
July 2024


Earlier this week, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre slammed the legacy media for their “irresponsible” reporting on the drug crisis, accusing them of propping up a system with profit-driven motives. Centre for Responsible Drug Policy founder Adam Zivo joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss these claims.






Today on the Alberta Roundup with Rachel Parker, Rachel speaks with Marty Belanger (@Martyupnorth_2) about the Jasper wildfires which burned up to half of the historic village. Marty, who’s been hiking in Jasper for years, said the warning signs have long been ignored and proper forest management practices like controlled burns could have prevented the out of control fires.




Rachel and Marty also discuss which level of government is responsible for managing Jasper, and whether Alberta Premier Danielle Smith reduced the firefighting budget as some reporters have suggested.






BOGS: Mistéir na Móna


From the call of the stag in Scotland's Outer Hebrides to mysterious happenings on Irish bogs, Cormac Ó hÁdhmaill explores the cultural influence of the world's peatlands and some of the unusual wildlife found upon them.







Irish Coffin Ships at Gross Isle, Canada. Robert Whtye – 1847” On deck, a rope was placed around the emaciated Irish peasant. The rope was hoisted and with their heads and naked limbs dangling for a moment in mid-air, the wealth of hair of the Irish maiden, or the silvered lock s of the poor old Irish grandmother, they were finally lowered over the ship’s side into the boats, rowed to the island and left on the rock s until such time as they were coffined. The scenes of horror and desolation at the island almost staggered belief and baffled description.” Taken from The Truth Behind The Irish Famine, 100 images, 472 eyewitness quotes. www.jerrymulvihill.com




The Way I See It




By Domhnall de Barra




We are into July already and the year is half over. Time is flying by at an enormous rate because it seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the new year and looking forward to the longer day. Now the days are getting shorter but maybe it is an age thing and the older you get, the quicker time goes by. When I was young a year was an awful long time. Even a month was an eternity leading up to the school holidays and I think that is the reason. If you are waiting for a bus or train, 10 minutes is a long time but, if you are running for the same train or bus 10 minutes goes by in a flash so, it is all in the mind. When you are young everything is in the future and you are looking forward to things that are to come while, at an advanced age, there is more in the past than what is to look forward to.  As we go into this month the weather has taken a turn for the worse and the forecast for the rest of the week is not too promising. Let us hope it will not turn out like last year with very few days that did not have rain for the rest of the year. The weather has definitely changed a lot over the years and I suppose it will continue to do so. We are lucky we do not get any extremes of heat or cold and we don’t have earthquakes, tornados or tsunamis to put up with.




I was amazed at the buzz around the Taylor Swift concert in Dublin over the weekend. Not since The Beatles has there been such a following for a celebrity, especially young girls who scream their lungs off at the very sight of her. I find it difficult to understand the whole thing but then I am an old fogey who is well past it. I am delighted for all those young people who enjoyed the concert but I feel they are being ripped off. Tickets for these events are an enormous price and then you have the merchandise that has to be purchased at inflated prices. Of course hotels and guest houses cash in too raising their prices when any event is on. I heard of two people who went to the concert and stayed in a hotel. The weekend cost them €3,500 altogether. Now, that kind of money doesn’t grow on trees so I can’t see how it is worth it. It is, however, their choice and they are free to do with their own money whatever they like.  I hope it keeps fine for them.




American politics is in turmoil again after the recent debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I make no secret of the fact that I am in the anti-Trump camp and I was hoping against hope that Bided would take the opportunity to land a few blows on him but I couldn’t believe what I saw and heard. He walked onto the stage like an old man and it all went downhill from there. Trump did what he does best; throw insults and tell lies and Biden was unable to call him out. He faltered, forgot what he was saying and at times looked like he didn’t know where he was.  This is not a sudden deterioration because the writing has been on the wall for some time now. I like Joe Biden, he is a decent man but he is just too old for a job that requires so much energy. It is now up to his close  friends, family and advisers to persuade him to retire. He  would leave a good legacy but, on the other hand, if he runs, he will be remembered as the man who handed the presidency to Donald Trump. Getting out now is not a shameful thing and would allow the American public to vote for an alternative to someone who would destroy democracy in  America if elected.  Make no mistake about it, Trump does not believe in democracy, he is a dictator who has no regard for the rule of law and sees himself as another Putin. It is a crying shame that there are so many people who follow him regardless of the things he has done or the crimes he has committed. Has decency gone out the window completely?  He has to be stopped so the Democrats have to find somebody who will appeal to a large section of people who don’t want Trump but will not vote for Biden because they feel he is not up to the job. The recent decision by the Supreme Court, in Trump’s favour, is another big blow to democracy and the rule of law. You would think that a Supreme Court judge would be above partisan politics but not on Trumps watch. He appointed conservative judges to the court and it is now pay back time. The ruling is an affront to the American founders because it says that a President is only really accountable to himself and cannot be prosecuted for official acts or, more importantly “acts that are presumed to be official” while in office. What message does this give to ordinary law-abiding people who try to do the right thing?  The law is all we have to fall back on and if it can be manipulated for political gain or the avoidance of prosecution by one person then where do we go from here.  We will now have the usual stalling by the courts with appeal after appeal until after the election date. If Trump gets elected, which seems very likely at the moment, he can then pardon himself and stick up a finger to the rule of law. I can’t believe the people who founded America had this in mind when they wrote the constitution. It is a sad time for what was once the greatest country in the world. It is now a pathetic mess. Somebody will have to rise above the pettiness and bring back common sense.





The Way I See It




By Domhnall de Barra




“The law is a ass”, a phrase from Mr Bumble in Oliver Twist, came to mind last week when I heard of the case in Limerick where a serving soldier was in court accused of attacking and physically injuring a young woman in the street. Despite the severity of the offence the judge in his wisdom? Gave him a three years suspended sentence meaning he could walk from the court a free man. In his summing up, the judge said he took into account the fact that he had pleaded guilty and that it was a first offence and that he feared that a custodial sentence would end the young man’s career in the army. There was also the character reference of an army officer who testified that he was an exceptionally well behaved individual and that this offence was completely out of character. This however does not hold up when we look at the evidence. Yes, he did plead guilty but only when he was shown CCTV footage of the attack, that showed him to be the aggressor. He first of all tried to say that the woman had instigated the confrontation so I wonder would he have pleaded guilty if the cameras hadn’t been there.  If he was an upstanding, decent individual who was acting under the influence of alcohol, wouldn’t he have felt sorry later but no, he posted on line that vile few words “two to get her down, two to put her out”.   The sheer viciousness of the attack is also to be considered especially by a professional soldier who was trained in unarmed combat against a much smaller defenceless woman. And, so what, if he was to lose his career in the army. If a bus driver was found guilty of a road traffic offence that merited a disqualification, would he be left off because it might cost him his job?  I don’t think so. I think the judge got it very wrong and so does most of the country by the demonstrations and support shown for the victim over the weekend. There is no excuse for violence against women by men and any attack should be appropriately punished. The DPP should get involved and ensure justice is not only done but seen to be done. The leniency of the sentence gives the wrong message to those who may now think it is ok to use violence on women. I remember, many years ago when I was in England, seeing two court cases reported on the same page of a local newspaper. In one case a man was charged with hitting his wife while in the other a man was accused of kicking a cat. Both men were convicted but with very different sentences. The man who kicked the cat got six months in custody while the man who hit his wife got the probation act and was ordered to attend an anger management course. I couldn’t believe it but it was true.  Again it gave the wrong message but I thought things had changed in the intervening years but it appears not. The punishment must fit the crime otherwise the law really is an ass.




The ongoing dispute between Aer Lingus and its pilots is a prime example of the public being used  as bargaining chips. This is the time of year when families usually plan their holidays to coincide with the end of the school year. Most of them have been saving up for this break all the year and to be now told that their flight may not be available is nothing short of cruel. I am a supporter of trade unions because I am old enough to remember a time when people were forced to work long hours, seven days a week, for very little money. They went to work from the age of fourteen and it was little short of slavery at a time when the employers were making huge profits. The trade unions put a stop to all that and got decent working conditions for its members including the eight hour day and the five day working week. Of course, some of these unions went too far, especially in England where they were infiltrated by communists who just wanted to destroy the state. They practically destroyed the car manufacturing industry in England in the 1960s an 70s. They got so much control that they practically stopped people from doing a fair days work for a fair days pay and the end product was that, when foreign cars arrived on the market, the British ones could not compete and many of them had to close with the loss of many jobs.  I am not going to say who is right and wrong in the Aer Lingus dispute but there are a few observations I will make. Air Lingus is making massive profits and cannot plead inability to pay but on the other hand pilots are not on the breadline either earning between €80,000 and €100,000 a year.  Yes they need a raise to keep up with inflation but 24% is just too much. The management of the airline would be negligent in their duty if they gave in to that demand. I once worked for a haulage firm in Liverpool that offered very good wages and was the best place to work. They had a very good trade union but there was never a strike at the company. The secret was a very clever union official who got small raises for the workers at regular intervals avoiding a big hike after a long while. The pilots in Aer Lingus should have acted  over the past few years and not come now with what could be deemed impossible demands. There is a lot at stake here so the faster the government steps in, the better. All disputes have to be settled by both parties giving and taking a bit. Let us hope common sense prevails and the people of Ireland will be able to take their holidays free from disruption.





Site logo image West Cork History


The Quirks of History. Daniel O’Connell, Huguenot Rev. John Madras, Durrus Landlords Evansons, Future Kings of Hopefully Britain not the UK. Through Coughlan, Carrigmanus, Mizen and the Durrus Evanson Connection Through Lady Di






May 30 2024


Madras, this family moved from France to Cork via Amsterdam c 1750.  They are included as the Rev. John Madas married Miss Evanson of the Durrus Landlord family c 1805.  Rev John Madras son of Rev. John Madras of Huguenot ancestry via Amsterdam married Martha Evanson daughter of Nathaniel Friendly Cove.  Later Vicar of Aglish.  Her mother Swanton, Ballydehob, niece of Judge Swanton New York, United Irishman.  Voted 1826 City election for Conservative Callaghan.  HIs son JOHN MADRAS, A.B., Incumbent of Abbeymahon, P. Donoughmore, and Curate of Templequinlan later a magistrate:  County Freeman of Cork City voting in Cork City Election 1837.





Bland, Lilian Emily (1878–1971), pioneer aviator, was born 28 September 1878 in Kent, youngest child among one son and two daughters of John Humphrey Bland (1828–1919) of Fernagh, Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim, and Emily Charlotte Bland (née Madden) of Norfolk, granddaughter of Robert Wintringham Bland (1794–1880), dean of Belfast. She was brought up by her aunt, Sarah Maria Wintringham Smythe (d. 1918), widow of Gen. W. J. Smythe (qv).








Moriarty, John Stephen (1938–2007), philosopher and shaman, was born 2 February 1938 at Moyvane, near Listowel, Co. Kerry, fourth of six children (two sons and four daughters) of James Moriarty, smallholder and native speaker of Irish (with eleven cows and 'thirty-two acres of bad, rushy land'), and his wife Mary (née O'Brien). In his autobiography Nostos (2001), Moriarty recalls a society dominated by stories and hardships,








Raymond, Anthony (1675–1726), clergyman and Irish-language scholar, was born in Ballyloughran, near Listowel, Co. Kerry, second son of Anthony Raymond, sheriff of Kerry, and his wife Ann (née Taylor). His family moved to Mitchelstown, Co. Cork, at some stage during his youth. Little is known of his early education except that he was educated by a Mr Jones in Cobh, Co. Cork. Afterwards he entered TCD as a pensioner (paying student) in June 1692, and was elected scholar the following year.










The Prisoners’ Friend: The Work of the Indefatigable Mrs Meredith in south London








Titanic hero who saved more than 50 people honoured in Cork


John "Jack" Foley was working as a storekeeper on the ill-fated liner when it collided with an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912.








Two sisters originally from Coolkeragh, Listowel, County Kerry have died leaving millions of dollars in their estate. Attorneys are now desperately seeking out the sister’s family in Ireland not to bequeath them the money but to inform them that all of the money will go to animal charities.




Mary Teresa and Nora Hayes moved from the small village in County Kerry and settle in the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York.  Nora died on December 19, 1998 and Mary Teresa passed away in September 2006 leaving a fortune of millions.








Athea News










The real history behind The Black and Tans in Ireland


As history unfolds, the previously hard-held facts and truths about the Black and Tans are being questioned and re-examined.


IrishCentral Staff  @IrishCentral   Apr 19, 2023





Cancer after vaccines with Professor Dalgleish














Explainer: Can technology solve the global climate crisis?


By Timothy Gardner


December 2, 20235:04 AM GMT+1Updated 6 days ago


Icelandic carbon-storage startup to begin commercial delivery of CO2 in 2027




Silja Yraola, an employee of Icelandic startup Carbfix, enters the dome with injection well at its facility in Olfus, Iceland, November 21, 2023. Icelandic startup Carbfix is the world's first CO2 mineral storage operator, permanently sequestering CO2 by mixing it with water and injecting into basalt rock. At its facility in... Acquire Licensing Rights




Read more




Dec 2 (Reuters) - Governments and investors are pouring billions of dollars into emerging technologies to combat global warming in long-shot bets that entrepreneurship can help lead the way to a climate-friendly world.




As officials from nearly 200 countries seek to forge agreements at the U.N. COP28 climate summit in Dubai this month, they will also be considering deployment of the nascent technologies.




The amount invested worldwide by venture capital and private equity into climate technology startups - in projects ranging from carbon capture and green hydrogen, to food waste reduction and cleaning up heavy industry - totaled $490 billion this year, according to a report by accounting firm PwC.




While that's down 40% from 2022 as economic uncertainty, stubborn inflation and high interest rates bite, it marks a relatively healthy showing given the investments across all business sectors dropped 50% over the same period, PwC said.




Here are some of the investment trends:






The world emits around 37 billion metric tons of planet-warming carbon dioxide from fossil fuel and industry each year. One family of technologies, called carbon capture and storage, would tackle that by trapping those emissions before they reach the atmosphere, and storing them underground or using them to make products.




A big question, though, is whether it can work given the costs and the amount of energy required. The International Energy Agency, the West's energy watchdog, said in November that the oil and gas industry is relying excessively on carbon capture, and called the approach an implausible "illusion".




Even so, carbon removal is attracting loads of money.




The United States this year, for example, announced it would grant more than $1 billion to two carbon removal projects, in Texas and Louisiana, that would suck more than 2 million metric tons of carbon emissions per year from the sky using a carbon removal technique called direct air capture.






Fusion, can generate massive amounts of zero-emissions power by harnessing the energy produced from pushing atoms together, instead of splitting them apart. But the reaction is hard to produce, and harness any energy it generates to the grid.




Investments in fusion slipped this year, part of the broader trend in declining venture investment. International fusion companies raised about $1.4 billion in mostly private money according to the Fusion Industry Association, down from about $2.83 billion in new investment last year.




On the hopeful side for fusion, the number of companies getting investments rose to 43 from 33, spanning a dozen countries, according to the FIA, including the U.S. which has about 25 companies. Other countries pursuing fusion include Australia, China, Germany, Japan, and the UK.




John Kerry, President Joe Biden's climate envoy, is expected to announce at COP28 a global strategy in nuclear fusion.






Hydrogen is a fuel that can be made by electrolyzing water, and which burns clean. If it is produced using renewables like wind or solar power, as opposed to fossil fuel generated power, it is called green hydrogen. If it is produced with nuclear power, its called "pink" or "purple" hydrogen.




The U.S. is trying to kickstart clean hydrogen, and in October announced $7 billion in grants to seven "hydrogen hub" projects across the country. The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act also provides tax credits for hydrogen production.




Governments and companies think green hydrogen could be a way to clean up hard-to-decarbonize industries like steel and cement-making and other industrial manufacturing. But like carbon removal, it is expensive and energy intense, meaning it is unclear if it is doable at scale.




PwC said technologies like green hydrogen and reducing food waste have relatively high emissions reduction potential, but are receiving a small share of start-up investment. In 2023, green hydrogen got 3.9% of global climate-tech venture funding, while food waste got 0.7%, it said.






There are scores of other technologies in development that promise to be game-changers for the climate - if they survive. They include everything from lab-grown meat, to advanced batteries, to insects as a food source.




Among them, lab-grown meat has made some advancements this year. In June, U.S. regulators cleared the first sales of chicken grown from cells in a vat. The meat was served in small portions at high-end restaurants.




The industry says that if it manages to overcome high costs, challenges to scaling up production, and the 'ick-factor', it could revolutionize agriculture and eliminate the considerable emissions related to raising livestock.






Companies in the U.S. still get the most climate tech investment at around 49% of the global total, according to Deloitte, a professional services network.




But other countries have been eating into that share. Funding in China, for example, was 22% from 2020 to 2023, up from 2% in 2010 to 2014, while it has also increased in France, the UK and India and in other countries in Asia and Africa.




David Schatsky, a managing director at Deloitte, said investments in biofuels development has risen in Asia, while electric bike and motorcycle companies are doing well in Africa.




"Entrepreneurship taking hold outside of the developed world has the potential to help attract more capital to these regions if an ecosystem around climate-related technologies can arise," Schatsky said.






For daily comprehensive coverage on COP28 in your inbox, sign up for the Reuters Sustainable Switch newsletter here.




Reporting by Timothy Gardner; editing by Richard Valdmanis and Diane Craft




Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


Timothy Gardner




Thomson Reuters




Timothy reports on energy and environment policy and is based in Washington, D.C. His coverage ranges from the latest in nuclear power, to environment regulations, to U.S. sanctions and geopolitics. He has been a member of three teams in the past two years that have won Reuters best journalism of the year awards. As a cyclist he is happiest outside. Contact: +1 202-380-8348




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    In an Argentine field, green shoots mask scars of drought


    WorldcategoryCOP28: US-UAE climate-friendly farming effort grows to $17 bln




    Funding for a joint effort by the United States and United Arab Emirates to advance climate-friendly farming around the world has grown to more than $17 billion, the countries announced on Friday at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai.


    U.N.'s COP28 climate summit in Dubai




BusinesscategoryCOP28 leader urges nations to get out of 'comfort zones'




COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber urged countries on Friday to get out of their comfort zones and work together to reach agreement on a new global deal to fight climate change before the two-week summit ends.


Delegates walk in front of the Russia Pavillion building at Dubai's Expo City during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai


BusinesscategoryAzerbaijan tipped to host COP29 climate talks, says Russia backs it




Azerbaijan is tipped to host next year's U.N. climate summit, after striking a late deal with longtime adversary Armenia over its bid.


Rising sea levels are forcing Fiji's villagers to relocate


BusinesscategoryFrance to bolster disaster relief for most vulnerable countries - agency chief




The French development agency plans to begin inserting disaster relief clauses into its loans to vulnerable countries, its chief told Reuters on the sidelines of the COP28 climate talks.


BusinesscategoryGlobal warming threshold could be hit temporarily in 2024 - UK's Met Office




Global average temperature could temporarily cross a 1.5-degree Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) threshold next year, Britain's Met Office said on Friday, a milestone in climate history that could raise alarm at the COP28 summit being held in Dubai.




    COP28categoryYoung French influencer turns to civil disobedience to raise climate change awareness




    Camille Chaudron was among a dozen people arrested on Thursday while helping climate activists block the Concorde bridge in Paris, next to Parliament, to demand the government spend more on the thermal renovation of buildings.




More from Reuters










    Nearly 700,000 15-year-olds tested in 81 countries


    1 out of 4 were low performers in maths, reading and science


    Singapore's students earned top marks in all subjects -------------------------


In reading, Ireland, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan earned top marks, and was all the more notable in Ireland and Japan because their spending per student was no higher than the OECD average.







IRISH Film Festival in Australia.


From The Banshees of Inisherin and The Quiet Girl, to Derry Girls, Bad Sisters and Normal People, the power and popularity of local Irish stories with universal themes is at an all time high.




