starring role in TV's first nighttime continuing drama series, Peyton Place, Dorothy achieved her widest popularity yet. It was a smash hit and aired in prime-time three nights a week over the next five years, from 1964 to 1969. This was another pivoting point in her career, as she was among the first film stars to transition from movies into television. In 1965, Dorothy suffered a near-death experience as 33 blood clots moved through her lungs. While on the critical list fighting for her life for over a week, the world stood by as her vital signs and updates were reported and displayed above Times Square. After a dramatic recovery, she resumed her role on Peyton Place. She was nominated twice for a Golden Globe for Best Actress for her role as Constance McKenzie. Dorothy and John Wayne were recognized in 1965 with the Golden Apple Award as the "Most Cooperative Male and Female Actors" of the year. Dorothy also received the Photoplay Award for "Most Popular Female Actress in a TV Series" in 1966. Dorothy's career offered amazing life experiences. In 1946, at age 22, she was invited to travel via the Queen Elizabeth to be presented to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of England. In the late 60's she was granted a private audience with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican. She was also a White House guest for three sitting U.S. Presidents. She married Frenchman Jacques Bergerac in Hong Kong in 1959, which led her to the most cherished and fulfilling role she would have in her life, as mother to her two beloved daughters, Mimi and Diane. They had a contentious divorce four years later that spanned the next ten years. She would forevermore put her daughters' needs before everything. In 1969, at the peak of her career, she decided to move from the Hollywood spotlight to raise her girls in Dallas, so they could experience a more normal childhood. Over the next two decades, Dorothy continued to work from Dallas, as schedule permitted. In 1992, after 50 years in the motion picture industry, Dorothy retired. Dorothy's career and accomplishments did not define her. She dedicated herself to her craft, never motivated by fame or fortune. She felt blessed to be able to work in an industry that she loved. Dorothy appreciated and was deeply humbled by her fans from around the world, who have continued to contact her and keep in touch over the past 70+ years. Her love and generous spirit touched so many. To her friends and family, Dorothy was known for her deep faith, strong character, big heart, sharp wit and fun loving spirit. She had many trials and tribulations throughout her life, but always pulled from her inner strength and was able to face any obstacle with her family close by and God in control. We thank God for blessing her with a long and beautiful life, which she so gracefully used to reflect His love. Dorothy is preceded in death by parents Esther Smith Maloney and Robert I. Maloney, as well as siblings Patsy Jane Maloney, Joan Maloney and George William (Bill) Maloney. Dorothy is lovingly survived by her two daughters Mimi Bergerac Vanderstraaten and Diane Bergerac Thompson and their respective husbands William Vanderstraaten and John P. Thompson, Jr. and six grandchildren Caroline Thompson Richards, John Thompson III, Emily Vanderstraaten, Lauren Thompson, Will Vanderstraaten and Crawford Thompson all of Dallas. She is also survived by her brother, The Honorable Robert B. Maloney and his wife The Honorable Frances Maloney, of Dallas. The family would like to acknowledge their deep appreciation to her wonderful and loyal caregivers for the love and joy they brought into her life. Memorial Mass will be held at 1:00 PM on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at Christ the King Catholic Church, 8017 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas 75225. In lieu of flowers, and honoring Dorothy's lifelong love of dogs, donations can be made to SPCA of Texas 2400 Lone Star Drive, Dallas, TX 75212 or www.spca.org. or to the .
Published in Dallas Morning News from Jan. 24 to Jan. 25, 2018
1928 – On the morning of 12 April 1928, in the famous ‘Bremen’ German aircraft, James Fitzmaurice, his German co-pilot Hermann Kohl, and plane owner Ehrenfried Gunther Freiherr von Hunefeld took off from Dublin’s Baldonnel Aerodrome. Through harsh weather conditions and a series of compass issues, the men landed on 13 April 13 atop an iced-over reservoir on Greenly Island in Quebec, Canada. Just as the plane came to a stop, it broke through the ice and the tail projected 20 ft into the air. Everyone got wet, but everyone was safe. https://youtu.be/BBxcF5YEcA4
My great grandfather Patrick Hickey (1859-1927) was born in Clounaman to Edmund Hickey(1833-1890) and Hannah Cournane (1829-1910) and emigrated to NYC about 1880. His father, Edmund, is listed in various records as a fisherman, a boatman and a laborer. Edmund himself was born at Clounaman in 1833 to Patrick Hickey and Johanna McElligott. Patrick married Mary Noonan from Barleymount West, Killarney in October of 1888 at St. Peter's Church on Barclay Street in NYC.
The best record is the inscription on his wife's head stone "Margaret Hyde Love of Mitchelstown" I have through DNA established links to the Hyde family in Kildorrery, Cork, just five miles wqest of Mitchelstown.
Edward Kenealy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward Kenealy at the Tichborne trial
Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenealy QC (2 July 1819 – 16 April 1880) was an Irish barrister and writer. He is best remembered as counsel for the Tichborne claimant and the eccentric and disturbed conduct of the trial that led to his ruin.
Early life
He was born at Cork, the son of a local merchant. He was educated at Trinity College Dublin, and was called to the Irish Bar in 1840 and to the English Bar in 1847. He obtained a fair practice in criminal cases. In 1868 he became a QC and a bencher of Gray's Inn.[1]
He practised on the Oxford circuit and in the Central Criminal Court and his most famous cases included:[2]
Hicky http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID=829108r064
Dictionary of Irish Biography (DIB): http://dib.cambridge.org/
Historical Tralee and surounding areas
September 4, 2015 ·
Did you know , that Roger Bresnahan .The seventh child of Michael and Mary (O'Donohue) Bresnahan, who emigrated from Tralee .
Was an American player and manager in Major League Baseball nicknamed "The Duke of Tralee" ,
As well as playing for Washington Senators (1897)
Chicago Cubs (1900)
Baltimore Orioles AL (1901-1902)
New York Giants (1902-1908)
St. Louis Cardinals (1909-1912)
Chicago Cubs (1913-1915)
And also managed St. Louis Cardinals (1909-1912)
Chicago Cubs (1915),
He was the first one to introduce shin guards in to the game of base ball,
His mark on the game is seen in every contest at every level, whenever a catcher dons shin guards.
Roger Bresnahan, however, did more than revolutionize how catchers dressed. He changed the way the position was played.
A year after his death Roger Philip Bresnahan was
Inducted to the Base ball Hall of Fame in: 1945 , his page can be seen on the link below
A versatile athlete who played all nine positions at the major-league level, Roger Bresnahan is generally regarded today as the Deadball Era's most famous catcher, as well known for his innovations in protective equipment as for his unusual skill package that made him one of the first catchers ever used continuously at the top of the batting order.after a life long connection with the game The Duke of Tralee died in 1944 and was part of the 1945 Hall of Fame induction class. A pair of his shin guards are now part of the Hall of Fame’s collection, further immortalizing his contributions to the National Pastime.
TROCAIRE: Standing for social justice - become a volunteer and make your contribution
Are you interested in volunteering and becoming part of something really worthwhile? The Trócaire volunteers in our Diocese had a great year of action for social justice and are now looking to expand their wings to more local parishes. To find out more please contact Marie-Anne Michel 091 781 231, volunteering@trocaire.org or locally contact Rose in the Diocesan Centre at rose.oconnor@limerickdiocese.org. The closing date for expressions of interest for volunteers is the 26th October 2018.
Following the tsunami in Indonesia Trócaire is supporting relief efforts to help bring vital supplies (water, food and medicine) to people who have been left with nothing. We are supporting our sister agency, Karina-Caritas Indonesia, who are working in the worst affected areas. The death toll is considerable, with around 2,000 deaths and up to 5,000 people still missing. Trócaire has committed to providing €30,000 to Karina-Caritas Indonesia to support an immediate response to ensure that the basic needs of the most vulnerable are met
October 4, 2017 ·
WATCH: His singing saved his life, his smarts made him a WWII hero.
David Wisnia survived Auschwitz, escaped the Nazis and joined American forces to liberate others.
Dr. John Kennelly, President of GCHERA, welcomed the partnership with AUB and lauded AUB on its leadership and enthusiastic commitment to the project. He also thanked the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for supporting a project that will help transform university education in order to form the ethical leaders the world needs. He indicated that the WKKF funded project was the first step in implementing the GCHERA Action Plan and he looked forward to engaging other partners to expand the project to interested institutions across GCHERA’s global network of 900 universities.
The launch of this project marks an important milestone in the implementation of the GCHERA Action Plan. GCHERA identified the education remit of agricultural and life science universities as its primary focus in its current Action Plan. This arose out of a concern that the core mandate of universities does not get the same attention as research, as demonstrated in global rankings of universities where the quality of undergraduate education has very little impact on an institution’s ranking. This slant towards research is happening at a time when universities, especially in Africa and Asia, are also experiencing explosive growth in enrolment without the additional resources to support that growth. As a result, the quality of education suffers and graduates are not well equipped to meet changing societal needs.
The Action Plan was developed through a series of global workshops and conferences where GCHERA members, spanning six continents, presented examples of innovation in curricula and pedagogy at their institutions. The need for graduates who are change agents capable of tackling the twin challenges of nutritional security and environmental sustainability has never been greater. Graduates are facing a shift from public to private sector employment opportunities, and there is a greater demand for entrepreneurs to drive economic growth and solve global challenges. Creating a learning environment that fosters the desired characteristics in our graduates and prepares them to serve their communities and countries is a central pillar of the WKKF funded project.
There are many examples across GCHERA’s global network of universities of good practice in terms of creating a learning environment where students excel. EARTH University in Costa Rica stands out as a university that, for three decades, has produced graduates who have gone on to be agents of positive change in their communities and beyond. Thus, the W.K. Kellogg funded project is based on EARTH’s Key Elements of Success – values-based education, experiential/participatory learning, community engagement, social entrepreneurship, ethical leadership and decision-making, with the goal of encouraging other universities to adopt the principles underpinning these elements, tailored to meet the particular circumstances of each participating institution.
The project will target select universities in Mexico and Haiti, as these are priority countries for WKKF. However, GCHERA will also engage other universities across its global network who are interested in the reform agenda. The process of developing the Action Plan helped identify universities who were at the forefront of innovation in undergraduate education. A number of universities across our global network have also expressed interest in engaging in this work. Our goal is to work with our GCHERA’s member associations to secure additional funding to extend this project to interested universities across six continents. We welcome expressions of interest from universities and we commit to continuing this dialogue as a mechanism to share best practices across our global network of universities.
A special thanks to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for their support and encouragement as we developed the project. Incidentally, WKKF provided support for the establishment of GCHERA and they have been long-term supporters of EARTH University. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the leadership role provided by Dr. José Zaglul, founding President of EARTH. Without his passion and commitment, this project would not have been possible.
AMICUS No. 20307478
NLC COPIES: NL Stacks - C-disc 31,768 - NO ILL
NL Stacks - C-disc 31,768 - Copy 2 - NO ILL
NAME(S):*Millar, Will, 1939-
TITLE(S): Celtic reverie [sound recording] : women of Ireland /
Will Millar
PUBLISHER: Saint-Laurent, Québec : Chacra, p1996.
PUBL. NO.: Publisher no.: CHACD 047 Chacra
DESCRIPTION: 1 compact disc : digital ; 12 cm.
NOTES: The women of Ireland: Rosheen dubh ; The women of
Ireland ; Star of the county Down ; Suzie Maguire -- Bird of peace:
Where the moorcock crows ; Ar Eirinn -- Spirit of place: The banks of
Claudy ; Curragh of Kildare ; Limerick is beautiful ; Spancial Hill --
Haunted Kenban: Blue hills of Antrim ; Lady McQuillians lament ; The
longships of Dunluce -- A terrible beauty: Boolavogue ; The foggy dew ;
Valley of Knockanure -- Seascapes & safe harbours: Cliffs of Duneen ;
Carnlough Bay ; Mingulay boat song ; Tyree love lilt -- Summer in the
glens: Summer has come ; Hills of Donegal ; She moved thru the fair ;
Buachaill o'n Eirne -- Atlantic crossings: The parting glass ; Holy
ground ; Farewell shamrock shore ; Women of Ireland (reprise).
NUMBERS: Canadiana: 2004152084X
CONSER: 35126770
Cal O’Callaghan, “Doon Reel”s and Pádraig O’Keeffe
Jun 1, 2016
Cal O’Callaghan
(The following is cobbled together from many sources, with some added speculation on my part. Corrections, further information and indeed further speculation are very welcome).
Around the middle of the 19th century a journeyman carpenter from Kenmare by the name of O’Callaghan settled in Doon, near Kiskeam, County Cork, and married a widow called Mrs. O’Connor. They had five children, four girls and a boy. One of the girls, Margaret, married school teacher John O’Keeffe about the 1880s, and they had a daughter and four sons, one of whom was Pádraig O’Keeffe (1887-1963). Margaret’s only brother was called Callaghan O’Callaghan, or Cal for short, and he was young Pádraig’s music teacher.
Earlier, around about 1860, Cal had disagreed with his own father and gone to America, settling in Ohio in a largely Scottish community (Paddy O’Brien knows a great deal more about this than I do). Cal stayed away for over twenty years, returning home around the same time as Margaret got married.
“Home” was, as mentioned above, a place called Doon; the several Doon Reels in the Sliabh Luachra repertoire, as well as the several Callaghan’s reels and hornpipes, are all associated with either Cal or Margaret. These tunes are the only real clues that I’m aware of as to what tunes Cal actually passed on. I’ve speculated (and I think Paddy O’Brien agrees) that Cal might have been the source – via the Ohio Scots – for Johnny Cope, either in its original Scottish form, or in the elaborated setting which is generally attributed to Padraig O’Keeffe.
On the basis of Cal’s influence, it has occasionally been suggested that the Sliabh Luachra style “really” comes from Ohio, and I’ve heard the late Dan O’Connell of Knocknagree cited as the authority for that idea (which I must say sounds unlikely). But Sliabh Luachra music is more than just Padraig O’Keeffe, outstanding genius though he was; there were several other key figures. And anyway Cal’s (and thus Padraig’s) musical lineage is not dependent on the Ohio Scots alone. In Ireland, Cal and his siblings learned from the famous Corney Drew (b.1832, a tenant farmer and music teacher from Kiskeam), who in turn was taught by a blind itinerant fiddler named Timothy O’Grady, from Tipperary. Young Pádraig was fostered out, as was the common custom, to his mother’s family home in Doon, where he was taught music by Cal; Pádraig said on many occasions that his music came from his mother’s family, by which he mainly meant Cal, though his mother also played concertina and sang.
It’s no secret that a great many Sliabh Luachra polkas and slides turn out to be Scottish tunes originally (with all due reservations about the word “originally”); while Cal almost certainly introduced some Scottish tunes, there are other likely sources also, such as fife-and-drum bands, printed collections, and so on.
So, if Dan O’Connell did indeed attribute the Sliabh Luachra style to Cal Callaghan’s Ohio Scots neighbours (and I never heard him say so), he was not entirely incorrect, but he was being jovially extravagant. In Ireland, as no doubt elsewhere, verbal inventiveness is not the same as telling lies, but neither should it be confused with hard fact.
The Sliabh Luachra setting of Johnny Cope neatly illustrates the difficulty of assigning origins to tunes in our shared repertoire. What “nationality” is a tune learned by Cal O’Callaghan from a Scottish musician in America, as played today by a young Sliabh Luachra musician who learned it from a recording of Padraig O’Keeffe? Irish? Scottish? American? And what is it when Paddy O’Brien plays it in Ohio: a local tune? It’s arguable that a tune’s real identity is in the way it’s played at any given moment, whatever its previous known history might be – bearing in mind that its previous history is likely to be incomplete, because based mainly on a paper trail which inevitably can tell little about the “folk process” by which a tune is naturalised in a community.
Very little is known of Cal’s time in Ohio, so I can’t say whether or not he also picked up tunes from vaudeville players there, as has been suggested; but if he was like his nephew, he picked up tunes from everywhere. There certainly seems to have been a copy of “Ryan’s Mammoth Collection” in circulation in Sliabh Luachra, and it may well have been brought back by Cal: a clue is the Chorus Jig (actually a reel), the last tune in “Ryan’s”, which passed into the Sliabh Luachra repertoire, via Cal and Padraig, as one of the aforementioned Doon Reels (recorded by Paddy Cronin on a 78 as Doon Reel No.2).
Another American collection in use in Sliabh Luachra, and probably brought by Cal, was “New and Scientific Self-instructing School for the Violin” by George Saunders, published Boston in 1847. Dan Herlihy has this book, or a copy of it.
As well as these American influences on Sliabh Luachra, it would be interesting to pursue the Tipperary connection. Tipperary, as the heartland of B/C accordion style in modern times, might be considered the musical antithesis of Sliabh Luachra, but as noted above, there is a musical lineage stretching back from Pádraig O’Keeffe through Cal O’Callaghan and Corney Drew to Timothy O’Grady, who left Tipperary under a cloud and moved to Rockchapel in the early 19th century. O’Grady had been a big house retainer, a fiddle master and a dancing master, and may have been one of the people involved in the adaptation of the formal quadrille to local taste, i.e., the very beginnings of the polka sets which are central to Sliabh Luachra music and dance.
Another tantalising glimpse of a connection between Sliabh Luachra and Tipperary is the fiddle style of Edward Cronin (c.1838-c.1918), a near-contemporary of Corney Drew (b.1832). Cronin was from Limerick Junction, County Tipperary, but emigrated to America, eventually settling in Chicago where he became one of Francis O’Neill’s most important sources. O’Neill’s cylinder recording of Cronin playing the jig Banish Misfortune clearly shows Cronin’s use of the “four notes in the time of three” figure which is a characteristic feature of Sliabh Luachra jig playing (the recording is now available on the double CD, “The Francis O’Neill Cylinders”, issued by The Ward Irish Music Archives in 2010).
Paul de Grae, August 2013
Donal O’Connor (b.1935) was born in Carrigeen, Brosna and can trace his musical lineage back to the travelling fiddle master Graddy through his father Paddy Jerry O’Connor who learned from his mother, Ellen Guiney, from Knocknawinna, Brosna, who in turn had been Graddy’s pupil. Donal and his three older brothers were all taught fiddle from an early age and soon were playing with their father in dance-halls, house parties, and weddings in the Brosna area.
In the early 60s Donal and his late brother Patrick founded the popular and prize-winning Brosna Ceili Band. The original lineup of the Brosna Céilí Band included Patrick and Donal on fiddle, Neilus O’Connor, Aeneas O’Connell, ‘Big Pat’ Moriarty on mouthorgan, Nicky McAuliffe; Mick Mulcahy, and Micheal O hEidhin on piano, with vocals from Mary McQuinn (aka Maida Sugrue) and Séan Ahern. They won the All-Ireland in 1972.
Soon after the All-Ireland, Donal tried his hand as a publican at the Sliabh Luachra Bar in the heart of Listowel. For a while it was a popular spot for musicians from all over Kerry to meet and play. Today Donal lives in Limerick City and is a fixture of the music scene there.
Tom Billy Murphy story
EMIGRANTS from Ireland
The enumeration of emigrants from Irish Ports did not start until 1st May 1851. From that time onward to 1906, we have a list of the numbers leaving the country, unfortunately neither their names, the ports they left from nor their destinations have been included. The figures below show that 113,237 males and 113,827 females, giving a total of 227,064 people emigrated from County Kerry during this period. These figures do not of course include those who emigrated to England/Scotland/Wales as we Irish were then regarded as citizens of the United Kingdom, the 'great' British Empire and leaving Kerry to work and/or live across the Irish sea was not regarded at the time as 'emigration'.
Clare Sentinel (1892), 20 July 1894
Niagrara’s Water ‘Power. A lively discussion is going on among Bectrieians on the subject of the longdistance transmission of Niagara water power. Early in May there appeared in a leading electrical journal an article in which Prof. E. J. Houston and Mr. A. E. Kennelly went elaborately into the question of how far the water power of the falls could be transmitted by electricity. The gist of their contention was that the power of Niagara Falls can be transmitted to a radius of 200 miles cheaper than it can he pro duced at any point within that range by steam engines of the most economical type, with coal at $3 per-ton; furthermore that “given a sufficiently large output, it might be commercially advisable to undersell large steam powers at twice this distance with no profit, in order to reduce the general expense upon delivery nearer home.” The article attracted wide attention not only among electrical engineers, but also in lay circles, and was prompt ly noticed by newspapers throughout the country. Dr. G. E. Emery, an eminent engineer replied to the article by a series of figures and statistics which went to show fhatj Messrs. Houston and Kennelly had overestimated some of th© points on which their conclusions were based, and underestimated others. For instance, the Houston-Kennelly estimate regarding the cost of the hydraulic works is $17.60 per horse power, as against Dr: Emery’s $140 per horse power. The former quotes Prof. Forbes, the electrical engineer of the Cataract Company, as testifying that “there can be little doubt that the efficiency • of our dynamos .may reach, at least, 98 per cent,”
Cheboygan Democrat, 27 May 1926
One of the Oldest City Pioneers Died at His Honte on Pine Hill Avenue Monday. The grim reaper took from among us on Monday, May 24th another of j our sturdy old pioneers. John Dundon ’ who had been ailing from rheumatism for years, and althoogh this ailment had not impaired his general health, still, it prevented him from getting around' as he was wont to do and because of his absence from the public places as was bis custom it was supposed that be was suffering the infirmities of old age. A week before his death he sustained a very severe fall at. his home at which time he not only broke his knee cap but otherwise suffered hurts and bruises that contributed to his death the-week following. Immediately, after his fall the different members of the family were communicated with' and all but the one son were able to go to his bed side before the final summons, and he Was able to recognize and visit with all. John Dundon was born" in Shanagolden, Limerick, Ireland, on November l'5th, 1835, and came to this city sixty-six years ago, He was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Boyle at Belleville, Ontario and to this union five children were bom all of whom survive, namely Mrs. Owen Camerford, and Mrs. E. E. Rice of Detroit. Mrs. C. J. Davis of Chicago, Mrs. Oliver Williams of Traverse City and a son John Dundon of Dakota. The first Mrs. Dundon died in 1874 and three years later he was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Koschig who survives, -^th the five children already mentioned. Mr. Dundon came to Cheboygan with Ms family in 1866 hence he has been a resident here for sixty years. The funeral was held from the St. Mary’s church this morning and interment was in Calvary cemetery. Mr. Dundon was widely known and possessed a great many near and dear friends. He was of a true Irish character, always ready with a tart saying and bubbling over at all times with ready wit. Even to his last hours almost was he possessed of such ready wit and good nature. Mrs. Comerford, the eldest daughter of Detroit who was here for the funeral returned to her home this (Thursday) morning.
Letter to America
Mary Harrington 1823
What follows is a transcription of a letter sent in 1855 by Mary Harrington to her brother Denis who was living in Galena, IL at the time. Family stories always told that Edward and Mary were from County Kerry. This is the most significant clue I have come across pointing to their townland.
There is a Mary and a William Harrington (Mary’s father’s name) on Griffith’s Valuation for Ireland in Townland Ballincollig Parish OBrennan, County K OBrennan Oct 22/55
My Dear Denis,
I received your letter of the 20th Sept. last and am sorry to hear of the death of our poor father. I think he rests in peace for he was a good father. I have the melancholy duty of informing you that our grandmother died on the 1st July from a severe attack of ? may she rest in peace. Since last August 8 years I had only one letter from you and I have written several times to you since and not receiving an answer to any of them I considered you were all dead – that it would be useless to write any more – however God is good and it was some consolation to me after the death of my grandmother to be told by _____ Harrington that he had a letter for me and on opening it how surprised I was to hear that any of you were alive.
I have now to inform you that Dan Browne in a letter forwarded by him to his mother the 14th March last stated that our sister Elizabeth and her family went to California on the 4th March 1854 and since then I have not heard a word about them. Aunt Buckley and family are well and was much grieved at poor father’s death – she intends writing to you as we have found your address – I may now give you some short account of my life – with which you are very likely not acquainted – about 14 years ago my grandmother’s second husband Thos. Murphy died and in about 12 months afterwards my grandmother said to me – that she thought it would be better for to get married – and have a person to look after our affairs as we were then living alone – I took her advice and married Edmond Fitzgerald a neighbor of ours are were getting on pretty well when I pleased God send for him leaving me only a little boy who is now about 9 years old.
When I was a child my father sent me home to my grandmother and on my way I received a hurt in my side which stuck to me ever since – left me partly disabled in my side – however Thank God I earn a little livelihood by needle work and this strives to support myself and my little boy as I am unable walk without a crutch. I am told that I could not be taken to any part in the United States as the law does not allow any disabled persons to be brought to any of these ports. I have rec a letter from Train Co. of Liverpool stating that my passage to Boston is pre-paid and the vessel will sail on the 5th March next though I have not rec a certificate to that effect from you. I have written to them this day that I am not ready to start until I’ve further intelligence from you. I have now fully stated to you how I am getting on.
My prospects in this country for myself and my little boy are not the best living as we do in a cabin on the side of the road there is no great chance of being able to do much for my poor child. However I trust I have seen the worst times and that you will be able to do something for us – you will on receipt of this letter write to me immediately and let me know what I am to do – as I have no other person to make my case known to.
I remain my dear Denis, your affectionate sister, Mary Harrington.
P.S. William Harrington and his uncle are very much thank God and they trust that you will be able to do something for me now that I know where to address you.
MARS LIGHT: The Mars light was an early mechanical flashing/warning light.
"A railroader had worked out the general idea…"
Actually, it was the brainchild of Chicago aerial truck (hook & ladder) driver Jerry (Jeremiah) Kennelly.
City traffic was already getting bad in the 1920s, making it increasingly dangerous and difficult for emergency vehicles to get through. Fire apparatus in this period were usually fitted with small hand-held spotlights (Chicago apparatus also carried (and still carry) small red and green forward-facing warning lamps). Kennelly realized that if he wiggled the spotlight by hand, it caught the attention of oncoming drivers. He continued his experiments into the 30s (as city traffic got worse), replacing the white lens with a red one and eventually adding a motor and gearbox so it would turn in a unique horizontal figure-8 pattern. This made the beam visible to both oncoming traffic and in rear-view mirrors, and produced a noticeable flashing effect.
Kennelly later made the acquaintance of Frank Mars, head of the famed Chicago candy company, who liked what he saw and provided both financial and engineering help, which his wife continued after Mars' death in 1933. This is where the Mars in Mars Light came from.
The first railroad tests came in 1936 on the CNW, but used a blue lens, as red would be misinterpreted as a stop signal. This was later replaced with a standard white lens.