With 16 films, including 15 Australian Premieres and multiple award winning titles and talent, the 9th Irish Film Festival Australia from October 5 to November 5 showcases the best dramas, most compelling documentaries and the famous Irish sense of humour. Among the highlights this year is opening night premiere Lakelands, an exploration of masculinity, loneliness and the role of sport in rural communities. The film struck a chord with Sydney Swans star Tadhg Kennelly, who grew up immersed in Gaelic football culture. ‘You could be bulletproof in the football club, but you always had your armour on and couldn’t show any vulnerability,‘ said Kennelly.






by David Harris




This article first appeared in the latest edition of The Historical Journal of Tipperary. We are grateful to have received permission from David Harris and the Journal to reproduce the article here. You can see more about THJT at https://tipperarystudies.ie/historical-society/




John Long’s journey




On a winter’s day in February, 1842 Patrick and Mary Long (née Leahy) baptised their 5th child, and fourth son, John, in the Cathedral of the Assumption in Thurles, Co Tipperary.  Today, a hundred and eighty years later I stand near his grave in the hot, dry semi-desert land of the Australian ‘outback.’  Emigrating to Australia in the 1860s and becoming one of the burgeoning numbers of the Irish diaspora, John, better known as Jack, was part of a heroic effort to develop this new and challenging land, so different in every way from the green fields of Tipperary.




Jack left Ireland in around 1860, arriving in the Western Australian town of Albany, which was, at that time, the primary port for the Western Australian colony.  This was a British penal colony centred on the growing settlements of Perth and Fremantle.  Albany, 400km south of Perth, was developing into a farming community and Jack found work there.  However, as a free settler (not a convict), he saw that there were better opportunities in the settlements in South Australia, which was a free community.  He set sail for South Australia in 1865.










West Cork History





Wednesday, June 14, 2023




Three University of Limerick-led teams will compete in the National Challenge Fund competition aimed at solving problems relating to Ireland’s Green Transition and Digital Transformation.




The National Challenge Fund calls on researchers to identify problems related to Ireland’s Green Transition and Digital Transformation and work with those directly affected to solve them.




Three teams spearheaded by UL researchers and two other teams involving UL personnel will focus on problems relating to innovation in the energy sector, cyber tech, and the impact the digital transformation will have on society and on ways to ensure a healthy environment.




Dr James Sweeney, Department of Mathematics and Statistics will lead the project entitled ‘Real-time prediction of GREEN electricity generation potential from renewables for optimised GRID management (GREEN-GRID)’. Collaborating with Prof. Vikram Pakrashi in UCD.




Dr Matthias Vandichel, Department of Chemical Sciences will be leading the project ‘GEOTHERMAL: Sustainable Geothermal Energy as zero-fuel alternative for heat pumping, storage and power generation’, along with his colleague Prof Vivek Ranade.




Dr Meghana Kshirsagar, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems will be leading out on ‘Unleashing the Power of AI and Digital Twins in Emergency Care: A vision for the future (ALTER)’ collaborating with Dr Alison O’Connor, School of Engineering




Prof Thomas Newe, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering will be working with a team lead Prof Donna O’Shea from the Munster Technological University on ‘Cyber Shock – Building Ireland’s Cyber Resilience against Cyber Attacks’.





Sisters of Saint Francis; In December 1860, Mother Francis opened the congregation’s first hospital, St. Mary’s in Philadelphia, because the sisters’ convents could not accommodate all their sick poor.




An immigrant from Bavaria, Germany, Maria Anna Boll Bachmann (later known as Mother Francis) became a widow with three children and was pregnant with a fourth child. In 1851 her husband Anthony was mortally wounded at work as the result of bias against immigrants—a bias stirred up by the American Nativist Party in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To support herself and her young family, Anna operated a small shop and hostel for immigrant women while her sister, Barbara Boll, sewed for a tailor. Both Anna and a young guest in the hostel, Anna Dorn, a novice in the Franciscan Third Order Secular, concurred with Barbara’s wish to found a religious congregation. They sought the advice of Rev. John Hespelein, C.Ss.R., who wrote to Bishop John Neumann, then in Rome. Bishop Neumann had asked Pope Pius IX for permission to bring German Dominican Sisters into his diocese but was advised by the Pope, also a member of the Franciscan Third Order Secular, to establish a congregation of Franciscan sisters in his own diocese.






In spite of the difficult times, however, in 1932, Mother Immaculate’s congregation acquired Immaculata Convent in Mallow, County Cork, Ireland. Mother Immaculate had been prompted to seek a convent in Ireland to support the orientation and education of the young Irish women who, for many years, had been becoming Sisters of St. Francis (Clare 59).






Journal article














Irish People




















Devastating storm


According to Reuters news agency, Storm Daniel barrelled across the Mediterranean into Libya, wiping out about a quarter of the country's eastern city of Derna, after dams burst in a storm.


At least 1,000 bodies had already been recovered in the city of Derna alone, and officials expect the death toll may rise much higher.


The Red Cross has said 10,000 people are feared to be missing across the country in floods.








Tue Sep 12 2023 - 19:14




More than 2,000 people were killed and some 10,000 reported missing in Libya in floods caused by a huge Mediterranean storm that burst dams, swept away buildings and wiped out as much as a quarter of the eastern coastal city of Derna.







Video link






Creative People.MP4











The Presbytery, Abbeydorney. (066 7135146; 087 6807197)




9th July 2023, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Dear Parishioner,


                               When was the last time that you used the word ‘gobsmacked’ to describe a certain experience or that you heard somebody else using it!  Two words that might be used instead of it are ‘astounded’ and ‘astonished’.  I don’t think I ever used the word but I can say that I had that feeling, when I read Sr. Orla Tracey’s article in the July issue of the Sacred Messenger.  I am conscious that, in  including this article in Dear Parishioner, the sizeable number of parishioners who are Messenger readers will have already got the chance to read it.  I am confident that you will be of the opinion that it is good to give other parishioners a chance to read this wonderful story.  If mention is made of the ‘Pope’s visit to Ireland’, without naming the pope, there is a good chance that people will recall the visit in 1979 of Pope John Paul 11, rather than his successors Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.  There are different reasons for that answer, including the fact that the religious climate in Ireland was very positive in 1979 and Pope John Paul had the ability to bring out the best in the people – young and old – who attended the venues he visited.




When I think of Sr. Orla Tracey and the work being done in providing education for girls in Rumbeck in South Sudan, I cannot help thinking of the religious orders in Ireland in the 19th and 20th century (both male and female) and the wonderful work they did in providing education for rich and poor and providing medical care at a time, when the state was not doing it.  You may remember reading at another time in Dear Parishioner about Sr. Orla’s Kerry connection.  Her father was Kerry County Secretary for a few years and, during that time, she attended Presentation Primary School, Tralee.  In Kerry County Council, the late John Flaherty of Abbeydorney, was well known to her father.  Many of us still think of distance in terms of miles rather than kilometres and so, as to get a sense of the huge task taken on by Sr. Orla and her group, picture yourself walking 250 miles (410 Kilometres.)  Put, beside that, the sentences from Sr. Orla’s article ‘The roads are often dangerous and difficult’  and ‘Old men, amazed that we could walk to the capital asked if we were crazy.  The reality is that people in South Sudan only walk long distances , when they are fleeing from violence.’  If you have a teenage grandchild, give this article to them. (Fr. Denis O’Mahony)




The Pope in South Sudan (Sacred Heart Messenger July 2023)


Sr Orla Tracey of the Loreto Congregation founder of a school for girls in Rumbek, South Sudan, reports on the visit of Pope Francis to the country.




Pope Francis had been planning a visit to South Sudan for years.  There were postponements due to insecurity in the country, Covid-19 and his health. Finally, in February 2023 the Pope came to visit.  This journey was historic for a number of reasons: it was the first time a pope visited South Sudan, the first time a pope visited with other Christian leaders – in this case Archbishop Justin Welby and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland - and led an ecumenical meeting.  South Sudan is generally famous for all the wrong reasons: with high rates of illiteracy, high infant mortality and high rates of early and forced marriage.  It is ranked in the top ten when it comes to the most dangerous countries.  With a population of approximately 11 million, 1.6 million people today are internally displaced, and over two thirds of the population are food dependent.  The country has spent most of the past fifty years fighting, first, with those of the north of the country and, more recently, among themselves in the newly created South Sudan.




The Pope and Church leaders had been anxious to make this visit to South Sudan for a number of years.  In 2019 Pope Francis invited our political leaders, presidents and vice presidents (we have five!), to Rome for peace talks, which were hosted by the San Egidio community.  It was during this meeting that the Pope famously got down on his hands and knees and kissed the feet of our political leaders, begging them to work for peace.  Now, the Pope and Church leaders were coming to South Sudan to follow up on that visit.  The theme of their visit was appropriately named ‘that all may be one,’ the motto taken from John 17 reminds us all of the need for unity in a fractured world and a country such as South Sudan.  As we waited for the Pope's visit, our biggest challenge was how to travel to Juba, our capital city, 410 kilometres from our home in Rumbek.  The roads are often dangerous and difficult.  Many discussions took place with our young people and, finally, we decided to walk, and to call young people from the different parishes and areas of our diocese to lead a peace walk to Juba.  We would walk for nine days and have three additional days in Juba with the Pope.  We had four pillars to our pilgrimage: a walk, an experience of community witness  of peace and a prayer experience. We aimed to walk for five hours each morning.  We started, when the sun rose at 6.30 a.m. and finished,


where possible, by noon.  Temperatures were between thirty and forty degrees.  We carried water as sources of water were scarce along the way.  We danced, sang, told stories, riddle and jokes to pass the time.  We passed along roads, impassable some years earlier due to raping, robberies and murder.  We marvelled at the beauty  of the country and the potential for peace.  We were welcomed in each village by the people.  Students in schools walked with us, women's groups often walked for hours with us.  Old men, amazed that people could walk to the capital, asked if we were crazy.  The reality is that people only walk long distances in South Sudan, when they are fleeing violence.  Our second pillar was peace.  This was an important part of our journey. South Sudan has had so many years of violence, with communities and tribes set against one another.  The very fact that people from different tribes, young men and young women, could walk and live together was already a wonderful example of peace. They wanted to extend that hope to the communities they visited and, each evening before the sun was set, they shared a drama on peace.  This provided a lot of laughter and discussion as to how peace can build community.  The youth group themselves were a beautiful example of building peace.




Community living was our third pillar: We had a group of sixty young men and women.  Most had never left their home town and few had ever been to Juba.  The nine days of walking and three days in Juba were spent as a


Community.   We slept in classrooms and chapels, we collected water from


rivers and wells, and cooked on an open fire each day.  The group was divided into different work teams: three groups for cooking, one for each meal, then there was the logistics - who had to help set up the camp, cleaners who ensured we maintained the area and a group for liturgy.  No one was exempt from work, and, even though tired and exhausted from walking, we still had to take our turn serving the community.  The fourth pillar was prayer.  God was at the heart of all that we did.  Most of our young people were experiencing Church and prayer in a new way. Each morning, we had a novena reflection on a pilgrimage experience from the Bible.  During the morning, as we walked, we were encouraged to share and reflect on the biblical story.  Each afternoon, we joined the host community for Mass.  In the moonlight, we shared prayer which was a reflective review of the day, modelled on the Ignatian Examen.  This time of reflection was a beautiful experience of sharing.  The young people shared their experience at seeing the Nile and swimming in it for the first time, (contd. on back page)


others reflected on the joy of seeing mountains and tarmac roads.  There were also fears of moving into new areas and experiencing new cultures.  The prayers always ended with a plea to all the saints to help us meet the Pope, and we met him.  Our journey continues, we returned home, sore, blistered, but with light hearts and a renewed sense of what it means to be a young Church and to play a part in building peace in South Sudan.




Seeing Your Life Through The Lens of  The Gospel


John Byrne OSA (Intercom July 2023)


1.For Jesus the key to a personal knowledge of God and relationship with God is not primarily through academic study but through a mind and heart open to learn.  Recall moments when you had a sense that your relationship with God took a significant step forward.  What kind of dispositions prepared you for that growth?


2.Jesus was dealing with a society in which people were very conscious of status, dignity, and external appearances. He wanted to break down the barriers this created so that all would be aware of their worth and dignity.  Perhaps, you can recall someone who was not highly thought of in human terms, but who was a light to you!


3.In v. 27 Jesus lets us into the secret of his relationship with his Father, one of total trust.  This trust freed him from anxiety and worry about himself.  As a result, he was a person of gentle and humble heart and was able to bring rest to those who were overburdened.  Recall people whose trust in God enabled them to be supportive to others who were stressed or burdened.


4.Recall and give thanks for people who, like Jesus in the story, were able to combine challenge with sympathetic support and understanding.  Perhaps, you have been able to do this for others at times also.




Thought for the Day: We all know the times of carrying heavy burdens of failure, pain, loss, shame, guilt, depression, hopelessness.  Only, in honestly admitting our big needs, can we find the rest of soul which we need.  A soul, at rest, can share with many the peace of God.  A saying of St. Catherine of Siena was ‘Where we see sins, God sees weakness.’  She points to the reality that many people try to do their best but find that their faults and failings often overcome them.  God sees the heart and sees the effort to do good, even though these efforts do not always succeed .  God’s spirit, given with many gifts and energies for the world, also brings the gift of Divine forgiveness.  (www.sacredspace in Intercom, July/August 2023)









Kevin Izod Doherty was born in Dublin, on 7 September 1823, the son of Dr Kevin Izod Doherty and Mary Ann (Eva) Kelly.


In 1842, he commenced his medical studies in Dublin at the same time that Charles Gavan Duffy, Thomas Osborne Davis and John Blake Dillon founded the newspaper,  The Nation. Their aim was to create an Irish nationalism to which the whole population, irrespective of creed, could subscribe.




Charles Bianconi:




Men of the Baronies of the Carberies and Adjoining Baronies to Meet the Liberator, the Beloved Son of Erin on the 19th June 1843 to Repeal the Odious Act of Union




Bantry Area family of Derrynane, Co. Kerry,  O’Connell’s, signature of ‘The Liberator’ Daniel O’Connell, his sister Honoria married Daniel O’Sullivan, Reendonegan, Bantry, their son Daniel, Magistrate, Dominica West Indies, his sister married Naval Officer in Tsar’s Navy. areas mentioned Coolagh, Borlin some names include Donovan, Lucy, Galway, O’Hea-Cussen, Cronin, compiled by Basil Morgan O’Connell, of Lakeview Branch, 1946 he Head of CID, Malaysia.


    Bantry Area family of Derrynane, Co. Kerry, O’Connell’s, signature of ‘The Liberator’ Daniel O’Connell, his sister Hanoria married Daniel O’Sullivan, Reendonegan, Bantry, their son Daniel, Magistrate, Dominica West Indies, his sister married Naval Officer in Tsar’s Navy. areas mentioned Coolagh, Borlin some names include Donovan, Lucy, Galway, O’Hea-Cussen, Cronin, compiled by Basil Morgan O’Connell, of Lakeview Branch, 1946 he Head of CID, Malaysia.


On the 1st July the Lancaster Gazette carried a report on the Monster Meeting addressed by Daniel O’Connell.  Quoting the ‘Cork Examiner ‘, it repeated the reputed number of attendees of 500,000.


Daniel O”Connell arrived heading four stage coaches and a battalion of bands.  Parishes from all over West Cork were represented by crowds headed by the respective clergy of each parish.


Among the parishes were,


Bantry, Thomas Barry P.P.


Drimoleague,  John Ryan P.P., John Creedon C.C.


Kilmaceba,  Joseph Sheehan P.P.


Castlehaven, James Mulcahy P.P., Daniel Freeman C.C., Michael Ross C.C.


Aughadown, Maurice Geary P.P.


Durrus,  Richard Quin P.P.


In his address to the crowd Daniel O’Connell stated the it was for the right of every man over 20 years of age having a house, so they would all have a vote except some idle gorsoons (young fellas), without a dwelling and who could not get some honest girl to marry him (cheers and laughter).


    Daniel O’Connell adresses Monster Meeting of 500,000? on Repeal in Skibbereen, June 1843, and Skibbereen and Bantry connections with O’Connell



Australia's Tim Kennelly cranks a home run against the Republic of Korea

Australia's Tim Kennelly cranked a home run against Republic of Korea in the World Baseball Classic.












Ireland Items



Listowel items



By Robin Frame


James Francis Michael Lydon (1928‒2013) ‒ always ‘Jim’ to his friends ‒ was the most influential historian of later medieval Ireland of his time. He was the author of scholarly and readable books such as The Lordship of Ireland in the Middle Ages (1972) and The making of Ireland, from ancient times to the present (1998). He edited several essay-collections, among which The English in medieval Ireland (1984) stands out, not least for his own contribution on the (Anglo-Irish) ‘middle nation’. His many articles and essays were fluent and accessible, however technical their subject-matter. Lydon was also a stimulating teacher and supervisor, briefly at University College Galway, and then from 1959 onwards at Trinity College Dublin, where between 1980 and 1993 he held the Lecky chair of History. Many of his pupils found employment in university history departments or in archival posts in Ireland, Britain and beyond. In retirement, Lydon kept rooms in college. There, in the intimacy of a small antechamber containing a washbasin and items of outdoor clothing, were shelved copies of dozens of theses ‒ undergraduate as well as postgraduate ‒ he had overseen down the decades. To those who helped to sort his papers after his death, these were a poignant reminder of how much his teaching meant to him, and to them.




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The Irish Ancestry of President Joe Biden


Like many refugees throughout history who have made the unenviable decision to flee catastrophe in their homeland, the one million Irish men, women and children who fled the devastation wrought by the Great Famine in Ireland in the 1840s could not have known what their future held.



The flight from Ireland persisted for decades with many setting their sights on the flourishing cities of the United States. It is testament to the courage and determination of those emigres that over one hundred and seventy years later one of their descendants should return to their native land as President of the United States of America. President Joe Biden arrives in Ireland next week with planned visits to various birthplaces of his ancestors.



Ten of his sixteen great great grandparents were born in Ireland with the strong Irish lineage found predominately on his mother’s side. Catherine Eugenia ‘Jean’ Finnegan, Joe Biden’s mother, married Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. in Lackawanna, Pennsylvania in 1941.


Jean Finnegan’s paternal great grandfather, Owen Finnegan was a shoemaker from a small townland on the Cooley peninsula in County Louth who left Ireland’s ravaged shores in 1849. His wife Jane (nee Boyle) joined him the following year with her three young sons; an unimaginable journey no mother should have to endure on her own. She too was leaving her Boyle family in County Louth with the sure knowledge that she would never see them again. One of those sons travelling with Jane was Jean’s grandfather James. On arrival the family settled in Ovid, Seneca County, New York. There the family thrived and James, despite being visually impaired, became a hotel manager and latterly worked as a musician.



In the late 1860s James married Catherine Roche. Catherine Roche’s parents, Thomas and Bridget, were also born in Ireland, although due to a paucity of records an exact location of their county of birth could not be traced. Thomas Roche was documented as a stonemason who following his family’s migration from Ireland settled in Lodi, Seneca County, New York.



His daughter Catherine and James Finnegan had at least five children, one of whom was a son Ambrose, father to Jean and Joe Biden’s grandfather. Ambrose Finnegan married Jean’s mother Geraldine Blewitt around 1909 in Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden Family Tree


The Blewitt family, Jean Finnegan’s mother’s ancestral line, are also of Irish origin. Edward Blewitt and his wife Mary Mulderrig, Jean’s great great grandparents, made the same arduous journey in 1851 to that taken by the Finnegan and the Roche families. They left their townland of Rappa (Rappacastle) near Ballina, County Mayo with their eight children and eventually set up home in Scranton Pennsylvania. Edward Blewitt had been a civil engineer in Ireland who purportedly worked with the Ordnance survey of Mayo in the 1830s and before that as a brickmaker. It has also been suggested that it was in this role that he supplied the bricks for the construction of Killala Cathedral in 1827.


This aptitude for engineering was witnessed through succeeding generations in Pennsylvania as his son Patrick Blewitt and his grandson Edward (Jean’s grandfather) both followed him in his chosen profession. Edward Blewitt Jnr had an illustrious career in mining and engineering and ultimately served as a state senator for the 22nd district of Pennsylvania from 1907-10. Patrick Blewitt above, married Catherine ‘Kate’ Scanlon in the 1850s, she was variously noted on U.S. census returns as born in Ireland and it is believed that her family also originated in County Mayo although specific details could not be determined. In the following generation, Edward Blewitt Jnr’s marriage to Mary Ellen Stanton in 1879 also reveals further Irish lineage.



Mary Ellen’s parents, James Stanton and Mary (nee Arthurs) reveal on the 1880 US federal census their land of birth as Ireland. The Stanton family left Ireland and settled in Scranton Pennsylvania where James toiled as a labourer. It was this same census that revealed Joe Biden’s three times great grandmother, Bridget Arthurs. However, as is the challenge with many seeking to pinpoint a precise townland or county of birth for Irish ancestors the exact origin in Ireland of the Arthurs and Stanton families was never noted on US immigration documentation and therefore remains elusive. Finally, Joe Biden’s father, Joseph Robinette Biden Snr also has Irish ancestors within his mother’s lineage. His maternal grandmother was Mary Ann Hanafee who married George H Robinette in the 1880s. Mary Ann Hanafee’s parents, John and Mary (nee Ward) were documented as both born in Ireland, most likely from County Galway, who emigrated sometime before 1857 and settled in Doddridge County, West Virginia. John humbly described himself as a ‘common labourer’ in the US census of 1870.



Joe Biden’s family history reveals a common story of Irish migrants in the mid nineteenth century who chose to leave poverty and abject hunger behind and courageously sought out better lives for their children and future descendants in the United States. It details entire families uprooting from counties Mayo, Louth and Galway and enduring the notorious sea journey across the Atlantic. These families settled in New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia and contributed in many guises to their communities in intervening generations. Those brave families: the Finnegan’s, the Roche’s, the Blewitts, the Stanton’s, the Scanlon’s, the Arthur’s, the Mulderrig’s, the Hanafee’s and the Ward’s would no doubt be amazed at what their combined endeavours have ultimately led to.



If you would like to know more about your own Irish Heritage, contact us today and speak to a Genealogist. Our team has completed over 1,650 genealogy projects and boasts a combined experience of over 450 years. Alternatively, check out our free resources here or our library of published books on Irish genealogy.


Email: info@ancestornetwork.ie


Online Book Store: https://www.ancestornetwork.ie/shop/


This was written by Hilary O’Connor





West Cork


It is not immediately obvious why some people from outside the area contribute.  However in most cases there is a local link.  Judge Berwick probably has Symms ancestry.  The Symms as the Dowes/Coughlans/O’Callaghans/Notters are all small Protestant Landlords on Mizen closely linked,   The Cagneys are fabulously wealthy Cork butter merchants and acquire an estate in the area in the 1850s Encumbered Estates Sales


A bit of a mystery is the largest donation of £27 collected by the Rev. Dr. Lynch President of the Irish College in Paris


New York NY Irish American Advocate 1925-1927 - 1145.pdf

June 11 1927 ?

The death of Michael Enright, father of Rev. J. Enright, Sacramento, U. S. A., removes one of the oldest inhabitants of the village of Ballylongford. He will be missed by a multitude of relatives, friends and admirers. ----------------


New York NY Irish American Advocate 1928-1929 - 0724.pdf

29 June 1929

At the Irish College, Paris, his Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Collier, Lord Bishop of Ossory, conferred orders on the following students: Priesthood, Revs. T. Cussen, Limerick; W. McDonald, do.; J. Murphy, Kerry; T. Coakley, Ross. -------------------------------




                New York NY Irish American Advocate 1928-1929 - 0769.pdf

August 3


Sister Mary Bonaventore Woulfe, daughter of the late J. P. Woulfe, Cratloe, Abbeyfeale, whose death has occurred at Abbeyfeale, was an outstanding educationist in a Community of Sisters who have raised their fine schools to a high educational standard. -------------------------------

Rev. Charles Doyle, Brooklyn, is spending his holidays in his native town, Killarney

    Home Ireland XO Cork News Irish Ogham Stones


Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 12:00


Written by Dr. Michael Christopher Keane


Although originally a Kerryman I have been living for over 40 years in Farran, Co Cork which is about 10 miles west of Cork city. Farran parish has been one of the great sites of Ogham stones in Ireland. While a few of the stones remain in their original location, many were removed around 100-150 years ago and are now to be found either in the British Museum in London or in University College Cork (UCC). The following is a brief outline of the story of the Farran Ogham stones, including the continuing controversies over the years surrounding the removal of the majority of them from their original location.


The inscriptions on Ireland’s historic Ogham stones represent the earliest source of Irish written communication. The historic origin of the ancient Ogham script remains the subject of speculation, with the word Ogham believed to trace back to Ogma, the god of eloquence of the Tuatha de Danann in ancient Irish mythology.


Short marks were made in groups of between one and five notches, strokes or diagonal lines, usually on the edge of the stone. Each group signifies a sound in Old Irish.  The letters/sounds which were carved are based on the Latin alphabet which we still use today. The inscriptions can signify a single name, or a phrase such as ‘X son of Y of the family of Z’, but sometimes a little more detail is added. The inscriptions can date from the end of the 4th up to the early 8th century AD.


Ogham stones are almost uniquely Irish, although they have also been found in small numbers in Wales, Devon and Cornwall and the Isle of Man. Of the total of around 330 Ogham stones found in Ireland, the great majority have been found in the South or South West, with Cork, Kerry and Waterford accounting for around 260 of the total. Within County Cork two townlands in the parish of Farran, Roovesmore and Knockshanwee, have been a leading source. These findings are a clear indication that ancient Irish peoples, who were well disposed towards learning and written communication, were in residence in this region close to the southern banks of the River Lee in far distant times.


Keep up to date with the Cork Community in Ireland & Abroad here

The Ogham Stones of Roovesmore, Farran, County Cork


While some of the Roovesmore Ogham stones remain in their original place of origin, (Fig 1a and 1b), three of the finest stones were removed around the year 1860 by a Col. Lane Fox, a British Army officer who was interested in the history of Ogham stones. The stones were taken by Lane Fox to the British Museum in London where they have been on display ever since. He also published a detailed account of the stones in the journal of the Royal Archaeological Institute, London in 1867.



The removal of the stones was typical of the activities of colonial Britain through the centuries when large numbers of artifacts of historic interest or value were taken, often illegally, from the many foreign British outposts for display back in the UK.


In his published article, Lane Fox describes how he found the stones in a fairy fort at a Roovesmore farm where they formed part of a souterrain or crypt in the middle of the fort. When Lane Fox, ‘in the interests of archaeology’, decided to move the stones, he found great difficulty in employing local workers. This arose due to the deeply held beliefs at the time that fairy forts should not be tampered with. However, in the end he managed to have the stones removed, with the whole operation being quite a task as the largest stone was around a ton and a half in weight, with the other stones being around a ton each.


An image of one of the stones on display in the British museum shows that it is impressively mounted on a stone plinth (Fig 2a). The inscription on the plinth (Fig 2b) reads as follows: OGHAM INSCRIPTION Presented by Lt Col A Lane Fox Roovesmore Fort Aglish Co Cork. (Aglish is the old parish name for Farran). While the Ogham inscription on the stones was a challenge for Lane Fox who wasn’t familiar with the Irish language, with assistance the script was translated into familiar lettering. Quoting an example from his published article, the script on one stone was translated as MAQIFALAMNI on one side and MAQIERCIAS on the other side. This was then interpreted as gaeilge as Mac Ui or son of Falami and son of Ercias. While there is no knowledge of who Falami and Ercias were, one suspects that they were important people at the time. It is generally accepted that the positioning of the stones represented the boundary of an ancestor’s territory, as well as marking ancestral burial places.


Roovesmore Ogham Stone in the British Museum The plinth and inscription of the Roovesmore Ogham stone in the British Museum


Figure 2a: Roovesmore Ogham Stone in the British Museum & Figure 2b: The plinth and inscription of the Roovesmore Ogham Stone in the British Museum

Recovering the Ogham Stones from the British Museum


There is now a growing worldwide campaign in support of the return of historic artifacts to their original homeland rather than allowing them to remain in the possession of British and other colonists from earlier times. Such objects continue to have deep significance for the peoples from whose communities the objects were taken by fair or, very frequently, foul means.


 For the local community this raises the interesting challenge as to whether there should now be a campaign for the return of the Roovesmore stones. Of course, if the British Museum were to agree to their return, some practical problems would immediately arise. Where should the stones be placed if they were to be returned? How would the practical task of transporting from London three large stones, each weighing one to one and a half tons, be achieved? However, if the British Museum were to relent, one can be confident that solutions would be found and the historic Roovesmore stones, following their 160 plus years holiday in London, would once again settle back into their rightful home in Farran.

The Ogham Stones of Knockshanawee, Farran, County Cork


In October 1913 Bertram Windle, the UCC President, who was also Professor of Archaeology, had six Ogham stones removed from their original location in Knockshanawee and transferred into the college in Cork city. During the period of his presidency of UCC from 1904 to 1919, Professor Windle had decided to assemble a collection of significant historic artefacts for the college.  In furthering that objective he made two visits to the Knockshanawee site in mid-October 1913 and, on the second visit, he had the Ogham stones removed and carted into UCC. The Knockshanovee stones, which are among an overall collection of 27 in UCC, are characterised by Ogham inscriptions similar to those of Roovesmore, Fig 3. A detailed study of the Knockshanawee stones published in 2004 revealed some direct links between them so that, for example, two of the stones refer to MACILUGUNI  or son of Luguni.


Ogham Stone Corridor, University of Limerick


Fig 3 Ogham stones on display, University College, Cork

The controversial removal of the Ogham Stones by Windle to University College Cork


The Knockshanawee Ogham stones had first been investigated in detail in September 1910 by two local amateur archaeologists, Cremin and Murphy. The stones were acting as lintels and uprights in a souterrain or crypt, the chamber of which measured nine feet square by seven feet high. Being aware of the significance of what they had found, Cremin and Murphy contacted a leading Cork archaeologist, Dr Philip Lee, whom they then accompanied to the souterrain to conduct a more in-depth investigation. Soon after the visit Lee published a detailed article on the findings.[iii]


The removal of the Knockshanawee stones by Windle in 1913 almost immediately raised a storm of controversy and recrimination.[iv] The story featured at length in both the local and national press, with some of the leading personages in society at the time being drawn into the saga on both sides of the argument. Those publicly denouncing his actions included William O’Brien, arguably the leading force in Cork politics at the time, as well as spokespersons for Sinn Fein and the local Gaelic League. Comments about the removal of the stones in newspaper articles became increasingly heated, with Windle’s action in removing the stones from their original site being referred to as ‘an appalling act of vandalism’, ‘an unpardonable outrage’ etc. Windle’s defenders included some leading archaeologists and historians in Ireland and Great Britain including Celtic scholars such as Douglas Hyde, later to become Ireland’s first President, and Eoin MacNeill. MacNeill had just become Chief-of-Staff of the Irish Volunteers and was later to give the countermanding order to call off the Easter Rising in 1916. Being a Professor of Early Irish History himself, MacNeill made the case that, by displaying the stones in the University, everyone interested in the earliest expression of Irish writing and the national language could have ready access to the stones. However, the preponderance of senior academics in Windle’s defence inevitably resulted in comments referring to the ‘arrogance and elitism of University people’.


There is no doubt but that the Knockshanawee stones controversy was just one element of the much wider political disputes which were raging at the time. Windle himself was both of English origin and a staunch supporter of John Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party, being a personal friend of Redmond’s brother Willy who was killed in the Battle of Messines in June 1917. Relations in Cork in 1913 between the Redmondites, the supporters of William O’Brien, the O’Brienites, and the then smaller but rapidly emerging Sinn Fein were very tense. Despite his well in-intentioned action in making the stones widely available to the public, Windle was perhaps in the nature of a pawn in the wider political context. In the months that followed the Knockshanawee stones controversy gradually died down, being undoubtedly overtaken by vastly more serious events, the commencement of World War 1 and John Redmond’s call on the Volunteers to take part, the Easter Rising of 1916, the War of Independence and the Civil War, all of which helped to place the Knockshanawee Ogham stones controversy in its proper context. Windle himself became increasingly disillusioned with developments in Ireland and left for Canada in 1919 to further his academic career in that country. However, he has left a legacy of the fine display of Ogham stones, including the Knockshanawee examples, which remain on public display in UCC to the present time.







[i] Lane Fox, Lt Col. Augustus; Roovesmore Fort and stones inscribed with Oghams in the parish of Aglish, County Cork, The Archaeological Journal, Royal Archaeological Institute, 1867 (republished 2013)


[iiMcManus Damien; The Ogham stones at University College Cork, Cork University Press, 2004


[iii] Lee Philip; Notes on the Ogham chamber in Knockshanwee, Journal of the Cork Archaeological Society, Vol XVII, 1911


[iv] Keogh Dermot, Keogh Ann; Bertram Windle, the Honan Bequest and the Modernisation of University College Cork, Cork University Press, 2010


About the Author:  Dr. Michael Christopher Keane graduated with  Ph D in Economics from Trinity College Dublin. He has recently retired as Senior Lecturer/Head of Department, University College, Cork, Ireland where he has worked since 1981. His primary area of research and teaching interest has involved aspects of the economic and social development of rural Ireland with particular emphasis on land ownership and use as well as agricultural and food industry development. His recent writings in the areas of Irish local history and genealogy represent an extension to this earlier work as it also relates primarily to key aspects of change in rural Ireland through the centuries. See below details of Dr. Keane's publications.


The Crosbies of Cork, Kerry, Laois and Leinster’, along with ‘From Laois to Kerry’ and ‘The Earls of Castlehaven’, are available in local bookshops, online at www.omahonys.ie, and www.kennys.ie, also directly from the author mjagkeane@gmail.com






The first letter below is in response to the letter Sr Catherine Foley wrote to Bishop Jaime Collins on May 2, 1975.

Prelazia de Miracema do Norte



77560 – Miracema do Norte – Est. de Goias                                    

 May 28th 1975


 Dear Sister Catherine,


  Many thanks for your latest letter. Sorry for the long delay in sending what should have been sent months ago. For the past few months, I have been out in the interior, quite a lot, helping out another priest in trying to form small little communities of committed Christians in some of the places where there are no priests. It was not lack of interest.


 I hope the enclosed will give you sufficient info about Miracema and the type of work that you would be asked to do. Being a Religious myself I can assure you that I have nothing in mind that would in any way weaken Religious Life. Quite the contrary, a very definite campaign for vocations to the Religious Life is on in the Prelazia this year and the only sure one is the type of life we lead.

To use the phrase, you heard so often in Brazil: I am always “as ordens” (at your orders) for any further information that you may need. I may be going to the States earlier in June that I had intended and may meet you out there, but I shall certainly look you up in Ireland.


May the Spirit of God bless you all in your deliberations.  He knows what is best for us all, once we remain open to His voice, we will accomplish what is best for God’s work. Many thanks for your interest. May God bless you, and till we meet in either Ireland or California.

Yours in Jesus Christ,

   + Jaime, CSsR




Sympathy is extended to all family members, relatives and friends of the late Sr Mary Kirby CP formerly of Derrindaffe who died in Dublin. October 2022.



JUBILEE: Four Sisters of Mercy, originally from Ballyduff, celebrated Jubilees in Auburn, California on September 17th, 2022. Sisters were celebrating 240 combined years of profession.  They are -  Sr. Maureen Costelloe & Sr. Grace O’Flaherty each celebrating 70 years, Sr. Sheila Browne & Sr. Clare Marie Dalton each celebrating 50 years. 


HOTIZONS on Radio Kerry Nov 6th 2022; A Cahersiveen woman who founded the Texas based order: Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate is central to the story Sr. Ann Finnerty tells on Horizons at 9 Sunday morning. Margaret Mary Healy Murphy 1833-1907.



Great Ballylongford Woman from Jer

Jer Kennelly <jer2.kennelly@gmail.com>


Attachments Mon, 3 Oct 2016, 17:44

to Mary

A new St Louis Centenarian

by Maud Murphy SSL




Thursday, June 18- 2015 was a very special day in the life of the

English Mission, as Teresa Walsh SSL celebrated her 100th birthday.

Teresa liked to remind the sisters that she was born in June 1915,

before the birth of the Irish Free State. She grew up in

Ballylongford, Co Kerry, and after her secondary school years in

Monaghan, she entered religious life there. Sr Brenda, as she was

known as then, was missioned to Yarmouth in 1939 just as World War II

was breaking out. The following year, she accompanied the school

children to Retford where they were sheltered during the war years.

Soon after that, she went to Notre Dame College in Glasgow where she

did her teacher training. She spent short periods in Newcastle, Co

Down, and also in Bury St Edmund’s, but Great Yarmouth was her home

for most of her teaching life. She is fondly remembered there by

parents and past pupils, and many keep in touch with her right up to

the present day.


Teresa has lived a very full life. She loved to write and travel and

see the world and she visited places as far away as Alaska, the Holy

Land and Oberammergau. She was always very close to her family of

origin and they treasure her and love her dearly. Her early retirement

days were spent in Yarmouth, but in 2006 she moved to Newmarket

Convent as she needed extra care. Just a few months ago, she moved

into Kentford Manor Nursing Home, a few miles outside Newmarket, and

it was there she celebrated her big day.


The Staff of the Nursing Home pulled out all the stops and welcomed

the guests with open arms. There were 40 of us at the celebration,

including St Louis Sisters, the Walsh family and staff from Newmarket

Convent who had cared for Teresa until recently. Teresa looked radiant

- Roisín Hannaway SSL made sure of that - and while she seemed a bit

mystified at times, she smiled and seemed at peace with all the fuss.

Some of the more touching moments included: Fr Simon kneeling down at

her side during Mass and speaking to her tenderly for the homily;

opening the very colourful birthday card from the Queen; and the

letter and Centenarian Bounty (£1800 sterling) from the President of

Ireland. We Irish were so proud! The staff served up dinner, Teresa

blew out her candles, and we had birthday cake washed down with


Soon it was time for us to go. But we have so many happy memories of a

very special person on an extra special day. Let us thank God for

Teresa and may her remaining time on this earth be happy and peaceful.


Safari in Sudan

Jer Kennelly <jer2.kennelly@gmail.com>


Wed, 11 Jan 2017, 16:42


to Eileen

Night time in the wilderness

  Posted on August 18, 2015 By helenacodyre


There are many things I enjoy about Africa but  I am both terrified of

and thrilled by night time. Terrified because there are all kinds of

nasties that come to life at night time; scorpions, mosquitoes,

snakes, big hairy spiders. But I am thrilled by it because it is

beautiful. It’s so dark that sometimes I’m not sure whether my eyes

are open or closed. Sometimes the moon shines so brightly casting a

glow on the world that makes it feel as though it has been snowing.

The sky is so full of stars. More stars than I have ever seen. And the

Milky Way!! It’s almost as if the universe is rewarding your courage

for being outside after the sun sets with the most spectacular show.


And the sun sets! Gosh, each one seems to be more beautiful than the

last. Again, the universe rewards your fortitude in getting through a

day of punishing heat by putting on a light show which can’t be

compared to anything man is capable of producing with fireworks and

gunpowder. That burning orange casts a glow on the world and turns

trees and anthills into silhouettes.


One of the things that I am enjoying most about this trip is the

nighttime visits to the villages for prayers or mass.


This was something we did not do in Narus. The villages are all very

long drives from the main town of Narus so it was not practical to go

out there at night time. Here in Riwoto, we are in the heart of

Toposaland and the villages are accessible.


Night time too is a good time to get people. The villagers have

finished their work for the day. The men have been tending their

animals. The women have been cultivating their crops of sourghum,

caring for the children, bringing water from the borehole, cooking,

cutting wood or making charcoal or brewing beer to sell in the

villages. Now that the work is done they have time to come and pray in

the darkness.

We drive out after dinner, sometimes the village is over an hours

drive away. We are always joined by some of the Toposa speaking

teachers. Tim goes armed with his iPad and portable projector. He

shows pictures of that weeks Gospel story and speaks about it in their

native Toposa language. While I still don’t understand the language I

am now able to pick out words and phrases. It always makes me smile

when I hear Fr. Tim speak Toposa with a thick Kerry accent!


The meetings take place just outside the boundary wall of the village.

Each village has a meeting place which is essentially some logs

arranged in a circle. Sometimes the people bring firewood and light a

fire. Although, I’m not convinced it’s needed…at nighttime it’s still

warm here.


We are often joined by over 200 villagers. I suppose we’re the only

show in town. We always have teachers from our school too who speak to

the people about why it is so important to send their children to

school. Most Toposa cannot read or write and very few pursue and

education. Part of the challenge here is to express just how important

that education is.


On one night, there may have been almost 300 people. We talked about

education and not one single person in the group was now going or had

gone to school. I found this particularly hard to deal with but it was

made worse when one man said “if we send our children to school who

will take care of the cattle”.


If I had known what was going on at the time I would have retorted

with questions about what would happen if the cattle became diseased

or if trouble broke out and their cattle were stolen or killed.




HISTORY: Durrushistory Aug 2 2022


1939 Compulsory Purchase Order for Labourers Cottages, Bantry, Castletownbere, Clonakilty, Dunmanway, Schull, Skibbereen




Conditions for housing for labourers wee appalling.