"The original "Green Diamond" had a light that pointed straight up as an attention getter. The Pacifics assigned to the original C&NW "400" also had a headlight angled upward at a 45-degree angle."
As high-speed trains were introduced, there was a lot of concern that motorists would never see or hear them coming especially at night – humans have a hard time judging the speed of anything bigger than we are coming at us. These earlier warning lights were fixed searchlights, positioned to point straight up or at an angle so they would not blind oncoming train crews or motorists, however the powerful light beam did make them easier to see at night. Diesels, being much quieter and nearly smokeless, were also that much harder to see by day and railroads began looking at ways to make them more visible.
The Mars Light was liked by some railroads, and was also seen on a lot of fire apparatus in the 1940s-60s.
Lance Burton
04-13-2005, 10:57 AM
I thought that Federal Signal and Mars combined several years ago. I may be incorrect on this. I remember someone telling me this.
Why not contact your local Pierce or Seagrave dealer and ask them this question??
I found this ifnormation while doing a google search.
"Search for Mars Signal Light Co:"
A copy of a cover of a 1940? catalog (WR-5000-A catalog – see misc.) shows the address of the Mars Signal Light Company as 5737 W. Division St.; Chicago, IL.
I contacted Mars, Inc. of McLean, VA (the candy company), and was informed by their personnel and organizational manager, S. A. Heffelfinger, that they have no record of what became of the 'MarsLite Corporation'. She did say that in April of 1933, Mr. Mars and Mr. Kennelly formed a company named the 'MarsLite Corporation', with Mr. Mars providing $1000 of it's working capital. She found a file on it with a large drawing which must have been used to apply for the patent. She also provided me with information about Jerry Kennelly:
Apparently, Jerry Kennelly suggested using a flashing light for police and fire vehicles to enhance their safety. It appeared that no one was interested in the idea until two fire trucks collided in Chicago with grim results. The mayor suddenly became interested in the concept and the 'MarsLite Corporation' was born. It set the criterion for flashing lights for emergency vehicles until World War II.
I contacted the Federal Signal Corporation of University Park, IL, and was told that they did not take over the Mars Signal Light Company and were not a subsidiary of it.
John Blair suggested contacting SPAAMFAA (Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America). He remembered seeing "Bubble Gum Machines" on tow trucks and various emergency vehicles in the 1980's in Syracuse, N.Y. (in which SPAAMFAA has roots) which bore the slogan "The Light From Mars" and the name "The Mars Signal Light Company".
Trade-Mark 343,236 for "THE LIGHT FROM MARS" was registered to Jeremiah D. Kennelly on Feb. 16, 1937. A metal plate bearing this trade-mark was attached to the products sold by the Mars Signal Light Co.
Investigation of SPAAMFAA led me to John Dorgan of the Rusty Bucket Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.; Arizona Territorial Chapter of SPAAMFAA. John provided me with this information:
The MARS Signal Light Company manufactured many different lights and sirens starting with the model FL which dates back to Kennelly's original patent (US Pat. 1,991,101 cited above). The company simultaneously made both emergency vehicle warning lights and railroad lights. They manufactured both train lights and several types of crossing lights. In the late 60's or early 70's, the operations moved to Naples, Florida and they operated from this location until the company was purchased by Trippe Light Co. The resulting corporation became known as TRI LITE MARS. It is located in Chicago, once again, and is located at 1335 W. Randolph St.; Chicago, IL 60607. Tel. 1-800-322-5250. John goes on to say that TRI LITE MARS doesn't have any information as to the early days prior to TRI LITE.
Rich Sitler contacted me with information on the address for the company. He listed the phone and fax numbers as well as revealing that the company makes an "888" light used for fire trucks and locomotives.
I called the company using the 1-800 number. The company identified itself as "TRI LITE INC.". The address is what John and Rich have stated. (phone: (312) 226-7778/fax: (312) 226-5335)
Information from TRI LITE INC. catalog:
TRI LITE INC. is made up of the TRI LITE division and the MARS Signal Light division. They also identify themselves as TRI LITE MARS (evidenced by their logo and catalog cover). Their present product line includes warning lights, back up alarms and sirens. Both belt and gear drive rotating light units are available. They manufacture the MARS "888" Traffic Breaker Light which generates a "figure 8" moving pattern which they claim to be the leading fire truck warning light for years. This light is sold in a pedestal mounted unit (TB8-P) or as a flush mounted unit (TB8-F). The catalog specifications state that these units are rated 60,000 (optional 100,000) candlepower. This unit is available with either a clear or red lens. The "888" light is also incorporated into roof bar units.
From the product line, emergency vehicle equipment is what this company now specializes in. I verified this with their customer service representative.
Regarding the sale of rotating flashers or strobes to the railroad industry, the representative stated that this may be taking place through their distributors, but TRI LITE INC. has no records of distributor sales.
This is what I found and the light was first designed by a fireman in Chicago and the Mars candy Co.
Last edited by allineedisu; 04-13-2005, 01:35 PM.
From https://forums.firehouse.com/forum/firefighting/firefighters-forum/53917-mars-lights
Bob DelbridgeMember Digital Subscriber
4/18/136:23 AM
Here's a couple of things I found on the SAL/ACL forum:
ACL - The rule book (Rule 17-A) required the use of the Mars light when
ever the train was moving forward at night. It was to be turned off
when approachin terminals, junctions, meeting points, and stations
where stops were to be made. Also, it was to be turned off when ever
the rules required that the main headlight be dimmed.
Before there were Ditch lights, there were Mars Lights
During the spring of 1936, an astonishing sight stopped motorists and
attracted crowds of curious spectators to highway overpasses along
the Chicago & North Western line from Chicago to Minneapolis. The
engine was one of the railroad's rebuilt Pacific-type set aside for
service on the famous "400s," but the oscillating blue light flashing
from the top of the smokebox was definitely something new.
The light was the brainchild of a Chicago city fireman, Jerry
Kennelly, whose encounters with oncoming street traffic during
emergency runs led him to tinker with various warning-light devices.
The most effective, he discovered, swept the path in a horizontal
figure-8 motion that caught the attention of motorists both in front
and to the sides of the truck. But it wasn't until Chicago candy
magnate Frank Mars and his wife, Ethel took an interest that
Kennelly's invention became reality. Mars offered the inventor use of
the candy company's machine shop to turn out prototypes, and after
Mars' death, his widow continued financial support of the project. In
return, Kennelly assigned patent rights to the Mars Light Co.
Working with a group of Chicago policemen, Kennelly developed the
device further, offering it to railroads for use at highway
crossings. Finally, it caught the attention of Chicago & North
Western's chief safety officer; he agreed to mount a Mars light on
engine #2908, one of the four E-2's assigned to the new "400"
service. Additional tests were conducted with a Mars light on a
J-class 2-8-2 that shuttled back and forth on the Orchard track in
Proviso Yard.
On one of its runs to Milwaukee, the 2908 struck a large bird,
shattering the blue lens. A clear lens was located in Milwaukee, and,
on the return trip to Chicago, it was discovered that the white light
was even more effective in catching attention. Gyrating in a
horizontal figure-8 that was 800 feet in diameter, 1000 feet down the
track, the new Mars oscillating headlight was adopted by C&NW for its
steam-powered engines and, despite the initial indifference of EMD
officials, by the Rock Island for use on its first passenger diesels.
Other railroads soon followed.
(from Chicago & North Western Vol. 1, by Lloyd A. Keyser, Morning Sun
Books, 1997. Thanks to Charlie Willer, Heartland Rails, Ft. Wayne, IN)
From what I found out a while back, Seaboard used them for emergency situations, but don't know what defined an "emergency". Also, some of Seaboard's E7s had red lenses, others had clear.
HARNETT REUNION NEWS: The following article appeared in a North Carolina newspaper on June 30 2016 last. “Harnett County received a visitor this month with a unique connection to the County’s history. James Harnett toured a portion of Harnett County along with his daughter, Niamh, as part of a visit to the County that shares his family’s name. Harnett is from Abbeyfeale in County Limerick, Ireland, and was visiting the United States for the first time to surprise his friend, Noel Lyons, who lives in Cary, for the 25th anniversary of Lyon’s company, McGill Environmental Systems of North Carolina. Harnett introduced Lyons to his lead business partner nearly three decades ago. While he was in the Triangle, Harnett decided to visit neighbouring Harnett County. He said he learned of Harnett County’s existence several years ago while researching the Harnett name. Harnett said there are hundreds of people who have the Harnett name in County Limerick and the surrounding area, more than anywhere else in the world. “I’ve always been fascinated by why the Harnett name is so strong in this small area of Ireland,” he said. In 2012, he organized the Harnett Reunion Weekend Clan Gathering, a Harnett family reunion of sorts. A commemorative magazine was published for the occasion. During his visit, Harnett donated a copy of the magazine, which includes notable stories of the Harnett family as well as information about Harnett County, N.C., and the County’s namesake, Cornelius Harnett. While researching for the reunion, Harnett also learned about Cornelius Harnett, whose father was a merchant and immigrated to the Americas from Dublin, Ireland. Harnett said he was interested in finding out whether he might be related to Cornelius Harnett, but many of Ireland’s records were destroyed during the Easter Rising, a rebellion that took place during Easter Week, April 1916. Nonetheless, Harnett said he was fascinated to learn about Cornelius Harnett and Harnett County and wanted to stop in while he was nearby. While he was here, he visited Lillington Town Hall, the Harnett County Courthouse and County Administration Building, and he had his first Southern breakfast at Sweet Magnolia in Downtown Lillington. Harnett also visited the Harnett County Public Library to present the County with a copy of the Harnett Reunion Commemorative Magazine. Interim Harnett County Library Director Angela McCauley said she was honoured and delighted by Harnett’s visit and the donation to the library. She said the magazine will be added to the library’s collection as a reference item in the local history room. “We are most grateful for Mr. Harnett’s book donation,” said McCauley. “He offered interesting facts and details about the Harnett family and his enthusiasm made it clear that he and other family members are quite dedicated to their heritage and family roots, and they have pride in the Harnett name. “Harnett said he was impressed by his visit to the United States and Harnett County, both by the vastness and natural beauty of the land and the friendliness of the people. “People have been welcoming everywhere we’ve gone,” he said. “Everyone takes the time to talk to you.”
DEATH May 2016, of Sister Ann Woulfe, Elm Hill, Ardagh in South Africa.
Thanks for the information about Denis O'Keefe. Some of my family did go to Chicago but my great uncle Denis O'Keeffe from Meenscovane, b. 1877, went to New York where he married Catherine Ranahan. One of their 2 daughter's, Florence, did marry a William J Ahearn so it's a bit of a coincidence. I have been lucky enough to make contact with their descendants in the U.S. to confirm this. My great aunt Catherine O'Keeffe did go to Chicago in 1901 where she married John O'Shaughnessy. He was born in Beheenagh, Knocknagoshel but unfortunately Catherine died of T.B. 2 years after they married. They had one son John Vincent O'Shaughnessy who became a priest. Another great uncle, William O'Keeffe lived for a while in Chicago but returned to live in Meenscovane because of his poor health and died there in 1940. Altogether there was 12 children in the family, some of which I still can't trace but I will keep persevering.
Dennis O'Keefe
O'Keefe, Dennis. Husband of Catherine (nee Ahearn) father of Mrs.
Patrick Moore, Michael O'Keefe, Mrs. George Raivie, Mrs. Jerry
O'Connor, Mrs. Arthur Barry, and the late Mrs. Bryan McSweeney, Anna
and John O'Keefe, native of Co. Kerry, Ireland. Funeral from his late
residence, 162 N. Ada st. to St. Columbkille's Church thence to
Calvary cemetery.
Chicago Daily News 14 January 1903.
The Sacred Heart Review, Volume 46, Number 21, 11 November 1911
The Right Rev. Richard A. O'Connor, D. D., Bishop of Petersborough, Canada, recently celebrated the golden jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood. Bishop O'Connor was born at Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, April 15, 1838. He went to Canada in 1841 with his parents, and settled in Toronto.
Limerick Evening Post and Clare Sentinel
1 June 1830
Distressed Weavers of Limerick
Final Report
Of the Committee for the Relief and Employment of the Weavers of the City of Limerick.
The arrangements stated in the Report published in the Post and Sentinel of the 20th ult. have been since carried into effect; and the exceptions then entertained by the Committee have, they are gratified to announce, been satisfactorily attained.
Letter from Van Dieman's Land
Freeman's Journal — 10 February 1835
The following are extracts from a letter, written nearly twelve months since, in Van Dieman's Land, and lately received by a gentleman in Kilkenny, who has been kind enough to permit us to publish them, The letter is from a man of the strictest probity:— Kilkenny Journal
"I am most happy, as an opportunity offers for London, to send you an account of this d____d country; and I hope you'll make it known to all persons who purpose to emigrate to those colonies (which you ands I were led to think were the best) that Ireland bad as it is, is better than here. —
There is neither employment for free people, or pity for the affected, the hearts of all are callous to every feeling save that of avarice. I have been from one extremity of the colony to the other, and in no part of it could I obtain anything like comfort, or do I see for any one. If it were not for a few pounds which remained to me after the expense of our voyage, &c., I should before now die of want. There is no employment for persons of any calling whatever. This country is inhabited by persons who have been transported for the last 30 years; and they have land granted them on their freedom, but their morals are quite depraved. Each person in town and country that holds property of any description are allowed prisoners to do their work, and if they do not do it, complaint is made, and they are cruelly lashed every day till they give full satisfaction to their master. I wish it was generally known in Ireland by the unfortunate and misguided portion of my countrymen, how transports are dealt with here; and I am sure they would commit no offence to subject them to transportation. I assure you in the most positive manner, it would be a greater mercy to hang them at home than send them here. I suppose you know the order of things as regards the seasons here; to-day the sun is much hotter than it is with you in June. Now is the commencement of the Autumn season— we have not had any rain since our arrival; but the weather has been very hot. The climate is very healthy, and what very extraordinary, very changeable. We never had better health. We were sixteen weeks on our voyage, an had no accident. I hope I shall some day have money enough to pay our passage from this unchristian land; for although there are Protestant, Catholic, and Methodist places of worship, very few frequent them. The country is hilly and mountainous, and I have not as yet seen any thing like a good crop of corn. The markets are as follows:—Bacon1s per pound, beef and mutton 6d per pound, Bread 10d for 4 pound, Potatoes, 3d per pound, and all other vegetables very dear. I have purchased a few acres of ground for seven years. I pay 80l. a-year for two rooms without furniture.
Respects for, &c. &c.
Launceston, 20th Feb. 1834
© Nick Reddan 2002
By Sarah Mac Donald - 09 December, 2014
Fr Liam Hayes SVD founded homes in Argentina for some of the world’s most forgotten people.
Fr Liam Hayes SVDIndependent Senator Rónán Mullen has paid tribute to Limerick-born missionary Fr Liam Hayes who died in Argentina on Sunday.
65-year-old Fr Hayes, from Cappamore, was the founder and administrator of several Cheshire Homes for children and adults with severe physical and intellectual disability in Oberá, Argentina.
Senator Mullen worked at the homes for a brief period as a volunteer in 2004.
“Fr Liam Hayes was a remarkable person whose kindness and concern for some of the world’s most forgotten people made a powerful impact on all those he knew and worked with,” Senator Mullen said in a statement on Monday.
After studies in UCC where he was Student Union President, Fr Hayes went to Maynooth and was ordained a priest for the Divine Word Missionaries.
In the mid-1980s, he travelled to Argentina to do parish work in the province of Misiones in North-Eastern Argentina, where he would spend the rest of his life.
More http://www.catholicireland.net/death-missionary-helped-argentinas-disabled/
PRESIDENTS AWARDS on 30th Oct 2014
Here’s the full list of recipients, with a short bio on each provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs:
Arts, Culture and Sport
Fionnula Flanagan (US)
In 2012, Fionnula Flanagan celebrated almost 50 years of stage, film and television work and received a life-time achievement award at that year’s Irish Film and Television Awards, presented to her by President Higgins. She is considered one of the world’s foremost interpreters of Joyce.
Since moving to the Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles in the early 1970s with her husband Garrett O’Connor, she has mentored and supported many Irish looking to succeed in the entertainment business in the US. She is a strong supporter of the Irish language and of the Irish arts in the US. She has assisted the Irish Film Board and the Consulate in their work to promote Ireland as a location for US film and TV productions and to promote Irish productions in the US. She has opened the doors of her home to host events on behalf of the Irish community in Los Angeles, in particular the annual Irish Film Festival.
Thomas Keneally (Australia)
Thomas (Tom) Keneally is a well-known Irish-Australian novelist, playwright, author and commentator. He has published more than 30 novels, dramas, screenplays and books of non-fiction. He has won numerous prizes including the Booker Prize for Schindler’s Ark. Born in Sydney in 1935, Keneally identifies closely and proudly with his Irish background. His grandparents came from Newmarket in Co Cork.
His work has spanned many countries and peoples but Australians and the Irish are recurring subjects. In 1992 he published Now and In Time to Be, a travelogue reflecting on Ireland and the Irish. In 1998 he published The Great Shame, his non-fiction work covering an 80 year period and charting the history of the Irish who were dispersed around the world during and after the Famine. Three Famines: Starvation and Politics, published in 2011, looks at the Great Famine in Ireland, the Great Famine of British-ruled Bengal in 1943, and the string of famines in Ethiopia during the 1970s and 1980s. In 2013, he wrote the book for a musical entitled Transport which tells the story of the impoverished Irish women and young girls (the so- called “undesirables”) who were deported on The Whisper, a prison ship, to the Australian penal colonies.
Charitable Works
Fr PJ McGlinchey (Korea)
Arriving in Jeju, Korea in 1954 Fr Mc Glinchey, a priest with the Missionary Society of St Columban, was faced with a society that was deeply traumatised and ravished by poverty. Lead by his faith and knowledge in agriculture he set about helping to pull thousands of Jeju citizens out of poverty.
His model of development and profitable farming encouraged use of underused farm land and new farming methods. St Isidore farm was founded to include pigs, sheep, cows and now a stud. A textile factory employed up to 1,700 Jeju women in a time when jobs on the island were scarce. His forming of a credit union changed the economy of the island and helped the citizens emerge from poverty.
Fr Mc Glinchey never forgot the island people setting up Isidore Nursing home, hospice, kindergarten and a youth centre, which benefited more than 18,000 young people from all over Korea. These welfare activities, some funded completely from donations and profits from the farm, take care of Jeju’s most vulnerable.
Irish Community Support
Mary Allen (Britain)
Mary Allen has been a key community worker for the Irish in London since she arrived in 1948, playing an active role in the London Irish Centre since its foundation in 1954. She has also supported the community through her work as a member and officer of both the Waterford Association and the overall Council of Irish Counties Association, raising thousands of pounds to help vulnerable Irish people and others in need.
Considered by the community as a “lay ambassador” for Ireland, for a number of years she was heavily involved in celebrating positive Irish culture through the London Irish Festival.
Avril Conroy (Russia)
Since moving to Russia in the early 1990s, Avril Conroy has been a central figure in both the Irish and wider business community in Russia. As chair of the Irish Club in Moscow, Ms Conroy has played an integral role in the celebration of St Patrick’s week, organising the annual St Patrick’s Day Ball (with all proceeds going to charities in Russia), and the St Patrick’s Day parade in Moscow city centre, the only such event of its kind permitted there. She also organises the annual White Ball in December, the Santa Claus Christmas event for Irish community kids, a book club, running club and various other events to bring the Irish community closer together. She is also seen as the media “go-to” spokesperson for Irish related stories. In 2013 she became director of regional sales at Rosneft, Russia’s biggest oil company.
Peace, Reconciliation and Development
Niall O’Dowd (US)
Niall O’Dowd is one of the founding members of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform, established in 2005. He is also the founder of IrishCentral.com, Irish America Magazine and the Irish Voice newspaper, and publisher of The Irish Emigrant newspaper in Boston.
Mr O’Dowd has created numerous business networks through his publications. He founded the Wall Street 50, Top 100 Irish Americans, Business 100, Top 50 Women in Business, Irish Legal 100, Science and Technology 50 and the Irish America Hall of Fame. He co-founded the Silicon Valley 50 with the Irish Technology and Leadership Group. He also established the US-Ireland Forum.
Mr O’Dowd was a founder of the Irish Americans for Clinton campaign in 1991, supporting candidate Bill Clinton for president. He was also awarded an honorary doctorate by University College Dublin for his work on the Northern Ireland peace process. In 2002, he published a book Fire in the Morning, about Irish people at the World Trade Center during the September 11th attacks.
Kevin Cahill (US)
Kevin Cahill is a medical doctor with decades-long record of service to the Irish community in New York. He is president-general emeritus of the American-Irish Historical Society and has been active on its behalf for more than 40 years.
Dr Cahill has not only treated patients including Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan, but has offered his expertise to a number of national and international organisations including the United Nations and the New York Police Department. He began his medical career in 1961, studying tropical disease in the slums of Calcutta beside Mother Theresa. His relief efforts have since spanned the globe and include treating refugees in Sudan, serving concurrently as the special assistant to the governor of health affairs, chairman of health planning commission, and chairman of the Health Research Council of New York State.
From 1969-2006 he was chairman of the department of tropical medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. In addition, he has been director of the tropical disease centre at Lenox Hill Hospital, clinical professor of tropical medicine and molecular parasitology at NYU Medical School, and the consultant in tropical medicine for the United Nations Health Services. He has written many influential works that chronicle his experiences as a tropicalist and a physician, as well as articles and essays on his love for Irish literature, art, culture, humanitarian efforts and international diplomacy.
As the president-general of the American Irish Historical Society, Dr Cahill has refurbished its prestigious townhouse home on New York’s Fifth Avenue and has continued the effort to raise the awareness of Irish Americans of their cultural history and ancestry. Raised in an Irish immigrant home in the Bronx, Dr Cahill has maintained a strong connection to Ireland both through his professional and personal work.
Business and Education
Jim Flaherty (deceased, Canada)
The late Jim Flaherty, Canada’s federal minister of finance from 2006 to 2014, was an exemplary supporter of all things Irish. He supported many Irish related projects in Canada including the establishment of Ireland Park, the restoration of O’Connor House in Toronto, funding for the Darcy McGee centre in Carlingford Co Louth, federal funding for ICUF, the restoration of the famine graveyard on Partridge Island and the Irish Festival in Miramichi. Mr Flaherty grew up in a Catholic family in Montreal, and was of part-Irish descent.
Catherine Day (EC)
In her role as European Commission secretary general since 2005, Catherine Day has influenced the EU landscape through her championing of the enlargement of the EU to 28 Member States and her central role in shaping a coordinated response to the recent economic and financial crisis.
Colm McLoughlin (UAE)
Over the past 30 years, Colm McLoughlin has been an integral part of the Irish community in the USA. Both in his highly successful professional career with Dubai Duty Free (DDF), and in his leadership roles across almost every Irish organisation, he has played a hugely positive role in the promotion of Irish interests.
Irish Women who beat New Zealand in Paris 17-14.August 2014
Niamh Briggs (UL Bohemians/Munster); Ashleigh Baxter (Belfast Harlequins/Ulster), Lynne Cantwell (Richmond/Exile), Grace Davitt (Cooke/Ulster), Alison Miller (Portlaoise/Connacht); Nora Stapleton (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Tania Rosser (Blackrock/Leinster); Fiona Coghlan (UL Bohemians/Leinster) (capt), Gillian Bourke (UL Bohemians/Munster), Ailis Egan (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Sophie Spence (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Marie Louise Reilly (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Paula Fitzpatrick (St. Mary’s College/Leinster), Claire Molloy (Bristol/Connacht), Heather O’Brien (Highfield/Munster). Replacements: Sharon Lynch (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Fiona Hayes (UL Bohemians/Munster), Laura Guest (Highfield/Munster), Siobhan Fleming (Tralee/Munster), Larissa Muldoon (Bristol/Exile), Jenny Murphy (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Vikki McGinn (Blackrock/Leinster).
Lennon returns to Baltimore’s Mercy High as its next president
October 29, 2013. Tarbert Lady.
By Paul McMullen
Since 2007, Mary Beth Lennon nee Fitzgerald, has helped the Jesuits expose high-schoolers to opportunities beyond inner-city Baltimore.
When Lennon was a college undergrad, the School Sisters of Notre Dame took her to Guatemala and expanded her world view.
Lennon’s global awareness, however, began with the Religious Sisters of Mercy, whose ranks include her maternal aunt, Sister M. Ambrose Fitzgerald, in residence in a convent in Galway, in her native Ireland.
- See more at: http://www.catholicreview.org/article/home/lennon-returns-to-baltimores-mercy-high-as-its-next-president#sthash.UXS5DmC0.dpuf
New Zealand Tablet, Volume XI, Issue 23, 28 September 1883, Page 27
(From the Brisbane Australian.) Gens supra modum, superstitioni dedita, is the character given by the greatest of Roman historians to the children of Israel. Looking at this two thousand years' distance we cannot but see the injustice and absurdity of such words in the mouth of Tacitus. Rome afforded perching places to a thousand ridiculous forms . The fetishism of Mauritania, the grovelling fables of Anubis, the indecencies of Olympus, and the inhumanities of Tauris all had their sacred fanes within the walls of the City. The one Deity excluded was the God of Israel. He whose great works are so simply chronicled in the first chapters of Genesis, who is prayed to in the Psalms, and who from Mount Sinai issues, in the Ten Commandments, that code to which man owes so much, was not recognised on the banks of the Tiber nay, His cultus is stigmatised by the Pagan indweller as a superstition, and His worshippers as the most superstitious of all the subjects of the Caesars. We wonder what any philosopher of the present day thinks of the great annalist's judgment between the paganisms thick in ail the streets about him, and the pure doctrine of Sinai's Ten Commandments How indignantly does the history of to-day strike out the phrase Gens prae coeteris superstitioni dedita.Very much akin to the dogmatizing language used by Agricula’s father in law in regard to the superstitions of the Israelites, is that used by nineteenth century historians when speaking of the laziness of the Irish." You find the latter in the own country doing the work of the beast of burden on the most miserable potato diet. The farms, in hundreds of thousands of cases, are too small and the farmers too poor to allow of agricultural engines or of horse assistance. The work is done by the manual labour of the household. Outside of Ireland the evidences of their bona fide desire for work are still more visible. Every hive of industry in England and Scotland is thick with Irish. In the Mersey cities or those of the Clyde, we do not find them keeping cafes or restaurant, they are not amongst the trim clerks, the cheery bus conductors, the sweet-tongued book agents no, the Irishman is found in Liverpool and Glasgow on the wharves, stooping over the crane-handle, or sweating in the stuffy hold of some outward-bound ship, ever with his body bent, his jersey saturated with sweat, his horney hand clenched on some heavy weight,— a being recognised as devoted to hard work almost as the great wheel that drives the mill, even today they call the Irish "lazy," just as Tacitas called the children of Jerusalem superstitiani dedita." These Irish, almost alone, reap the harvest in Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex. They cut open the hills and fill up the valleys, from Cape Baca to the Golden Gates, for the American railways. They take the enemy's first bullets at Ferozapore and Meanee. In Australia, whoever may be the shepherd, or overseer, or ration-carrier,-— the Irishman generally is not. His lot is to burst heavy logs for fencing, to sink post-holes in unbroken ground under a pitiless sun. In the shearing shed his sweat runs fastest. In the deep mine his is the arm that drives the most advanced of the line of picks. Still to the on-lookers of the English-speaking world the Irish are lazy," just as to the Romans of the first centuries the children of the Twelve Tribes were superstitious.