Eldon Potter, (1836-1906).  A Sterling Irishman', Skibbereen Eagle, An Eye on the Tsar.   Sir John Gorst, M.P., Royal  Commissioner on Labour,   Aughadown, 1891


Eldon Potter, (1836-1906). businessman, editor and later owner of the paper commonly called the Skibbereen Eagle.  In 1891 he hosted Sir John Gorst in a historic  fact finding mission to West Cork and reported extensively.  There are harrowing descriptions of distress, absolute poverty and hopefulness.  In a sense for the poorer classes the ripple effect of the Famine lingered well into the 1890s with periodic partial crop failure agricultural depression.  It was not confined to just Catholics there  were many poor Protestants  in the districts west of Skibbereen.


Conversely post famine there was significant consolidation of farms holdings,  the commercial development of the towns.  This is a reflection in the rising number of readers of the Skibbereen Eagle and  the range of advertising of goods and services.


Potter was fiercely independent. Perhaps a legacy of his father being a United irishman.  A Patriot in Jonathan Swift's description as one who grew 2 blades of grass where 1 grew before.  His enormous funeral is a testament to the respect he commanded from all walks of life regardless of politics or religion.


. https://wordpress.com/post/durrushistory.com/39127



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Kerryman Newspaper






Early history of ‘The Wolfe Tones’ celebrated in Tralee


The Wolfe Tones: Tommy Byrne, Noel Nagle and Brian Warfield, pictured on Monday at the unveiling of a plaque to honour a gig that they played there back in 1965 at what was then the 'Derry O'Rourke' Tavern but which is now the Castle Off License. Photo by Joe Hanley.


The 1965 Rose of Tralee Therese Gillespie who had the honour of unveiling a plaque to honour the Wolfe Tones who played what was then Derry O'Rourkes Tavern and what is now the Castle Off License. From l-r: Johnny Wall (Mayor of Tralee), Therese Gillespie (1965 Rose of Tralee), Tommy Byrne, Noel Nagle and Brian Warfield (Wolfe Tones) and Eddie Barret (organiser and owner of Castle Off License). Photo by Joe Hanley


The plaque that was unveiled at the Castle Off License on Castle St in Tralee on Monday.


The Wolfe Tones: Tommy Byrne, Noel Nagle and Brian Warfield, pictured on Monday at the unveiling of a plaque to honour a gig that they played there back in 1965 at what was then the 'Derry O'Rourke' Tavern but which is now the Castle Off License. Photo by Joe Hanley.


Kerryman Fergus Dennehy


October 27 2021 06:00 AM


Very soon into what would go onto be a very long career for the band, ‘The Wolf Tones’ performed right here in Kerry in the mid 1960’s as part of the ‘Rose of Tralee’ festival.




It was an appearance that would help to kick start the career of this legendary band and now, thanks to the efforts of locals – lead amongst them, Eddie Barrett – this little bit of history has been etched in stone into outside the building where they performed all those years ago.


The band have long acknowledged the Rose festival as the starting point for their illustrious career and repaid that in spades over the years by returning multiple times to perform there. Their first and arguably most famous show though was performed in what was back then known as the ’Derry O’Rourke’ Tavern and which is now the Castle Off-License on Castle Street.




Back then, the four person band – made up of Brian Warfield, Noel Nagle, Liam Courtney (he was replaced by Tommy Bryne in November of 1964) and Brian’s brother Derek – were light years away from what they would go onto become and so had to make do by sleeping in two two-man tents in Derry’s back garden in Ballyard.




Eddie Barrett, whose family have owned and run the popular off license since 2005, helped on Monday afternoon – along with the band themselves and the 1965 Rose of Tralee winner, Therese Collins (née Gillespie) – to unveil a plaque commemorating the band's famous gig there.


Speaking to The Kerryman about the unveiling, Eddie said that he was just wanted to help celebrate a little bit of local history.


"We discovered through the grapevine and going through the records of the bar and through chatting to the O'Rourke family that ‘The Wolfe Tones’ had won their first prize there back in ‘65 I think it was and then they set out on the road to being a professional group after that and the rest, as they say, is history,” said Eddie.


“The lads were only about 17 or 18 at the time. They had more or less come together out of school, playing together and singing their few ballads and all that. They were taking part in this ‘Festival of Kerry’ folk group competition and they won the whole thing and this competition, it generated a huge amount of money in those days, £250 pounds for the winner and that’d have been worth about £10,000 today so that was huge for them to win that,” he continued.




"We’ve been wanting to do something for the last few years but with COVID and everything, we couldn't. They played at the INEC on Sunday so today was the first opportunity they’ve had to to come to Tralee. There are three of the original four still in the band and obviously it was a huge memory for them at the time because it was the kick start that they got. This is a real piece of Tralee history that we want to celebrate,” he finished.














One of the world’s busiest cities paused briefly to allow a Kerryman tend to his flock.




Dan Tim O’Sullivan, from Gleesk in Kells, Co Kerry, was granted the Freedom of London in 2019 and toasted the honour by herding sheep through the UK metropolis.




The founder of the Danny Sullivan Group, which employs over 1,500 people, he was awarded the prestigious honour to recognise his success as a businessman and the charitable works he has undertaken in the city.




The honour allows him certain benefits, one of which is the right to shuttle sheep over the River Thames on London Bridge.




However, due in part to the traffic chaos that would ensue should London Bridge be shut down, the lesser-known Southwark Bridge, has become the stand-in crossing.




Mr O’Sullivan was one of a number of freemen to take part in the celebration yesterday.




The tradition stems from medieval times when sheep farmers drove their sheep across the Thames to sell them at market.




Those who held the title of Freemen of the City were allowed to cross the bridge without having to pay the toll.




The practice died out, likely long before the car took over the city's streets, but was revived again in 2013 when the Worshipful Company of Woolmen arranged the first official Sheep Drive for freemen of the city.




The event became a popular one and has continued since then, raising funds for the Woolmen’s Charitable Trust and the Lord Mayor’s Appeal.




Speaking on Radio Kerry, Mr O’Sullivan said he was delighted the event was revived.




“My family, my friends on both sides of the sea, a lot of them came over for it, my cousins are back from America,” he said, adding that a party was planned for after.












CONEY ISLAND — Irish eyes are smiling again!




After the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to go virtual last year, the Great Irish Fair was back live on Sept. 25, with all of the music, dancing, and good times that have been associated with the event over the years.




The 40th Annual Great Irish Fair, celebrating the cultural and religious traditions the Irish brought to the U.S., took place at the Ford Amphitheater in Coney Island from morning to night. The fair is sponsored by the Irish American Building Society.




Andy Cooney and His Band started off the music portion of the day with Celtic-flavored tunes that had the audience tapping their feet.




And there were lots of performances by Irish step dancers, like the Buckley School of Irish Dance, whose timing and precision impressed everyone who watched them.




Fourteen Irish-Americans who have worked to improve the lives of others were honored at an awards ceremony at the fair.




Caroline Ingram, a Rockville Centre teen named the fair’s Colleen Queen, said she was honored to be included in this year’s group of awardees. “They’re all amazing. They inspire me to do better,” she said.




In addition to Ingram, the winners were: Kevin Cummings (Chief Brehon), Dick Brennan (Celtic Cross Award), Maura Coughlin (Al O’Hagan Award), Derek Warfield (Bard of the Fair), Brendan Leavy (Thomas Cuite Memorial Award), Martin P. Dunne (Paul O’Dwyer Memorial Award), Brenda Malley McCabe (Katherine Slattery Woman of the Year), James J. Wrynn (St. Thomas More Award), Father Brian P. Dowd (Father Michael O.F.M. Memorial Award), FDNY Battalion Chief Lenard Phelan (Captain Timothy Stackpole Memorial Award), N.Y.P.D. Inspector Megan O’Malley (Patrolman Edward Byrne Memorial Award), Kevin Browne (Firefighter Thomas Phelan Memorial Award) and Frank DeRosa (Bishop Joseph Sullivan Memorial Award).




Like Ingram, O’Malley was moved by her fellow honorees. “I think they inspire me to speak out about my Irish heritage,” she said.




The day began with a morning Mass celebrated by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, who praised the Irish for their contributions to the Catholic Church in America.




“It’s nice that the Great Irish Fair is back after COVID,” he said prior to Mass. “It’s a wonderful event, and it raises money for Catholic education. That’s important.”




Father Christopher Heanue, director of the Irish Apostolate for the Diocese of Brooklyn, described fond memories of going to the Great Irish Fair when he was a child. “It was always a lot of fun.”




The Great Irish Fair was founded by the late Al O’Hagan, an Irish-American community leader who served as a government liaison for Brooklyn Union Gas for 35 years. The first fair was held in an area near the Brooklyn Bridge. The event moved to Coney Island several years ago.










The Great Irish Fair 2021


September 21, 2021




New York City’s largest, longest-running and most popular Irish music festival — the Great Irish Fair of New York — is returning live and in person on Sept. 25.




After the pandemic led to a virtual version last year, the 40th Annual Fair will once again ensure the end-of-summer tradition is carried on under new norms. However, given the success of last year’s virtual format, this year’s Great Irish Fair will also be livestreamed on Facebook to a global audience.






The Presbytery, Abbeydorney, (066 7135146)




22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 29th August 2021.


Dear Parishioner, 


                              If you, like me, are a fan of the Nationwide programme on RTE


1, you may have seen last Wednesday’s broadcast.  Up to that time, I had never


heard of a Clare born nun, Sr. Ethel Normoyle, a member of the Little Company


of Mary since 1963, who went to work as a missionary in South Africa in 1972. 


The  programme  made  by  a  fellow  Clare-born  person,  Colm  Flynn,  had  been


broadcast, shortly after it was recorded in 2013.  As I watched the programme,


I saw that Sr. Ethel was total absorbed in her work of caring for a section  of the


South African population that were totally neglected and living in terrible slum


conditions.  One of the unusual features of the Nationwide programme was that


Sr. Ethel, who did not wish to be in the limelight was shown meeting the late


Mother  Teresa  and  being  praised  by  Queen  Elizabeth  during  a  visit  to  South 


Africa.  She got many awards for her work with the poorest of the poor.


                               After  watching  Nationwide,  I  decided  to  check  the  internet


and  found  quite  a  lot  written  about  Sr.  Ethel  in  the  Clare  newspapers   The


‘Clare Champion’  and  ‘Clare Echo.’  I learned that ‘Not  long  after  arriving  in


South  Africa,  Sr.  Ethel  was  subjected  to  an  attempted  kidnapping  during  the


Apartheid years.  This incident strengthened her thirst for justice and led her to


opposing racial discrimination in the country.’    In  another  interview,  she  re-


called that incident.  “I did not expect the cruelty that I was faced with.  I was


threatened,  spat  on,  arrested  and  stabbed.    The  attempted  kidnapping  was


what frightened me most, as when I could close the door in the morning, I had


a fear that I would not return.”  Sr. Ethel had a clear memory of the day in 1994,


when “our beloved Nelson Mandela, took the presidential oath in parliament. 


I jumped from my chair, as I watched it on TV and I said to myself ‘this is a point


of reference that we’ll never go back to where we’ve come from.  It was worth


fighting for.’” 


After receiving a lung cancer diagnosis earlier this year, Sr. Ethel returned to her


native County Clare and died on Monday 16th August last.  At a time, when we


are almost ‘drowning’ in a sea of bad news, it is good to hear about ‘one of our


own, who brought happiness and joy to a multitude of people far from her na-


tive home and who had been a reluctant missionary, when she was appointed


to South Africa many years ago.  (Fr. Denis O’Mahony)






Marie Moloney passed away on July 4 2021. Here her dear friend from her schooldays in Listowel kindly consented to write an tribute to her for Listowel Connection.




Marie (Moloney) Martin




It was such a shock to hear of the unexpected death of my lovely friend Marie Moloney (Martin) on Sunday 4th July.  We had been friends since we started in Babies class in Presentation with Sr. Frances.




Marie had many friends of course through her life and I was lucky to be one of them. What fun we had during our childhood years playing ‘shops’ and ‘housies’ in her home in Gurtinard.  We spent many a carefree day in the fields around the house and in the Square with Brenda Dillon and Berenice Mulcahy.




All through the years since then we have dipped in and out of each others’ lives in one way or another.  Marie, as well as being a very glamorous girl was also a creative and imaginative stylist as well as having a great singing voice.  But most important of all, like her sister Kay and her late brother Jimmy, she had a very warm engaging personality and had a great Listowel sense of humour.




Having qualified as PE Instructor in Sion Hill, she emigrated to England in her twenties to join British Airways as an Air Hostess.  Later her good friend Kathy Corridan (Market St) joined her at BEA’s sister airline BOAC.   Kathy died prematurely seventeen years ago.   For the past thirty or more years, even though we seldom met, due to geographic and family commitments, we corresponded every Christmas.  I looked forward to her long newsy letters and she did likewise to mine, particularly if I referred to people by the ‘nicknames’ we had given them in a good natured way, long ago. Not very P.C. now!




Marie had a very happy and exciting life with her husband Geoff, who as a judge. He  had assignments in Tonga, St. Helena & The Turks & Caicos Islands.  Earlier Marie lived in Hong Kong where she met with another of our childhood friends – the late John Keane (Church St), who was then in the Hong Kong Police. John was the brother of Nora Keane Moriarty.




Marie is survived by her husband Geoff, her daughters Mair & Léan, her grandchildren Joseph, James, Evie, Tom  and her sister Kay.




Until we meet again Marie, Slán agus Beannacht. 




I will always cherish your memory.






From Listowel Connection.




Most of our sites are built to appeal to search engines by using best-practices coding methods. We focus on simplicity and usability in our interaction design. We custom build front- and back-ends so that our websites are simple to update and manage in the future as your company grows.












This is the first photo I posted on Listowel Connection.




Here is how I stated my aim for the blog;




"What I intend to do with this blog is to post news from Listowel along with some of my photos and every now and again to post some old stories, anecdotes and anything else I find interesting. "




Nothing much has changed in the ten  years.




From the start I have  written the posts using Google Blogger. This is a very simple to use free blogging tool and it has served me well for 10 years.




If you so wish, each new post is delivered to your email inbox by another free service from Google called Google FeedBurner.




Now you and I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. I expected that Google would eventually charge for hosting the blog and emailing it to subscribers. I was wrong.




Hosting on Blogger is still free but instead of charging for the FeedBurner service they have decided to discontinue it. From next month, June 2021, people who used to get the Listowel Connection email every morning from Google Feedburner will no longer do so.




This development made me rethink things. I felt it was a time to put the blog on a more secure footing, one where the rug couldn't be pulled at short notice.








I remembered a lovely young man who had approached me once during Writers' Week a good few years ago. He told me that he thought what I was doing was a valuable service. He asked me if I had backed up the material. I hadn't. He told me that if I ever wanted help archiving the material from the site or if there was any other way he could help me, he would.




Who was this knight in shining armour?




He is Alan Groarke, formerly of Moyvane and now of Denver, Colerado. Alan has his own internet company




For more than 7,000 years the island was inhabited by people of the Stone Age. Very little is known about them although they did leave behind a few clues which has enabled historians and archaeologists to offer us a glimpse of who they were and how they lived.






Random Scottish History


Pre-1900 Book Collection of Scottish Literature, History, Art & Folklore.






Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal; Sketches of Superstitions, Saturday, March 13, 1841, pp.63-64.


4d ago [Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal Contents]




Dick Fitzgerald was sitting one morning by the side of the sea, smoking his pipe, quite lonesome, and thinking to himself that a man without a wife was, after all, like a bottle without a drop of drink in it, or the left leg of a pair of scissors, or any thing not complete; when lo! he saw a beautiful young creature, combing her long sea-green hair, upon the ocean-sands. Beside her lay a little cap, the cohuleen-driuth. Dick knew what was what, and seized the cap, knowing that he was then sure of her. When the merrow saw this, she fell a-crying, and very salt, no doubt, were the tears she shed. “Don’t cry, my darling,” said Dick; but, as she cried the more, he thought she did not comprehend him, and tried the universal language, which all women, fish or no fish, understand. He took and squeezed her hand, which was a very pretty hand, only a little webbed between the fingers. The merrow was wonderfully pacified, and ceased whining at once. But she had yet doubts. “Man,” said she, looking up in Dick’s face, “man,” says she, “will you eat me?” “By all the check aprons between Dingle and Tralee,” cried Dick, amazed, “I’d as soon eat myself! Ah! some ugly thief of a fish put that in your head.” “Man,” says the merrow again, “what will you do with me, if you won’t eat me?” The neat way she called him “man” settled the matter entirely. “Fish,” returned he, trying to speak short like her, “fish, here’s my word for you, this blessed morning, that I’ll make you Mrs Fitzgerald, before all the world.” “Never say the word twice,” says the merrow; “I’m yours, Mister Fitzgerald. Just stop till I twist up my hair.”







Brian specialised in the heyday of the canals between 1825 and 1850,




Spanish flu vs COVID-19: An Australian perspective of a pandemic | Australian Story





Any member of IrelandXO.com can add a building or landmark to the XO Chronicles. This video will show you exactly how to create and individual entry for any Building in Ireland, located within the Civil Parish where it was once, or still is, located.




Hello there from Edmonton, Canada!; My 2xgreat grandfather was Joseph Haire from Bryanlitter Townland, near Clontibret. He was born about 1835 to Thomas Haire and Margaret Kirker (or Kirkend, from Keady) and migrated to New York, circa 1860, where he worked in the Colgate Soap Factory for a period of time before migrating to Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Canada.  There, he met and married Martha Hume. They eventually moved to Edmonton Alberta. He lived to be 105, and was, at the time of his death in 1941, the oldest man in Canada.  He took his first plane ride at the age of 103!






Place of migration:


Migrated to/Born in USA




Nellie Cashman was born into the Irish Famine in Middleton, County Cork in 1845. When she was five years old, her family left in search of a better life in America. They first settled in Boston, later moving to Washington D.C. Nellie's early career was in the hotel industry. She worked as a bell hop and lift operator.




In 1874, Nellie moved north to the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush. There she used her hotel experience and established a boarding house for miners. As she was a devout Catholic, Nellie requested that her lodgers make donations to charity in lieu of rent payments. These donations went to the construction of a hospital. During her time in the Yukon, a terrible snowstorm resulted in as many as 77 miners becoming trapped in the mountains. Nellie ignored the advice of the Canadian Army and gathered a search party who set off to find the trapped men, armed with food and vitamin C. Her venture was successful and she managed to nurse then men back to health and bring them home safely. Her daring efforts earned her the name, 'The Angel of the Mining Camps'.




In 1877, Nellie relocated again, this time to Tombstone, Arizona. There she opened another boarding house as well as a restaurant. In 1884 her sister Fanny died of TB, leaving her children orphaned. Nellie took up the mantel of foster parent and raised her nieces and nephews as her own.




Nellie spent a number of years following gold rushes across the United States and Canada, eventually settling in Nolan Creek, Alaska.




In 1925, Nellie's health deteriorated. She was admitted to hospital in Victoria, British Columbia where she died shortly after.




A monument has been erected in her honour in her native Middleton.






Any member of IrelandXO.com can add an ancestor, or person of historical interest, to the XO Chronicles. This video will show you exactly how to add a person to their Irish place of origin by creating a Chronicle page for them. It includes:




Trip to Ireland, Scotland, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Kathleen Kennedy, others, 1937: July-August










First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy visits the Pontifical North American College (also known as American College of the Roman Catholic Church of the United States) in Rome, Italy. Mrs. Kennedy is accompanied by the Rector, Monsignor Martin J. O'Connor




Danny Houlihan is a native of Ballybunion, Co. Kerry. He learned to play the bag pipes from the famous piper Jimmy Fitzgerald of Main Street, Ballybunion.




















Kerryman of the Year




 by Noel Roche of Chicago and Listowel




To my brother, Tom, who makes me proud




He was born in 1945 on the third day of July


Another child for Dick and Madge, a little baby boy.


Rumour has it he was late, they thought he wouldn’t come at all.


When he finally did come out, he was soloing a ball.


Just like all the other boys, he always loved to play.


It seemed he was a natural when it came to GAA.


His heroes were the Kerry teams, those men so big and bold.


His dreams were that someday he would wear the green and gold.


And wear the green and gold he did in 1963.


He won an All Ireland medal and became a hero to me.


Soon he moved to England and left Kerry behind.


“Twas his body that left Kerry, Kerry would not leave his mind.


Tom can talk of anything under the heavenly sky


But when he talks of Kerry he has a twinkle in his eye.


If you want Tom to help, all you have to do


Is throw in the word Kerry and he will be there for you.


How much does he love Kerry?  To him its not a game


Tom has got a daughter and Kerry is her name.


And now I’m here tonight to cheer


As they name my brother Tom, Kerryman of the Year.