James Wolfe [Wolfe Gallery] http://www.blupete.com/Hist/BiosNS/1700-63/Wolfe.htm
"The Hero Of Louisbourg."
At the vicarage in Westerham, Kent, on the 2nd of January, 1727, our hero was born. His father was an army officer, Edward Wolfe; his mother, Henrietta, daughter of Edward Thompson, was from Marsden, Yorkshire. At the time of the birth, his father was 42 years of age and his mother, 24.1 Soon after, the family moved to the building which was, in the early part of 19th century, to be called the "Quebec House." Within a year James was to have a younger brother, Edward. It was here, at Westerham, that the Wolfe boys, described as being both delicate and sensitive children and whose health was precarious, grew up in the loving care of their mother.
About 1738, presumably because of the requirements of the father's military career, the family moved to Greenwich. Because of the conspicuous military movements at Greenwich and of the hearing of his fathers's exploits as a soldier under Marlborough, James, at an early age, formed a desire to enter army life; and, he wanted to do so at the earliest opportunity. At the tender age of 13 years he was to join his father's regiment. The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) shortly thereafter broke out and the regiment was apparently going to board vessels for Europe. Already a martyr to illness, just as the fleet was sailing with his regiment, the 14 year old James had to be put ashore, seriously ill, and returned to his mother. He apparently recovered and in November of 1741 (age 14), he was appointed Second Lieutenant in his father's regiment of marines, the 12th Regiment (Durourels), and in April, 1742, embarked with his regiment for Flanders.
At the tender age of 16 years, Wolfe was to see his first action. This was the Battle of Dettingen which occurred on June the 27th, 1743 (a battle, incidently, in which participated the 17 year old Robert Monckton who was to also play a significant role in the history of Nova Scotia). Dettingen was one of the more notorious battles that had taken place during the War of the Austrian Succession. It took place in an area that we now know as Germany. The Battle of Dettingen had the markings of a battle (like so many which we have all experienced) by which the winner gaged himself a winner, more from what was avoided than from what was gained. At Dettingen the English and their allies, the Austrians, avoided destruction due to "the impetuosity of the French horse and the dogged obstinacy with which the English held their ground. There was, however, what appeared at first only to be a bit of a gain: the French determined to recross a river over which they had came, and, felt obliged, for no good reason the English could think of, to keep on driving their men and horses until they had gained their own border. Though not a classy fight on the part of the English, the effect was that the French evacuated Germany."2
Mr. Chancellor, I have the honour to present for the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, Denis William Brogan.
Few achievements, Mr. Chancellor, can win for an historian greater glory than goes to him who, through keen psychological insight, sapient perception of causes and effects, and masterly powers of expression, has been able to interpret the very soul of a nation. And this task Professor Brogan has brilliantly accomplished not once but three times. A Scotsman of Irish ancestry, he is the author of a famous book The English People – a work which, though written primarily to explain to Americans a great enigma, may be read with profit by every Englishman; he is universally regarded as one of the greatest authorities on the United States, its people and its institutions, and he possesses a superb knowledge of France and French history past and present.
. http://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/bcstudies/article/viewFile/1033/1071
Biography British Columbia
"Bonaparte Ranch Five generations of Irish cattlemen', Big Country Cariboo Magazine,
no5 (Winter 1978/79 pp 12-17 ill.
At the unveiling of the Memorial to Canada's Nurses, Dame Maud McCarthy, G.B.E., R.R.C., Matron-in-Chief of the Territorial Army Nursing Service of Great Britain is seen with Margaret C. MacDonald, Matron-in-Chief, C.A.M.C.N.S., 1914-1923, on her left.
The names found in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial are those found in the Books of Remembrance. They contain the names of Canadians who fought in wars and died either during or after them. Together, they commemorate the lives of more than 118,000 Canadians who, since Confederation, have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country in uniform.
In memory of Private Michael Bartholomew Kennelly who died on November 8, 1917 Military Service: Service Number: 193093 Age: 28, Force: Army Unit: Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regiment) Division: 1st Coy. 15th Bn.
Additional Information: Son of Martin and Ellen Kennelly, of 420, Catherine St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. Cemetery: DOZINGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY, Belgium Grave Reference: XIV. B. 19.
Commemorated on Page 267 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.
In memory of
Charles Kennelly Smith
who died on August 22, 1917, Military Service: Service Number: 40080 Age: 27
Force: Army Unit: Canadian Infantry (Central Ontario Regiment)
Division: 78th Battalion Citation: Military Medal, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal
Honours and Awards: Military Medal
Additional Information: Date and Place of Birth: October 16, 1889 Hamilton, Bermuda
Date and Place of Enlistment: September 23, 1914 Valcartier, Québec, Canada
Son of Fred and Emma Smith, of Ireland Island, Bermuda, British West Indies.
Cemetery: ETAPLES MILITARY CEMETERY; Pas de Calais, France
Grave Reference: XXV N. 13.
Commemorated on Page 328 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.
1916 Connor and Collins
AMICUS No. 10060218
NLC COPIES: NL Stacks - BX1423 M37 S76 1987
Preserv - on site (CSF) - B-126060 - Copy 2 - NO ILL
NAME(S): Kennelly, Jim
Holy Name of Mary Parish (Marysville, Ont.)
TITLE(S):*The story of Holy Name of Mary Parish, 1837-1987 /
[compiled by Jim Kennelly ... et al.]
PUBLISHER: Marysville, Ont. : Holy Name of Mary Parish, 1987.
DESCRIPTION: x, 273 p. : ill., map, ports. ; 24 cm.
NOTES: "Published ... to commemorate the 150th anniversary of
the Parish, August 2, 1987".
Includes bibliographical references.
NUMBERS: Canadiana: 20100032214
SUBJECTS: Holy Name of Mary Parish (Marysville, Ont.)--History
Marysville (Ont.)--Genealogy
Tyendinaga (Ont.)—Genealogy
AMICUS No. 3899659
NLC COPIES: NL Stacks - DS706 R45
NAME(S):*Richard, Louis, 1868-
Kennelly, M
TITLE(S): L. Richard's comprehensive geography of the Chinese
empire and dependencies / translated into English,
revised and enlarged by M. Kennelly
Comprehensive geography of the Chinese empire and
EDITION: eng fre chi
PUBLISHER: Shanghai : T'usewei Press, 1908.
DESCRIPTION: xviii, 713 p. : ill., maps (some col.) ; 24 cm.
NOTES: Title and names also in Chinese.
Translation of: Géographie de l'empire de Chine.
Four col. fold. maps in pockets.
Includes bibliographies and index.
NUMBERS: LCCN: 09004072 rev. .
SUBJECTS: China--Description and travel
Chine--Descriptions et voyages
Bernard James Glynn Diary
War Story exchanged names
Francis Carroll remembers train with 700 men
Red Cross over seas
Fenian Raid 1866- 70
The Atlantic battle continued until the end of the war. At times, notably in the fall of 1943 and of 1944, it turned dangerous again. U-boats with new equipment such as the acoustic torpedo and the schnorkel, which allowed air to be drawn into a submarine under the water and exhaust fumes to be expelled, swung the balance back to the submarines for a time. By March 1945, the German navy had 463 U-boats on patrol, compared to 27 in 1939.
War Graves Kennelly
Service No:
Date of Death:
Staffordshire Yeomanry
Grave Reference
F. 34.
Additional Information:
Son of Mr. and Mrs. John William Kennelly, of 20, Vincent St., Balsall Heath, Birmingham.
DEATH took place o 30th September 2013 of Patsy Byrne of Moynsha House and Coolanelig, Duagh and London. Patsy survived by his wife of 41 years Bridget, sons Michael and Seán, daughter Siobhán, son-in-law David, daughters-in-law Louise and Michelle, grandchildren Patrick, George, Connell, Seamus, Mia, Jake and Ella, mother-in-law Nar, brother Johnny, sisters Helen, Lizzie and Mary. Requiem Mass for Patsy Byrne was celebrated on Thursday October 3rd at St Bridget’s Church Duagh by Fr Moore assisted by Fr Jerry Devlin and six other priests. Funeral afterwards to Springmount Cemetery Duagh. Among the attendance were; Niall Quinn, JP McManus, Michael Hourigan, Michael Lowry, Micheal O Muircheartaigh, Paddy Reilly.
The Chief Executive of The Byrne Group. He was a great supporter of the Irish community in Britain and charity events. Patsy was involved in the construction of the Olympic Stadium, the Emirates Stadium, Stamford Bridge and the new Centre and Number One Court at Wimbledon, with his brother Johnny. Byrne’s pink and blue colours were victorious recently with White Star Line in the Kerry National at Listowel Races.
His greyhound winners include, Irish Derby winner Cool Performance. Ballinderry Flash won the English Derby in 1991 he was jointly owned with Prince Edward . His Irish Cup winners, Castle Pines, Sandy Sea and Castlemartyr.
In the worst week of famine times, 66 people died in the workhouse in Listowel. Many more died on the roadside, in their houses or in the fields.
The workhouse was so overcrowded that every shed and outhouse was pressed into service as an auxiliary workhouse and many more of these auxiliary workhouses were set up in the locality.
The people were starving, yet the river Feale was teeming with fish.
3,000 people are buried in Teampall Bán graveyard. We know the names of only 3.
There is another Famine Graveyard at Gale.
The 4 Presentation Sisters did extraordinary good work sheltering, feeding and clothing the starving. Their role is often ignored by historians.
The present hospital chapel was part of the dining area of the workhouse.
Prostitutes and their children were segregated from other women and children in the workhouse.
The Famine lasted longer in North Kerry than it did elsewhere. It went on into 1850 and 1851.
Between 1845 and 1852 over one million Irish people died. At least 250,000 fled the country.
Chieftain Margot Lalor Coogan of the Lalor Clan.
She was elected honorary Clan Chieftain of the
Lalor ~ O'Leathlobhair Clan for the 2011-2012 term.
Ms. Coogan was present at The Order of Merit
Ceremony and Annual General Meeting of the Clans
of Ireland, in April 2012 at Mansion House in Dublin,
when our Chieftain, James M. Mulvihill, was awarded
the prestigious medal. The Lawlers/Lalors have been
allies of the Mulvihills for countless generations in Co.
Kerry. Kind thanks to Ms. Coogan for use of the photo
and to Dame Maura O'Gara-O'Riordan, Registrar of
the Clans of Ireland for contacting Ms. Coogan on
behalf of the Mulvihill Clan. We of course are pleased
that women are achieving Chieftain status.
Congratulations to Chieftain Margot Lalor Coogan on
her historic accomplishment.
Clann Mulvihill
Officers 2012
Chieftain: James M. Mulvihill, USA
Deputy Chieftain, Mary Ann
North America: Mulvihill-Decker, USA
Deputy Chieftain, Europe
and Secretary: Aiden Mulvihill, IRL
Vice Chairperson: Joseph Mulvihill, IRL
Treasurer and Membership: Thomas Mulvihill, USA
Public Relations Officer: Carolyn Mulvihill, IRL
Genealogist and
DNA Project Director: James M. Mulvihill, USA
DNA Project: Aiden Mulvihill, IRL
Linguist: Seán Mulvihill, IRL
Founder: Rev. Cathal Stanley, IRL
Dear Mulvihills,
I saw the note about your newsletter in Mary Colgan’s blog
today and would like to subscribe. My great-grandmother
was Ellen Mulvihill (1853-1939) from Gurtdromosillihy,
Moyvane. I have some information on her family tree that I
would be happy to share with others of the Mulvihill clan.
Ellen’s parents were John Mulvihill (1812-?) and Bridget
Kennelly (1824-?). Ellen had two brothers: Patrick (1841-?)
and Cornelius (1855-?), and one sister Honora (1842-?).
Ellen married Con Shine of Gurtdromosillihy on 7/30/1875
and they had 10 children. I would be happy to share what I
have and find out more. Thanks.
Jim Horgan
Atlanta, Georgia (originally from Pittsburgh)
Washington D.C., Apr 9, 2013 / 04:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A fellow prisoner of war has fondly recalled the heroism of Father Emil Kapaun, a U.S. Army chaplain who died in a North Korean camp and is posthumously receiving the Medal of Honor April 11 2013.
Eighty-five year-old veteran Mike Dowe still remembers the day in 1950 when he marched nearly 90 miles to the prison camp in Pyoktong after being captured at the battle of Unsan. Fr Emil Kapaun died a prisoner on 23 May 1950.
Ann Prunella Stack, teacher and advocate of physical education, born 28 July 1914; died 30th December 2010. She is survived by her sons, Diarmaid, an astrophysicist, and Iain, a wildlife conservationist.
Prunella She was born in India, daughter of a Gurkha Rifles officer, Captain Edward Hugh Bagot Stack, and his wife, Mary. In September 1914, he and his men embarked for France; Mary and her baby sailed for Britain, her husband Edward was killed at the front before the arrived in England. Mary set up her first classes at the Bagot Stack Health school, in London, among her pupils was her daughter Prunella, who qualified in 1930, aged 16, she was 20 when her mother Mary Bagot Stack died,
In 2010, Prunella attended, with her family, the celebration of 80 years of Bagot Stack at the Royal Albert Hall. 600 teachers and class members performed .Prunella Stack wrote her 1973 memoir, "Movement is Life. In 1935, she wanted "the youngest, and the oldest, fattest and thinnest, most elementary and most veteran, marching side by side. "Cut out feelings of shyness of self-consciousness," she advised "They are selfish, fundamentally, and unnecessary."
Stack Families
Diarmaid Hugh Douglas-Hamilton was born on 17 June 1940.1 He is the son of S/Ldr. Lord David Douglas-Hamilton and Ann Prunella Stack.1 He married Margaret Barlow Hambrecht, daughter of William Matthew Hambrecht, on 14 October 1967.1 He and Margaret Barlow Hambrecht were divorced in 1982.1 He married Margaret Murray Spencer, daughter of Duncan MacGlashan Spencer, in 1983.1
He was educated at Gordonstoun School, Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland.1 He graduated from Balliol College, Oxford University, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).1 He graduated from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., with a Master of Arts (M.A.).1 He lived in 1999 at 729 Cabot Street, Beverly, Massachusetts, U.S.A..1
Mary Kenneally
Mary Kenneally is one of Australia’s leading comedians and amongst the
most influential and respected performing arts entertainers in this country.
In a career spanning over thirty years, she has made a significant and
profound impact on the development of
Australian comedy in particular and
on the performing arts in general.
studding Law
Arts at Melbourne University
, Mary participated in The Architects’
Revue, and had gone on with several other cast members to write, produce and perform in
shows at
the Guild Theatre, The Pram Factory and newly opened The Flying Trapeze, in
Brunswick Street in 1974.
From 1975 to 1983 she wrote and performed for 3ZZZ, Radio National, and
education, current affairs, and entertainment programs for ABC Television in
Sydney and Melbourne. She wrote, produced and performed in shows
which have been recognised for developing a distinctive Australian comedy,
and performed at venues such as the Flying Trapeze Cafe, Fitzroy, The Last
Laugh Theatre Restaurant, Collingwood, an
d Foibles Theatre Restaurant,
Carlton. She also compared rock concerts, working with emerging rock
bands at the time such as Skyhooks, Split Enz, Little River Band, Renee
Gayer and many others.
In 1979, with four fellow comedians, Mary opened the iconic C
omedy Café
Theatre Restaurant in Brunswick Street Fitzroy, which was dedicated
specifically to the development of original Australian Comedy. An inspiring,
innovative and path
breaking move this venue was to provide the forum for
the promotion of distincti
ve Australian comedy and provide the context for
the further development of Australian culture. The talents of Australian
artistic performers were nurtured here and many were to go on to successful
careers in the arts, notably, Mary Anne Fahey, Wendy Harme
r, Ian
McFadyen, Sue Ingleton and Jane Turner
to name a few.
Several television offers culminated for Mary and her co
enormously popular and award winning comedy television series,
You’re Standing In It
. The characters of Ti
m and Debbie in particular
encapsulated the highly intelligent and innovative artistic achievement of
Mary and her co
Mary has been involved in several other activities associated with the
performing arts. She spent seven years as an advisor to
the Performing Arts
Museum (now The Performing Arts Collection). Mary's extreme versatility
and competence are also reflected in the Gold Medal awarded at the New
York International Radio Awards in 1986 for a campaign written, produced in
association with
Stephen Blackburn. She has also been lauded as a superb
cabaret performer for her shows including
Lazy Crazy Love Songs
Mietta's, Trades Hall and Hamer Hall.
In recognition of her outstanding contribution to Australian cultural life, in
2000, Mary was
awarded the Kenneth Myer Medallion for Services to the
Performing Arts
My neighbour, Eileen O’Grady Kilmartin has retired after 44 years nursing in London. Eileen, after doing her Junior Cert in Dore’s School in Glin, started her career doing Nursery Nursing in Temple Hill, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. This was run by the Sisters of Charity but they did not always live up to their name, Eileen laughs. My own memory of this time is that Eileen and her mother Peg wrote to each other by return of post all the time she was there. I used to post the letters when I was going to school. She then went to Hackney Hospital in London – where she had been born! She was the youngest nurse there who ever received Sister status. In Whip’s Cross Hospital she did her midwifery and received her S.C.M. degree in 1976. She then nursed in Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield til last Thursday 14th February. Though she did midwifery for many of her years she also did District Nursing during her career. But though now retired Eileen is not intending to be idle. She is presently at home in Glenbawn to see her parents and intends doing voluntary work when she returns to London. The following is a tribute to her written by her daughter Orla on the day she retired. “So my Mama retired today; and although I’m so happy for her, I’m also feeling acutely ashamed….. I remember moaning about the indignity of being the last girl collected from school and miserably wandering through Hadley Wood, never understanding when she’d reply “but I don’t have the kind of job I can just leave at a certain time”. I never considered how tired she must have been while working dreaded ‘nights’ and long days on labour ward, just to give me the kind of education I took for granted, for an expensive education means so little when one is an acne-ridden-hormonal-teenage monster. Today, FINALLY, I understand. I know from the student who cried telling me how great my Mum was as a mentor; the Muslim lady, with little knowledge of English, who took FOUR buses just to see my Mum and give her a card and present; the young couple I’d probably have dismissed as being ‘chavs’, who told me that Mum never made them feel like they were ‘wasters’ but would encourage them, telling them they were capable of anything; and the young girl who told me that my Mum sat with her on her bed for hours on her day off, just holding her hand when she was diagnosed with Post Natal Depression. So, yes, I finally ‘get it’, I truly do; I understand that my Mum was a credit to her profession, and that I am so undeserving to have her as my Mother. One of her former patients, now a current midwifery student, said that she’d like to be half the midwife my Mum is. Well I’d like to be a quarter of the lady she is. Genuinely, I’m the most blessed girl in the world.” What a lovely tribute by Orla. We wish Eileen many years of happy retirement and many more visits to Glenbawn.
8 Dec 2009
It was August, 1959, a time that will never be forgotten at Our Lady of Lourdes School. Fifty years ago, a request was made by Fr. Joseph Mackey to the Presentation Congregation in Ireland to help staff a new school in the city of Montclair, California. The need was urgent due to the fact that the school would open eight months later. The Presentation Sisters committed their lives to service and eagerly followed the inspiration of their foundress, Nano Nagle. Leaving their home of Ireland would not be easy, but serving others in any part of the world was their mission.
Four sisters volunteered for the mission that would take them far from home: Sr. Philomena McElligott, Sr. Fidelma Lyne, Sr. Winifred Harnett, and Sr. Frances O’Leary. On August 8, 1959 they boarded the Mauritania
More sisters continued to come to the school and by 1963 there were seven sisters serving grades one through eight, all classes at maximum capacity.
Over the years sisters were transferred to different ministries, making way for a qualified and dedicated faculty of lay people who continue to give generously of themselves in spreading the Catholic faith to the students and to their immediate and extended families. The Presentation Sisters have since retired from the school. Sr. Fidelma Lyne retired in 2010 after 50 years as the principal.
I'm trying to trace my great grandmother Johanna Quill / Quille who married James Griffin on 8 Feb 1890. Her son John Griffin is my grandfather. On their marriage record it states that James is from Mountcastle and Johanna is from Knockavallaha which seems to be mistranscribed from Knockalougha (in Duagh parish). Her parents are Maurice Quill and Julia Hickey (sometimes spelled Hickie).
The problem arises when I try to find a birth record for Johanna. On the 1901 census she is aged 41 (dob wd be 1860) and on the 1911 census she's 47 (dob wd be 1864). She died on 19 Feb 1939 when she was supposedly aged 75 giving a dob of 1864 again. Her last child was born in 1908 making her either 48 or 44 when this daughter was born.
I have checked Ancestry, Familysearch and the actual books in the GRO and there is no sign of a birth recorded for her. There are apparently other siblings recorded with same named parents:-
Margaret b Oct 1859 in Rathea
Thomas b March 1861 in Rathea
John b Oct 1863 in Rathea
No-one in 1864/5/6
Catherine b 1867 in Rathea
Mary b 1869 in Rathea
Denis b 1871 in Duagh
Julia b 1873 in Duagh
Ellen b 1875 in Duagh
Maurice b 1877 in Duagh.
Marriage for Maurice Quill & Julia Hickey. DUAGH KERRY
1858 (No date) Mce Quill of Knockalocha
Witnesses: John Quill & Corneilus Hickey
New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXI, Issue 43, 22 October 1903
KERRY.— A Fair-minded Landlord Mr. J. E. J. Julian, 8.L., landlord of Kilfeighmey, near Lixnaw, has informed his tenants that he would give them 30 per cent, reduction on their first term rents under the new Land Act. This is considered by all the farmers round as being a most generous act. Mr. Julian is well known as a splendid type of landlord
by Aine McCormack
story goes that my great-grandmother, Margaret Mary Flannery, put the Christmas goose in the oven, then stepped into the side room and delivered her own special Christmas present. My grandmother Agnes Anastasia Celestine Flannery was born on December 25, 1915 in the house on Bayless in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Grandma's father, James Patrick Flannery, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, the son of Irish immigrants. Her mother, Margaret Mary Flannery, was born in County Sligo.
Also by Aine; Maureen takes us back to 1930s Milltown, County Kerry, when the circus came to town. She recalls the excitement surrounding the circus, as well as the kindness of her neighbors.
I descend from the Hartnetts who settled in/around Los Angeles, California between 1850-90. I trace back to John Hartnett who married Ellen Flynn in Abbeyfeale in 1830. Their son, Daniel, married Mary Connor (of Brosna, Kerry) in 1854 and had 12 children, most of whom ended up emigrating to Los Angeles. One of Daniel's daughter, Honora Ronan, of Los ANgeles was my great-grandmother. I'm also told another of Daniel's daughters, Bridget, married Thomas Gibbons and stayed in/around Abbeyfeale raising many Gibbons children.
I wondered if you could help me with researching my ancestry. I have hit a brick wall -
My Grandfather Henry George Shield was the son of William Shield and Catherine Lynch. Catherine according to the 1891 England census was born in Listowel Kerry Ireland about 1852 and her brother John Lynch was born about 1950 also in Listowel Kerry Ireland. Their father was Maurice Lynch born in Ireland about 1810 and mother Margaret born Listowel Kerry Ireland about 1821.
They lived with or next door to a family William Reagan born about 1847 and Bridget born about 1849 in Ireland, listed in the England 1981, 1891 and 1901 census's and Catherine and John are listed as Uncle and Aunt to their children in the 1891 England census.
BURKE Dowling, Carroll.
Lauren Davis
"My great-great grandparents were James Burke Carroll and Katherine (Kate) Dowling. We don't know much about James except that he was from Listowel. Kate born in County Cork. She was supposedly born the night of the "Big Wind." I'm not sure this is right as her birthday is given as 2 Jan. 1839 and I've read that the Big Wind was Jan. 6-7, but maybe everyone figured that was close enough? James and Kate sailed from Cork to America on 3 July, 1870 as newlyweds.
They lived a few years in Penn Yan, Yates Co., New York, where my great-grandfather, Michael Edward, was born. The family later moved to the wilds of Maricopa, in Arizona Territory. This must have been quite a change from the green fields of Ireland! We think they came out West following a brother or cousin who was in the Calvary stationed at Fort Lowell, (which later became Tucson.) The Carroll's became a pioneer family in the rugged Southwest.
News comes from Jim Horgan in the U.S. of a gathering event in the planning.
HORGAN, Brosnan
Calling all Horgans, Creighans, Shines, Brosnans, O’Neills, O’Reillys, Masons, O'Donoghues, Mulvihills, Molyneaux, O'Sullivans and any other cousins that I may have overlooked!
The Horgan gathering is a go! Check out our web site at:
TWO years ago during an art excursion to Sydney, James Kennelly was inspired by the quality of work featured in ArtExpress, an exhibition of the best major works from HSC art students.
Last week the former The Armidale School (TAS) student was celebrating the nomination of his own major work for next year’s exhibition.
“Having the opportunity to see the best work in the state two years ago really pushed me to achieve something close to that level. Halfway through this year I felt my work was not as good as I had expected – so to be nominated has not only delightfully surprised me, but highlights the ability of having a goal to strive towards and then working to achieve it,” Mr Kennelly said.
Taking between 200 and 400 hours from conception to execution,
BASEBALL Australia.july 2012
Sam Kennelly, 16, will join brothers Tim (26, Philadelphia Phillies), Matt (23, Atlanta Braves) and Josh (18, Cincinnati Reds) in the US after being spotted during an Australian Major League Baseball Academy training camp on the Gold Coast.