There is no better man and I will tell you why


When it comes to Kerry, Tom is do or die.


And if you cut him open this sight you would behold


There is no red inside his veins. His blood runs green and gold.


Ellen Ellen O'Keefe 1856


Askeaton  County Limerick Kilconry County Clare






Ellen O'KEEFFE  was born about 14 Jul 1856 in Askeaton, Limerick, Ireland. She died1  on 03 Dec 1938 in Young NSW. She was buried on 04 Dec 1938 in Murringo NSW.






Ellen arrived in Australia on board the "Earl Dalhousie" 15 Feb 1876.




Following Irish naming pattern Ellen should have been named after father's mother but this would have had another Mary as eldest daughter is named after the mother's mother, also Mary.




Ellen was born in Limerick, Ireland, on the banks of the Shannon and migrated to Australia with her family on board the sailing ship "Earl Dalhousie" on 15th February 1876,  (Travelling on the same ship was young Jim McInerney, from County Clare - Incorrect family myth, James arrived in Sydney on 24 July 1875. Ellen and James must have known each other in Ireland as their older siblings married in Ireland in Feb 1875) and four months after arriving in Australia (he) James and Ellen were married at Morpeth by the late Rev. Father Corcoran.




Ellen O'Keefe McInerney After marriage the town of Young became the destination of the couple and as the train journey finished at Gunning, for in those days the train went no further, a horse and dray was secured and the newly married couple set out for the Black Range.  They first selected a small property which they named " Belowra" but after a short residence there they left Belowra and moved closed to Murringo to "Mount View".  Gradually a home was built, but in 1901 the fruits of years were swept clean away in a disastrous bush fire.  Six weeks later Jim McInerney at the age of 47 years died as a result of appendicitis, the remedy for which was then not known - leaving his wife Ellen and ten young children. Ellen McInerney fought her way through her difficulties and reared her family.  The was no Government help in those days, but "Mothers" trust in God was well founded.




Ellen died aged 85 years at her Campbell Street residence on Saturday night after a short illness.




Mass for the Repose of the Soul was said at St. Marys Church on Sunday morning, after which the body was conveyed to the St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church at Murringo.  The funeral took place after service at 3pm on Sunday.  Mourners from Murringo, Young and surrounding districts formed one of the largest corteges seen at Murringo for many years.  She is survived by a family of two sons and six daughters.  The sons are James (Young), Patrick (Murringo); daughters Ellen (Cass- Gilgandra), Mary (Dargan-Woollahra), Anne (Coombs- Bondi Beach), Margaret (Ryan- Young), Johannah, Sister Margaret Mary (Wellington New Zealand, and Eleanor McInerney (Young).  Two daughters, Catherine (O'Connor- Murringo) and Bridget (Quinnell- Adelong) are deceased.








    With the passing of Mrs.Ellen McInerney, Young has lost one of brave women who took an active part in blazing the trail of the early settlements, and from whom sprang a race that is to-day building up a great nation, a race whose finest heritage is the spirit which animated the pioneers of the bush, enabling them to overcome all difficulties.




Extract from "Young Chronicle" Burrows News, Friday 21st July 1933




    Mrs.Ellen McInerney, of Murringo, attained her 80th Birthday on Sunday (last week).  The event was celebrated by her children and grandchildren, at her residence. Practically all were present and she was given a right royal time. The general sentiment expressed was thus - "The world is full of mothers, of mothers good and true; but better than all others, the one I love just YOU.




    Nothing delights the heart of Mrs.Mcinerney more than an occasion of this kind, when the family congregates to do honour to a mother who has proven her worth. They all remember the old days, when one or the other of the family required a new pair of boots, or a hat, or frock, when mother came to town. The business always went to Whiteman's. Yes mother only knew one store, no matter what the price, and that was Whiteman, our genial "G.S." who is still going strong.




    THE EXCITEMENT  There was always an argument as to who was to go to town with mother and what preparation! The old spring cart was taken to the dam, and will watered to make sure the tyres would not come off on the journey, and then "Darky; we all knew "Darky", the horse, a descendant of the brumby named "Dollie". All the kids learned to ride on "Dollie" but "Darky" was the outlaw of "Dollie's" family.




    When the morning came for the eventful trip to Young, it was nothing to see all the neighbours, all the household, and "Scot" the dog out to catch "Darky".  He was a real terror.  He had a chain on his leg, too, but "Darky" ignored the bashing of the chain and careered around the 53 acres in fine style ignoring all and sundry.   However, he was usually caught about 5 o'clock in the morning and then mother was two hours late and almost in tears.  There were the turkeys for some hotel to deliver and the wheat to get gristed at the mill and there were a pair of fowls for Sep Watt she promised to send in last week and then right at the finish, when "Darky" was harnessed to the old spring cart, it was found old "Daisy" wouldn't let one of the family milk her, so mother had to waste another quarted of an hour and do the job herself.




    Nothing went right when mother was away,  The turkeys got boxed, with Ground's or O'Connor's and the only way out then was to leave them to roost the night together, when they would return to their respective destinations. But we must get back to "Darky".  He'd go well till he struck the Wambanumba Hill and then he would jib and rear up in the spring cart.  How well we all remember the occasion when "Darky" upset the whole of the produce destined for Young.  There was a general mix-up of turkeys, fowls, ducks, wheat and butter all scattered on the road in front of Morgan's Hotel.  Then "Darky" backed and the vehicle ran over the pair of turkeys sold to Dan Garry, of the Great Eastern Hotel, but Dan was a sport and accepted the explanation.




    Then after all the shopping was finished, the boots for Pat, the hat with "H.M.A.S." on the front for Jim, the shoes for Lena and then the white frock for Josie, who had to take part in a concert in Murringo.  No Josie (Johannah now S.M.Mary of Wellington, N.Z.) was never forgotten.  Mother thought the world of her and she always got something better than the others.




    About dusk all hands waited for the sounds of the squawking wheels of the old spring cart, with "Darky" and the 7lb tin of Milaquin's treacle, with the blackfellows photo on it and the sausages. There was always disappointment if Mother went to town on a Thursday because we couldn't eat the sausages on Friday.  Oh no! Mother saw to that and that particular night "Darky" had a right royal feed of bran and chaff. Mother was always forgiving.




NOTE: James and Ellen were the GGP of Peter Quinnell, their daughter, Bridget was his GM, who married John Quinnell.




Ellen married2  James MCINERNEY  son of Patrick MCINERNEY and Bridget O'DEA in 1876 in Morphet,  NSW. James was born about 1853 in County Clare, Ireland. He was christened in 1853 in St John Church, Cratloe, County Clare, Ireland. He died3  on 10 Feb 1901 in Murringo NSW. He was buried in Murringo, NSW.




Peter Quinnell's Great Grandfather Immigration: Arrived in Colony on the vessel SURREY (Surry) sailing from Plymouth and arriving in Sydney on 24 July 1875.




Ship’s Log Details as transcribed:




Name: James McInerny       Age: 25




Calling: Labourer                  




Native Place: County Clare,




Parents Names and if still alive: Bridget, Clare.




Religion: R.C.          




Read or Write: Both




Relative in Colony: Brother John, Corowa.




Deposit Journal Entry: Depositor for James was his brother, PATRICK McINERNEY who also sponsored MARGARET SULLIVAN (believed to be another sister of Patrick Snr.) at the same time.




James's brother, Thomas, married  Ellen's sister, Mary Ann O'Keeffe in Ireland before he migrated to NSW, in 1875. It was incorrectly stated in family lore that James & Ellen met on the ship going to Morphet in 1876.




James McInerney and Ellen O'Keefe had the following children:




    Catherine MCINERNEY  was born on 31 Oct 1877. She died on 23 Aug 1913.




    Bridget MCINERNEY  was born on 19 Sep 1879. She died on 09 Feb 1936.




    Ellen MCINERNEY  was born on 07 Aug 1881. She died on 29 Jun 1954.




    Mary F MCINERNEY  was born on 19 Sep 1883. She died on 14 Feb 1959.




    Anne MCINERNEY  was born on 08 Jun 1885. She died on 20 Jan 1962.




    Margaret J MCINERNEY  was born on 07 May 1887. She died on 20 Oct 1960.




    Patrick MCINERNEY  was born4  on 16 Mar 1889 in Murringo, Young, NSW. He died on 31 Jul 1946 in Murringo, NSW. He was buried in Murringo.




    James MCINERNEY  was born on 27 Jan 1892. He died on 10 Jan 1952.




    Johannah MCINERNEY  was born5  on 14 Jan 1894 in Murringo, Young, NSW. She was christened on 04 Feb 1894 in Murringo, NSW. She died on 05 May 1970 in Wellington,NZ. She was buried in Karori, Wellington NZ. PROFESSION: Sister Margaret Mary of the Little Company of Mary, Christchurch New Zealand




    Eleanor (Lena) MCINERNEY  was born6  on 13 Mar 1897 in Murringo, Young, NSW. She died7  on 14 May 1963 in Sydney. She was buried in Murringo.




This Chronicle has been adapted from "Where Irish settled in Australia".


ST Patrick http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11554a.htm




MARCONI: On Tuesday the 19th of March Princess Elettra Giovanelli, daughter of Marconi and her son Prince Gugielmo Marconi will visit the former site of the Marconi Radio Station on the 100 year anniversary of the first spoken word from East to West from the Radio Station to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Canada. In the afternoon they will unveil a commemorative plaque to this historic occasion in Ballybunion.


On March 19, 1919 Guglielmo Marconi made the first radio wireless voice transmission across the Atlantic. And he did it from Ballybunion. 100 years later, there is a commemoration of this historic event in the Irish College, Ballybunion. If you have ever used a radio, then you are enjoying the work of this man. Mark the date: March 19, time 9.30 - 1500


Events include presentations, demonstrations exhibitions , as well as the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the event, by Prince Marconi (Guglielmo's grandson). The presence of the Marconi family is a great boon.


The Irish Coast Guard rescue helicopter is expected to drop in for photos too!












North Kerry Word press






Our family has had a long and strong association with St Ignatius Church. My grandparents married there, as did my parents; my sister’s and my weddings were held there too, along with numerous family baptisms and funerals. Collectively, we have always held the Jesuit order in high regard.




Vale, Anders Ahlqvist


Oct 6, 2018


Val Noone, a scholar of Irish-Australian history and culture, circulated the following email to a  group of friends.




Professor Anders Ahlquist


Greetings. Some of you will already know, others not. Our much respected friend and colleague Anders Ahlqvist died suddenly in Finland on Friday 24 August 2018, aged 73. He is survived by his wife Judith and their son, Jacob.




Pamela O’Neill has written an excellent tribute to Anders for Tinteán (6 September), and there will doubtless be international contributions honouring his legacy. The following paragraphs are a small personal tribute from Melbourne.




New post on My Kerry Ancestors








Kerry Ancestors – Conflicting Info or Fake News?


by Kay Caball




'Fake News' , 'alternative facts', conflicting genealogical evidence, whatever title you use,  how do you apply it when researching your Kerry ancestors?   In other words, what 'facts' can you believe in?  


Mendelsohn has performed searches on


When you do genealogy, you’re constantly confronted with the reality of our immigrant past,” Mendelsohn told JTA. “It appears from some of the attitudes and stances that people are taking publicly that they’re forgetting that.”




In Miller’s case, Mendelsohn tracked down his great-grandmother’s line item in the 1910 census. The entry noted that four years after arriving in the United States, she spoke only Yiddish, not English.




Mendelsohn has performed similar searches for the immigrant forbears of a handful of President Donald Trump’s advisers and supporters, seeking hard data to support the idea that America is a nation of immigrants. She’s found out about Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s great-great-grandfather, conservative pundit Tomi Lahren’s great-great-grandfather (who forged his immigration papers, no less) and U.S. Rep. Steve King’s grandmother, who arrived in the United States from Germany at age 4. (“We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” the Iowa Republican tweeted in March.)




On Jan. 9, Dan Scavino, the White House director of social media, called for an end to “chain migration,” which refers to immigrants bringing their relatives to live in the United States. But Mendelsohn discovered that the practice had brought Scavino’s great-grandfather, Gildo, to the country.




“So Dan. Let’s say Victor Scavino arrives from Canelli, Italy, in 1904, then brother Hector in 1905, brother Gildo in 1912, sister Esther in 1913, & sister Clotilde and their father Giuseppe in 1916, and they live together in NY,” Mendelsohn tweeted, listing his family members. “Do you think that would count as chain migration?”




In recent days, with Congress and the White House locked in a bitter battle over a federal funding bill and the children of undocumented immigrants, Mendelsohn published her research in Politico, was interviewed on MSNBC and was cited in Breitbart News.




Miller did not respond to a JTA request for comment. But he says the reforms he’s advocating would preserve blue-collar jobs for American workers while making sure the people who arrive on America’s shores will contribute to the country.




“We want to have an immigration system that takes care of the people who are coming here and the people who are already living here by having standards, by having a real clear requirement that you should be able to support yourself financially, by making sure that employers can pay a living wage,” he said at the August news conference.




Mendelsohn, a freelance journalist from Baltimore, has been an amateur genealogist for years, mostly focusing on her own family, friends and adoptees seeking their biological parents. She calls her own family’s genealogy a “classic Eastern European Jewish immigrant story,” and disputes the idea that people need to have skills in order to be welcomed into the United States.






Paddy is going






The field work diaries of Conrad Arensberg and Solon Kimball in Clare 1930-36; stories for the present?




Dr Anne Byrne of NUI Galway will tell the story of the Harvard anthropologists Conrad Arensberg and Solon Kimball who came to Ireland in the 1930s to study rural communities in County Clare.




Writing about the Survey in 2001, Anne received a gift of five original social anthropology field work diaries. Sharing the gift again, she invites re/readings and new conversations on the unpublished diaries and archives querying their contemporary relevance.




Extracts from the diaries on farm and family life will be examined in this talk and you are invited to contribute your thoughts and ideas as we listen to the first hand observations of rural family life and farm work in Ireland in the 1930s.




The diaries and survey letters record the original voices of men, women, farm families, shopkeepers, priests, publicans and politicians with whom the anthropologists conferred. Arensberg’s diaries of his time in west Clare, namely Luogh, record the preoccupations of people, their work on the land, rearing, selling and buying cattle, conventions of marriage and inheritance, the dominance of religion and politics in conversation, the scarcity of money and the significance of ‘influence’ for procuring work.




Anne Byrne is a sociologist in NUI Galway (Political Science and Sociology) interested in how biographical stories and narratives of the past and present illuminate everyday struggles and moments of resilience in ordinary lives. With CLASP press in Clare Library, in 2001 she and Ricca Edmondson and Tony Varley, published a long essay on ‘Arensberg and Kimball and Anthropological Research in Ireland’ as part of the republication of the facsimile third edition of Family and Community in Ireland. Recent socio-biographical publications include with Colm Byrne, 2017, ‘Family Stories and Secret Keepers: Who is Maíre Bastable?’ in Sara Anne Buckley and Pat Dolan (eds) Family Histories of the Irish Revolution, Four Courts Press; 2017, ‘Epistolary research relations: correspondences in anthropological research - Arensberg, Kimball and the Harvard-Irish Survey 1930- 1936’ in O’Giollain, D. (ed), Irish Ethnologies, Notre Dame University Press; 2014, ‘Single Women in Story and Society’ In Inglis, T. (ed) Are the Irish Different? Manchester University Press; with Tanya Kovacic, 2014, ‘Those Letters Keep Me Going: tracing resilience processes in US soldier to sweet heart war correspondences, 1942-1945’ in Reid, H., and West, L., (eds) Constructing narratives of continuity and change: a transdisciplinary approach to researching learning lives, Routledge.




KDHS lectures are free to members, EUR5 for non-members. New members are welcome. The annual membership fee (July-June) is EUR20.


The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942) Thu 12 Dec 1907 Page 11


The Irish in Australia: The Story of Their Great Achievements.


By P. S, Cleary.








The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 – 1957) Fri 20 Aug 1875 Page 4


Dr. P. MOLONEY, a young practitioner, who has only recently, comparatively speaking, taken his degree, heads the poll, while two physicians of high standing and long practice, like Drs.


JAS. ROBERTSON and J. B. MOTHERWELL, occupy the second and third places respectively. We must not be understood as wishing to disparage Dr. MOLONEY, who is a gentleman of ability


and promise, with an honourable and prosperous career before him,




John J Broderick




Birth 22 NOV 1865 • Coolbeha, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland


Death 9 AUG 1939 • Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA


Parents   Michael Broderick   1829–1884,  Mary Anne Hickey  1837–1911








The Sacred Heart Review, Volume 39, Number 22, 23 May 1908




Who would have thought, writes Dr. J. C. McWalter in the Dublin Leader, that, in the seventeenth century, a Catholic Kerryman could have become a Professor at Oxford and Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and Chief Physician to the King of Poland  Yet, this is the true romantic history of Bernard Connor (1666-1698), as told in the lately published and fascinating history of Dr. John Knott—himself one of the few survivors of that series of scholarly physicians who made the Dublin school famous. Now, that the question of Universities is in the air, it is of added interest to hear the sympathetic account of a cultured Protestant like Dr. Knott of his hero, of whom he says that—" being of the Popish religion, he was not educated regularly in the grammar schools and university of that island ; nevertheless, he had all proper learning given him"; and who managed to find his way to the University of Montpellier at the age of twenty, where he passed through a brilliant medical curriculum ; thence, to Rheims, where he graduated as Doctor of Physic ; thence to Paris, where he rapidly distinguished himself in the practise of the profession of his choice; more below.






The Sacred Heart Review, Volume 43, Number 24, 4 June 1910


The Right Rev. Bishop Fallon, of the diocese of London, Ont., has lost no time in beginning the strenuous life of an ordinary of a large diocese. Bishop Fallon, like many other prelates, has made it his duty to encourage temperance, and to each candidate confirmed he gives the total abstinence pledge until the age of twenty-one years; at the same time wisely exhorting the boys to live temperate lives, as he explains to them the evils of intemperance.




The Sacred Heart Review, Volume 57, Number 13, 10 March 1917


Death of Judge Fallon March 6 1917 age 79, born Galway. (Snippet of article)


He could be very severe when the occasion demanded, as when delinquent children were brought before him. "Bring their parents into court," he would command, "I will try to deal with the parents in a way they will remember." To wife-beaters he always expressed his regret that he could not sentence them to the whipping-post, "the only punishment for men like you," he would say. Judge Fallon was a staunch Catholic, and a citizen who held the respect of all who knew him. In his closing years he still studied and read. About two years ago the Judge translated from the French of the Viscount de Melun the "Life of Sister Rosalie" of the Sisters of Charity, a story of very great interest. The Judge's own daughter, a member of the same community, died at the Mother-House, Paris, while the book was on the press. Judge Fallon is survived by two daughters, Miss Euphemia M. Fallon, and Mrs. C. M. Cavanagh, of Dorchester, Mass.












Pilot, Volume 37, Number 16, 18 April 1874


Paris, March 18, 1871. If anything were necessary to prove how lasting the love of country is in the human heart, the fact that centuries after their fathers had left their country, men of Irish descent still meet and celebrate the national fete in foreign lands which have been their homes since their birth, would remove all doubt on the subject. For the last century, at least, these dinners, though sometimes interrupted by great events, have taken place in the French capital. The one of yesterday is the last celebrated by those anciens Irlandais , and was not the least interesting of them. A few years ago the number of those present was larger; for death has swept away many of the former guests. Count O’Donnell, Councillor of State, Count August Dillon, Mr. MacCartan, Rev. Mr. O’Donnell, Rev. Mr. MacArdle, Lieut. MacDermott, etc., are no more, and war has thinned the little bataillon sacre. Age, too, and illness, or some unexpected obstacle or important business, kept a few away from their countrymen, and letters expressing regret at not being able to assist at the dinner were received from the following worthy descendants of heroic ancestors.








Pilot, Volume 37, Number II, 14 March 1874


LIMERICK. Of James Maloney, a native of Newcastle West, county Limerick, who came to this country about the year 1856 or ’57, and landed In New York; he lived In Washington street of said city. Information of him, or family, will be received by his nephew, Dennis Maloney, No. 2 Providence street, Worcester, Mass.