Sam Kennelly said "I'm ready for it because they have already prepared me for what to expect - the hard work starts now." he has represented Australia since the age of 14.
Ag Críost an síol, ag Críost an fómhar,
I n-iothalainn Dé go dtugtar sinn.
Ag Críost an mhuir, ag Críost an t-iasc,
I liontaibh Dé go gcastar sinn.
Ó fhás go haois, is ó aois go bás,
Do dhá láimh, a Chríost, anall tharainn,
Ó bhás go críoch, ní críoch ach athfhás,
Bring flow’rs of the rarest, bring blossoms the fairest,
from garden and woodland and hillside and dale;
our full hearts are swelling, our glad voices telling
the praise of the loveliest flow’r of the vale.
O Mary, we crown thee with blossoms again,
Queen of the angels and Queen without stain.
O Mary, we crown thee with blossoms again,
Queen of the angels and Queen without stain.
Their lady they name thee, their mistress proclaim thee.
O, grant that thy children on earth be as true,
as long as the bowers are radiant with flowers
as long as the azure shall keep its bright hue.
Sing gaily in chorus, the bright angels o’er us
re-echo the strains we begin upon earth;
their harps are repeating the notes of our greeting,
for Mary herself is the cause of our mirth.
Names of girls proposed to sail on the Thomas Arbuthnot – Arrived Sydney 3.2.1850
Mary Brandon
Newtownsandes Johanna Hayes
Kiltomey Mary Purcell
Listowel Ellen Wilson
Ellen Casey
Ratoo Hanna Jones
Listowel Margaret Stack
Kiltomey Mary Wilson
Mary Casey
Duagh Eliza Moriarty
O’Dorney Catherine Ryan
Listowel Ellen Leary
Margaret Connor
Listowel Johanna Connor
Ballylongford Mary Ryan
Listowel Biddy Ryan
Mary Conway
Dromkeen E.D. Winnie Pierce
Ratoo Margaret Scanlon
Source: Minutes of Board of Guardians 11 September 1849
These girls did not travel according to arrival records of Thos Arbuthnot 3 Feb 1850
Names of Girls proposed to sail on the Tippoo Saib – Arrived Sydney 29.7.1850
Mary Courtney Catherine O’Sullivan Anne Buckley Julia Daily
Ellen Leary Bridget Griffin Mary Griffin Margaret Ginniew
Mary Daly Johanna Scanlon Deborah Kissane Catherine Mullowney
Mary Sullivan Mary Stack Honora Brien Mary Creagh
Catherine Connor Johanna Sullivan Margaret Connor Ellen Relihan
Source: Minutes of Listowel Board of Guardians 7th March 1850
Mary Griffin not on arrivals of Tippoo Saib 29 July 1850
Jan 2012
DEATH took place recently in Chicago of Jim Kennelly of Moneen, Lisselton, he is survived by siblings, Paddy at home and Eileen O Grady in Chicago and was predeceased by John in England, Mary B Dillon in Ballybunion and Sr. Anne Maria of the Presentation Convent in Lixnaw.
FITZGERALD: John Fitzgerald and Mary Conway Fitzgerald, of County Kerry, Ireland saw their second son, Thomas off to Canada in 1862. Thomas, who was born in Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, came from a long line of gardeners and had worked at this since he was a boy in Ireland, managing the grounds and hothouses of Lord Colliss, of Tarbert township, County Kerry, Ireland and for 15 years an estate in Glin, County Limerick, Ireland. Thomas was leaving his beloved land to earn enough to bring his intended over and get married. After 3 years of work in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, he was successful and brought Mary Healey, his intended over and they married. Their first child was Patrick, born in 1865. At this time Thomas and his family moved to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area where he worked as a gardener on a nearby estate. While in Pittsburgh, Mary and Thomas had seven more children; John, who became manager of the Plumbers Supply Company in Erie, Pennsylvania; Thomas M., who was sent to study in Ireland for 3 years, and returned to open a large florist business in Beaver, Pennsylvania; James F.; Annie; Mary Catherine; Edward, who married Catherine Conville and was sent to Erie with his four children to help his brother John with the business in Erie; and William. Thomas and Mary later moved to Beaver to help in their son Thomas M. Fitzgerald's greenhouses.
Two published biographical sketches provide great insight into the life of the Fitzgerald's of Allegheny and Beaver County Pennsylvania
Conserving comedic history, no laughing matter
Mary Kenneally’s pioneering career in comedy began when she was
studying at the University of Melbourne in the late 1960s. By the time
she graduated as a Bachelor of Arts with honours and a Bachelor of
Laws, Mary Kenneally had established a central place in the evolution of
contemporary comedy.
From her inner-city Melbourne base, she went on to attract national
recognition and inspire a generation of future comediennes.
“I wrote my first professional show for the ‘Archi (Architects’) Revue’,”
says Ms Kenneally. “It was performed at the uni’s Guild Theatre and was
a crazy, funny thing we called ‘How Many Sugars Do You Have in Your
Nose, Vicar?’.
“Thanks in large part to Mary Kenneally’s work, comedy has become a
respected field of artistic endeavour,” says Associate Professor Sloggett. “The
Melbourne International Comedy Festival was launched and Australian
women’s voices have continued to grow and grow in such shows as ‘The Big
Gig’, ‘Fast Forward’, ‘Big Girls’ Blouse’, ‘Kath and Kim’, to mention just a few
positive consequences of her pioneering forays.”
Archbishop Anselm E J Kenealy
January 1st 1911 in the Church of of the College of Propaganda Fide his eminence Cardinal Girolamo Gotti Consecrated the Most Rev. Monsignor Anselm Kenealy of the Capuchins , the rchbishop of the new Diocese of Simla in India. The Cardinal was assisted by several other prelates; also in attendance were the General of the Capuchins, members of the Curia and Provincials from several provinces of the order.
It was noted that the viceroy spends the summer at Simla as it is high up in the hills.
Fr Anselm a student of the English Province born at Aberschan 15 October 1864, son of Edward Kenealy a Kerryman and Mary Collins who was born in Cork. The Archbishop joined the Franciscan order at Pantasash in 1879 and was ordained in 1887 and was the first rector at Franciscan College, Cowley, Oxford, the first time since the reformation that a catholic college operated there.
He thought philosophy and preached in England, he was Provincial of the English Province for 3 years also.
In 1908 at the general chapter of his order held in Rome, he was elected definitor General to represent the English provinces and Colonies.
The Archbishop attended the Dublin Eucharistic Congress in 1932 and travelled to Kerry, Cork and Kilkenny among other places. He visited Ireland again in 1937 after retiring, visiting, Dublin, Cork and Kilkenny. He had great affection for Ireland and recalled visiting the country as a child.
In Parliament Lord Lloyd claimed he had contact with Archbishop Kenealy, but the archbishop said he had no contact with Lord Lloyd and expressed no political opinion, what he did was pass on material at the request of Indian Christians to some contacts in England. This was reported on Feb. 6th 1935.
Irish Press of December 20 1943, recalled the friendship of the Archbishop with the poet Francis Thompson who wrote The Hound of Heaven, he found him in a distressed condition and took him to a monastery in Wales where he recovered. The Archbishop died in his 80th year last Saturday and was Bishop of Simla for 26 years.
On a visit to Dublin in 1937 he praised the work of the English in India, where they converted millions of acres of desert to smiling fields of crops; they uplifted the people in education and at other levels.
hi my name is laura ODonoghue,
i am trying to trace my grandfather from Ireland, he was born in 1922 and had brothers Kevin, Jack and sisters Monica( monica emigrated to New York being a nurse in 1949) and Kathleen( there could possibly be more children). they were all born in Ireland limerick and grew up in Abbeyfeale my grandfather married a lady called Margaret Wakefield.. are you related and is there any info about them.. I have no other info on Timothy as he is no longer alive. I have tried all the census but cant seem to find anything, can you help in any way.
thanks and best regards laura.
USA-Wide Naturalization Records
By Pat O Connor
1854; McEllister, Patrick, 35, Kerry ;Sullivan, Marcus, 33, Kerry ; Falvey, Denis, 24, Kerry;1854,Quinn, Michael, 46, Kerry ; 1854,Kellaher, Daniel, 45, Kerry ;Lynch, John, 32, Limerick ;Quinn, Thomas, 37, Limerick ;O'Reordan, Michael, 37, Limerick ;Hanley, John, 24, Limerick ; Kelly, Patrick, 31, Limerick ;Higgins, Thomas, 26, Limerick ;
Mann, Michael, 46, Limerick ;Sheehy, James, 25, Limerick ;McMahan, Michael, 22, Limerick
Kelly, John, 22, Limerick ; Monahan, Michael, 30, Limerick ;McDonough, Michael, 30, Limerick
Daley, Patrick, 27, Limerick ;Cregan, Patrick, 28, Limerick ;Hayes, Patrick, 25, Limerick ;Maloney, Michael, 21, Limerick ;Grain, Patrick, 22, Limerick ;Hogan, John, 27, Limerick ;Dunn(?), Philip, 21, Limerick ;Lanergan, Patrick, 21, Limerick ;Cahill, Edward, 40, Limerick;Sheehan, Patrick, 43, Limerick ;Gleason, Patrick, 29, Limerick ;Nash, Patrick, 26, Limerick ;McEnvey, Michael, 31, Limerick; ;Keating, John, 27, Limerick ;Lyons, James, 40, Limerick ;Supple, Martin, 29, Limerick ;Sullivan, Andrew, 22, Limerick ;Welch, John, 30, Limerick ;Meade, John, 23, Limerick ;Griffins, Timothy, 26, Limerick ;Ryan, James, 49, Limerick ;Ryan, James, 31, Limerick; Flaherty, John, 21, Limerick ;Flaherty, Daniel, 19, Limerick ;Costello, John, 27, Limerick ;Walsh, Edward, 27, Limerick ;Neville, Dennis, 38, Limerick ;Costello, Patrick, 32, Limerick ;Hartney, John, 34, Limerick ;Burns, Daniel,21, Limerick ;Gorman, Patrick, 54, Limerick ;Bresnehan, John, 27, Limerick ;Enright, Michael, 32, Limerick ;Dwyer(?), John, 50, Limerick ;Kenally, John, 34, Clare ;Donahoe, Timothy, 30, Limerick ;Hogan, John, 36, Limerick ;Keefe, Daniel, 38, Limerick ;;McDonnell, Francis, 36, Limerick ;Maher, Michael, 43, Limerick ;Costello, Michael, 21, Limerick ;Whelan, Michael, 33, Limerick ;Connell, Charles, 50, Limerick ;Larkin, Thomas, 24, Limerick ;Lyons, Michael, 23, Limerick;Quaid, Daniel, 21, Limerick ;Collins, John, 28, Limerick ;Hinchy, Michael, 28, Limerick ;Hanley, Thomas, 23, Limerick ;
Fox, Michael, 23, Limerick ;Donovan, James, 25, Limerick ;Calhan, John, 30, Limerick ; Thomas, 35, Limerick ;Baggott, James, 22, Limerick; Roughan, Patrick, 32, Limerick; Vaughan, Richard, 40, Limerick; Fitzgerald, James, 46, Limerick ;Coonarty, Patrick, 35, Limerick ;Johnson, Francis, 33, Limerick ;Connell, John, 31, Limerick ;Ryan, Michael, 23, Limerick ;Collins, Patrick, 28, Limerick ;
Myles son of Patrick O'Connor, Anne Cunningham Kilbaha,
Co Kerry not given Emigrated 1899
Poughkeepsie NJ not given cousin-Mary Leahy; sis-Josie Carroll, Nora Manley, San Francisco Denise Murp
NSW Legislative Assembly
Relations North Cork
Premier Kristina Keneally MP
Premier of New South Wales
Premier and Minister for Redfern Waterloo.
Like 40% of the people who live in the electorate of Heffron, Kristina
Keneally was born overseas. She is married to Ben Keneally and has two sons,
Daniel (11 years old) and Brendan (9 years old). She lives in Pagewood in
Sydney’s inner south.
The child of an Australian mother and an American father, Kristina was born
on 19 December 1968 and grew up in the United States. She moved to Sydney in
1994, and married Ben in 1996. Kristina became an Australian citizen in
Kristina studied at the University of Dayton in Ohio. She holds a BA in
Political Science (Hons) and an MA in Religious Studies.
Kristina has also worked as the NSW Youth Coordinator for the Society of St
Vincent de Paul and taught in a ‘teacher shortage area’ in rural New Mexico.
Prior to her election to NSW Parliament, Kristina was a full time mum to her
sons. Like many other mothers, she now enjoys the challenge of balancing
work and family life.
Kristina was elected to Parliament on 22 March 2003. Here she has delivered
new Metro bus services, had trucks diverted from Botany road, and worked
hard to get new facilities for local public schools.
On 2 April 2007, Kristina became Minister for Ageing and Minister for
Disability Services. Here she continued to deliver Stronger Together Part
One, the largest increase in disability services funding in the history of
In 2008, Kristina was the NSW Government Spokesperson for World Youth Day,
helping to successfully deliver the year’s biggest global event after the
Olympics. World Youth Day included some 225,000 visitors and up to 400,000
attendees, spanning six days and multiple venues across Sydney.
On 8 September 2008, Kristina became Minister for Planning and Minister for
Redfern Waterloo. Here she focused on urban renewal, land supply and
supporting the Government’s plans to create jobs closer to where people
live. Over the past 15 months, she has overseen the Government’s major
project system, which has supported over 66,000 jobs and almost $23 billion
in economic investment. She has activated the independent Planning
Assessment Commission. She has led the Government’s development of the 22
hectare waterfront precinct in Sydney’s CBD, Barangaroo. She has approved
the concept plans for the North Eveleigh and the Pemulwuy project, which
will improve Aboriginal Housing on ‘The Block’ in Redfern. Kristina added
Minister for Infrastructure to her portfolio on 17 November 2009.
On the 4th of December 2009 she was sworn in as NSW’s first female Premier.
Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Luke Foley MLC and Johno Johnson invite you to attend a dinner to celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the first New South Wales Labor Government where we
will also be celebrating the 155th anniversary of Labor Day.
On 21 October 1910, the first State Labor Ministry was sworn in, with Jim
McGowen as Premier.
Labor was able to form Government after winning 46 of 90 seats at the 1910
Our guests of honour include The Hon Neville Wran AC QC, The Hon Barrie
Unsworth, The Hon Bob Carr, The Hon Morris Iemma, The Hon Nathan Rees MP and
the keynote address will be delivered by the Hon Kristina Keneally MP,
Premier of New South Wales.
Please book early as seating is available for 300 – so don't be
Parking at Parliament House is available. Those with a mobility permit can
park for free, otherwise the cost is $25 per car, which must be paid in
advance. The driver's name and license plate is required.
Time: Friday 29 October 2010, 7pm sharp
Where: Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney.
For further information please call Patrick Collins on 0400 843 412, or
Johno Johnson on 0419 243 285.
KENNELLY of Moyvane
KENNELLY, PATRICK JOHN (1900-1981), Australian Labor Party official and politician, was born on 3 June 1900 at Northcote, Melbourne, fifth child of Irish-born parents John Kennelly, warder, and his wife Mary, née O’Dea. Educated at St Joseph’s School, Northcote, and St Patrick’s College, East Melbourne, Pat set his life’s course from an early age: at 15 he joined the Australian Labor Party. When he commenced work he joined the Federated Clerks’ Union of Australia and by 19 he was secretary of the Northcote branch of the ALP, where he began a lifelong association with John Cain. While working at the Yallourn open-cut mine in 1925 he coached the local football team, foreshadowing an enduring association with Australian Rules football, which included the Port Melbourne and Richmond clubs.
In 1926 Kennelly began full-time political work as a clerk in the ALP office, becoming organising secretary in 1930. On 1 November that year at St Patrick’s Cathedral he married Jessie Milne, a finisher; they were to have four children. His skills as a `machine’ man were honed in the office as Labor squabbled and split during the Depression. He was elected to the State executive in 1932 and held the position until 1950. In May 1938 he began a long parliamentary career by winning a by-election for the Legislative Council province of Melbourne West, but he retained his party position, rising to assistant-secretary in 1940. He was a minister without portfolio in the five-day Cain ministry of September 1943.
A `stocky, hook-nosed Irishman with a bull neck’, Kennelly was, by the end of World War II, well entrenched in the Victorian party machine. In the second Cain ministry (November 1945-November 1947) he was commissioner of public works, minister-in-charge of electrical undertakings and vice-president of the Board of Land and Works. He was elected federal secretary (1946-54) of the ALP and general secretary (1947-49) of the Victorian branch. In 1947 the Richmond Football Club, of which he had been vice-president and chairman of selectors, made him a life member. At this stage his legendary role as a `numbers man’ and political `fixer’—resting on an interconnected network of Labor, Catholic and football associates—was clearly established. He was an influential strategist in the Cain government; an informal adviser to Ben Chifley on tactical matters; an adept fund-raiser who some critics said was too close to John Wren; and a highly numerate factional operator in party and pre selection ballots where his preferred `horses for courses’ usually won, although the process was sometimes questioned. Known as the `kingmaker’, he was reported to have said, with his characteristic stutter, `I d-d-don’t care who’s got the n-n-numbers brother, so long as I get to c-c-count the v-v-votes’.
Recognizing his role in the party, in 1949 the State caucus elected Kennelly leader of the ALP in the Legislative Council. However, in 1952, as the Catholic Social Studies Movement became more assertive, a bitter faction fight saw Kennelly, Cain and several others challenged in pre selection ballots. While he was in the midst of defending his Melbourne West position, his 13-year-old son, Neil, was killed in a motor accident. Grief sharpened his bitterness towards the Industrial Groups when he was defeated.
In 1953 Kennelly won Federal pre selection and was elected to the Senate. Despite his new role, he concentrated much of his energy on defeating the `groupers’ within the ALP. He blocked their moves at meetings of the federal executive and federal conference in 1953, openly denounced them at the June 1954 State conference and worked behind the scenes to establish the 1954 ALP inquiry into the Victorian branch, to which he gave critical evidence. He played a decisive role in excluding the `grouper’ delegation from the 1955 Hobart federal conference that formalised the Labor split, and was given the task of re-establishing the Victorian ALP office afterwards.
Although in Opposition during his Senate career, Kennelly was an active committee and party member. He was deputy-leader of the Opposition in the Senate (1956-67), a member of the Joint Committee on Constitutional Review (1956-59), a trustee of the Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust (1967-71) and, perhaps ironically, a member of the Committee of Disputed Returns and Qualifications (1953-66). He was an adept parliamentary tactician and an effective speaker, despite his speech impediment, which he occasionally used to vulgar comic effect, especially when referring to the Country Party.
After retiring from the Senate in 1971, Kennelly continued a very active life, serving as chairman (from 1964) of the Industrial Printing & Publicity Co. (owner of radio 3KZ), as a trustee of the Melbourne Cricket Ground, and as the resolute and active chairman (1947-81) of the Albert Park Committee of Management. Under his leadership, Albert Park was transformed from a tip to one of Melbourne’s best-equipped sporting reserves. He also maintained his association with the Richmond Football Club. As a party `fixer’, he helped to reform the Victorian branch of the ALP in the early 1970s to clear the way for the election of the Whitlam government. In 1978 he was appointed AO. Survived by his wife, one of their three sons and their daughter, he died on 12 October 1981 at Richmond. A practising Catholic whose devotion to the Church was sorely tested in the 1950s, he was accorded a state funeral and a requiem Mass at the Church of St Peter and St Paul, South Melbourne, and was buried in Melbourne general cemetery.
Taken from Celtic Cousins in Iowa Kerrymen
"From History of Scott County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co."
John Molyneaux was born in the county of Kerry, Ireland, June 24, 1827. In 1849 he left the land of his birth for America, and landed at New York City; from there he went to Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he remained two years, then returned to New York City, and clerked in a wholesale grocery store there nearly four years, then went into that business for himself. Two years later he located in Davenport, Iowa. He remained in Davenport Township engaged in farming nine years, and in 1857 came to Winfield Township. Since his arrival here he has bought three farms, the first consisted of 30 acres on section 16, for which he paid $2,000; the second also contained 80 acres, for which he paid $3,000; the last contained 40 acres valued at $1,400. Besides these farms he owns 10 acres of timber land in Clinton County. He was married to Mary Sullivan, Aug. 1, 1853. She is likewise a native of County Kerry, Ireland, and was born Dec. 25, 1829. Of 10 children born of this union, eight are living - Margaret, born Oct. 8, 1855, married D. J. Buckly; Henry, born Feb, 4, 1860; John, March 6, 1861; Michael, Dec. 7, 1862, is a graduate of the Davenport Business College; Catharine, born July 8, 1864; Ella, March 26, 1867; Daniel, March 25, 1869, and Julia, March 31, 1871. The family are members of the Catholic church. Mr. Molyneaux has served his township as trustee five years, and school director, the same length of time. He has been twice elected justice of the peace, but failed to serve.
Wolfe's History of Clinton County, Iowa; Vol 2; B.F. Bowen & Co; Indianapolis, Indiana: 1911
The present review is concerned with the life of a man whose character and ability are, by reason of his long and honorable connection with the practice of law, well known to the people of
Clinton county and of the state of Iowa, and whose extensive familiarity with his own county made him especially fitted to server as editor-in-chief of the history of Clinton county.
Patrick B. Wolfe was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 7, 1848, the son of John R. and Honora (Buckley) Wolfe. John R. Wolfe was born in county Kerry, Ireland, in 1824, the son of Richard
Wolfe, who was the agent having charge of the property of the Knight of Kerry. He received and excellent education. During his young manhood he helped to organize the "Young Ireland" party. He
left Ireland in 1848, coming to America, first locating at Ottawa, Illinois. Here he remained on a farm until 1854, when he moved to Clinton county, Iowa, to land near Lost Nation, which he had
entered the winter before, and lived there until his death in 1885, becoming one of the largest landholders and most successful farmers of his township. Mr. Wolfe did not take any great interest
in politics. He was opposed to slavery. In religion he and his entire family were staunch Catholics, and active workers in the church.
John R. Wolfe was married in Ireland to Honora Buckley. She was a member of a family prominent in the church and at the bar, Michael Buckley, her brother, having been the leader of the Belfast
bar for many years. The Wolfe family were also prominent in the church and in law, so that it was natural for the American descendants to turn to the bar in choice of a profession. Mrs. Wolfe
died in 1888.
Mr and Mrs Wolfe were the parents of ten children, two of whom died in infancy, and those who grew to maturity are the following: James, a farmer near Lost Nation; Patrick B.; Johanna, who is now
Sister Scholastica of the Orders of Sisters of Mercy at Sioux City, Iowa; John, a farmer at Melrose, Monroe county, Iowa; Maurice, a farmer near Lost Nation; Margaret, now the wife of Dr. D.
Langan, of Clinton; Katherine, the widow of Judge T.D. Fitzgerald, of Montana, at one time president of the Montana Senate, now living in Clinton; and Richard B., an attorney at De Witt, Clinton
county, Iowa.
Patrick B. Wolfe attended the common schools of Liberty township, Clinton county, for a time, then spent one year in the Christian Brothers Academy at La Salle, Illinois. He was a student in the
academic department of Iowa State University for two years, then took a full law course from that institution, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1870. In January, 1871, he began
the practice of law at De Witt, Clinton county, Iowa, and for a few years suffered from the proverbial hardships of the young lawyer, but soon came into an extensive practice. In 1877 he formed a
partnership with W.A. Cotton, under the name of Cotton & Wolfe, which continued until 1888. For four years he served as attorney for the town of DeWitt, and was a member of the De Witt school
board for fifteen years. In 1885 he was elected to the Iowa Senate, and served three sessions, resigning from his position in October, 1891, when he was appointed judge of the district court for
the seventh judicial district, holding his first term of court in November of 1891. He served on the bench until September 1, 1904, when he resigned to form a partnership in the practice of law
with his son. it is a unique fact that Judge Wolfe has resigned from every public office which he has held. In 1899 he was nominated for judge of the supreme court of the state of Iowa, and was
defeated by a close margin. He is again a candidate in 1910. His law office was moved from De Witt to Clinton in May, 1891, and his residence was transferred in 1893. Mr. Wolfe was a member of
the public library board of the city of Clinton.
Mr. Wolfe was married on May 1, 1878, to Margaret Connole, the daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Malone) Connole, who came from Ireland and located in De Witt. To this union three children were
born. John L. Wolfe was born in 1879; graduated from the Clinton high school; took the classical course at St. Mary's College in Kansas, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Arts; too a
post-graduate course in Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., receiving there his Master of Arts degree, and then took the law course there and received the degree of Bachelor of Laws. He
spent a year in the University of Berlin, Germany, and in 1904 entered into partnership with his father. He is now serving on his second term as a representative in the lower house of the Iowa
General Assembly. Mary Wolfe was born on June 27, 1881, and is a graduate of Sinsiniwa College of Wisconsin, and Trinity College, in Washington, D.C. One child died in infancy.
History of Johnson County, Iowa...from 1836 to 1882; Iowa City, Iowa: 1883
Morris Fitzgerald, farmer and stock raiser, residing on section five, Graham township, post office Morse; was born 1809 at county Kerry, Ireland. Came to Quebec, Canada, in 1835- May 4th - and lived at various places in Canada and the US, traveled considerable in the Western States, and finally settled in Graham township, Johnson county in the fall of 1855 and there he has made his home since. He was married in 1854 to Miss Mary Martin of Illinois. This union is blessed with five children: three boys and two girls. The family are members of the Roman Catholic church. A democrat in politics.
The History of Jackson County, Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1879.
Jeremiah Ryle, farmer, Secs. 26 and 27; P.O. Garry Owen; was born in County Kerry, Ireland. He married in his native country, Mary Callahan; in 1851, they emigrated to the United States, and settled where they now live; they have five children- John H., Michael, Ellen, Eugene, Mary L. Mr. R. owns 240 acres of land, well located, and finely improved. Politically, he acts with the Democratic party. Himself and family are members of the Catholic Church. Since his residence in Butler Township, he has taken an active interest in matters relating to education and religion, and is an active worker and liberal supporter of those interests.
The History of Linn County, Iowa...Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878
DONOHUE, JEREMIAH, farmer, Sec. 21; P.O. Cedar Rapids; owns 208 acres land, probable value $6,000. Mr. Donohue was born Aug. 15, 1832, in County Kerry, Ireland, where he was engaged in various occupations until he emigrated to the United States arriving in New York City Oct. 27, 1854; he went directly to Cayuga Co, and lived there for about three years, engaged in farm work, and in the Spring of 1858 he came to Iowa and lived in Cedar Rapids, where he worked as a laborer for four years; in 1862 he was employed as a tank man by the C. & N. W.R.R. Co., at Norway Station, in Benton Co., and stayed three years, when he bought eighty acres of land in Benton Co., and commenced farming; after working his farm for about two years, he returned to Cedar Rapids and invested in some property and engaged in keeping boarders, which occupation he followed for a year; he then engaged to work for the B.C.R. & M. R'y Co., and continued in their employ for two years; in 1870 he came to Clinton Tp., and settled on the place where he now resides, March 27 of that year. He was married Dec. 21 or 22, 1857, to Anna, daughter of James and Bridget Waters, of County Roscommon, Ireland; she was born in 1834; they have four children-Edward, born March 1, 1861; Ellen, Oct 12, 1862; John, Aug. 20, 1866, and Jeremiah, April 12, 1868; they lost four children in infancy. Mr. Donohue is Republican in politics and is now serving his fourth term as School Treasurer; he is a Catholic , and his wife and children are members of the same church.
Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties
Chicago: Chapman Pub. Co., 1894
MORRIS O'DAILY. One of the well improved farms of Clayton County is that owned and occupied by Mr. O'Daily and situated on section 1, of Wagner Township. It contains all the improvements of a
first-class estate, including a neat residence and substantial barn. The soil, through careful tillage, has been brought under excellent cultivation, and the land is
subdivided by good fences into fields of convenient size. This place has been the home of the present owner since the year 1861, when, coming hither, he purchased eighty acres comprising a
portion of the property now owned by him.
The success which has come to Mr. O'Daily is due entirely to his own exertions, as he was but four years of age when orphaned by the death of his parents, John and Hanorah O'Daily, natives of the
Emerald Isle. He was also a native of that country, born in County Carry, April 16, 1823. The family having been poor, he had no educational advantages in youth, and
from early boyhood was obliged to earn his own livelihood. Believing that in the United States he would find better opportunities than the Old World afforded, he crossed the Atlantic in 1846, and
arriving in New York, was there variously employed for five years. While living in New York Mr. O'Daily was united in marriage, in 1852, with Miss Julia Sullivan, like himself a native of
Ireland, her birth having there occurred in 1822. She is the daughter of Daniel and Helena (Prenderville) Sullivan who died when she was an infant, and therefore she has little information
concerning the genealogy of the family. She was reared in the home of an uncle, and came to the United States about the same time as did Mr. O'Daily. The latter was for some years after his
marriage employed at railroading, being thus engaged in Covington, Ky., for one year, later in Ohio for the same length of time, and afterward in
Pennsylvania for six months. Going thence to Chicago, after a short sojourn in that city he removed to Boscobel, Wis., where he remained until 1857.
In the latter year Mr. O'Daily came to Iowa and after residing for three years in McGregor located upon his present estate in the spring of 1861. His first purchase consisted of eighty acres for
which he paid $2.50 per acre. Afterward he added a forty-acre tract, paying $15 an acre for it, and twenty years later he bought a similar amount, so that he is now the owner
of a quarter-section of improved land. While his attention has been given principally to farm pursuits, he also takes a commendable interest in local matters, and in politics gives his support to
the Democratic party. In religious belief he is a Catholic, and with his wife holds membership in that church at Monona.
Six children came to bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. O'Daily, of whom two are deceased. The eldest, Hanorah, who was born in Detroit, Mich., December 11, 1852, was married in 1879 to Michael
Allen, and they reside in Topeka, Kan. Mr. Allen is an engineer on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, running from Kansas City to St. Joseph, Mo. They have had five children,
one of whom died at our subject's home, and was buried in Monona. The eldest son of our subject, John, was born in Detroit, Mich., December 29, 1856, and is now a railroad conductor with
headquarters at Tacoma, Wash. Dandy, whose birth occurred December 14, 1858, was killed at Brainerd, Minn., December 2, 1887, having fallen off a car while braking on a train.
Cornelius was born at North McGregor, Iowa, October 6, 1859, and assists his father in the management of the home farm, Jeremiah, who was born in North McGregor, Iowa, May 6, 1861, is now in the
employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company at St. Paul, Minn. Morris was born on the home farm in Wagner Township, August 25, 1863, and died of scarlet fever when eight years of age. None of
the surviving sons are married. The family is highly
esteemed throughout this community, and the children, having been trained in early life for positions of usefulness in the business world, are now known in their various communities as honorable
and energetic citizens.
~Submitted by Becky Teubner
Harlan, Edgar Rubey. A Narrative History of the People of Iowa. Vol III. Chicago: American Historical Society, 1931
p. 241
REV. JEREMIAH F. COSTELLO as a Catholic priest has done all his work in Iowa, where he is pleasantly remembered in several communities. He is now pastor of Saint Patrick's Church in Council
Father Costello was born in County Kerry, Ireland, October 21, 1883, seventh among the ten children of Thomas and Mary (O'Connor) Costello. Both parents were born in Ireland and his mother is
still living in that country. His father, and Irish farmer and contractor, in prosperous circumstances, died in 1914, the day the great World War started. Of the children six came to the United
States; Rev. William M., president of Root College of Jacksonville, Illinois; John J., a fire marshal at Chicago; Mrs. Bradley, wife of a clothing merchant at Hickman, Kentucky; Marie, wife of
Daniel Martin, a hotel man at Carlinville, Illinois; Jeremiah F.; and Michael, a priest at Granite City, Illinois.
Jeremiah F. Costello was educated in Saint Michael's College at Listowel, Ireland, and finished his preparation for the priesthood in the All Hallows Seminary. He was ordained in 1910 and a first
assignment of duty came from Bishop Davis of Davenport, who appointed him assistant at Saint Francis Church at Council Bluffs, where he remained until 1914. He was then appointed the first pastor
of Mondamin in Harrison County, Iowa, remained there three and a half years, and from March 1, 1918, to October, 1927, was priest at Audubon, where his pastorate was marked by the building of a
church and parochial residence. In 1927 he became pastor of Saint Patrick's Church at Council Bluffs, and has become a leader of a fine congregation, made up of 150 families. The parish has as
substantial church, priest's residence, and is a growing religious community. Father Costello during the World war was a four-minute speaker. He is a fourth degree Knight of Columbus.
History of Iowa County, Iowa...by James G. Dinwiddie. Volume 2. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1915
J.F. Kirby was born in Iowa county, Iowa, October 22, 1872. His father was Patrick Kirby of County Kerry, and his mother Bridget Kirby, nee Power, of County Kilkenny, Ireland. The father came to
America in 1849, and the mother in 1851. They were married in Brooklyn, New York, in 1860, and immediately went to live in Lyons, Wayne county, New York. They continued to reside in Wayne county
until 1866, when they moved to Cleveland, Ohio. In 1867 they came to Iowa in search of good, cheap land. The family took up temporary residence in Davenport in order to give the father an
opportunity to look about the state for a satisfactory location. The same year Patrick Kirby came to Iowa county and purchased a farm in Sumner township which is still owned by J.F. Kirby and his
sister, Mary T. Moynihan. Two years later the family moved to this farm and made it their home until Mr. Kirby's death in 1894. Later Mrs. Kirby removed to Marengo, Iowa, where she resided until
her death in 1906.
When Patrick Kirby bought his Iowa farm there was but one house between it and the then village of Marengo, a distance of eight and a quarter miles. It was among scenes like this that J.F. Kirby
spent his early years. He says he can still remember sitting on the doorstep of the little prairie home in the early summer evenings listening to the dismal howling of the wolves among the
hazelbrush on the prairie hills. He says his mother, to her dying day, delighted to tell of spring in early Iowa, with its green rolling prairies, its hillsides banked deep with wild flowers, and
the air heavy with their stimulating fragrance.
J.F. Kirby received his early training in the public schools, supplemented by such studies as he was able to pursue between days of farm work. In the fall of 1898, after a year's preparation in
the Iowa City Academy, he entered the State University of Iowa, from which he received three degrees, Ph. B., in 1902, LL. B 1904, and A.M. 1906. In 1906 he opened a law office in Williamsburg,
Iowa, where he is still engaged in the practice of law. He served four years as county attorney for Iowa county, after which he decided to quit politics, except so far as a private citizen should
take an active interest in the affairs of his state and country. He has a wide acquaintance over the state, and it is said of him that once he makes a friend he keeps him. Fortune has been kind
to him, both financially and in his law practice. He says he appreciates most, however, the fact that he has retained, through his years of practice, his old neighbors in Iowa county as his
friends and clients.
While attending the State University of Iowa, Mr. Kirby met Miss Elizabeth Schichtl of Algona, Iowa, who was also a student of the university, to whom he was married in 1910 in Cedar Rapids,
Iowa. Mrs. Kirby is of German extraction. Her father, Joseph Schichtl, was a native of the kingdom of Bavaria, and her mother, whose maiden name was Mary Fuhrmann, was born in the state of
Wisconsin, but her parents came from the province of Treves (Trier) on the Moselle.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Kirby are members of the Catholic church. Mr. Kirby is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.
This information is from Report of the Managing Committee of the Widows and Orphans' Asylum, for the Care and Maintenance of the Destitute Widows and Orphans of the Emigrants of 1847, published in Toronto in 1848.
Rules include: Five o'clock, A.M. Bell to ring for rising. Five to seven, A.M. 1st Inmates to wash and dress, in the evening half-past eight o'clock, P.M. Lights to be extinguished. 627 admitted to the asylum of which 523 were Catholic.
Breakfast Tea and bread on Sunday and portage for the rest of the week; Dinner bread and meat every second day and bread and soup the rest of the days; Supper Bread and tea every day.
When they were closing in 1848 the inmates were given to people of various trades; Joseph Smith age 10 years was given to a farmer; Mary Fitzgibbons age 5 given to a lawyer; Mary Gallagher age 10 to a shopkeeper; Mathew Tierney age 14 to a Physician ; Sally Nowland to a pensioner; Three Harte girls were given to a Rector; Mgt. Feron age 13 to a Schoolmaster; Nora Hays age 12 to a boarding house; Pat Nugent age 12 to a butcher; Pat O Connor age 12 bound to a shoemaker; Ann McCabe to be brought up as his own by Tom Donoghue; Pat Nugent age 12 to be bound to a smith; Maria Mooney age 14 to be paid $1 per month; Jane Williamson to a schoolmaster to get food and clothes for 3 years; Hugh Tierney age 10 bound to blacksmith for 4 years; Catherine Gilgooly to be maintained till 18 years by Rev Rice; John Doyle age 12 to be bound to blacksmith to get food and clothes for 5 years; Several were in charge of Fr Sandell PP; Ann Carroll a widow age 24 went to a farmer for $2 per month.
LEGENDARY songwriter and "father of American music" Stephen Collins Foster's roots were firmly in the city of song, Northern Ireland's Culture Minister Nelson McCausland informs us; his grandfather emigrated from Londonderry in the eighteenth century.
According to Mr McCausland: "Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864) was the pre-eminent songwriter in America in the 19th century and he is known as the 'father of American music.
"Among the best known are Beautiful Dreamer, Old Folks at Home and Old
Kentucky Home, which is the official state song of Kentucky.
"His songs are still extremely popular and in April 2004, in an interview with the LA Times music critic Robert Hilburn, Bob Dylan said, 'Anyone who wants to be a songwriter should listen to as much folk music as they can, study the form and structure of stuff that has been around for 100 years. I go back to Stephen Foster.
Writing on his personal blog the Minister added: "Stephen Foster was of Scotch-Irish descent and the family was very much aware of its Ulster ancestry. Stephen's brother Morrison Foster (1823-1904) was a member of the Scotch-Irish Society of America.
"Their father William Barclay Foster was a businessman in Pittsburgh and his grandfather Alexander Foster (1710-1767) emigrated from Londonderry around 1728.
Foster was famous for such timeless songs as Oh! Susanna, Camptown Races, Old Folks at Home (Swanee River), Hard Times Come Again No More, My Old Kentucky Home, Old Black Joe and Beautiful
Mr McCausland said that as a result of the Dylan interview American Roots Publishing decided to celebrate his legacy with a CD entitled Beautiful Dreamer: The Songs of Stephen Foster.
"Steve Fischell, producer of the tribute CD said that Dylan's quote was our inspiration for this project. The artists featured on the CD included such well-known singers as Alison Krauss and John
Prine," said Mr McCausland.
Roger McGuinn, Mavis Staples and Suzy Bogguss also appeared on the Londonderry-linked album which won the Grammy for Best Traditional Folk Album in 2005.
Source: Londonderry Sentinel
Location: Waterside Londonderry N Ireland
Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
Aug 3, 1904
Denounce Irish Mimicry
The principal report of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in session at St. Louis was that of the
committee on resolutions, which reported in favor of a national home for members
of the order and denounced the caricaturing of the Irish race upon the stage and in the funny
sections of the newspapers.
Dunn, Joseph and P.J. Lennox, eds. The Glories of Ireland. Washington, D.C.: Phoenix Limited, 1914
"The Irish in the United States"
Michael J. O'Brien,
Histriographer, American Irish Historical Society.
pgs 184-200
Students of early American history will find in the Colonial records abundant evidence to justify the statement of Ramsay, the historian of South Carolina, when he wrote in 1789, that:
"The Colonies which now form the United States may be considered as Europe transplanted. Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland and Italy furnished the
original stock of the present population, and are generally supposed to have contributed to it in the order named. For the last seventy or eighty years, no nation has contributed so much to the
population of America as Ireland."
It will be astonishing to one who looks into the question to find that, in face of all the evidence that abounds in American annals, showing that our people were here on this soil fighting the
battles of the colonists, and in a later day of the infant Republic, thus proving our claim to the gratitude of this nation, America has produced men so ignoble and disingenuous as to say that
the Irish who were here in Revolutionary days "were for the most part heartily loyal," that "the combatants were of the same race and blood", and that the great uprising became, in fact, " a
contest between brothers"!
Although many writers have made inquiries into this subject, nearly all have confined themselves to the period of the Revolution. We are of "the fighting race", and in our enthusiasm for the
fighting man the fact seems to have been overlooked that in any other noble fields of endeavor, and in some respects infinitely more important, men of Irish blood have occupied prominent places
in American history, for which they have received but scant recognition. The pioneers before whose hands the primeval forests fell prostrate; the builders, by whose magic touch have sprung into
existence flourishing towns and cities, where once no sounds were heard save those of nature and her wildest offspring; the orators who roused the colonists into activity and showed them the way
to achieve their independence; the schoolmasters who imparted to the American youth their first lessons in intellectuality and patriotism; all have their place in history, and of these we can
claim that Ireland furnished her full quota to the American colonies.
It must now be accepted as an indisputable fact that a very large proportion of the earliest settlers in the American colonies were of Irish blood, for the Irish have been coming here since the
beginning of the English colonization. It has been estimated by competent authorities that in the middle of the seventeenth century the English-speaking colonists numbered 50,000. Sir William
Petty, the English statistician, tells us that during the decade from 1649 to 1659 the annual emigration from Ireland to the western continent was upwards of 6,000, thus making, in that space of
time, 60,000 souls, or about one-half of what the whole population must have been in 1659. And from 1659 to 1672 there emigrated from Ireland to America the yearly number of 3000 (Dobbs, on Irish
Trade, Dublin, 1729). Prendergast, another noted authority, in the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland, furnishes ample verification of this by the statistics which he quotes from the English
records. Richard Hakluyt, the chronicler of the first Virginia expeditions, in his Voyages, Navigations, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation (London, 1600), shows that Irishmen came
with Raleigh to Virginia in 1587 and, in fact, the ubiquitous Celts were with Sir John Hawkins in his voyage to the Gulf of Mexico nearly twenty years earlier. The famous work of John Camden
Hotten, entitled, "The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, Emigrants, Religious Exiles, Political Rebels, Serving Men sold for a term of years, " etc., who were brought to the Virginia
plantations between 1600 and 1700, as well as his "List of the Livinge and the Dead in Virginia in 1623," contains numerous Celtic names, and further evidence of these continuous migrations of
the Irish is contained in "A Booke of Entrie for Passengers passing beyond the Seas", in the year 1632. The Virginia records also show that as early as 1621 a colony of Irish people sailed from
Cork in the Flying Harte under the patronage of Sir William Newce nad located in what is now Newport News, and some few years later Daniel Gookin, a merchant of Cork, transported hither "great
multitudes of people and cattle" from England and Ireland.
In the "William and Mary College Quarterly," in the transcripts of the original records published by the Virginia Historical Society, and in all County histories of Virginia, there are numerous
reference to the Irish "redemptioners" who were brought to that colony during the seventeenth century. But the redemptioners were not the only class who came, for the colonial records also
contain many reference to Irishmen of good birth and education who received grants of land in the colony and who, in turn, induced many of their countrymen to emigrate. Planters named McCarty,
Lynch, O'Neill, Sullivan, Farrell, McDonnell, O'Brien and others denoting an ancient Irish lineage appear frequently in the early records. Much that is romantic is found in the lives of these men
and their descendants. Some of them served in the Council chamber and the field, their sons and daughters were educated to hold place, with elegance and dignity, with the foremost of the
Cavaliers, and when in after years the great conflict with England began, Virginians of Irish blood were among the first and the most eager to answer the call. Those historians who claim the
South was exclusively and "Anglo-Saxon" heritage would be completely disillusioned were they to examine the lists of Colonial and Revolutionary troops of Celtic name who held the Indians and the
British at bay, and who helped in those "troubled times" to lay the foundation of a great republic.
There is no portion of the Atlantic seaboard that did not profit by the Irish immigrations of the seventeenth century. We learn from the "Irish State Papers" of the year 1595 that ships were
regularly plying between Ireland and Newfoundland, and so important was the trade between Ireland and the far-distant fishing banks that "all English ships bound out always made provisions that
the convoy out should remain 48 hours in Cork." In some of Lord Baltimore's accounts of his voyages to Newfoundland he refers to his having "sailed from Ireland" and to his "return to Ireland,"
and so it is highly probable that he settled Irishmen on his Avalon plantation. After Lord Baltimore's departure, Lord Falkland also sent out a number of Irish colonists, and "at a later date
they were so largely reinforced by settlers from Ireland that the Celtic part of the population at this day is not far short of equality in numbers with the Saxon portion"- (Hatton and Harvey,
History of Newfoundland, page 32) Pedly attributes the large proportion of Irishmen and the influence of the Catholics in Newfoundland to Lord Falkland's company, and Prowse, in his History (pp.
200-201), refers to "the large number of Irishmen" in that colony who fled from Waterford and Cork "during the troubled times" which preceded the Williamite war (1688). Many of these in after
years are known to have settled in New England.
But it was to Maryland and Pennsylvania that the greatest flow of Irish immigration directed its course. In the celebrated "Account of the Voyage to Maryland," written in the year 1634 by Mutius
Vitellestis, the general of the Jesuit Order, it is related that when the Arke and the Dove arrived in the West Indies in that year, they found "the island of Montserrat inhabited by a colony of
Irishmen who had been banished from Virginia on account of their professing the Catholic faith." It is known also that there were many families in Ireland of substance and good social standing
who, at their own expense, took venture in the enterprise of Lord Baltimore and afterwards in that of William Penn, and who applied for and received grants of land, which, as the deeds on record
show, were afterwards divided into farms bought and settled by O'Briens, McCarthys, O'Connors, and many others of the ancient Gaelic race, the descendants of those heroic men whose passion for
liberty, while causing their ruin, inspired and impelled their sons to follow westward "the star of empire."
After the first English colonies in Maryland were founded, we find in all the proclamations concerning these settlements by the proprietary government, that they were limited to "person of
British or Irish descent" The religious liberty established in Maryland was the magnet which attracted Catholics to that Province, and so they came in large numbers in search of peace and comfort
and freedom from the turmoil produced by religious animosities in their native land. The major part of this Irish immigration seems to have come through the ports of Philadelphia and Charleston
and a portion through Chesapeake Bay, whence they passed on to Pennsylvania and the southern colonies.
The "Certificates of Land Grants" in Maryland show that it was customary for those Irish colonists to name their lands after places in their native country, and I find that there is hardly a town
or city in the old Gaelic strongholds in Ireland that is not represented in the nomenclature of the early Maryland grants. One entire section of the Province, named the "County of New Ireland" by
the proclamation of Lord Baltimore in the year 1684, was occupied wholly by Irish families. This section is now embraced in Cecil and Harford Counties. New Ireland County was divided into three
parts, known as New Connaught, New Munster, and New Leinster. New Connaught was founded by George Talbot from Roscommon, who was surveyor of the Province; New Munster by Edward O'Dwyer from
Tipperary; and New Leinster, by Bryan O'Daly from Wicklow, all of whom were in Maryland prior to 1683. Among the prominent men in the Province may be mentioned Charles O'Carroll, who was
secretary to the proprietor; John Hart from county Cavan, who was governor of Maryland from 1714 to 1720; Phillip Conner from Kerry known in history as the "Last Commander of Old Kent"; Daniel
Dulany of the O'Delaney family from Queen's County, one of the most famous lawyers in the American Colonies; Michael Tawney or Taney, ancestor of the celebrated judge, Roger Brooke Taney; the
Courseys from Cork, one of the oldest families in the State; the Kings from Dublin; and many others.
The only places in the State bearing a genuine Irish name which has reached any prominence is Baltimore. Not alone has the "Monumental City" received its name from Ireland, but the tract of land
on which the city is now situate was originally named (in 1695) "Ely O'Carroll," after the barony of that name in King's and Tipperary counties, the ancient home of the Clan O'Carroll. To
subdivisions of the tract were given such names as Dublin, Waterford, Tralee, Raphoe, Tramore, Mallow, Kinsale, Lurgan, Coleraine, Tipperary, Antrim, Belfast, Derry, Kildare, Enniskillen,
Wexford, Letterkenny, Lifford, Birr, Galway, Limerick, and so on, all indicating the nationality of the patentees, as well as the places from which they came.
From such sources is the evidence available of the coming of the Irish to Maryland in large numbers, and so it is that we are not surprised to find on the rosters of the Maryland Revolutionary
regiments 4633 distinctive Irish names, exclusive of the large numbers who joined the navy and the militia, as well as those who were held to guard the frontier from Indian raids, whose names are
not on record. However, it is not possible now to determine the proportion of the Revolutionary soldiers who were of Irish birth or descent, for where the nationality is not stated in the rosters
all non-Irish names must be left out of the reckoning. The first census of Maryland (1790), published by the United States Government, enumerates the names of all "Heads of Families" and the
number of persons in each family. A count of the Irish names shows approximately 21,000 persons. This does not take into account the great number of people who could not be recorded under that
head, as it is known there were many thousand Irish "redemptioners" in Maryland prior to the taking of the census, and while no precise data exist to indicate the number of Irish immigrants who
settled in Maryland, I estimate that the number of people of Irish descent in the State in 1790 as not far short of 40,000.
The Land Records and Council Journals of Georgia of the last half of the seventeenth and the first half of the eighteenth century afford like testimony to the presence of the Irish, who crossed the sea and colonized the waste places of that wild territory, and whose descendants in after years contributed much of the strength of the patriot forces who confronted the armed cohorts of Carleton and Cornwallis. From the Colonial Records of Georgia, published under the auspices of the State Legislature, I have extracted a long list of people of Irish name and blood who received grants of land in that colony. They came with Oglethorpe as early as 1735 and continued to arrive for many years. It was an Irishman named Mitchell who laid out the site of Atlanta, the metropolis of the South; an O'Brien founded the city of Augusta; and a McCormick named the city of Dublin, Georgia.
From the records of the Carolinas we obtain similar data, many of an absorbingly interesting character, and the number of places in that section bearing names of a decidedly Celtic flavor is
striking evidence of the presence of the Irish people, the line of whose settlements across the whole State of North Carolina may be traced on the high roads leading from Pennsylvania and
Virginia. Hawk, one of the historians of North Carolina, refers to the "Irish Romanists' who were resident in that Province as early as 1700, and Williamson says that "the most numerous settlers
in the northwestern part of the province during the first half of the eighteenth century were from Ireland." The manuscript records in the office of the Secretary of State refer to a "ship load
of immigrants" who, in the year 1761, came to the Carolinas from Dublin. The names of the Irish pioneers in the Carolinas are found in every conceivable connection, in the parochial and court
records, in the will books, in the minutes of the general Assembly, in the quaint old records of the Land and Registers' offices, in the patents granted by the colonial Government, and in the
sundry other official records. In public affairs they seem to have had the same adaptability for politics which, among other things, has in later days brought their countrymen into prominence.
Florence O'Sullivan from Kerry was surveyor-general of South Carolina in 1671. James Moore, a native of Ireland and a descendant of the famous Irish chieftain, Rory O'More, was governor of South
Carolina in 1700; Matthew Ronan from Carrick-fergus was president of the North Carolina Council during the term of office of his townsman, Governor Arthur Dobbs (1754 to 1764); John Connor was
attorney-general of the Province in 1730, and was succeeded in turn by David O'Sheall and Thomas McGuire. Cornelius Hartnett, Hugh Waddell, and Terence Sweeny, all Irishmen, were members of the
Court, and among the members of the provincial assembly I find such names as Murphy, Leary, Kearney, McLewean, Dunn, Keenan, McManus, Ryan, Bourke, Logan and others showing an Irish origin. And,
in this connection, we must not overlook Thomas Burke, a native of the "City of the Tribes', distinguished as a lawyer, soldier, and statesman, who became governor of North Carolina in 1781, as
did his cousin Aedanus Burke, also from Galway, who was judge of the Supreme Court of South Carolina in 1778. John Rutledge, son of Dr. John Rutledge from Ireland, was governor of South Carolina
in 1776 and his brother Edward became governor of the State in 1788.
But there were Irishmen in the Carolinas long before the advent of these, and indeed Irish names are found occasionally as far back as the records of those colonies reach. They are scattered
profusely through the will books and records of deeds as early as 1676 and down to the end of the century, and in a list of emigrants from Barbados in the year 1678, quoted by John Camden Hotten
in the work already alluded to, we find about 120 persons of Irish name who settled in the Carolinas in that year. In 1719, 500 persons from Ireland transported themselves to Carolina to take the
benefit of an Act passed by the Assembly by which the lands of the Yemmassee Indians were thrown open to settlers, and Ramsay (History of South Carolina, vol. I, page 20) says: "Of all countries
none has furnished the Province with so many inhabitants as Ireland."