The Sacred Heart Review, Volume 1, Number 16, 20 April 1895


GRIFFIN: "Our Irish Letter" asks for a short sketch of Gerald Griffin, a request with which the writer is but too happy to comply. He was born in Limerick, Dec. 10, 1803, where his father had a large brewery, but the business not being a successful venture the family moved to Fairy Lawn near Glin, some thirty miles from the city of the Violated Treaty, and after a few years residence, the parents finally emigrated to America. Gerald, however, who was intended for the medical profession, remained with his brother Doctor Griffin who lived at Adare. His two sisters also remained in Ireland and in company with them he spent much of his time in rambling through the demesne of Lord Dunraven— fishing in the Magne, or watching its waters glide whisperingly along by the time-worn walls of the old castles and romantic ruins of that historic locality. Poetry was his first and greatest inspiration, (See more below)






The Sacred Heart Review, Volume 12, Number 8, 14 July 1894


FUNDS: Mr. Justin McCarthy the Irish Parliamentary Fund is rapidly swelling to respectable dimensions, so quickly indeed, as to remind one of the good old Land League days when the Irish representatives were a unit fighting for the sturdy Irish farmers against their heartless landlords and rack rents. The following list of subscriptions to the fund has been published by its trustees








100 Years of Irish Kenya Relations




I am lucky to know the chairperson of the Irish Kenya Society. He is Jack O'Regan formerly of Ballyheigue and now living, working and raising a family in Kenya.




On September 22 2017, Culture Night, Go Kerry and Jack organised a night of celebration of a very different part of our unique culture.... our reaching out to other nations and the influence Irish people have had in far flung corners of the world.






Limerick Evening Post and Clare Sentinel


1 June 1830


Distressed Weavers of Limerick


Final Report


Of the Committee for the Relief and Employment of the Weavers of the City of Limerick.


The arrangements stated in the Report published in the Post and Sentinel of the 20th ult. have been since carried into effect; and the exceptions then entertained by the Committee have, they are gratified to announce, been satisfactorily attained.








Letter from Van Dieman's Land


Freeman's Journal — 10 February 1835




The following are extracts from a letter, written nearly twelve months since, in Van Dieman's Land, and lately received by a gentleman in Kilkenny, who has been kind enough to permit us to publish them, The letter is from a man of the strictest probity:— Kilkenny Journal




"I am most happy, as an opportunity offers for London, to send you an account of this d____d country; and I hope you'll make it known to all persons who purpose to emigrate to those colonies (which you ands I were led to think were the best) that Ireland bad as it is, is better than here. —


There is neither employment for free people, or pity for the affected, the hearts of all are callous to every feeling save that of avarice. I have been from one extremity of the colony to the other, and in no part of it could I obtain anything like comfort, or do I see for any one. If it were not for a few pounds which remained to me after the expense of our voyage, &c., I should before now die of want. There is no employment for persons of any calling whatever. This country is inhabited by persons who have been transported for the last 30 years; and they have land granted them on their freedom, but their morals are quite depraved. Each person in town and country that holds property of any description are allowed prisoners to do their work, and if they do not do it, complaint is made, and they are cruelly lashed every day till they give full satisfaction to their master. I wish it was generally known in Ireland by the unfortunate and misguided portion of my countrymen, how transports are dealt with here; and I am sure they would commit no offence to subject them to transportation. I assure you in the most positive manner, it would be a greater mercy to hang them at home than send them here. I suppose you know the order of things as regards the seasons here; to-day the sun is much hotter than it is with you in June. Now is the commencement of the Autumn season— we have not had any rain since our arrival; but the weather has been very hot. The climate is very healthy, and what very extraordinary, very changeable. We never had better health. We were sixteen weeks on our voyage, an had no accident. I hope I shall some day have money enough to pay our passage from this unchristian land; for although there are Protestant, Catholic, and Methodist places of worship, very few frequent them. The country is hilly and mountainous, and I have not as yet seen any thing like a good crop of corn. The markets are as follows:—Bacon1s per pound, beef and mutton 6d per pound, Bread 10d for 4 pound, Potatoes, 3d per pound, and all other vegetables very dear. I have purchased a few acres of ground for seven years. I pay 80l. a-year for two rooms without furniture.




Respects for, &c. &c.


    Launceston, 20th Feb. 1834


© Nick Reddan 2002


Taken from Ancestry.com


Name    Birth      Death


Kenealy, Michael Sr


                1829 - County Cork, Ireland         16 August 1903 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Michael F Jr


                Aug 1859 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA             14 Jul 1915 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Muriel


                abt 1906 - Illinois               -


Kenealy, Nellie V


                Jan 1882 - Maryland        -


Kenealy, Patrick


                abt 1860               Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Patrick


                Ireland Ohio


Kenealy, Patrick


                Jan 1843 - Ireland             13 Oct 1901 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio


Kenealy, William


                Dec 1891 - Illinois              -


Kenealy, William Edward


                12 Nov 1890 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA   21 May 1976


Kenealy, William Henry


                21 Sep 1862 - Whitman, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA                14 Sep 1954 - Los Angeles


Kenealy, William J


                28 Jul 1854 - New York, USA        13 Apr 1910 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, William Joseph


                5 May 1891 - Maryland 2 Jan 1956


Kennedy, Dr. Edward A


                abt 1881 - Vermont         bef 1949 - USA


Kennedy, Ellen


                May 1826 - Ireland           20 Jun 1911 - Cook, Illinois, United States


Kennedy, Eunice V R


                abt 1917 - Massachusetts             -


Kennedy, John


                Ireland -


Kennedy, M Evona


                abt 1914 - Massachusetts             -


Kennedy, Marie Antoinette


                Abt 1918 - Great Barrington MA                abt 2001 - Wash DC


Kennedy, Mary L


                abt 1886 - Canada            -




                Kerry, Ireland    -




                abt 1780 - Kerry, Ireland                Kerry, Ireland




                Ballyegan, Ballybunion, Kerry, Ireland     Ireland


Kennelly, Anne


                18 Jul 1880 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland       -


Kennelly, Annette Grace


                27 Jul 1907 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA                 5 Jun 1986 - Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California, USA


Kennelly, Bridget


                02 May 1846 - Coolnaleen Cross Roads, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, Bridget


                30 Jul 1880 - Kerry, Ireland           -


Kennelly, Bridget


                6 Jan 1876 - Kerry, Ireland            -


Kennelly, Brigid


                1885 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland,     -


Kennelly, Catharine


                11 Nov 1872 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, Catharine


                1 May 1876 - Kerry, Ireland          -


Kennelly, Catherine


                abt 1876 - Kerry, Ireland                -


Kennelly, Catherine


                27 Sep 1874 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, Con


                abt 1850 - Greenville, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, Cornelius


                abt 1810 - Ballyegan, Ballybunion, Kerry, Ireland                Mar 1885 - Toureen, Duagh, County Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Daisy


                16 Mar 1883 - Cook, Illinois, United States             -


Kennelly, Daniel


                Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, Daniel


                abt 1809 - Kerry, Ireland                -


Kennelly, Daniel


                17 Nov 1856 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, Edmond


                1816 - Kerry, Ireland       -


Kennelly, Edmund


                -              -


Kennelly, Edward


                Oct 1875 - Illinois              -


Kennelly, Eileen


                -              -


Kennelly, Eileen


                1920 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland      15 Mar 1957 - County Cork, Ireland


Kennelly, Elizabeth


                1888 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland,     17 Nov 1981


Kennelly, Elizabeth


                abt 1835 - Duagh, Kerry, Ireland                Duagh, Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Ellen


                1887 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland,     -


Kennelly, Ellen


                14 Aug 1887 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, Eugene


                abt 1872 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois                2 Jul 1892 - Cook, Illinois, United States


Kennelly, Hanora


                abt 1877               -


Kennelly, Helen


                abt 1879 - Illinois               -


Kennelly, Honora


                abt 1845 - Coolnaleen Cross Roads, Kerry, Ireland             12 Nov 1928 - Wilmerding, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA


Kennelly, Honora


                abt 1858 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland             -


Kennelly, James


                May 1860 - Ireland           -


Kennelly, James


                Ireland -


Kennelly, James


                -              -


Kennelly, James


                Moybella, Ballybunion, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, James


                abt 1824 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland             23 Apr 1891 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA


Kennelly, Jer


                -              -


Kennelly, Jeremiah


                -              -


Kennelly, Jeremiah


                1883 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland      25 Jul 1950


Kennelly, Jeremiah


                1844 - Kerry, Ireland       -


Kennelly, Jeremiah Alouisus


                30 Nov 1882 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA              25 May 1942 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA


Kennelly, Jeremiah E


                abt 1853 - Ballylongford, County Kerry, Ireland   8 May 1891 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA


Kennelly, Joan


                -              -


Kennelly, Johanna


                26 Mar 1852 - Coolaclarig, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland             -


Kennelly, Johanna


                12 Nov 1871 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, John


                7 Mar 1858 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland        -


Kennelly, John


                -              -


Kennelly, John


                abt 1886 - Ireland             -


Kennelly, John


                20 Jun 1877 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland       -


Kennelly, John


                abt 1806 - Kerry, Ireland                -


Kennelly, John Howard


                17 Feb 1909 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA               15 May 1978 - San Diego, San Diego County, California, USA


Kennelly, John Joseph


                4 Jan 1885 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois             27 Jan 1934 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois


Kennelly, Katie


                abt 1886               -


Kennelly, Katie


                abt 1875 - Kerry, Ireland                -


Kennelly, Margaret


                1821 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, Margaret


                abt 1885 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland           -


Kennelly, Margaret


                abt 1842 - Kerry, Ireland                02 Feb 1927 - Toureen, Duagh, Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Margarett


                abt 1784 - Kerry, Ireland                1870 - Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Martin


                abt 1895 - Pennsylvania                 -


Kennelly, Martin


                12 Sep 1870 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland      -


Kennelly, Martin


                abt 1838 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland           -


Kennelly, Martin Henry


                11 Aug 1887 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA              29 Nov 1961 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA


Kennelly, Martin Robert


                26 Nov 1922 - Cook, Illinois, United States             6 Aug 1944 - France


Kennelly, Mary


                abt 1886 - Ireland             -


Kennelly, Mary


                abt 1847 - Coolaclarig, Kerry, Ireland        Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Mary


                12 Jun 1841 - Coolnaleen, Cross Roads, Kerry, Ireland      -


Kennelly, Mary


                1890 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland,     -


Kennelly, Mary


                -              -


Kennelly, Mary


                27 Sep 1878 - Kerry, Ireland         -


Kennelly, Mary


                29 Apr 1888 - Coolaclarig, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland              -


Kennelly, Mary


                31 May 1887 - Ireland     10 Sep 1926 - Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Kennelly, Mary E.


                29 May 1878 - Boston, Mass        3 May 1935 - Tonica, LaSalle, Illinois


Kennelly, Mary Rose


                Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland   7 May 2014 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Maurice


                abt 1883 - Coolaclarig, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, Michael


                17 Aug 1859 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland      -


Kennelly, Michael


                abt 1846 - Coolaclarig, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     bef 1901 - Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Mort


                -              -


Kennelly, Nora


                abt 1960               26 Apr 2005 - Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland


Kennelly, Nora


                abt 1884 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland




Name    Birth      Death


Kennelly, Patrick


                5 Feb 1873 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland       -


Kennelly, Patrick


                Jan 1843 - Ireland             15 Oct 1901 - 38 Woodlawn Avenue Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio


Kennelly, Patrick


                1847 - Kerry, Ireland       -


Kennelly, Patrick


                6 April 1843 - Ireland       13 Oct 1901 - 38 Woodlawn Avenue Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio


Kennelly, Patrick


                -              -


Kennelly, Patrick


                1845 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland      1912 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Patrick


                abt 1900 - Pennsylvania                 -


Kennelly, Patrick


                Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, Patrick J.


                abt 1915 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland              17 Feb 2005 - Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Rita


                1916 - Gortdromagowna, Knockanure, Kerry, Ireland      24 May 1989 - County Cork, Ireland


Kennelly, Rita


                -              -


Kennelly, Stan


                -              -


Kennelly, Thomas


                -              -


Kennelly, Thomas


                Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, Thomas Joseph


                28 Oct 1926 - Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA               19 Apr 1985 - Cook, Illinois, United States


Kennelly, Timothy


                abt 1820 - Coolaclarig, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     Kerry, Ireland


Kennelly, Timothy


                12 Feb 1880 - Coolaclarig, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland              -


Kennelly, Timothy A


                29 Jul 1882 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois            Cook, Illinois, United States


Kennelly, William


                Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, William


                Kerry, Ireland    -


Kennelly, William


                12 Nov 1871 - Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, William


                29 Oct 1882 - Dromin, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland     -


Kennelly, William Francis


                1 Jan 1874 - Chicago, Ill   28 Dec 1940 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois


Kennelly, William Francis


                8 Feb 1917 - Cook, Illinois, United States                8 Jan 1999 - Kirkland, King, Washington, USA       -








Keneally, Johanna 


                Feb 1853 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA             21 Feb 1927 - Baltimore, Md, USA


Kenealy, Bessie


                15 Mar 1897 - Illinois       30 Mar 1973 - Delavan, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States


Kenealy, Charles


                1867       1896 - Ohio


Kenealy, Edmund


                1809 - Ireland     27 Aug 1884 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio USA


Kenealy, Elizabeth


                Dec 1897 - Maryland       -


Kenealy, Ellen M.


                abt 1830 - Ireland             9 Feb 1904 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Geneveive


                abt 1909 - Illinois               16 Dec 2006 - Alhambra, Los Angeles, California, United States


Kenealy, Geraldine


                abt 1915 - Illinois               -


Kenealy, Grace


                abt 1902 - Illinois               -


Kenealy, Helen


                Sep 1899 - Illinois              13 Jan 1992


Kenealy, James


                abt 1912 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States -


Kenealy, James P


                1892       1919 - Ohio


Kenealy, Jerry


                abt 1848 - Ireland             -


Kenealy, John


                Jul 1893 - Illinois                15 Apr 1966 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States


Kenealy, John


                1893       1913 - Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA


Kenealy, John Joseph


                13 Mar 1893 - Baltimore, MD       -


Kenealy, Joseph


                abt 1910 - Illinois               11 May 1978 - Cook, Illinois, United States


Kenealy, Julia A


                5 Dec 1884 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA          15 April 1958 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Lillie


                Jun 1898 - Illinois              26 Aug 1994 - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States


Kenealy, Margaret Angela


                2 Jan 1888 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA           15 May 1915 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Mary


                Jan 1890 - Illinois               -


Kenealy, Mary Ellen


                Mar 1861 - Maryland      7 Oct 1925 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Mary J


                19 Mar 1879 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA       14 July 1947 - Baltimore City, Maryland, USA


Kenealy, Mary J


                abt 1927 - Maryland        2011


Kenealy, Michael







Launch of the Kerry Girls: Emigration & The Earl Grey Scheme

by kay Moloney


Michael Lynch, Kerry County Archivist, on behalf of Writers Week, was the MC. Jimmy Moloney, who was performing his last duty as Mayor of Listowel, Jimmy did officiate at this last event which just happened to be the launch of his aunt's book. Minister Deenihan then spoke on his work with the National Famine Commemoration Committee and in particular he mentioned his visit to Hyde Park Barracks in Sydney last August for the International Famine Commemoration, where the Earl Grey Girls were honoured and where he met a number of their descendants.


remember and honour the 117 girls from County Kerry who were victims of the Famine, but who were never given any recognition of even their very existence until this day.





SHINE: Pat Shine lived one mile from Tarbert, was born at Kilbaha, he was a school teacher and settled at Carhoona, Tarbert in 1892. His grandfathers name was Con Shine from Co Limerick and he came to Walls farm at Kilbaha, while his two brothers settled at Direen, Athea. Old Con Shine had three sons Dan father of Pat Shine the teacher, John and Con. Dan Shine had four sons, Con who lives at Kilbaha in the Old farm where his grandfather Con settled. John deceased before 1906 had farm at Ahanagran, Ballylongford. Pat the teacher and William who was superior of Presentation Order, Cork.

Pat C Shine , Lawyer Spokane Washington wrote letter 1907 describing his relationship with Direen Shine Family. His people lived at a farm in Direen. His father had six brothers , John a village shopkeeper, Athea. Dan and Con died London Constabulary. Barth and Frank , lawyers in Dublin, died young. Edmund went to America and his son John E Shine, General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the S.P., Kansas City, MO. Pat Shine above had a sister Kathleen in Brooklyn, NY., she made a tour of Killarney and district c1906, she visited a grave of Owen Shine who died aged 117 years

Shine, Massachusetts; John P Shine M.D. living at Holyoake in 1906, his youngest sister Miss Hanoria Kennelly Shine , graduated from Trinity College, Washington , DC in 1909. His father Michael Shine was married to Helen Connors of Islandanny, he died c 1906, aged 96 years and his mother was Kelly, who were related to Burkes and Kellys of Listowel.

Elizabeth Shine a cousin from Barracks, Athea went to America and was mother of David Farragut.

Dawson Daily News Dec. 11th 1908. At Dawson Alaska.

Stampede to a new stream on the Stewart about 10 miles below the mouth of the Black Hills. Tom Shine, an old timer about Dawson is understood to be one of the stampeders , leading the rush .

Taken from

History of the Shine family in Europe and America / by John W. Shine. Published 1917








Journalism was not something I chose for a career. It was chosen for me by Father Bill Cunningham, my English teacher at Sacred Heart Seminary High School in the 1960s. Having left the seminary in 1969, I needed a paying job – and not just volunteering my time at Focus: HOPE, the civil rights organization Cunningham, Eleanor Josaitis and Father Jerome Fraser founded in 1968.


Somehow, Fr. Cunningham decided I might make a good journalist and decided to introduce me to his friend, Free Press City Editor Neal Shine, in a unique way. Neal’s father, Patrick Shine, was gravely ill and confined to bed at Neal and Phyllis’ house in Grosse Pointe.


Fr. Cunningham offered to say Mass at the home to ease Patrick Shine’s final few days and he asked me to help by playing guitar at the “folk Mass,” then still considered a somewhat radical departure from traditional Catholic Masses. Since my guitar playing was poor, Cunningham played it safe by also bringing along a real musician, fellow seminarian John Jabro.




In 1978, Neal and Phyllis visited Moyvane, County Kerry, Ireland, from where his father emigrated and they met his aunt Nora and all his cousins. Since then they have visited Moyvane on several occasions with their extended family. Neal really loved Irish country life especially when he visited his father's birthplace in Kilbaha and watched the cows being milked. He could tell a good story, but was often in awe of cousin Jack's storytelling whether the stories were true or not! We have such fond memories of his and his family's visits to our grocery shop in Moyvane village and are so sorry to hear of his passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with Phyllis and all his family at this sad time. Our lives have been enriched from having the privilege of knowing Neal. May his dear soul rest in peace.


-- Don Shine


I met Mr. Shine when he was receiving radiation treatments for his Hodgkin's disease. I was one of the lucky and so very fortunate radiation therapists that had the pleasure to see, treat and get to know him over his six-week course of treatment. As many people have said before me, his name describes him perfectly. He was a bright spot in my day those six weeks.



The Intermountain Catholic. (Salt Lake City [Utah] ;) 1899-1920, June 06, 1903, Image 7



On May 6 1903 at the Church of Our

Lady of Dolours Drumcondra the

Rev G Stack of Cambuslang Glas

gow brother of the bride united in

marriage Joseph Devlin of Cookstown

and Clare Mary Stack youngest

daughter of the late Thomas Stack

H M Customs and Mrs Mary Stack

of Dromcondra.





East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Or.) 1888-current, October 06, 1913, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88086023/1913-10-06/ed-1/seq-5/










.Mr. stack Has iicvn Head of O.-W.

R. X. Division No. 1 Including

Territory From Portland to Seattle

and From Iortland to Vinntilla

Suivwonr Well Known,

j. I). Stack, superintendent of O.

W. R. & N. division No. 1 which cov

ers the territory from Portland to Se

attle and also from Portland to Uma

tilla has resigned his position and l

to take a position on an eastern road,

suld to bo In New York. Te Is to be

succeeded by B. E. Palmer, englneet

ot maintenance of way, Mr. Stack Is

well known here having been here

many times while serving as assist

ant general manager of the O.-W. R.

& N. lines, which position he held be

fore becoming superintendent of di

vision No. 1.

Mr. Palmer has been with the O.

W. 1U N, company for the last three

months, previously having been with

Twohy Brothers, railrond contractors.

His operating experience was gained

with the Northern raclfic, for which

road he served as division superin

tendent in Montana, at Spokane and

other points.

Mr. Stack has been a resident of

Fortland for three years and was pop

ular with his associates and subordi

nates alike. He kept in close touch

with the agents and other employes

out "on the line" and endeavored

constantly to bring about a higher j

standard of responsibility and efflcl- j

ency of the country station agent. He;

believes that a well-paid agent with

more power and authority than that j

which they now possess will bring j

about a better understanding and j

more amicable relations between thel

railroads and their patrons. Many

other officials share the same view.