In the Pennsylvania records one is also struck with the very frequent mention of Irish names. William Penn had lived in Ireland for several years and was acquainted with the sturdy character of
its people, and when he arrived on board The Welcome in 1682 he had with him a number of Irishmen, who are described as "people of property and people of consequence." In 1699 he brought over a
brilliant young Irishman, James Logan from Lurgan, who for nearly half a century occupied a leading position in the Province and for some time was its governor. But the first Irish immigration to
Pennsylvania of any numerical importance came in the year 1717. They settled in Lancaster County. "They and their descendants," says Rupp, an impartial historian, "have always been justly
regarded as the most intelligent people in the County and their progress will be found to be but little behind the boasted efforts of the Colony of Plymouth." In 1727, as the records show, 1155
Irish people arrived in Philadelphia and in 1728 the number reached the high total of 5600. "It looks as if Ireland is to send all her inhabitants hither," wrote Secretary Logan to the provincial
proprietors in 1729, "for last week not less than six ships arrived. The common fear is that if they continue to come they will make themselves proprietors of the Province" (Rupp's History of
Dauphin County).
The continuous stream of Irish immigration was viewed with so much alarm by the Legislature, that in 1728 a law was passed "against the crowds of Irish papists and convicts who are yearly powr'd
upon us" - (the "convicts" being the political refugees who fled from the prosecutions of the English Government!). But the operations of this statute were wholly mullified by the captains of the
vessels landing their passengers at Newcastle, Del, and Burlington, N.J.,and as one instance of this, I find in the Philadelphia American Weekly Mercury of August 14, 1729, a statement to this
effect: "It is reported from Newcastle that there arrived this last week about 2000 Irish and an abundance more daily expected." This expectation was realized, for according to "An Account of
Passengers and Servants landed in Philadelphia between December 25, 1728 and December 25, 1729", which I find in the New England Weekly Journal for March 30, 1730, the number of Irish who came in
via the Delaware river in that year was 5655, while the total number of all other Europeans who arrived during that same period was only 553. Holmes, in his Annals of America, corroborates this.
The Philadelphia newspapers down to the year 1741 also contained many similar references, indicating that the flood of Irish immigration was unceasing and that it was at all times in excess of
that from other European countries. Later issues of the Mercury also published accounts of the number of ships from Ireland which arrived in the Delaware, and from these it appears that from 1735
to 1738 "66 vessels entered Philadelphia from Ireland and 50 cleared thereto." And in the New York Gazette and Weekly Post-Boy of the years 1750 to 1752, I find under the caption, "Vessels
Registered at the Philadelphia Custom House," a total of 183 ships destined from or to Ireland, or an average of five sailings per month between Irish ports and the port of Philadelphia alone. A
careful search fails to disclose any record of the number of person that came in these ships, but, from the fact that it is stated that all carried passengers as well as merchandise from Irish
ports, we may safely assume that the "human freight" must have been very large.
Spencer in his History of the United States, says: "In the years 1771 and 1772 the number of emigrants to America from Ireland was 17,350, almost all of whom emigrated at their own expense. A
great majority of them consisted of persons employed in the linen manufacture or farmers possessed of some property, which they converted into money and brought with them. Within the first
fortnight of August, 1773, there arrived at Philadelphia 3500 immigrants from Ireland. As most of the emigrants, particularly those from Ireland and Scotland, were personally discontent with
their treatment in Europe, their accession to the colonial population, it might reasonably be supposed, had no tendency to diminish or counteract the hostile sentiments toward Britain which were
daily gathering force in America." Marmion, in his Ancient and Modern History of the Maritime Ports of Ireland, verifies this. He says that the number of Irish who came during the years 1771,
1772 and 1773 was 25,000. The bulk of these came in by way of Philadelphia and settled in Pennsylvania and the Virginias.
The Irish were arriving in the Province in such great numbers during this period as to be the cause of considerable jealousy on the part of other settlers from continental Europe. They were a
vigorous and aggressive element. Eager for that freedom which was denied them at home, large numbers of them went out on the frontier. While the war-whoop of the savage still echoed within the
surrounding valleys and his council fires blazed upon the hills, those daring adventurers penetrated the hitherto pathless wilderness and passed through unexampled hardships with heroic
endurance. They opened up the roads, bridged the streams and cut down the forests, turning the wilderness into a place fit for a man's abode. With their sturdy sons, they constituted the skirmish
line of civilization, standing as a bulwark against Indian incursions into the more prosperous and populous settlements between them and the coast. From 1740 down to the period of the Revolution,
hardly a year passed without a fresh infusion of Irish blood into the existing population, and, as an indication that they distributed themselves all over the Province, I find, in every Town and
County history of Pennsylvania and in the land records of every section, Irish names in the greatest profusion. They settled in great numbers chiefly along he Susquehanna and its tributaries;
they laid out many prosperous settlements in the wilderness of western Pennsylvania, and in these sections Irishmen are seen occupying some of the foremost and most coveted positions, and their
sons in after years contributed much to the power and commercial greatness of the Commonwealth. They are mentioned prominently as manufacturers, merchants, and farmers, and in the professions
they occupied a place second to none among the natives of the State. In several sections, they were numerous enough to establish their own independent settlements, to which they gave the name of
their Irish home places, several of which are preserved to this day. It is not to be wondered at then that General Harry Lee named the Pennsylvania line of the Continental army, "the line of
Ireland gave many eminent men to the Commonwealth, among whom may be mentioned: John Burns, its first governor after the adoption of the Constitution, who was born in Dublin; George Bryan, also a
native of Dublin, who was its governor in 1788; James O'Hara, one of the founders of Pittsburgh; Thomas FitzSimmons, a native of Limerick, member of the first Congress under the Constitution
which began the United States Government and father of the policy of protection to American industries; Matthew Carey from Dublin, the famous political economist; and many others who were
prominent as nation-builders in the early days of the "Keystone State."
While the historians usually give all the credit to England and to Englishmen for the early colonization of New England, whose results have been attended with such important consequences to
America and the civilized world, Ireland and her sons can also claim a large part in the development of this territory, as is evidenced by the town, land, church and other colonial records, and
the names of pioneers, as well as the names given to several of the early settlements. That the Irish had been coming to New England almost from the beginning of the English colonization is
indicated by an "Order" entered in the Massachusetts record under date of September 25, 1634, granting liberty to "the Scottishe and Irishe gentlemen who intend to come hither, to sitt down in
any place upp Merimacke river." This, doubtless, referred to a Scotch and Irish company which, about that time, had announced its intention of founding a settlement on the Merrimac. It comprised
in all 140 passengers who embarked in the Eagle Wing, from Carrickfergus in September, 1636, bringing with them a considerable quantity of equipment and merchandise to meet the exigencies of
their settlement in the new country. The vessel, however, never reached its destination and was obliged to return to Ireland on account of Atlantic storms, and there is no record of a renewed
attempt. In the Massachusetts records of the year 1640 (vol I, p. 295) is another entry relating to "the persons come from Ireland," and in the Town Books of Boston may be seen references to
Irishmen who were residents of the town in that year.
From local histories, which in many cases are but verbatim copies of the original entries in the Town Books, we get occasional glimpses of the Irish who were in the colony of Massachusetts Bay
between this period and the end of the century. For example, between 1640 and 1660, such names as O'neill, Sexton, Gibbons, Lynch, Keeney, Kelly and Hogan appear on the Town records of Hartford,
and one of the first schoolmasters who taught the children of the Puritans in New Haven was an Irishman named William Collins, who, in the year 1640, came there with a number of Irish refugees
from Barbados Island. In Irishman named Joseph Collins with his wife and family came to Lynn, Mass., in 1635. Richard Duffy and Matthias Curran were at Ipswich in 1633. John Kelly came to Newbury
in 1635 with the first English settlers of the town. David O'Killia (or O'Kelly) was a resident of Old Yarmouth in 1657, and I find on various records of that section a great number of people
named Kelley, who probably were descended from David O'Killia. Peter O'Kelly and his family are mentioned as of Dorchester in 1696. At Springfield in 1656 there were families named Riley and
O'Dea; and Richard Burke, said to be of the Mayo family of that name, is mentioned prominently in Middlesex County as early as 1670. The first legal instrument of record in Hampden County was a
deed of conveyance in the year 1683 to one Patrick Riley of lands in Chicopee. With a number of his countrymen, Riley located in this vicinity and gave the name of "Ireland Parish" to their
settlement. John Molooney and Daniel MacGuiness were at Woburn in 1676, and Michael Bacon, "an Irishman", of Woburn, fought in King Philip's war in 1675. John Joyce was at Lynn in 1637, and I
find the names of Willyam Heally, William Reyle, William Barrett, and Roger Burke signed to a petition to the General Court of Massachusetts on August 17, 1664. Such names as Maccarty, Gleason,
Coggan, Lawler, Kelly, Hurley, MackQuade, and McCleary also appear on the Cambridge Church records down to 1690. These are but desultory instances of the first comers among the Irish to
Massachusetts, selected from a great mass of similar data.
In the early history of every town in Massachusetts, without exception, I find mention of Irish people, and while the majority came originally as "poor redemptioners", yet, in course of time and
despite Puritanical prejudices, not a few of them rose to positions of worth and independence. Perhaps the most noted of these was Matthew Lyon of Vermont, known as "the Hampden of Congress,"
who, on his arrival in New York in 1765, was sold as a "redemptioner" to pay his passage money. This distinguished American was a native of county Wicklow. Other notable examples of Irish
redempitoners who attained eminence in America were George Taylor, a native of Dublin, one of Pennsylvania's signers of the Delcaration of Independence; Charles Thompson, a native of County
Tyrone, "the perennial Secretary of the Continental Congress", and William Killen, who became chief justice and chancellor of Delaware. Some of the descendants of the Irish redemptioners in
Massachusetts are found among the prominent New Englanders of the past hundred years. The Puritans of Massachusetts extended no welcoming hand to the Irish who had the temerity to come among
them, yet, as an historical writer has truly said, "by one of those strange transformations which time occasionally works, it has come to pass that Massachusetts today contains more people of
Irish blood in proportion to the total population than any other State in the Union."
So great and so continuous was Irish immigration to Massachusetts during the early part of the eighteenth century that on Saint Patrick's Day in the year 1737 a number of merchants, who described
themselves as "of the Irish Nation residing in Boston," formed the Charitable Irish Society, an organization which exists even to the present day. It was provided that the officers should be
"natives of Ireland or of Irish extraction," and they announced that the Society was organized "in an affectionate and Compassionate concern for their countrymen in these Parts who may be reduced
by Sickness, Shipwrack, Old Age, and other Infirmities and unforeseen Accidents." I have copied from the Town Books, as reproduced by the City of Boston, 1600 Irish names of person who were
married or had declared their intentions of marriage in Boston between the years 1710 and 1790, exclusive of 956 other Irish names which appear on the minutes between 1720 and 1775.
In 1718, one of the largest single colonies of Irish arrived in Boston. It consisted of one hundred families, who settled at different places in Massachusetts. One contingent, headed by Edward
Fitzgerald, located at Worcester and another at Palmer under the leadership of Robert Farrell, while a number went to the already established settlement at Londonderry, N.H. About the same time a
colony of fishermen from the west coast of Ireland settled on the Cape Cod peninsula, and I find a number of them recorded on the marriage registers of the towns in this vicinity between 1719 and
1743. In 1720, a number of families from the county of Tyrone came to Shrewsbury, and eight years later another large contingent came to Leicester County from the same neighborhood, who gave the
name of Dublin to the section where they located. The annals of Leicester County are rich in Irish names. On the Town Books of various places in this vicinity and on the rosters of the troops
enrolled for the Indian war, Irishmen are recorded, and we learn from the records that not a few of them were important and useful men, active in the development of settlements, and often chosen
as selectmen or representatives. On the minutes of the meetings of the selectmen of Pelham, Spencer, Sutton, Charlestown, Canton, Scituate, Stoughton, Salem, Amesbury, Stoneham, and other
Massachusetts towns, Irish names are recorded many years before the Revolution. In local histories these people are usually called "Scotch-Irish," a racial misnomer that has been very mcuh
overworked by a certain class of historical writers who seem to be unable to understand that a non-Catholic native of Ireland can be an Irishman. In an exhaustive study of American history, I
cannot find any other race where such a distinction is drawn as in the case of non-Catholic, or so-called "Scotch," Irish. In many instances this hybrid racial designation obviously springs from
prejudice and a desire to withhold from Ireland any credit that may belong to her, although, in some cases, the writers are genuinely mistaken in their belief that the Scotch as a race are the
antithesis of the Irish and that whatever commendable qualities of the non-Catholic Irish are possessed of naturally spring from the Scotch.
The first recorded Irish settlement in Maine was made by families named Kelly and Haley from Galway, who located on the Isles of Shoals about the year 1653. In 1692, Roger Kelly was a representative from the Isles to the General Court of Massachusetts, and is described in local annals as "King of the Isles." The large number of islands, bays, and promontories on the Maine coast bearing distinctive Celtic names attests to the presence and influence of Irish people in this section in colonial times. In 1720, Robert Temple from Cork brought to Maine five shiploads of people, mostly from the province of Munster. They landed at the junction of the Kennebec and Eastern rivers, where they established the town of Cork, which, however, after a precarious existence of only six years, was entirely destroyed by the Indians. For nearly a century the place was familiarly known to the residents of the locality as "Ireland." The records of York, Lincoln and Cumberland counties contain references to large numbers of Irish people who settled in those localities during the early years of the eighteenth century. The Town Books of Georgetown, Kittery, and Kennebunkport, of the period 1740 to 1775, are especially rich in Irish names, and in the Saco Valley numerous settlements were made by Irish immigrants, not a few of whom are referred by local historians as "men of wealth and social standing." In the marriage and other records of Limerick, Me., as published by the Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, in the marriage registers of the First Congregational Church of Scarborough, and in other similarly unquestionable records, I find a surprisingly large number of Irish names at various periods during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In fact, there is not one town in the Province that did not have its quota of Irish people, who came either direct from Ireland or migrated from other sections of New England.
The records of New Hampshire and Rhode Island are also a fruitful source of information on this subject, and the Provincial papers indicate an almost unbroken tide of Irish immigration to this
section, beginning as early as the year 1640. One of the most noted of Exeter's pioneer settlers was an Irishman named Darby Field, who came to that place in 1631 and who has been credited by
Governor Winthrop as "the first European who witnessed the White Mountains." He is also recorded as " an Irish soldier for discovery," and I find his name in the annals of Exeter as one of the
grantees of an Indian deed dated April 3, 1638, as well as several other Irish names down to the year 1664. In examining the town registers, gazetteers, and genealogies, as well as the local
histories of New Hampshire, in which are embodied copies of the original entries made by the Town Clerks, I find numerous references to the Irish pioneers, and in many instances they are written
down, among others, as "the first settlers." Some are mentioned as selectmen, town clerks, representatives, or colonial soldiers, and it is indeed remarkable that there is not one of these
authorities I have examined, out of more than two hundred, that does not contain Irish names. From these Irish pioneers sprang many men who attained prominence in New Hampshire, in the
legislature, the professions, the military, the arts and crafts, and in all departments of civil life, down to the present time. In the marriage registers of Portsmouth, Boscawen, New Boston,
Antrim, Londonderry, and other New Hampshire towns, are recorded, in some cases as early as 1716, names of Irish persons, with the places of their nativity, indicating that they came from all
parts of Ireland. At Hampton, I find Humphrey Sullivan teaching school in 1714, while the name of John Sullivan from Limerick, school master at Dover and at Berwick, Me., for upwards of fifty
years, is one of the most honored in early New Hampshire history.
This John Sullivan was surely one of the grandest characters in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, and the record of his descendants serves as an all-sufficient reply to the anti-Irish prejudices
of some American historians. he was the father of a governor of New Hampshire, and of a governor of Massachusetts; of an attorney-general of Massachusetts; of New Hampshire's only major-general
in the Continental army; of the first judge appointed by Washington in New Hampshire; and of four sons who were officers in the Continental army. He was grandfather of an attorney-general of New
Hampshire, of a governor of Maine, and of a United States Senator from New Hampshire. He was a great-grandfather of an attorney-general of New Hampshire, and great-great-grandfather of an officer
in the Thirteenth New Hampshire regiment in the Civil War.
In Rhode Island, Irish people are on record as far back as 1640, and for many years after that date they continued to come. Edward Larkin was an esteemed citizen of Newport in 1655. Charles
McCarthy was one of the founders of the town of East Greenwich in 1677, while in this vicinity as early as 1680 are found such names as Casey, Higgins, Magenis, Kelley, Murphy, Reylie, Maloney,
Healy, Delaney, Walsh, and others of Irish origin. On the rosters of the Colonial militia who fought in King Philip's war (1675) are found the names of 110 soldiers of Irish birth or descent,
some of whom, for their services in the battle of Narragansett, received grants of land in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register for 1848 contains
some remarkable testimony of the sympathy of the people of Ireland for the sufferers in this cruel war, and the "Irish Donation," sent out from Dublin in the year 1676, will always stand in
history to Ireland's credit and as an instance of her intimate familiarity with American affairs, one hundred years prior to that Revolution which emancipated the people of this land from the
same tyranny under which she herself has groaned. And yet, what a cruel travesty on history it reads like now, when we scan the official records of the New England colonies and find that the
Irish were often called "convicts", and it was thought that measures should be taken to prevent their landing on the soil where they and their sons afterwards shed their blood in the cause of
their fellow colonists! In the minutes of the provincial Assemblies and in the reports rendered to the General Court, as well as in other official documents of the period, are found expressions
of the sentiment which prevailed against the natives of the "Island of Sorrows." Only twenty years before the outbreak of King Philip's war, the government of England was asked to provide a law
"to prevent the importation of Irish Papists and convicts that are yearly pow'rd upon us and to make provision against the growth of this pernicious evil." And the colonial Courts themselves, on
account of what they called "the cruel and malignant spirit that has from time to time been manifest in the Irish nation against the English nation," prohibited "the bringing over of any Irish
men, women, or children into this jurisdiction on the penalty of fifty pounds sterling to each inhabitant who shall buy of any merchant, shipmaster, or other agent any such person or persons to
transport them." This order was promulgated by the General Court of Massachusetts in October, 1654, and is given in full in the American Historical Review for October, 1896.
With the "convicts" and the "redemptioners" came the Irish schoolmaster, the man then most needed in America. And the fighting man, he too was to the fore, for when the colonies in after years
called for volunteers to resist the tyranny of the British, the descendants of the Irish "convicts" were among the first and the most eager to answer the call.
From The Constitution or Cork Morning Post, 14 August 1822 -
Tralee, County Kerry
Since the commencement of our Assizes
Michael Foley, Mathew Sullivan, Timothy Healy, and
Arthur O'Leary, for murder of Mr. Brereton, to be hanged
were executed this day.
Owen Sullivan, Lawrence Sullivan, and Cornelius Casey,
administering unlawful oaths, to be transported for life.
John Currane, sheep stealing, to be transported for life.
Mary Taugney, Larceny, no sentence.
Michael M'Mahon, tried for the murder of Edmond
Fitzgerald at Listowell, guilty of manslaughter, to be
transported for life.
Patrick Sullivan, and Denis Sullivan, administering unlawful
oaths, to be transported for life.
William Coffee, sheep stealing, like sentence.
Thomas Rourke, burglary, to be hanged, day not
William Shea, Goat stealing, no sentence.
James Mahony, Cow stealing, to be transported.
James Casey, Michael Hennessy, William Moore, and
Honora Moore, the prisoners were put on their trial for the
murder of Elizabeth Kelly, and the Prisoner Casey applied to
have the trial postponed until the next Assizes, on account of
the absence of material witnesses, grounded on an affidavit
sworn yesterday. Mr. Lloyd, Counsel for the Crown
opposing the application stated that the names of the
witnesses having been communicated to the Crown Solicitor
last night, he sent a carriage to the residence of the witnesses
and they were brought to town this morning, and were then
in attendance.
The prisoners said they had no money to fee Counsel or
Attorney, and the Court asked if there would be any
inconvenience in postponing the trial till the next Assizes, the
Counsel for the Crown, replied that there would probably be
a failure of justice, but that to avoid all objection the Crown
Solicitor would supply the prisoners with money to have
professional assistance, and this being answered the trial was
fixed for Monday next. William Moore who is deaf and
dumb was then put to plead, and a witness having been
examined to prove that he did not stand mute from
obstinacy, but by the conviction of GOD, and that he
understood signs, the nature of the charge was
communicated to him, and the Clerk of the Crown was
directed by the Court to record a plea of not guilty for him.
James Francis Moore Stack
December 21, 1889 - August 20, 1961
As mentioned, the Moore Stack branch began with the marriage of Patrick Stack of Cork to Hannah Moore whose father was Nicholas Moore, land agent for the Knight of Kerry and residing on the
estate at Ballinruddery. The Moore Stack family alternated between Cork, where Patrick was a butter merchant, and Listowel, closer to Hannah's family. It is reported that they had 5 sons and 3
daughters, but there is background on just three - Nicholas Moore and Henry Moore, born in Listowel in 1798 and 1799 respectively, and Mary, born in Cork in 1802. (Apparently only males deserved
the matronymic) After Patrick's death in 1808 the family resided in Listowel.
Nicholas became and actor and trod the boards far and wide, including here in the U.S. before settling down and teaching elocution in Irish and English academies. Mary was a nun and rose to become Mother Mary Augustine Stack of the Presentation Convent in Listowel. Henry Moore, (b.1799, d. ?) was a banker in Cork, but also lived in the United States for a time in New York before returning to Ireland where he married Anne Browne in 1841. Their only child, William Moore Stack (b.1842, d.1899) was born the following year in Carrueragh, Knockanure.
William Moore Stack settled in Tralee, Co. Kerry, where he was a barrister's clerk by profession, and a fervent member of the Fenians, the primary Irish freedom movement of the 19th century. The Moore Stack as he is known, despite his spending considerable time in prison for his revolutionary activities, was a highly prolific man. He married twice, first to Bridget Stack (a distant relative), by whom he had at least 3 children, Mary (Ciss) Moore Stack, John Henry Moore Stack, and Louis Moore Stack.
After Bridget's death, on October 28, 1877, The Moore Stack married Nannette (Nannie) O'Neill of Donnybrook, with whom he had 8 children, Austin, Bridget (Bea), Nannette, Teresa, Nora, Josephine, Nicholas and James. Six of these children emigrated to the United States to join their half-brother John and half-sister Mary, with all but Jo making it their permanent home. For our purposes here, the youngest of these children, James Frances Moore Stack, born in 1889, will be the focus of our family story.
Jim Stack's childhood was reportedly a difficult one. After seven previous children, his mother Nannette died of childbed fever shortly after his birth. His father, The Moore Stack, who reportedly was in jail at the time, was so distraught over the loss of his second wife he never spoke directly to Jim in the boy's life. In fact it was said by Jim's sisters that their father never even spoke Jim's name, referring to him simply as "the boy." The eldest of these sisters, Bea, was mother to Jim and to the others as they grew up. It was only after many had emigrated that Bea herself left Ireland to come to America.
The other important influence on young Jim growing up was that of his eldest brother Austin, who early on emulated their father and became an activist in Irish freedom movements, including the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a forerunner of the Irish Republican Army. Austin Augustine Mary Stack was Commandant of the Kerry Brigade of the IRA during the Easter Week Uprising in 1916, and was arrested along with Roger Casement when the ill fated arms ship Aud went astray. Today there is a sports facility, Austin Stack Park, in Tralee named in his honor.
By the time of the 1916 Rising Jim had long since left Ireland. The exact date and circumstances of his arrival here are not known, but in a September 6, 1918 letter to Austin from Dublin he mentions "having had 11 years of city life" so it appears to have been around 1907. Family tradition has it that he entered the country without papers. In the United States he obtained work through his half brother John Henry Moore Stack of Philadelphia. That city was for many years the center of the American branch of the Moore Stack's. Living in the area, in addition to John was his sister Mary (Ciss), also half sibling to Jim, and five of Jim's full sisters, Nannette and Theresa Galligan (the two sisters married brothers), Nora Bushong, and two maiden sisters, Bea and Jo Stack.
Jim's work here in America consisted of selling buttons and bows up and down the east coast and he was, reportedly, a "traveling salesman" in the picturesque sense, with many a ladyfriend. He was more though. In later years it came out that he was an intelligence officer in the IRA, operating underground here to the extent that the FBI saw him as a potential danger, and kept an eye on him for many years to come.
While the details of much of Jim's life here are not known, several facts have come to light from correspondence. He returned to Ireland in 1918, reportedly stoking coal to gain passage on an AEF troop ship, and using a brother-in-law's U.S. passport. While he longed for the Kerry air, under orders from Austin, who at the time was in a Belfast prison, for a time he stayed in Dublin with a family named Dixon. Other correspondence by his sister Bea to Austin indicates that back here in the U.S. he left a serious romantic relationship, Agatha by name, who died of consumption shortly thereafter.
Descendants of Jeremiah KENNELLY
Page 1
6 Jan 2006
1. Jeremiah KENNELLY (b.1853-Ballylongford,Kerry,Ireland;d.8 May 1891-Chicago,Cook,IL*)
sp: Margarett(73) CARROL (b.8 Apr 1856-Burlington,VT;d.20 Feb 1930-Chicago,Cook,IL*)
2. Rose V.(71) KENNELLY (b.Aug 1876-Chicago,Cook,IL;d.3 Jun 1948-Spokane,WA)
3. William M. ARNOLD (b.Apr 1917-WA)
2. Ella G. KENNELLY (b.Jun 1878-IL;d.12 Jun 1956)
2. Jeremiah Alouisus(59) KENNELLY (b.30 Nov 1882-IL;d.25 May 1942-Chicago,Cook,Il)
2. John Joseph I(49) KENNELLY (b.4 Jan 1885-Chicago,Cook,IL*;d.27 Jan 1934-Chicago,Cook,IL*)
sp: Margaret Mary ALTMAN(76) (b.15 Jun 1887-Summit,Cook,IL*;m.12 Sep 1906;d.1 Dec 1963-Chicago,Cook,IL*)
3. Annette Grace(78) KENNELLY (b.27 Jul 1907-Chicago,Cook,IL;d.5 Jun 1986-Mountain View,CA)
3. John Howard(69) KENNELLY (b.17 Feb 1909-Chicago,Cook,IL*;d.15 May 1978-San Diego,San Diego,CA*)
sp: Della Victoria GREEN(87) (b.2 Jul 1914-French Camp,CA*;m.2 Jul 1936;d.3 Jul 2001-Fresno,CA*)
4. John Joseph II KENNELLY (b.21 Jan 1938-San Diego,San Diego,CA*)
sp: Vereen Lynn FRANKLIN (b.10 Jul 1941-Hopkins County,KY*;m.18 Apr 1964)
5. Peter Blake KENNELLY (b.14 Jun 1962-El Monte,Los Angeles,CA)
sp: Durnae WITTEKIND (b.31 May 1965;m.25 Mar 1986)
6. Shayla Marie KENNELLY (b.11 Dec 1987-NV)
6. Tiffany KENNELLY (b.21 Dec 1988-NV)
6. Nichole KENNELLY (b.8 Apr 1993-Omaha,NE)
5. Shawn Lea KENNELLY (b.6 May 1965-San Diego,San Diego,CA)
sp: Carl Gustav WALLEN
sp: Gerald Harlan PILJ (b.20 Jun 1965-Inglewood,Los Angeles,CA;m.29 Sep 1989)
6. Lynn Victoria PILJ (b.16 Aug 1990-Newport Beach,Orange,CA)
6. Caterina Marie PILJ (b.16 Aug 1990-Newport Beach,Orange,CA)
6. Giuseppe Harlan PILJ (b.27 Sep 1991-Compton,Los Angeles,California)
6. Emilie Susan PILJ (b.20 Aug 1999-Wichita,Sedgwick,KS)
6. Gregory Helaman PILJ (b.6 Jun 2001-Wichita,Sedgwick,KS)
6. Guy Harlan PILJ (b.5 Aug 2002-Wichita,Sedgwick,KS)
6. Grace Elda Vereen PILJ (b.2 Oct 2003-Wichita,Sedgwick,KS)
6. Shaelea Elizabeth PILJ (b.7 Mar 2005)
5. Parley Dean KENNELLY (b.18 May 1972-Kansas City,Jackson,MO)
sp: Stephanie POULSEN (b.19 Mar 1979-Fontana,San Bernardino,CA;m.26 Aug 2000)
6. Isabella Abrianna KENNELLY (b.25 Sep 2002-Redlands,San Bernardino,CA)
6. Haley Shea KENNELLY (b.19 Apr 2004-Redlands,San Bernardino,CA)
5. Kandi Lynn KENNELLY (b.31 Jul 1973-Kansas City,Jackson,MO)
sp: Cole JACKSON (b.25 Jun 1959-Reno,NV;m.5 Nov 1994)
6. Rebecca Ann JACKSON (b.23 Aug 1995-Redlands,Ca)
6. Kara Lynn JACKSON (b.17 Feb 1999-Redlands,San Bernardino,CA)
5. Noah Joseph KENNELLY (b.23 Nov 1978-San Diego,San Diego,CA)
sp: Kristen Nichelle CASE (b.21 Mar 1983-Lomita,Los Angeles,Ca;m.22 Jun 2002)
6. Logan Tyler KENNELLY (b.30 Aug 2003-Wichita,Sedgewick,KS)
6. Blake Benjamin KENNELLY (b.28 Apr 2005-Biloxi,MI)
5. Shane Michael KENNELLY (b.27 Oct 1982-Knoxville,TN)
Descendants of Jeremiah KENNELLY
Page 2
6 Jan 2006
4. Mary Edith KENNELLY (b.7 May 1952-Great Lakes,IL)
sp: Robert Marion MC KENZIE (b.9 Jul 1952-Galveston,Galveston,TX;m.(Div))
5. Cindy Marie MC KENZIE (b.28 Jun 1973-Certaldo,Italy)
5. Christopher Marion MC KENZIE (b.11 Jul 1975-Galveston,Galveston,TX)
5. Emanuel Michael MC KENZIE (b.9 Mar 1977-Caracas,Venezuela)
sp: Demetrio GARCIA (m.(Div))
5. Cristal GARCIA (b.29 Jun 1985-London,England)
5. Celeste GARCIA (b.29 Jun 1985-London,England)
3. William Francis(81) KENNELLY (b.8 Feb 1917-Chicago,Cook,IL;d.8 Jan 1999-Seattle,WA)
sp: Dorothy Mary HESS (b.30 Jan 1918-Chicago,IL;m.29 Aug 1942)
4. Karen Dorothy KENNELLY (b.6 Nov 1943-Chicago,Cook,IL)
sp: David Porter HATCH (b.5 Dec 1926-New York,NY;m.7 Aug 1965)
4. Gail Margaret KENNELLY (b.12 Aug 1946-Chicago,Cook,IL)
sp: James MYNARD (b.23 Aug 1943;m.9 Sep 1972)
5. Craig James MYNARD (b.26 Oct 1974-Davis,CA)
5. Peter Matthew MYNARD (b.12 Apr 1976-Davis,CA)
5. Anne Gail MYNARD (b.7 Feb 1977-Davis,CA)
4. Marilyn Kay KENNELLY (b.10 Aug 1949-Chicago,Cook,IL)
sp: John ULLMAN (b.9 Aug 1946;m.21 Mar 1974)
5. Ruth ULLMAN (b.17 Aug 1977-Seattle,WA)
sp: Craig
5. Joseph Nicholas ULLMAN (b.28 Jul 1980)
5. Mark ULLMAN (b.30 Apr 1982)
5. William Rys ULLMAN (b.27 Nov 1984)
4. Jerry Martin KENNELLY (b.25 Aug 1950-Chicago,Cook,IL)
sp: Janis Christine NELSON (b.10 Mar 1947-Lebanon,OR;m.23 Oct 1977)
5. Christopher William KENNELLY (b.6 Mar 1980-Piedmont,CA)
5. Michael Martin KENNELLY (b.12 Jul 1989-Piedmont,CA)
4. Moira Maureen KENNELLY (b.11 Feb 1953-Chicago,Cook,IL)
sp: Dale DOUGLASS (b.17 Feb 1952;m.25 Nov 1988)
5. Anna DOUGLASS (b.1992)
sp: Phillip WOOD
5. Dominic WOOD (b.9 Mar 1981-Seattle,WA)
6. Dominic WOOD (b.1981)
4. Colleen Ruth KENNELLY (b.5 Nov 1957-Chicago,IL)
sp: Manuel BENEVICH (b.1 Mar 1942;m.23 Sep 1990)
3. Martin Robert(21) KENNELLY (b.26 Nov 1922-Chicago,Cook,IL;d.6 Aug 1944-France)
3. Thomas Joseph KENNELLY (b.28 Oct 1926-Chicago,IL;d.Apr 1984-Melrose Park,Cook,IL)
2. Martin Henry(74) KENNELLY (b.11 Aug 1887-IL;d.29 Nov 1961)
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Message #9 Sunday, January 07, 2001
Subject: RELIHAN, Co. Kerry, Limerick, to U.S.
Posted by: Abby Root
Message: In reference to Julia Relihan's message of 8/30/99: My grandmother, Ellen Relihan, b.1860, Ballylongford, Co. Kerry, came to Los Angeles, California in the late 1870s. She was the daughter of Michael Relihan (m. Catherine Hartnett). Her uncle, Thomas Relihan (m Johanna Welch), had several children who came to the U.S., among them Edward (m. Julia Stack), Jeremiah (m. Mary Breshnahan), who had a dairy farm in Los Angeles), and Patrick. I believe that Jeremiah and Patrick had no children. During the late 1870s and early 1880s Edward was working in gold mines in Nevada.
I have information about the other children of Michael Relihan and of Michael's siblings, Thomas, Johanna (m. Patrick Hartnett), and Mary (m. 1. Patrick Hartnett, 2. Felix Ferron), which I'll be happy to share.
I would appreciate hearing from descendents of these people and from those with further information.
Replies: Relihan - Tim Relihan 1/13/01
The Dore Surname Message Board
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Message #98 Saturday, January 13, 2001
Subject: Mary Dore, Newcastle West, Ire
Posted by: Angela Bartels
Message: Looking for info on Mary Dore. She married Matthew Riedy of Killeedy Parish and had Jeremiah, Robert (1842)William (1843) Patrick (1845)and Mary(1847).
You searched for Kenely born in Kentucky and died in Kentucky
1880 United States Federal Census
about James Kenely
Name: James Kenely
Home in 1880: Casons, Harrison, Kentucky
Age: 34
Estimated birth year: abt 1846
Birthplace: Ireland
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's name: Margaret
Father's birthplace: Ireland
Mother's birthplace: Ireland
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Farming
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
James Kenely 34
Margaret Kenely 30
Thomas Kenely
Link Name
1860 United States Federal Census
about Mary Kennely
Name: Mary Kennely
Age in 1860: 30
Birth Year: abt 1830
Birthplace: Ireland
Home in 1860: Eastern Division, Bourbon, Kentucky
Gender: Female
Post Office: Paris
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members: Name Age
Henry Clay 80
Matt M Clay 38
Mary Clay 36
E Broderick 13
Mary Kennely 30
For those not following our news stories in Ontario July 2010,
little town of Midland was hit by a 5.5 earthquake on
Wednesday afternoon and less than 5 hours later two
tornadoes ripped into the town, wreaking quite a bit of
havoc. Over 200 people are without homes and over 14,000
lost power for 24 hours. Earthquakes and tornadoes are
extremely rare in Ontario - the last tornado here was 25
years ago and it hit 30 miles south of us. Earthquakes are
normally little quivers, nothing noticeable at all but this
one was strong enough to knock objects off our shelves.
Spain surrendered the island, but the Filipinos did not. They didn't want
to be "civilized" and fought back. It took three years for America to win 1899-1902
the Philippine-American war. It cost the Americans 10,000 casualties and
$600 million. 16,000 soldiers were killed, and about 200,000 civilians died
of pestilence, disease, and accident.
"You seem to have about finished your work of civilizing the Filipinos.
About 8,000 of them have been civilized and sent to Heaven. I hope you like
Andrew Carnegie, American industrialist and anti-imperialist, 1899
First American priest under new government in Philipine
By William Terence Kane
William Jerome Stanton, born of American par-
ents, was remotely of Irish and French descent.
His father's family hailed from Limerick, Ireland:
his mother belonged to the old Creole family of the
Chappes. His father was Thomas Stanton, an
architect and builder, who was born in Cincinnati,
Ohio, in 1838, but came as a boy to St. Louis,
Missouri. His mother was Regina Helen Brawner,
of Florissant, Missouri. Miss Brawner's parents
were dead when, in 1865, she married Thomas Stan-
ton; hence the marriage took place at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. Spalding, in the little town of Staun-
ton, Illinois, distant some forty miles from St.
Louis. After the marriage the Stantons returned
to St. Louis, to take up their residence there. But
five years later, Mrs. Stanton, as the time drew near
for the birth of her first child, went again to Staun-
ton, where William was born, on February 28, 1870.
The similarity between his family name and the
name of his birth-place is, of course, a mere acci-
dental coincidence. Two other children were after-
wards bom to the Stantons : Mary Regina, and John,
both of whom survive their brother William.
There is scarcely need to say that the Stantons
were Catholics, of old Catholic families. William's
mother, in particular, was an exceptionally earnest
Catholic, a woman of deep piety, of great generosity
and sweetness of character. She was not of robust
health, and much of the care and education of her
children fell upon her husband's sister, Mrs. Joanna
Siedekum. William's education, at home and at
school, was careful and thoroughly Catholic. He
was sent to school when he was a little over five
years old ; a preposterously tender age for the rigors
of school life, some may think; but not uncommon
amongst Catholics of a generation ago. Of that
first school there is nothing to be said here, beyond
the fact that it was attached to the Jesuit church in
the bambery family
The Bambery Family originated somewhere in County Cork Ireland. There is not much information available regarding the activities of this family prior to their location in Minnesota some time in the early 1870s. The family does appear to have spent time in Canada where Richard may have been born. During the 1870's, a number of individuals with this surname settled in Lakeville area of Dakota County and it is assumed that they were all members of the same family. It is however, not clear just how they are all related.
DANIEL (1835-1880) m. Bridget Hyland (1875) buried Calvary Cemetery St.Paul MN
MAURICE (1845-1920) m. Bridget McDermott (1878) Highland Cem. Lakeville
m. Mary Flynn (1890); and m. Ann Fossem (1901)
RICHARD J. (1856-1902) m. Mary Feeley (1890) buried St. Joseph's Rosemount MN
THOMAS ( - ) m. ???? ( ) (died in Ireland ??)
MARGARET ( - ) m. John Costello (1871) (No information available)
No information is known about Thomas and Margaret except they may have settled in St. Paul. Some of Thomas' children were located in St. Paul at the turn of the century.
DANIEL BAMBERY (1835-1880) (Parents Unknown)
BRIDGET HYLAND (1845-1908) Dau.of James Hyland & Bridget Flynn
Daniel was born in County Cork Ireland and came to the United States with his brother, Maurice. Some time in the 1860s or early 1870s they took up farming in the Lebanon Township of Dakota County, Minnesota. Shortly after their arrival, Daniel married Bridget Hyland. Bridget had grown up on a farm in Lakeville and her father had been one of the first settlers in the area.
Mary (1875-1948) marr Edward Dunn ( ) buried Calvary Cemetery St. Paul MN
Richard Henry (1876-1942) marr Martha H. Spiel ( ) buried Calvary Cemetery St. Paul MN
James Edward (1877- ) marr Margaret Iten ( ) (Portland OR - 1942 )
Daniel (1879-1941) marr Stella Boulger ( ) buried Calvary Cemetery St. Paul MN
Daniel died on the farm in 1880 leaving his wife to raise four children. After remaining on the farm for a short time, she sold the farm and moved into St. Paul. She died there and is buried in Calvary Cemetery. Daniel was originally buried in Hyland Cemetery but his body was later moved to Calvary to be interred with his wife. All of Daniel's children remained in St.Paul except James who moved to Oregon. Daniel Jr. worked as a traveling salesman out of St. Paul.
MAURICE BAMBERY (1845-1920) (Parents Unknown)
BRIDGET McDERMOTT (1854-1882) Dau. of Byron McDermott & Ann McDonald
Maurice was born in Co. Cork Ireland and moved to the United States with his brother. They took up a farm in Lebanon Twp. in Dakota Co. where he remained until his marriage in 1878. His wife was the daughter of a pioneer family in Lebanon Twp. After his marriage, Maurice purchased a farm of his own in nearby Empire Twp. and began raising a family of his own.
Richard (1878-1878) buried Highland Cem. Lakeville MN
Richard (1879-1879) buried Highland Cem. Lakeville MN
Margaret (1880-1880) buried Highland Cem. Lakeville MN
Mary (1881-1883) buried Highland Cem. Lakeville MN
Bridget died shortly after the birth of her last child and the child died a year later. Eventually, Maurice moved into St. Paul and married his second wife in 1890. For more on Bridget McDermott and her County Wexford ancestors, see Becker Hughes Family by Sharon Tilman.
MAURICE BAMBERY (1845-1920) (Parents Unknown)
MARY FLYNN ( -1930)
Mary Flynn's first husband was Patrick Gorman who settled in Eagan, Dakota County, and Wheatland Township in Rice County.
Mary (1888-1972) (Sr. Maurice) (Rochester MN )
Maurice Patrick (1890- 1994) marr. Myrtle Ethel Larsen (1892-1953)
Margaret (1893- ) (Arizona ?? )
Johannah (1894-) (California ?)
Sister Maurice was a teacher. The rest of this family eventually moved to South Dakota and points west. This marriage was not successful and Maurice and Mary appear to have gotten a divorce sometime before 1901. In that year he married for a third time.
MAURICE BAMBERY (1845-1920) (Parents Unknown)
ANN FOSSEM ( - ) (Parents Unknown)
Nothing is known about this woman except that she was married to Maurice somewhere out west.
James E. (1904- 1990?) (Moved to Wisconsin)
Thomas Richard (1903-1981) (California ???)
Maurice died on Oct. 1, 1920 at Mobridge South Dakota. His remains were returned to Dakota County, Minnesota where they were interred next to his first wife in Hyland Cemetery. His obituary list his survivors as Mrs George Howard, Maurice P. and Josephine of Mobridge, and Sister Maurice of Ashland Kentucky.
RICHARD BAMBERY (1856-1904) (Parents Unknown) [top]
MARY FEELEY (1865-1960) (Dau. of John Feeley & Bridget Gartland)
Nothing is known about Richard except that he appears to have been a brother of Maurice & Daniel. It is not known when he arrived in the United States or when he settled in the Farmington Minnesota area. He married the daughter of a local farmer from Empire Township in 1890. Evidence derived from census records would appear to indicate that he was born somewhere in Canada. After his marriage Richard went to work for the Great Northern RR in 1899 and the family appears to have moved out west. Their last three children appear to have been born somewhere in Montana.
Ann (1892- 1972) died Marin County, CA
Mary (1894- 1978) marr. William Arthur Hart (1893-) died Walnut Creek, CA
Estelle (1895-1980) marr. Lloyd C.Reeves (1884-) died San Mateo County, CA
Alice (1898-1980 ) marr. Emil Proulx (1894-1983) died San Francisco County, CA
Gladys (1901-1993) marr. Wayne C. Gilbert (1895- ) died Ramsey County, MN
John H. (Abt 1903- 1974) died San Bruno County, CA
Richard died in a railroad accident while working for the Great Northern in Helena , Montana. Mary was living in Empire Township in 1910 but by the time of her death she was living in St.Paul at 1560 Laurel Ave. An obituary for Mary listed among her children: Ann, Mrs. Wayne Gilbert, Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mrs. E.A. Proulx. Both Richard and Mary are buried at St. Joseph's Cemetery in Rosemount.
[For more information on this family see the John J. Proulx Family Page.]
THOMAS BAMBERY ( - ) (Parents Unknown) [top]
( - ) (No information available)
Nothing is known about this Thomas except that he is the father of Richard & Maurice Bambery of St. Paul. References in Dakota County newspapers appear to suggest that the children of Thomas were nephews of Thomas Mangan of Lakeville MN. Although several of his children may have settled in the area, there is as yet no record available indicating he was ever here himself. He may in fact have died in Ireland. We do not know where in Ireland he was born nor do as yet have the name of his wife. It is assumed from the proximity of the childrens' names, that he was at least related to the Dakota County Bamberys and may well be a brother.
Richard (1865-1930) m Catherine M. (1892), buried Calvary Cemetery St.Paul
Maurice (1871-1931) m. Ann (1895), buried Calvary Cemetery St.Paul
Daniel ( -1885) (No information available)
John ( - ) (No information available)
Honorah ( - ) (No information available)
Mary ( - ) m. ???? Dore ( ) (No information available)
????? ( - ) m. J. Griffin ( ) (No Information available)
Richard and Maurice are the only children on which there is any clear information. The names and possible marriages are derived from obituaries and court records associated with Richard's and Maurice's estates.
RICHARD T. BAMBERY (1865-1930) Son of Thomas Bambery & ?????
KATHERINE MARY (1871-) (Parents Unknown)
Richard was born in Ireland and emigrated to the U.S. ca 1880-1883. At the turn of the 20th century, Richard and his family were in St. Paul on Robbins Sreet.
Mary (1893- ) (No information available)
John R. (1894- ) (No information available)
Catherine (1898- ) (No information available)
Margaret (1906- ) (No information available)
Richard (1913-1914) Calvary Cemetery St.Paul
??? ( - ) (No information available)
??? ( - ) (No information available)
Both Richard and Mary are buried at Calvary Cemetery in St. Paul so it is assumed they were living in St. Paul. All that is known about the children is that an obituary lists: Mrs E. J. McQuillan, Mrs M. D. Grady and Mrs J. F. Kelly.
MAURICE K. BAMBERY (1871-1930) Son of Thomas Bambery & ????
ANN LAMEY (1883-1937) Dau.of John Lamey & Kate Maloney
There is no information on anyone in this family until the turn of the century when they are located with the Richard Bambery family in St. Paul. Maurice was born in Ireland and emigrated to the U.S. in about 1888. Ann Lamey was born in Wisconsin. In 1920, this family except for Mary was living at 2202 Bayliss Street next to the Richard F. Bambery family. Maurice K. was a towerman and Anna and Margaret were clerks for a railroad.
Maurice died in Carlton County and is buried at Calvary Cemetery in Saint Paul, Minnesota. His wife Ann died in Lakeville while visiting her son Thomas and his wife. She was buried with her husband. An obituary lists among the children: Mrs C. V. Barrans of Cloquet MN, Mrs M.A. Lukoskie of Kelly Lake MN and Mrs W. J. Bernard of St. Paul. Their son, Thomas became an attorney and was living in Lakeville in the 1930s. Thomas later moved to Edina where he and his wife resided until his death in 1995.
Child Bambery (?-Bef 1910)
Child Bambery (?-Bef 1910)
Mary (1896- ) marr Gerald Vincent Barron (1889-1938)
Anna K. (1898- ) marr Matthew Alexander Lukoskie (1896-1972)
Margaret T. (1903- 1983) marr W. J. Bernard
Walter Bambery (Abt 1903 - ) (No information available)
Maurice (1905-1984) (No information available)
Thomas Mathew ( 1911-1995) marr Dorothy E. Kleckner (1912-1955) (Lakeville MN 1937)
Mary and Gerald Vincent Barron had at least two sons: Gerald V. Barron (1918-1970) and Thomas William Barron (1922-1994). In the1920 census, Mary, Gerald, and son Gerald were living in Cloquet, Carlton County, Minnesota where Gerald was practicing law with a firm. Matthew Lukoskie, the husband of Anna K., was born in Braidwood Illinois. In 1918, Matthew was an inspector for the Burlington Northern Railroad. He served in WWI and Matthew and Anna are buried at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
JAMES EDWARD BAMBERY (1877-1960) Son of Dan Bambery & Bridget Hyland
EMILY MARGARET ITEN (Abt. 1887-1962)
James was born and raised in Lebanon Township, Dakota County, and moved into St. Paul with his family after his father died. In 1909, he was living with his brothers, Daniel and Richard at 1824 Selby Avenue.
Mary I. (1914 -)
Emily Margaret Bambery (1915 - 1915 ) d. Portland, Mulnomah County, Oregon
Stella Helen Bambery (1917 - 1944?)
Margaret Virginia Bambery (1919 - 1989) marr Logan ( )
??? James (Daniel or Edward) (1923-1923)
James R. Bambery (1928-2003) buried Arlington National Cemetery
In the 1930 census, this family was listed 528 East 32nd Street in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; the living children were born in Oregon.
DANIEL BAMBERY (1879-1941) Son of Dan Bambery & Bridget Hyland
Daniel was born and raised in Lebanon Township. He was a traveling salesman and worked first for the firm of Finch Van Slyck and McConville for 25 years and later was employed with Utica Knitting Mills out of Chicago. In 1910, Daniel was living in Bismarck, North Dakota. He retired in 1931.
RICHARD HENRY BAMBERY (1879-1942) Son of Dan Bambery & Bridget Hyland
MARTHA H. SPIEL ( Abt 1886-1926)
Richard was born in Lebanon Township and moved in St. Paul with his family.Richard worked at the Allen-Qually building in St. Paul as a night watchman. He died accidentally in 1942 by falling down an elevator shaft. He was buried in Calvary Cemetery in St.Paul.
James E. ( 1914 - ?1943)
Daniel P. (1916 - )
Raymond P. ( 1917 - 1993)
John (1919 - 1973) marr Dorothy Mae (1917-1996) buried Ft. Snelling National Cemtery
Raymond P. moved to the St. Louis, Missouri area in the 1950s.
MAURICE PATRICK BAMBERY (1890 - 1994) Son of Maurice Bambery &Mary Flynn
MYRTLE ETHEL LARSEN (1892 - 1953) Dau of ??? Larsen & ??? Dean
In 1920, Maurice and Myrtle were living in Mobridge, Walworth County, South Dakota with son Maurice, daughter Gladys, Maurice's sisters Margaret and Josephine, and their father Marurice Sr. Maurice was a railroad switchman and his sister, Margaret, was a depot clerk. Myrtle's parents were from Norway. Maurice and Myrtle eventually settled in California.
Maurice 1916 - 1985
Gladys 1919 -
Myrtle Catherine (1922 - 1992) marr Biddle
Raymond Thomas (1923 - 2000)
(Son) Bambery 1933 -
Children Maurice and Gladys were born in Minnesota. Raymond Thomas was born in Vacaville, California. Raymond operated Bambery and Petersen Building Contractors.
This family file contains the research notes of Mr. Kevin Geraghty as of March 1999 with additional information from Mrs. Genevieve Arndt and Shawne FitzGerald. Mr. Geraghty is researching the families and descendants of those buried at the Highland Cemetery. For more information or to contribute to Mr. Geraghty's research, please send him e-mail at kgerag at aol.com
Family Pages
RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Jacques Proulx by John Proulx
Becker Hughes Family by Sharon Tilman
Related Pages
The Hyland Family
The Patrick Gorman Family of Dakota and Rice Counties
The John Mangan & Johannah Murphy Family
Cemetery Sites
Highland Cemetery Registry: John Alton - Richard Bambery
Highland Cemetery - Bambery grave stone photos by Angie Feldsien
Lakeville Township - Highland Cemetery
Master Cemetery Index for Cass County Missouri
National WWII Memorial - search Bambery James
St. Joseph Cemetery, Rosemount - transcription by Debbie Boe
Veterans Benefits & Services Nationwide Gravesite Locator
Free Online Databases with records for this family
California Births Index at Vitalcheck
California Deaths Index at Rootsweb
Dalby Database - cemetery, census, military, bmd, bios
Dakota County Historical Society
DCHS Searchable Databases - census, cemetery, obit cites, artifacts, military, church records
Minnesota Historical Society
Death Certificate Index
Birth Certificate Index
Photos and Art db
Oregon Historical Records Index
Resource Sites
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Genealogical Inquiries
Cloquet City Directory 1927-1928 - B
Lakeville Area Historical Society
Linkpendium: Bambery surname
Local Catholic Church and Family History of Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota - great tips for locating church records
Rosemount Area Historical Society
Friends of the Highland Cemetery Home
Email Webmaster
sean at tcq.net
updated Mar 2006
Dore Family Web Site - Family History Home
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Family History ◄
A Very Short History of James Dore and Mary Bambury
James Joseph Dore was born about 1868, probably in Ballyeagh, a townland near Ballybunion, the seaside resort town near the mouth of the River Shannon in Co. Kerry, Ireland. We believe his father's name was Cornelius, and his mother may have been named Mary McNamara. He emigrated to the US about 1890, and settled in Chicago.