It Is probable that Mr. Stack will re

turn to Portland for a few days be

fore finally taking up his new duties

In the East Before coming to Port

land he was with the Southern Pa

cific at Sacramento.




From: "Margaret & Randy" <rimfire@ivnet.com>

Subject: [KER] Nolan Dowd Walsh of Listowel

Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 21:48:06 -0500


Trying another marriage into the family. I have more info then shows below - any connections? Some of this group ends up in Australia, stayed at home in Ireland and then came to New York. Dennis Nolan became a priest and first came to the Ogdensburg New York area to meet up with his Uncle - Thomas Walsh Vicar of the Ogdensburg NY Diocese.

So any takers out there?????


Descendants of Dennis Nolan




1 Dennis Nolan b: in Ireland


.. +Mary Dowd


......... 2 William Nolan 1834 - 1907 b: 1834 in East Indies d: 1907 in Ireland


............. +Mary Walsh - 1902 b: in Co. Kerry d: 1902 in Ireland


.................... 3 Morris Nolan b: in Listowel Co Kerry d: in Australia


.................... 3 William Nolan b: in Listowel d: in Australia


.................... 3 Thomas Nolan b: in Listowel


.................... 3 Mary Nolan b: in Listowel


.................... 3 Catherine Nolan b: in Listowel d: in Ireland


.................... 3 Nora Nolan b: in Listowel d: in Ireland


.................... 3 Dennis Nolan 1856 - b: September 29, 1856 in Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland


......... 2 Jane Nolan



From: cathy carley <cathy_carley@yahoo.com.au>

Subject: DOODY Family From Listowel Co Kerry

Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 15:57:00 +1100 (EST)



Trying to Find some Info on these 2 Doody Families in Listowel Co Kerry, as i think they maybe connected


My ggrandfather...John Thomas Doody born 1862, in Listowel, 2nd son of Thomas Doody..came here to South Australia in 1881 with a Sister Mary Josephine Doody, Born 1864



Another Doody that also came here to Australia...who was Born in Dough Listowel Co Kerry

Thomas Doody..Born in 1857..Father Thomas, Mother Catherine


Both John Doody and Thomas Doody were Butchers here


My Grandmother was the First Born and only Daughter of John Thomas Doody...Her name was Catherine(Kit)


I dont have the actual Birth Dates of my John Thomas Doody or his Sister Mary Josephine...BUT as irish Civil Registration records started in 1864, Maybe i may pick mary up on the Records


Both these Families were Catholic


Some Members of Family thought John Thomas Doody was from Co Cork, But i Found a Marriage Notice in our state newspaper here stating he was second son of Thomas Doody of Listowel Co Kerry

Tho Co Kerry is Next Door to co Cork..

I somehow think both these families are connected


Does anyone have Access to Listowel Records from Co Kerry?






From: John Wynd <johnwynd@netconnect.com.au>

Subject: [KER] LARKINS/BROSMAN/O'SHEA: Listowel & Killarney 1800-1900

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 14:06:16 +1000


Seeking information on James LARKINS (LARKIN) and Mary BROSMAN and


Also Cornelius O'SHEA.


Our Australian research indicates that James LARKINS and Mary BROSMAN may

have had six children;


Mary LARKINS m. Cornelius O'SHEA in Killarney circa 1860, then migrated to


Ellen LARKINS b. circa 1836 m. Willam LANCASTER in Castlemaine (Australia)

3 Sept 1864

Timothy LARKINS b. circa 1840 m. Catherine ARMSTRONG in Castlemaine

(Australia) 28 December 1867

James LARKINS b. circa 1847 m. Anne O'HALLOARAN in Castlemaine (Australia)

23 June 1872

David LARKINS b. circa 1853 m. Margaret Frahar McLEAN in Albury (Australia)

26 April 1886

Andrew LARKINS b. 18 December 1854 m. Ellen CHAMBERLAIN in Kilmore

(Australia) 29 May 1884


All six of these children migrated to Australia. We have assembled this

information (with significant assumptions) from marriage and baptism

records in Australia. In all cases the children have given their parents'

names as James LARKINS (LARKIN) and Mary BROSMAN (BRESHNAHAN etc.) and

birthplace as Kerry.


Our only clue to the LARKINS family in Kerry is from Griffiths Valuation

which lists Ellen LARKIN and James LARKIN as Occupiers in the Townland of

Carhooeargh, with further details of County Kerry, Barony Iraghticonnor,

Parish Knockanure, Poor Law Union Listowel.


Any information that is relevant to the above within Kerry would be

appreciated. Also advice on how to proceed with research. My fellow

researcher (Lyn LARKIN from Albury) has written to a Kerry contact seeking

the name of the Parish Priest in Listowel to see if she can make contact.



John WYND.






> Name: marc


> Email Address: toma88@orange.fr


> Message: hello i m trying to reach mr laurent, i am the owner of the hous of pauline de stack and looking for information about the family

> many thanks


> Posted by: Patrice LAURENT (ID *****1807) Date: July 29, 2007 at 01:51:08

> In Reply to: Re: Coat of Arms by Jim Stacks of 723



> Good morning from France,

> I am part of the Stack tree (from Françoise Josephine Pauline de STACK who got married in 1785 with my great great great great great grangfather Jean-Philippe PATIOT) and own a coat of arms coming from my family (from Sir Robert Stack to Colonel Robert Stack; dated from 1766).These Stacks were linked to different families: O'Connel, Fitzgerald, Fitzmaurice, Mac Carthy...


FACTS: http://www.cracktwo.com/2012/09/facts-you-probably-didnt-know-27-pics.html





Fr Stan Brennan, Irish priest who received accolade from Emperor of Japan, dies

Wednesday, July 11th 2012

Tributes have been paid to an Irish priest who after he passed away this week after a long illness and was one of only eight people in the world to receive a prestigious honour from the Emperor of Japan.

Just last month Roscommon born Fr Stan Brennan received the 6th class Grand Order Award of the Rising Sun Silver and Gold rays for his work in the South African City of Boksburg where he was dedicated to the development of social welfare and the preservation of the environment.

The accolade is awarded by the Japanese Monarch for exceptional service internationally. The Franciscan priest had been working in Boksburg since 1965 where he had established projects on education, drug and alcohol abuse, AIDS, childcare and domestic abuse.

Born Seamus Brennan, Fr Stan was born in the village of Fuerty in County Roscommon in 1929. At an early age, Fr Stan dedicated his life to work on the missions in South Africa and arrived in Boksburg in South Africa in 1957 after studying in Rome.

His first post was as spiritual Director of the Diocesan Seminary in Boksburg and he was later to work in Rieger Park as parish priest of Saint Francis Church. His greatest work will always be synonymous with helping AIDS victims.

As a Franciscan, he personally took up the challenge and drew symbolism with the story of St Francis of Assisi who dismounted his donkey to assist a leper and confront the general fear people have towards the disease with human kindness. In 1992 with Fr Stan's help Sr Francis Care Centre in Boksburg opened its doors after a lengthily legal battle.

The clinic prospered and is now funded by George Bush's PEPFAR programme. St Francis Care Centre administers essential daily ARV treatment to 4,000 people.

As well as his work for AIDS victims, Fr Stan was also involved in education and helped fundraise to build Africa's largest second-level education college and technical skills centre.

Saint Anthony's College has 5,000 enrolled in its classes every day and its technical skills training college a further 600 who are obtaining a 45-day crash course in the fundamental skills required in sectors like welding, plumbing, car mechanics, dress making as well as a host of other practical courses.

In 2004, he started Mercy Haven, a multi-racial drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Boksburg.

During his time in the city, he received more than 50 awards and in 2009, he received the Michael Memorial Award for dedicating his life to the uplifting of the poor.

On June 19, last Fr Brennan was too ill to receive his Grand Order award. His brother Andy travelled from County Wicklow to receive the accolade at the Japanese embassy.

His funeral will take place in Boksburg on July 12 and afterwards his remains will be cremated.

His ashes are to be spread both at St Francis Care Centre and in County Roscommon.

The South African ANC party will perform a full guard of honour at the funeral ceremony.

by Sean Ryan



July 2012 Vatican declares Irish Nun Venerable.


Venerable Mother M. Angeline Teresa was born Bridget Teresa McCrory on January 21 1893 in Co Tyrone. However, when she was just seven years old the family moved from Ireland to Scotland. At nineteen, she joined the Little Sisters of the Poor and made her novitiate in France. The Congregation was engaged in the care of the destitute aged. After profession she was sent to the US.

In 1927, she and six other members of the Little Sisters of the Poor were granted permission by the Vatican to begin a new community that would be focused on care of the aged. In 1931, the fledgling community affiliated itself to the Order of Carmel and became known as the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm.

When she died on January 21 1984, Mother Angeline Teresa’s congregation had blossomed beyond her expectations. She is remembered for having said, “If you have to fail, let it be on the side of kindness. Be kinder than kindness itself to old people.”




ST GALL: This year the Abbey of St Gallen in Switzerland is celebrating the 1400th anniversary of the arrival of St Gall in the region in 612 AD. St Gallen is situated between the Swiss Alps and Lake Constance. St Gall was one of the twelve companions who accompanied St Columbanus on his mission to the Continent from Ireland. After his death around 646 AD, a small church was erected which developed into the Abbey of St Gall in the city of St Gallen. This later devloped into one of the largest Benedictine Abbeys in Europe.

Details of trip to the Abbey of St Gallen, 066 7131328.



At the Catholic Chapel in Alderny on 24th July 1856, Dan Kennelly son of Denys Kennelly and Mary Walsh married Mary Nevil daughter of James Nevil and Bridget Patt. Both of County Kerry.

Witnesses Allen Julian, Edmond Sheehy, Margaret Julian and James Nevil.


Dan and Mary later went to NY , his favourite tune was the Kerry Cow.


Note Dan Kennelly of Shronegragra, baptised Moyvane 17 March 1831, son of Dan Denis Kennelly and Mary Walsh.



Oct 6 Notes 2005

DEATH of Mai Mc Mahon nee Hayes of Shrone, West Listowel on 18th September 05 she was predeceased by her husband Jerome, brothers Br. Bernard Hayes O.C.S.O Rosclea and Br. D.E. Hayes C.B., Baldoyle and is survived by sons Fr. Aidan C.S.sR. Rome, Bernard, Conleth, Thomas and Sean and Sister Kathleen Baker, her granduncles Fr John Leahy died in Sacramento in 1902 and Fr Jeremiah Leahy died in Petaluma California in 1915. Following requiem Mass in St Mary's Listowel Mai McMahon was laid to rest at St John's cemetery Ballybunion on 20th September 05. Mai was daughter of Denis Hayes and Katie McElligott of Carrigkerry and her maternal great grandparents Timothy Leahy and Ellen Goulding came from Knockanure.

Pictures by Knockanure - Photobucket
SarahAnnaMcfaddenWalsh06-30-18921.jpg Walsh Family Moyvane and USA image by ...... PIC_1057.jpg Sr Phil Goulding image by Knockanure. more ». Email & IM ...

Helen's Family Trees - All Families and Individuals - Name Index ...
GOULDING. GOULDING, 'unknown' - Living GOULDING, Anthony (Tony) b.1936 - Knockanure, Co. Kerry GOULDING, Hugh - Living GOULDING, Hugh - Living ...
www.helensfamilytrees.com/allx33.htm -

Chicago Golden
Replies: 14
Re: Chicago Golden another chlld of Michael Goulding
ballynan (View posts) Posted: 11 Apr 2009 2:42AM GMT

Classification: Query
Surnames: golden Goulding Howard Gaynor
There was a Hugh Goulding age 25 that came to Chicago in 1911
also from Newtownandes and also the son of a Michael Goulding of Newtownsandes. He was going to his brother John Goulding in Chicago.









Bernard Geurin remembers some of the larger-than-life characters that impressed him as a child, and which contributed to the uniqness that Ballyduff holds for him:


We often wonder why our own native-born place is so important to us. This is not confined to humans alone, as birds come back to their place of birth every year by a way that we do not know. I was born in Ballyduff in 1930. I had no bearing on it, but it is my dearest spot. My God above must have chosen it. I left it for over thirty years, but something made me return. Looking back over the years, I find it a remarkable place.

In 1891 Kerry, who were represented by Ballyduff, won Kerry's only Hurling All-Ireland, their one and only honour in hurling. There were 21 players on each side then, and releasing 42 players on a field must have led to great and rough encounters, so Ballyduff must have had tough men then. It was a few years later before Kerry won the Football All-Ireland final.

The Barretts, who live outside our village were very famous men. Edmund Barrett in 1908, at the Olympic Games held in London, won a bronze medal in wrestling, and also won a gold medal with the London tug-of-war team. He also won an All-Ireland gold medal in hurling against Cork in 1901, and is the only Irishman to win two gold medals.

When I was small, a woman, Mrs County, from Bishopscourt, was very handy in helping women at birth, and helped in bringing the children to get baptised. I remember her for bringing water from two wells, beyond the sports field, as there was no piped water then. She carried one bucket of water on her head and another one in her hand. She was the only woman I remember doing this.

A Mrs Sullivan from Rattoo did some work in my home at weekends, cleaning and many other jobs. When she was going home, a distance of 3 miles, she took clothing from our home to get it washed and dried. She packed them all into a big sheet and tied them into a round ball. She put this load into her head, and took messages in her hands. She was the last person I saw doing this. These strange things are among my earliest memories of Ballyduff.



> http://www.goulding.net/listowel_and_vicinity.asp




Once again we return to our So You Want My Job series, in which we interview men who are employed in desirable jobs and ask them about the reality of their work and for advice on how men can live their dream.

It may come as a surprise to some, but people like Andre Agassi, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Hillary Clinton, don't write their own books. Celebrities, politicians, business executives and the like are often too busy, not confident in their abilities, or just not inclined to spend the time writing a book (or even a tweet). That's where ghostwriters like Dean Zatkowsky come in. When he's not rattling chains and turning lights off and on, Mr. Zatkowsky writes books, articles, and blog posts for his clients. More about Dean can be found on his website.

1. Tell us a little about yourself (Where are you from? How old are you? Describe your job and how long you've been at it, etc.).

I live in a little California community called Ojai, about 90 miles northwest of LA and 30 miles southeast of Santa Barbara. I'm 51 years old, and I write blogs, newspaper columns, press releases, marketing materials and books for a number of individuals, companies and non-profit organizations. Some work is freelance writing, some is copywriting, and some is ghostwriting. Most of my ghosting clients are business executives who lack the time or inclination to write their own books and articles.

I'm an accidental ghostwriter. It began in college, when I helped other students edit their term papers. Sometimes the "edit" turned into a complete rewrite.

I don't think of myself as a particularly good writer, but I'm a very effective writer. I'm good at identifying key message points and mimicking the client's voice while using language familiar to the target audience.

My professional writing career began when I joined Kinko's as an advertising copywriter in 1986. Remember those ads that said, "Copies 5¢"? I wrote those! I also wrote brochures, radio and television ads, direct mail pieces, and internal newsletter articles.

Company founder Paul Orfalea liked my style and asked me to write his newsletter articles. Prior to my arrival, chipper young women in the marketing department had been writing for Paul, which explains why his articles always made him sound like a chipper young woman. Had they been handwritten, each "i" would have been dotted with a daisy.

Those articles for Paul were the beginning of a beautiful relationship. We still work together. Because of his dyslexia, he doesn't mind sharing the fact that others write for him, so I am allowed to reveal him as a client. I chuckle when he introduces me as his ghostwriter. It reminds me of that old one-liner: "Wanna see something invisible?" He is the only client I will name, which might make the rest of this interview a little clunky, but to be a ghost you have to be a ghost.

For most of the past twenty-three years, I've moonlighted as a ghostwriter while working as a marketing executive. In addition to a long career at Kinko's, I was VP of Marketing for a direct mail company, then VP of Marketing for a wealth management firm. Two years ago, I launched Dizzy One Ventures LLC to work full time on writing projects. The bulk of my business consists of content generation for client blogs and newspaper columns. In addition to those annuity assignments, I get a lot of ad hoc press releases and articles, and I try to produce one to two book projects per year.

2. Why did you want to become a ghostwriter? When did you know it was what you wanted to do?

I wouldn't say ghostwriting is what I want to do, although there is much to recommend it, especially if you like privacy, solitude, and anonymity. Ghosting presents the opportunity to write and get paid for it, but without carrying the entire marketing load. The people who hire me have an audience and a platform already, so I'm usually blessed with a "just add words" environment. I get to do what I like to do, and I charge a fair price for my time and talent. I don't make the big bucks, but I don't take many big risks, either.

In the corporate world, one frequently sees two glaring weaknesses: poor writing and poor public speaking. Over the years, I recognized these weaknesses as opportunities, and offered to write articles and speeches whenever possible. I'd rather be writing novels and screenplays, but I'm more committed to my family's security than to my "art." For undiscovered writers, regardless of talent, novels and screenplays are lottery tickets. Ghostwriting and copywriting are jobs. I still write screenplays and stories, but for the sheer pleasure of doing it.

3. Why are ghostwriters hired? What kinds of projects and books are you asked to work on?

People like Theodore Roosevelt and Ernest Hemingway are rare, because most doers cannot sit still long enough to be chroniclers too. My clients tend to be people of manic energy - spending half an hour to craft one clear sentence might cause their heads to explode. Many people of exceptional achievement cannot or will not take time for the craft of writing. I'm grateful that TR and Papa did, and grateful that my clients don't.

Even if manic achievers possess the patience and craftsmanship to pen their own stories, I'd wager that 99% of all celebrity, business and political works are ghostwritten for the simple economic reality that these people's time is better spent doing their regular work.

Illiterates also hire ghostwriters, but I say "illiterate" in a literal rather than pejorative sense. Your readers, being readers, might be surprised at the number of successful people who cannot read well and cannot write at all. Many owe their success to learning disabilities that forced them to find creative solutions to problems the rest of us don't even notice. Kinko's founder Paul Orfalea is one of the most intelligent people you're likely to meet, but between his dyslexia and his ADHD, there's no way he's going to produce a 1600-word book foreword on his own.

Other clients feel they have a story to tell, but don't know how to tell it, or they don't know the mechanical steps to get from idea to outline to rough draft to final.

Lately, blogs make up the bulk of my work. A client can voicemail, text, or email an idea at any time and have a reasonably entertaining and literate blog entry posted within hours (depending on our agreed-upon approval process). Writing blogs for business celebrities requires a marketing executive's dedication to branding. I have to work fast, but I also have to protect my client and keep their long-term goals in mind, even when they haven't.

4. How much of a book or article are ghostwriters responsible for? To what extent do they collaborate with the "author" of the book?

Each project is unique. One person wants a book based on a one-sentence idea. The next gives me thirty pages of notes for a 600-word newspaper column. A few prospective clients had already written good books but lacked confidence. All they really needed was an editor, and I'm not a great editor. Heck, I need a great editor most of the time. (I suppose this interview proves it).

I bill myself as a guerrilla writer because I prefer to work independently. I don't even get topics from my regular column and blog clients anymore. I know their business goals and their philosophy, and I know what current events might inspire comment. So I just churn the stuff out. Before publication, I insist that the client review each article. I don't want any surprises when it's too late to revise.

Obviously, a ghost working on someone's autobiography will need a lot of time and cooperation from the subject, but I haven't taken on any projects like that. Ann Marsh spent many months conducting interviews with Paul and his associates before co-writing his autobiography. In cases like that, the client tends to be very involved.

4. Why be a ghostwriter as opposed to an ordinary author?

I'm sure many do both, and I'm excited to have my own book coming out this year (E Pluribus Kinko's: A Story of Business, Democracy, and Freaky Smart People).

The easy answer is income. A person who is already well known, or who has adequate resources to become well-known, is going to sell a lot more books than an unheard-of former marketing executive. I've got a family to support, and that's the primary reason for ghosting rather than pitching my own brand. But ghosting also fits my personality.

Ghostwriting makes me a professional dilettante. I get to learn a little bit about a topic, then write a paper and move on to the next topic. It's what I most enjoyed about school, plus a paycheck. Many bloggers know this joy, except for the paycheck part.

Each day, I scan my to-do list and say out loud, "Who am I this morning?" Before breakfast, I might research new developments in early childhood education to write a press release for a non-profit foundation. After lunch, I get to study Iran's gasoline import policies for a hedge fund manager's newsletter. Later, out on the back deck with a cigar and a beautiful sunset, I may be working on a book about how scientific research on ADHD can improve everyone's focus and productivity in the workplace. I enjoy both the research and the art of mimicry as I figure out how to express the new information in someone else's voice.