James Dore, 1927
Mary Josephine Bambury was born on 10 May 1871 in Bedford, a small hamlet about a mile north of the market town of Listowel, in the farmland of north Kerry. She was the oldest daughter (after three brothers) of Thomas Bambury (1834-1922), of Listowel, and the former Mary Kirby (1835-1909), from Derry, a town a few miles northeast of Listowel.
Mary emigrated to the US in the early 1890's; family lore has it she came over to "keep house" for her older brothers, Richard and Maurice (and perhaps James, although he is believed to have returned to Ireland). Family lore further has it Mary met James Dore when he roomed with one of her brothers, but it's not clear when or where that was, as Richard and Maurice eventually settled near St. Paul and established large families there.
Mary Bambury, 1890's
James and Mary wed on 28 Apr 1896 at St. Malachy's church on Chicago's West Side. They had eight children:
Mary Josephine Dore (1897-1996). "Mae" was a clerk for the Chicago gas utility company. Her husband, Pat Cussen, died in 1945.
James Joseph Dore, Jr. (1898-1928). Jim was a teamster, a big guy who picked up extra money playing college and pro football in the 1910's. He married Marie Triest, and they had one son and three daughters. He died after being shot while trying to mediate a domestic dispute between a neighboring couple.
Cornelius Francis Dore (1900-1984). "Red" worked for the City of Chicago in various senior capacities and was a gregarious fellow. He married Agnes Delilah ("Lila") Flynn, and they had one son.
Norena Agnes Dore (1901-1955). "Noreen" also worked for the City of Chicago, including a tour as secretary to the Mayor. She married Clifford Severin Hermanson, a conductor on the streetcars, in 1925, and they had three sons and two daughters.
Thomas Vincent Dore (1904-1971). Tom and his wife, the former Irma Mae McCahill ("Mae TV"), ran an ecclesiastical supplies business from their Chicago home after Tom retired from Sears. They had two daughters and a son.
Cecelia Joanne Dore (1907-1985). "Ceil" married Joseph Daniel ("Dan") Delanty, a steel company executive, and moved around a bit before settling near St. Louis. They had five sons.
Margaret Adele Dore (1909-1997). "Ad" married Ferdinand George ("Fred") Heidemann, with whom she had three sons.
Edwin Richard Dore (1913-1945). Ed was a clerk in a Rogers Park drugstore before he was caught up by WWII. He died in action in the Philippines in March 1945.
James and Mary lived in various apartments on the near West Side of Chicago (Fulton St., Adams St.) before purchasing their first house on Lincoln St. (now Wolcott Ave.) in Rogers Park in the mid-1910's. In the mid-1920's they moved to a brick bungalow on Birchwood Ave. in Rogers Park. They were parishioners first at St. Patrick's, and then, after they moved to Rogers Park, at St. Margaret Mary's.
James was employed by the City of Chicago, eventually becoming a sub-foreman in the sewers department. He was killed in an automobile accident on 12 Dec 1927, a grandfather of six.
Mary finished raising the children, became the doting grandmother ("Gramma Dore") of 14 boys and 7 girls, and during her lifetime welcomed 6 great-grandsons and 3 great-granddaughters. (Eventually, there were 58 great-grandchildren. There are currently 83 great-great grandchildren and 18 great-great-great grandchildren.)
Mary returned to Ireland only once, in 1939, but her planned year-long visit was curtailed by the abrupt onset of WWII, and she made a rough passage home in the coastwise steamer "Iroquois" as part of a large exodus of neutrals from Europe. Toward the end of her life she lived with her son, Tom, and his wife Mae TV. She passed away on 25 March 1956.
© 2008, 2009 Bob Hermanson - webmaster@dorefamily.org
7 June 09 - A large number of family were present at Rev. Tom Dore's retirement party at the White Eagle Restaurant in Niles, IL, hosted by the members of the six parishes he worked at over the course of his 48-year career. Sighted were: Jeanne Dore Johnson, Maj & Marci Hermanson, Sharon Mertes, Alanna Dore Johnson, Dan Delanty, Paul Delanty, Steve Delanty, Lou Dore, Paul Heidemann, Steve & Gennie DeChant, Judy (Hermanson) & Mike Dearham. 4th generation faces included: Brian Mertes, Farrol Mertes, Dave Heidemann, Fred & Marie Heidemann, Julie Hermanson, Vince Liberio, Bob Hermanson & Ellen Duff, Mark Dore, Neil Dore, and Matt & Judy Dore. A few from the 5th generation were there as well: Peter and Paige Dore, Vince, Matt, and Claire Liberio.
With thanks to Hugh Armstrong, who gathered the information as to what questions were asked on every Canadian census. Hugh's website was an invaluable resource, but Hugh, and his site are long gone from the Internet. So that Hugh's hard work would not be lost, I saved the pages and placed them online on AllCensusRecords.com. Enjoy! And remember to silently thank Hugh for his hard work.
The introduction to the 1851 census also applies to this census although not as much of this census is missing.
Of special note is the 'married during the year' question (#4). This was not always checked however some enumerators misunderstood the question and entered the year married.
The Other Form
The microfilm copies of the census of many cities uses a different form. It was a form that was dropped off at all residences, filled in by the residents and then collected by the enumerators. A sample of this form from the 1861 Toronto census films.
Both sides of the form were microfilmed. This makes searching these censuses difficult because each screen has few names. Other problems are created because the average citizen had poor handwriting, inferior spelling skills than most enumerators and frequently misunderstood or ignored questions. On the other hand some citizen added more details than required. Most notably in place of birth, many people would enter towns or parishes rather than a country. Also the 'remarks' section attracted budding authors. This was their chance to tell ther family history or vent their anger against the establishment. Check out the way W.R. Brown answered the questions.
1. NAME OF OCCUPANT - (head of family - male or female)
2. CONCESSION or Range
3. Lot or part of Lot
Number of acres of land:
4. Total held by each Person or Family
5. Under Cultivation
6. Under Crops in 1860
7. Under Pasture in 1860
8. Under Orchards or Gardens
9. Under Wood or Wild
NOTE: the acreage in 4 should equal the total in 6, 7, 8 & 9.
10. Cash value of the Farm, Dollars
11. Cash value of the Farming Implements or Machinery, Dollars
12. Fall Wheat - Acres
13. Fall Wheat - Produce in bushels
14. Spring Wheat - Acres
15. Spring Wheat - Produce in bushels
16. Barley - Acres
17. Barley - Produce in bushels
18. Rye - Acres
19. Rye - Produce in bushels
20. Peas - Acres
21. Peas - Produce in bushels
22. Oats - Acres
23. Oats - Produce in bushels
24. Buck Wheat - Acres
25. Buck Wheat - Produce in bushels
26. Indian Corn - Acres
27. Indian Corn - Produce in bushels
28. Potatoes - Acres
29. Potatoes - Produce in bushels
30. Turnips - Acres
31. Turnips - Produce in bushels
32. Mangel Wurtzel - Acres
33. Mangel Wurtzel - Produce in bushels
34. Carrots, bushels
35. Beans, bushels
36. Hops,lbs
37. Tons of hay of 2000 pounds or bales of 16 pounds
38. Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, or other Grass Seed, bushels
39. Flax or Hemp, lbs
40. Wool, lbs
41. Maple Sugar, lbs
42. Cider, gallons
43. Fulled Cloth, yards
44. Linen, yards
45. Flannel, yards
46. Bulls or Oxen over 3 years of age
47. Steers or heifers under 3 years of age
48. Milch Cows
49. Horses over 3 years of age
50. Value of same in Dollars
51. Colts or Fillies under 3 years
52. Sheep
53. Pigs
54. Total value of all Live Stock, Dollars
55. Butter, lbs.
56. Cheese, lbs.
57. Beef in Brls. of 200 lbs
58. Pork in Brls. of 200 lbs
59. Quantity dried in Quintals
60. Salted and Barrelled
61. sold, Fresh
62. Pleasure Carriages kept
63. Value of ditto, Dollars
64. Copper ore mined, Tons
65. Value of ditto, Dollars
66. Iron Ore mined, Tons
67. Value of ditto, Dollars
68. Produce of Orchard and Garden, Dollars
In 1776, at the time of the Declaration of Independence, there were no more than twenty-five thousand Catholics in all of the thirteen colonies, mostly located in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York -- 1 percent of the two-and-a-half-million total population. There were only twenty-three priests
The word "Lent" comes from the Old English for "spring"
A drug for high-risk pregnant women has cost about $10 to $20 per injection. Next week,2011, the price shoots up to $1,500 a dose
Listowel Boards News
Hi...my people are buried in the old cemetary as well (great grand daughter of James Guerin and Mary Heffernan Guerin) and don't have gravestones. I don't know how that happened. Most of their kids were in the U.S. by the time of their passings (1915 and 1919) and doing well enough that money could have been sent for gravestones. My great aunt, Ellen Guerin Cotter McElligott, lived in town and died in the 1930s and has no gravestone as well. Now those were tougher times in the 30s (the depression) and I can see where money was tight...but at some point, couldn't a stone have been managed by the surviving brothers in the U.S.?
Is there some place I could start to try and locate where my ancestors are burried?
I do have relatives in Listowel. One of them has a general idea where the older ancestors are buried; but that is a good idea to pick their brains further regarding funerals attended in their childhood.
And, just an aside - Thank you again, Boroman, for the tour you provided my sister and I last spring, driving us around, pointing out where present day Heffernans live, and the old homestead on Ballygrennan Road, where my Guerin and Heffernan ancestors lived in the 1800s and early 1900s. It really helped in forming an historic story of my genealogy.
Building Power Station in Tarbet.
The Ascon foreman was a Listowel man , Gerald Lenihan of Charles Street.
Gerald is still hale and hearty and lives in Cork, he is father of Donal Lenihan, rugby commentator and ex Irish rugby team captain.
FAIRFIELD, Conn. – The following letter was submitted by former state Rep. Tom Drew in support of Board of Education candidate Jennifer Maxon Kennelly.
Dear Editor:
I give my strongest support to Jen Kennelly for election to Fairfield’s Board of Education. Jen has a truly exceptional background that would make her ideal to provide unique value to our school board. Jen currently teaches English literature at Greenwich High School, providing her with the personal know how to prepare students to successfully compete from one of the most advanced public high schools in Connecticut. We need Jen Kennelly’s real life experience for our children in Fairfield.
As a young professional administrator, Jen turned around a parochial school in New York’s “Hell’s Kitchen,” achieving significantly raised academic performance, increasing enrollment, reversing fiscal deficits, creating financial stability and, as coach of the basketball, team turning around a failed program into state champs.
Jen and her husband have three children attending Fairfield public schools and are dedicated to our community with many years serving with PTA activities, co-founding our Board of Education Cultural Diversity Task Force and achieving a gold medal performance as coach of the Stratfield Elementary School’s fifth grade International Odyssey of the Mind Competition.
Jen believes in excellence for our children and she has demonstrated that she brings out the excellence in our children. Please vote for Jen Kennelly for Board of Education on Election Day.
— Tom Drew
New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 49, 7 December 1899, Page 18
An old and respected resident of Kumara passed away on Saturday week, in the person of Mr. John Mulvihill. The deceased (reports the local Times) was a native of Listowel, Country Kerry. Ireland, and was 67 years of age He arrived in Victoria in 1854, and worked as a miner on the Woolshed, Ovens district, Victoria, and was one of the first pioneers of the Otago goldfield. He arrived in Hokitika early in 1864. The deceased was amongst those who established the Hibernian Society in Kumara. Mr. Mulvihill took an active part in local affairs, and was for a number of years member of the Borough Council and the Hospital Board. The deceased leaves a wife and grown up family, a son and daughter, to mourn their loss.
New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIX, Issue 11, 4 April 1901, Page 10
A correspondent of Mr. T. P. O'Connor's weekly writes as follows regarding the present Commander-in-Chief of the forces in South Africa. Let me set you right about Lord Kitchener's natal spot, regarding which I happen to know a good deal, having myself been born within a couple of miles of it. He was born at Gunsborough Cottage, which was lent to his father, Lieutenant-Colonel Kitchener, by the father of the well-known ci-devant Irish M. P., Mr. Peirce Mahony, of Kilmorna. Gunsborough is within three miles of Listowel, the capital of North Kerry. He was baptised at the little Protestant Church hard by now in ruins, I believe by the late Rev. Robert Sandes, a representative of the family of which the late Mr. George Sandes, of Grenville, Listowel, was a well known member. The Kitcheners subsequently went to live at Crotto House, which Colonel Kitchener afterwards sold to Mr. Thomas Beale Brown, a near relative of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. The true history of the whole vexed question of the connection of the Kitchener family with Kerry was told during the late Soudan campaign in the columns of the Irish Times by Major Kiggell, of Cahnra, Glin, County Limerick, whose son, Major Lancelot Kiggell, is now on Lord Kitchener's staff.
Connell Foley Athea
Hope you are well. Just saw your message by chance on the forum. I did the family tree stuff a while ago and like yourself got back as far John O'Connell (1861) and haven't done anything else with it for a while. Have you got any further with your search? I am Margaret O'Connell (Eddie's daughter he passed away in 2000). I live in Altrincham near Manchester. I would be your mother's first cousin so I guess that makes us second cousins. I was over in Ireland in June and called to see your grandmother Maureen.
I can fill you in on some of the dates of birth of your grandfather's brothers and sister.
John 1910, Mossie 1912, Anthony 1913, Michael 1915
Patrick 1918, Theresa 1919, Martin 1923, Joe 1925
William (died as a baby so not sure of year)
Eddie 1929
Best Wishes
My GGGM was Margaret Quinn who was from County Kerry. Her mother was Mary Moore, who was from (Moyvane) Newtownsandes and her father was John Moore. Not sure where he was from, but I assume that same area. The Moores had been farmed the same land for at least 7 generations, as per a book written by her cousin Michael Moore. Family lore says that Maggie came with two sisters, Catherine and Julia, in a passage to NYC (?). Catherine reportedly died on the boat. Maggie would not come down from the deck for fear of becoming ill. Her sister Julia, I believe, married a Mulvihill and lived in NY. Maggie continued on to Kentucky and lived with her brother Jamie (Arthur James Quinn) until she married Tom Quirk who was also from Ireland. They both spoke only Irish when they arrived.
Quinn Newtownsandes
I am looking for anyone who knows more about the Quinns from Newtownsandes, County Kerry, Ireland, and Philadelphia.
I have located the family in the 1901 and 1910 Ireland censuses. Some, but not all of the siblings below immigrated to the US, in the period 1895-1915.
The homestead was located in the townland of Leitrim Middle, in County Kerry, in the civil parish I have seen identified as Newtownsandes, Muhrer, or Moyvane (modern name). John Quinn was head of the household in 1901 and 1911. His son Matthew apparently married Bridget Mulvihill from Leitrim West, and later took over the homestead of her parents. John's homestead in Leitrim Middle appears to have passed on to his son Michael.
There were not many Quinn families in the Leitrim townlands and surrounding area of Co. Kerry in 1911, so I would like to hear from any Quinns in that area now who have roots in those townlands.
The ones who immigrated to the US generally listed Newtownsandes as their home or place of birth, which I take to refer to the district, not Newtownsandes Town specifically. They came to Philadelphia, although John Quinn later moved to Connecticut. I have little detail of these Quinns in the US, since John Quinn, my grandfather, died young, in 1916.
The James Quinn family shown below is a probability, not a certainty. There was definitely a sibling named James Quinn, but the one shown below is connected by virtue of living immediately next door to Nellie Quinn Ward in the 1910 census. The Ward family below is known to be part of this family by virtue of hand-me-down family history.
Daniel Quinn and his wife may have died before 1930, since their only child was living with two aunts in the 1930 census.
Hope someone recognizes some connections here,
Mark Clark
1 John Quinn b: abt 1810-1820, Co. Kerry
.. 2 John Quinn b: abt 1839 Co. Kerry
.... +Mary (Ellen) Tierney b: abt 1842 Co. Kerry; m: 1871 Co. Kerry
...... 3 Mary Quinn b: Co. Kerry
...... 3 John Joseph Quinn b: Abt. 1876 Co. Kerry; d: 02 Dec 1916 Connecticut, USA
........ +Nellie Kennelly b: 20 Dec 1876 Tarmons, Tarbert, Co. Kerry; m. in Philadelphia
...... 3 Matthew Quinn b: abt 1876 Co. Kerry
........ +Bridget Mulvihill b: abt 1876 Co. Kerry; m: Abt. 1906 Co. Kerry
.......... 4 Mary Quinn b: abt 1907 Co. Kerry,
.......... 4 John Quinn b: abt 1908 Co. Kerry,
.......... 4 Bridget Quinn b: abt 1910 Co. Kerry,
...... 3 Michael Quinn b: abt 1881 Co. Kerry
...... 3 James Quinn b: 02 Aug 1882 Co Kerry (or possibly 20th)
........ +Katherine Kelly b: 14 Feb 1880 Kiltmagn, Ireland m: 1909 Philadelphia
.......... 4 James J Quinn, Jr b: 15 Apr 1910 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Marie D Quinn b: 03 Apr 1912 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Kathleen Quinn b: 02 Aug 1914 Philadelphia d: Aug 1983
............ +Stinger
.......... 4 Daniel P Quinn b: 13 Feb 1917 Philadelphia d: 03 Jul 1989
.......... 4 Loretta H Quinn b: 31 May 1920 Philadelphia d: 26 Mar 2002
............ +Corcoran
...... 3 Ellen (Nellie) Quinn b: abt 1887 Co. Kerry
........ +Patrick Ward b:abt 1879 Ireland m: 1908 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Hugh Ward b: 03 Oct 1909 Philadelphia d: Sep 1978 Havertown, Pennsylvania
.......... 4 John Ward b: 03 Sep 1911 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Anna Ward b: 1913 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Mary Ward b: 1915 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Helen Ward b: 1916 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Catherine Ward b: 1918 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Joseph Ward b: 1922 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Francis Ward b: 1924 Philadelphia
.......... 4 William Ward b: 1926 Philadelphia
...... 3 Catherine Quinn b: abt 1889 Co. Kerry
.......3 Daniel John Quinn b: 12 Aug 1891 Co. Kerry
........ +Mary E Brady b: 05 Dec 1890 Ireland m: 1920 Philadelphia
.......... 4 Anna Marie Quinn b: 12 Aug 1923 Philadelphia
.................(may have been known as Anna M Brady, either through marriage or name change)
.......3 Stephen Quinn b: abt 1893 Co. Kerry
Mulvihill death 1903 of Newtownsandes
The Oxford Mirror Iowa
July 30, 1903
Edmund Mulvihill, an Aged Pioneer, Passed Away Last Friday
After an illness covering a period of about two weeks, during which time the patient suffered almost constant pain, Edmund Mulvihill, a pioneer of this vicinity and a man highly respected by the entire community, passed to his spiritual reward last Friday, the 24th at 11:45 a.m. The cause of Mr. Mulvihill’s death was cancer of the stomach and during his illiness he suffered untold agony, but bore all in silence. He was a man whom to know was to respect, and in his death the community loses a worthy and credible citizen, the family a generous and considerate husband and father. His entire life was devoted to the welfare of those near and dear to him, and in his last days, when their care and tenderness could most forcibly be shown, they reciprocated his love and everything possible was done for him, to no avail. His last moments were full of peace and he was not afraid when Death came to him.
Edmund Mulvihill was born in Newtown, Kerry County, Ireland in December 1828 and came to America in 1848, locating at Ottawa, Illinois. In 1852 he went overland to California, remaining two years. In 1854 he returned to Illinois, where he was married to Ellen Wolfe. In October of the same year he moved with his bride to Iowa, settling in Liberty Township, Clinton County, where he remained for some time, then located on a farm about three miles east of town where he lived with his family until 1894, when he purchased a home in this city, and moved here with his family, where in his declining years he could be free from care and enjoy life in the association of his family and friends. He was the father of ten children, eight of whom together with his aged wife survive him and mourn his death. James died in infancy, and Thomas in 1896, the surviving children being as follows: Jerry, Maurice of Monmouth; Ed, John and William of this city; Mrs. E.H. Cavey of Toronto, Mrs. M. Murray of Hale, and Ellen of this city.
The funeral was held at St. Mary’s church Sunday forenoon at 10 o’clock, Rev. P.N. McNamara officiating and internment was made in the Toronto cemetery. The large concourse of friends who followed his remains to their last resting place showed the esteem in which this aged citizen was held.
Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Wm. Mulvihill, Mrs. Ed Stack and son Leroy, Ed Walsh, Patrick _____, Miss Nellie Mulvihill of Chicago, Judge Wolfe, Clinton; R.C. Wolfe, Misses Mame and Nellie Wolfe, R.B. Wolfe, Dr. M. Scanlan and Maurice Wolfe fo DeWitt and T.W. Welsh of Marshaltown.
BISHOP DOWLING from Sacred Heart herald 6 Jan 1915
On the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination and the twentyfifth of his episcopacy, the Right Rev. T. J. Dowling, D. D., Bishop of Hamilton, Ont., and Dean of the Canadian Hierarchy, was, by a brief of His Holiness Pope Benedict, enrolled among the assistant Bishops at the Pontifical throne and created a noble with all the privileges and honors annexed thereto. Bishop Dowling was born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1840, was ordained a priest in Hamilton in 1864, consecrated Bishop of Peterborough May 1, 1887, and transferred to Hamilton on Jan. 11, 1889.
Taken from Feb 10th 1906 Kentucky Irish American paper
Mrs Julia Dalton Coleman
one of the oldest and most
respected Irish ladies was called to eternal rest when Mrs Julia Dalton Coleman died at her home 1731 Portland avenue Last Saturday morning The
deceased had been complaining for
several weeks but her illness did not
take a serious turn until a few days I
before her death
The decease was born in the parish
of Athea County Limerick Ireland
seventy four years ago but had lived in
St Patrick’s Parish Louisville more
than fifty dear Mrs Coleman was a
member of a long lived family Two
sisters Mrs James Liston aged eighty
five and Mrs Timothy Sullivan aged
eight six 8tHl survive In the parish of
Athea another sister Mrs Nicholas
Liston lived the advanced age of
ninety four Years
During her long life this gentle lady
was always energetic and cheerful and
for many years was associated with her
son in the conduct of a dry goods store
at her residence Three children survive They are Dennis J and Mrs Mary Kelly of this City and Mrs Elizabeth
Brady of Albay N Y A number of
grandchildren also survive her Patrick
J Liston a well known Hibernian is
her nephew Besides these Mrs Coleman was related to many of the oldest Irish families in the city. Saturday night and Sunday the house was crowded
with friends and relatives who went to
pay their respects to the dead woman’s
memory The floral tributes were numerous and exceedingly handsome. High
mass of requiem was celebrated over her
remains at St Patrick’s church on Mon
day morning and the church was filled
with sorrowing friends
SFC 14 March 1898
CAHILL— In this city. March 11, 1898, Michael R Cahill beloved husband of Mary Cahlll. Father of Josephine and Robert Cahill, and brother of Jeremiah and Daniel Cahlll. a native of Ballybunion, County .Kerry. Ireland, aged, 44 years.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day
(Monday), at 10:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 733 Tehama street, thence to St.
Joseph's Church. Tenth Street for services at 11 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
SFC 3April 1907
McNAMARA— In this, "city, John McNamara beloved brother
of Michael McNamara and cousin of . Maurice and -Edward Lynch. a native of Ballybunion, County Kerry. Ireland, aged 32 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today Wednesday), at 9. o'clock a.' m. from the parlours of J.C O'Connor - & Co., 770 Turk street, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem. high mass for the repose of his soul will; be celebrated at. 9:3o "o'clock. Interment Holy . Cross Cemetery.
1899 April 9th San Francisco Call
RIORDAN— In this San Francisco. April 8. 1899. Kate Riordan beloved wife of the late Garret Riordan, mother of John, Charles and Eugene Riordan and the late Richard Riordan, and aunt of Mrs. W. R. Pinkham of Santa Cruz. Cal. a native of Ballybunion, County Kerry, Ireland, aged 65 years and 5 months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 9 o'clock, from her late residence, 4189 Twenty-fifth street, near Castro,thence to St. Paul's Church, Twenty-ninth and Church streets, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment ,Holy Cross Cemetery.
18 May 1902 San Francisco Call
SHANAHAN— In this city. May IB. 1003. Daniel, beloved husband of the late Mary Shanahan, and father of John P., Daniel J., Katie C. James L., Edward F.. Joanna and Sarah Shanahan, Mrs. Robert Kerrison. Mrs. John Paul and the late Richard J. Shanahan. A native of County Kerry, Ireland, aged 58 years 4 months and 22 days.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today
Monday). at 8:30 o'clock, from his. Late residence, 3521 Twenty-fourth street, thence
to St. James Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose
of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Southern Star Cork
Brother De Lellis Sullivan (82), a native of Loughavoul, Glengarriff, has been made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE).
Brother De Lellis, a Presentation Brother, received the award for ‘services to education’ at a special investiture ceremony in St Lucia in the West Indies last week.
Brother De Lellis was born Finbar Sullivan, one of eleven children of Michael and Hannah Sullivan, both now deceased. His brother, Fr Patrick O’Sullivan MSC is based in Leap and serves as parish priest of Kilmacabea.
After graduating from UCC in 1954, Brother De Lellis left Ireland to teach in the West Indies. He is now the longest-serving Presentation Brother missionary having worked in Barbados, Grenada, Peru, St Lucia and Trinidad.
‘It’s really very humbling to receive an award like this,’ said Brother De Lellis. ‘I’ve spent my whole life working with young people. It’s been very enriching to serve God and serve young people as a Presentation Brother.
‘I sailed out of Cork Harbour on August 13th 1954 with two other Presentation Brothers. I was 22 years of age. We crossed the Atlantic in a banana boat, the SS Golfito. It took ten days to reach Barbados in the West Indies. I never thought then that I’d be getting an honour from the Queen nearly sixty years later!’
Br De Lellis was presented with the award by Governor General of Saint Lucia, Her Excellency Dame Pearlette Louisy, on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II, at Government House. The Prime Minister of St Lucia, Hon Dr Kenny D Anthony, also attended the ceremony.
In a citation read at the ceremony, Brother De Lellis was commended for helping to ‘restore hope where despair prevailed’. ‘The Government and people of Saint Lucia are grateful to him,’ it added.
Since 1997, Brother De Lellis has worked with the Centre for Adolescent Renewal and Education (CARE). This institution, founded by the Presentation Brothers, trains disadvantaged young people in St Lucia.
Brother De Lellis becomes the third Presentation Brother to receive an MBE Brother Canice Collins (1949) and Brother Macartan Sheehy (1974), both deceased, also received the award.