Certainly I've developed some expertise on a handful of subjects, but I find energy in the variety, and writing for a living requires a lot of energy.

5. How is a ghostwriter remunerated for their work?

I've seen a wide variety of fee schedules on the web. THIS ghostwriter charges new clients by the hour and established clients by the word, or through a retainer agreement. At this point in my career, I try to average about $150 per hour. I charge new clients for time because learning a new business and voice takes a while, but produces little product in the short term. However, the upfront investment (of my time and their money) ensures I can work quickly and efficiently for them in the future.

I offer several options for book projects, ranging from a huge flat fee with no royalties to a small flat fee with ALL of the royalties. My last book project with Paul Orfalea (Two Billion Dollars in Nickels: Reflections on the Entrepreneurial Life) was handled differently. I received no advance fee, but we published the book as partners and share sales revenues.

6. Are ghostwriters typically given credit for their work? If not, is it difficult to see someone get all the credit for your handiwork?

Usually, I am a complete ghost, and I take pride in providing words my clients would have been proud to write themselves. It is marvelous to see someone get credit for my work, and it is horrifying to see someone lambasted for my error or lack of clarity.

Sometimes ghostwriters are credited as a co-author (by Paul Orfalea and Dean Zatkowsky), as an associate (by Paul Orfalea with Ann Marsh), and of course, "as told to..."

I have to admit, the first time I saw my turn of phrase attributed to someone else in the Wall Street Journal, I felt a pang of jealousy. But when I really thought about it, it wasn't my turn of phrase, per se. I would not have been thinking about the subject at all unless the client led me there. I recognize this work as a partnership, where I am the silent partner. When my ego needs stroking, I fancy myself as the man behind the great man, whispering in his ear...

7. How do you find work as a ghostwriter? Do publishers and authors seek you out or do you have to try and seek them out? If the latter, how do you go about finding jobs?

My business grew organically through word-of-mouth and relationships I made during my marketing career. My website and co-author credits have attracted some calls, and that is how I learned that I charge quite a bit more than ghostwriters you can find through Google.

I must digress here for a minute. Some of the people shocked by my rates labored under the serious misconception that they would make money by "writing" a book. The average book sells less than 2,000 copies in its lifetime, and that average includes titles by J. K. Rowling and Stephen King, so most books do not sell many copies at all. And most books never generate profits. By writing my own books and self-publishing through a print-on-demand model, I can generate profits after selling as few as one hundred copies. The books also serve as marketing tools for my workshops (E Pluribus Success: Building Engagement, Creativity and Initiative through Organizational Democracy) and my writing services.

If I had to pay a ghostwriter, pay a publisher (don't kid yourself, most of the big publishing houses are now thinly disguised vanity presses, hedging their costs by getting well-heeled authors to buy a significant portion of the first print run), do my own promotion and marketing (surely you don't think a publisher is going to promote YOUR book), etc., I'd need to sell a hell of a lot of books to make any money at all. I've had prospective clients offer me a share of royalties in lieu of payment, but until one of them is a former President of the United States or a scandal-prone celebrity, I'll take mine up front, thank you.

For the most part, my business clients aren't interested in selling books - they're interested in buying prestigious marketing tools. Individuals want work that defines and defends their legacy. They don't care about sales - they just want to have their say.

8. What is the best part of your job?

Differentiating the job from the work, I'd say that working from home and managing my own schedule are the best parts of the job. As a Marketing VP, I rarely got to take a long walk in the middle of the day to think about a problem. I should have, but I didn't. When my father had some medical issues recently, I was able to spend three days with him without missing a day of work.

Continuous education is the best part of the work. I get paid to learn new things and explain them clearly to others. When I do it well, it's quite a rush.

9. What is the worst part of your job?

Like any service provider, I occasionally encounter difficult clients. One in particular comes to mind, for he possesses two challenging traits: 1) He cannot articulate what he wants, but knows what he doesn't want as soon as he sees it. 2) He believes a final publication deadline is when he can begin to think about possibly reviewing the work I turned in two weeks early. And of course, no matter how long he takes to respond to a question or review a draft, he expects my revisions immediately. On the plus side, he's a very smart guy and although he often obsesses over irrelevant details, he also manages to catch errors that no one else notices.

Worse than that is the client who insists on talking down to his audience, projecting his own lack of erudition onto the masses. When I use a word my best clients don't know, they ask, "What does that mean?" When I use a word my worst client doesn't know, I hear from his secretary: "He doesn't know that word. Get rid of it!" The best clients want to learn and grow and help their readers do the same. The worst clients generalize from their own arrogance.

But difficult clients are only the second worst part of the job. The worst part is when I have to write well about something despicable. I kid you not: I've been asked to deliver sixteen hundred words on "How to Profit from Food Shortages." After you've done a good job on an article like that, it helps to know a bartender with a liberal wrist.

10. What's the work/family/life balance like?

When I was a marketing executive at Kinko's, I traveled every week. My kids were little, and while I loved my work, I often hated my job.

Working from home and managing my own schedule allows more of a partnership ethos at home. I can provide transportation for my teenage daughter, and spend time with my son when he visits from college. And I can be here when unreliable contractors or appliance repairmen think they might possibly show up.

Best of all, my wife is a compulsive reader and a very good editor, so we get to work together when we feel like it, and we always have new subjects to talk about.

The downside, as any home worker knows, is that the work is always there, either teasing or scolding. I need more discipline to take care of myself (getting some exercise or watching a movie) than to take care of business.

11. What is the biggest misconception people have about your job?

I've been shocked by the number of people that have no idea what a ghostwriter does. The most common reaction: excitement that one can make a living writing ghost stories. But generally, ghostwriters and copywriters suffer no misconceptions because no one ever thinks about us in the first place.

12. Any other advice, tips, or anecdotes you'd like to share?

On Voice: I always try to collect recordings of my clients, because I want to recreate their tone, diction and cadence in print. I listen to the recordings and mimic them out loud until I can do a passable impression. Later, when I'm writing, it helps if I can read passages aloud in the client's voice.

On Discipline: Ernest Hemingway offered two bits of advice that have improved my productivity since I was fifteen years old. He recommended quitting each day before you were finished - right in the middle of a sentence if necessary - so you know exactly where to start the next day. Brilliant. And of course, when you do get stuck and find yourself staring at the page/screen, just write one true sentence. The truest sentence you know.

On Inspiration: Ray Bradbury offered some advice that always helps me get started on a new project: "Leap off the cliff and build your wings on the way down." Come to think of it, that pretty well describes my career as a ghostwriter.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
City Fines Archdiocese of San Francisco $14.4 Million
The City of San Francisco is hard up for cash, so they've decided to steal it from the Archdiocese of San Francisco because they can - nakedly, in broad daylight, without the slightest plausible legal pretense. The Church is openly hated and condemned in San Francisco for its support of Proposition 8 and its defense of human sexual morality in general. The City can steal from the Archdiocese because the City needs the money and because it makes the citizenry happy to stick it to the evil Catholic Church.

Here's some backstory from a previous post:

When you sell a piece of property in many California jurisdictions, including San Francisco, the seller must pay a rather exhorbitant tax for the privilege which is based upon the value of the property. It is akin to a sales tax on a home or commercial property.

The San Francisco Archdiocese owns hundreds of lots in San Mateo, Marin and San Francisco counties. The exceedingly vast majority of these properties are the lots which make up a parish plant, i.e., church, school, parish hall, parking lot, rectory. . .

The Archdiocese has historically held title to these properties under two names - The Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, a Corporation Sole.

In December, 2007, San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer announced a corporate restructuring within the archdiocese and by May 2008, almost all properties in question had been consolidated under the title of the Archdiocese of San Francisco Parish and School Juridic Persons Juridic Property Support Corp.

Since this is not a sale or transfer to a different organization or person, no transfer tax is invoked and no transfer tax has ever been invoked in the history of the state for such a transaction.

That is, until City Assessor Phil Ting gauged the likely public reaction to an outright theft from the Prop. 8 supporting Catholic Church and realized it would not only be profitable, but popular. Last year Ting, unlike assessors in Marin and San Mateo Counties, decided to charge the Archdiocese a transfer tax on all Archdiocesan properties in San Francisco. This includes properties such as Mission Dolores, which have been owned by the Church since before there was a State of California or a taxing authority in San Francisco.

They are still owned by the Church. No money changed hands. Yet, the City is charging the Archdiocese the second largest real estate transfer tax in history, as if the Archdiocese were a real estate investor selling a profitable high-rise office building.

The Archdiocese appealed Ting's decision to an appeal board which yesterday agreed to take $14.4 million from the Church. The Archdiocese will now take the issue to court. Archdiocesan spokesperson Maury Healy told the San Francisco Chronicle:

"The board members, all of whom are City Hall administrators rather than members of the judiciary, apparently faced tremendous pressure in view of the city's desperate need for revenue . . . We are glad that having exhausted the required administrative process we can finally proceed to a formal, neutral civil court forum . . . We trust that the civil court will carefully consider the applicable law, devoid of the sensationalism and politics that the archdiocese thus far has faced."

Pray for the persecuted Church in San Francisco. This is just one of many assaults the Church has suffered there recently. Hat Tip to A Shepherd's Voice who has more background here and especially here.







Irish Family Name of the Day:

Todays family history in honor of member:
Carol Shannon of St. Louis, MO

Searching for info on
My Shannons are from Wexford and settled in Callaway County, Missouri

Related Spellings of the Name
Shanin, Seanan, Shanaghan, Giltenane, Fox, Shanan, Shanny, Shanon....
O Seanachain, MacGiolla t-Seanain

Varient Spelling Groups: #714, #1859, #1860, #3117
Taken from the Master Guide to the Various Spellings
of Irish Family Names) http://www.irishroots.com/id4918.htm

History of the Name
Irish families of the name of Shannon may stem from one of at least
three separate origin there. They may descend from O'Shanaghan ,
O'Seanain, or from MacGiolla Seanain. No research we have uncovered
has connected this name to the River Shannon however.
The O'Seanin family was anciently found in counties Carlow and Wexford,
but it is not found numerous there in either 1659 a.d. or 1891 a.d. records.
Spelled as Shannon the name was most often found in Antrim, Clare and
Roscommon in the 1890 index.
In 1659 Shannon was found in Cork, and Shannahan under various
spellings was a principal name of Limerick, Waterford and Tipperary.
According to Keatings History Shannahan was Anglicized mistakenly into
"Fox" and "Shannon".
Subsequently they spread into Cork, Kerry, Tipperary, Limerick and Waterford,
the main locations for the Shanahan name in the 1890 birth index.



A parish, in the Glenquin Division of the barony of Upper Connello, 10 miles (W. by S.) from Newcastle, on the mail coach road from Limerick to Tralee; containing 4242 inhabitants, of which number, 607 are in the village. This place obviously derives its name from a Cistercian abbey founded here, in 1188, by Brien O'Brien, and from its situation on the river Feale: the abbey, in 1209, became a cell to that of Monasternanagh, or Nenay, in the barony of Pubblebrien. The village, situated in a wild mountainous district, was almost inaccessible, but since the construction of the new lines of road, great alterations have taken place; great improvements in the condition of the people has resulted from the facilities thus afforded of taking their little produce to market; and the inhabitants are now industriously and profitably employed. Here is a large and commodious hotel, and some respectable houses, but the greater number are thatched cabins. The village has a penny post dependent on Newcastle, and is a constabulary police station. Fairs are held on 29 June and 24 September, chiefly for cattle, sheep, and pigs. The parish comprises 17,659 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act, of which 1620 acres are arable, 12,800 pasture, and about 3,500 waste land and bog; a considerable portion of the waste land is gradually being brought into cultivation, and the system of agriculture is steadily improving. From long previous neglect, the lands in many parts have become marshy and cold, and in some places are covered to the depth of several feet with a loose turbary, which, in the total absence of timber, affords excellent fuel, of which great quantities are sent to Newcastle, whence limestone is brought in return and is burnt with coal of indifferent quality procured here for that purpose only. The farms have generally large dairies, and a considerable quantity of butter is sent to Cork and Limerick. On the great line of road from Limerick to Tralee is Wellesley bridge, a handsome structure, about a mile and a half to the west of the village; and at the same distance to the east is Goulburn bridge. The new line of road leading through the heart of the mountains from Abbeyfeale to Glin, a distance of 12 miles, was opened after the spring assizes of 1836, previously to which there was scarcely any possibility of access to this secluded district, which for that reason was, in the year 1822, selected as their head-quarters by the Rockites, who dated their proclamations ‘From our camp in Abbeyfeale'. The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Limerick, and in the patronage of Lord Southwell, during whose legal incapacity the Crown presents; the rectory is impropriate in Richard Ellis and Thomas G. Bateman, Esqrs. The tithes amount to ?320, payable to the impropriators; the clerical duties of the parish are performed by the curate of an adjoining parish, who is paid by Lord Southwell. The church, a small edifice in the early English style, with a lofty square tower, was erected near the village in 1812, for which the late Board of First Fruits gave ?800. There is neither glebe-house nor glebe. The R.C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church; the chapel, situated in the village was erected on the site of the ancient monastery, a small portion of which is incorporated with it. There are four pay schools, in which are about 100 boys and 50 girls. On the bank of the river, one mile from the village, are the ruins of Purt Castle, built by a branch of the Geraldine family, to command the pas

The LEAHY Family
For almost 165 years, the Leahy's have made Seneca county, Ohio their home. David and Cornelius Leahy were original landowners in Seneca county. They purchased adjoining parcels in Section 24 of Loudon Township, on 29 October 1833. Later, James and Owen Leahy bought bordering property in Louden Township. Between these four brothers, the Leahy's owned 400 continuous acres of land in Loudon Township.

James and Hannah Leahy were both born in Ireland. Their first children Mary (1831-1906) and Johanna "Halley" (1833) were born in Ireland. The family made their home in Loudon in 1834 and had Ellen (1835-1883), Timothy (1836-1905), Catherine (1840-1919), James Cornelius (1841-1890) and Frank David (1845). In 1841, James leased a portion of his land to be used as a temporary schoolhouse. James passed away at home on 4 October 1844. James Cornelius (1841-1890), their son, served in the Union Army during the Civil War from 1862-1865 in Company D of the 123rd Infantry. He was promoted from Private to Sergeant. He received a gunshot wound to the hip, was captured, and later released. Hannah died on 16 July 1867 and is buried in St. Patrick's cemetery near Owen and David Leahy. Their heirs sold the property in 1870.

David Leahy was born in Ireland about 1800. On 1 January 1837, he was united in marriage to Maria Eva Unser, daughter of John Jacob and Maria Theresa Unser (see Unser article) at St. Boniface Catholic Church, New Riegel. Together they had 11 children: Timothy (1837-1866), Mary Ann (1839-1919), Cornelius (1841-1923), James (1843-1919), Anna Rose (1845-1929), Johanna (1847), David J. (1849-1919), Katherine D. (1853-1941) (see Cotter article), Ellen Lena (1856), John (1858-1935), and Charles Eugene (1863-1954). In 1847, David leased a portion of his property to be used temporarily as a schoolhouse. Timothy (1837-1866) went West during the California Gold Rush. He died and is buried in California. David and Maria Eva both passed away in the same home in 1878 and 1909, respectively. With the exception of a portion used to build St. Patrick's Catholic Church, the original property remained in the Leahy family for 130 years. A beautiful monument at St. Patrick's Cemetery remains in memory of David and Maria Eva Leahy.

Cornelius Leahy sponsored Mary Ann Leahy, daughter of David and Eva Maria Leahy, at her baptism in 1840 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Tiffin. In 1850 he sold his parcel of land in Louden Township. No further documentation has been found in Seneca county regarding this brother.

Owen Leahy was born in Ireland about 1814. He purchased 80 acres in Loudon Township in 1850, and 7 years later married Catherine (Francis) Stack, who had two children, Garret and Catherine, from her previous marriage. Together they had Mary (1858), Timothy (1860-1923), and Patrick Thomas (1862-1950). Patrick Thomas Leahy was a teacher in Louden and then went into farming. He was a founding member of Producers Milk Company and its first president before moving to Cleveland. Owen died 12 August 1884 and was buried beside David Leahy in St. Patrick's Cemetery. In 1907, Catherine, 81, leased out the farm and moved to Cleveland, near her sons Timothy and Patrick Leahy. About a year later, she died in Cleveland and was buried there.

Many questions still remain regarding these four brothers, their ancestors, and their city of birth. Distant cousins now work together to preserve the history of the Leahy family. This article is the result of combined research by Shane and Sheila Burke: s.s.burke@juno.com, Eugene and Mary Catherine Phillips of Tiffin, Ohio: 2043443@mcimail.com William Cotter, James and Heather Zabel: hmzabel@msn.com, and Frances and Bill White: wcwhite1@juno.com. Additional information and queries are appreciated.




My great great grandfather, Francis Cotter, 1806/1884, came to the United States sometime before 1840. In that year, he applied for citizenship in Paris, Kentucky where it was granted in 1844. In September of 1844 he married Mary MURPHY, 1822/1877, while living in Lexington, Kentucky. Mary's brother, Cornelius, was in Company G, 32nd Ohio Infantry during the Civil War. His enlistment papers stated he was from County Cork, Ireland, so it is assumed Mary was also from there. The family moved to Tiffin, Ohio sometime after 1845. Records show that Francis purchased land 12 January 1846 in Hopewell Township, Seneca county. Additional land was purchased 6 April 1850 and 7 March 18555, for a total of 194 acres. Anecdotal information from my mother, as well as an aunt and uncle, state that the progenitor was James Cotter. His wife's maiden name may have been MAGGUS. In the mid 1700's religious persecution in England brought them to Abbeyfeale, County Limerick. There were a number of children born to this union. The names mentioned were William, James, Nicholas, Julia, and Francis. Nicholas was in the army, probably English, and died in Egypt.

Julia Cotter married Maurice HARTNETT, 1791/1886. His obituary states he was born near Abbeyfeale. The family came to Tiffin from Ireland in 1851.

Thomas LEAHY, 1821/1911, was born near Abbeyfeale and worked on a farm near New Market, Limerick. He married Ellen HARTNETT in 1848 and came to the United States in 1862. From the above information, it is assumed that Francis Cotter came from the Abbeyfeale area. The union of Francis and Mary Cotter produced the following children: Ellen Cecilia, 1846/1931, who became Sr.. Sabistina, Sisters of Charity, Nazareth, Kentucky; James, 1847/1907, became a doctor and moved to Lincoln, Nebraska. Married Minnie HOFFMAN. Anna J. (Nancy), 1850/1917, married John COUGHLIN.

Patrick Nelson (my grandfather), 1852/1933, married Katherine D. LEAHY. William B., 1855/1913, moved to San Francisco in 1883 and died there. Wife, Benedicta?. Mary Isabella, 1859/1888, married Timothy LEAHY. Julia Agnes, 1856/1918, married David LEAHY. Francis, 1863/1943. Lifetime resident of Tiffin, never married. The union of Patrick Nelson and Katherine D. Cotter, October 5, 1880, produced the following children: Evelyn Mary, 1881/1969, married John POLLARD in California, no children. Angela, 1883/1885. Ella Mae (my mother), 1886/1975 married Albert Bernard WHITE in Texas, one child. William J., 1891/1967, became a Catholic priest in the Toledo Diocese. Charles F., 1888/1969. Married Louise KIRKLEY, three children, she died 1920. Second marriage to Hilda RIESTERER, three children. Lived in Dayton, Ohio. Hazel, 1894/1990, married Ernest HOFFMAN and lived in Perrysburg, Ohio, two children.

For the interconnection of the Cotter family with the Leahy, Unser and Hartnett families, see their listings in the Seneca County Genealogical Society's publication Seneca County History and Families, 1997.

Submitted by William Cotter White of El Paso, Texas. E-mail address:


NY Leitrim Society Jan 2009

The Distinguished Service award recipient this year is our Financial Secretary, Margaret Mary Taylor-Finucane. Margaret Mary has served in this position since 2004. She was the Society's President from January 2002 through December 2003 and had previously served as Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary and Chairperson of Membership. Margaret Mary is the daughter of Joe Taylor, from Eslin Bridge, and Margaret (nee McGovern) from Drumreilly. Joe is a past President of the Leitrim Society and Margaret has been a long time member of this Society.

Margaret Mary was born in Astoria, Queens and raised in Elmhurst, New York. She is currently employed as an Attorney with the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey in the Corporate Security/Public Safety & Emergency Management Division.

Margaret Mary is married to John Finucane from Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick and they have two children, Sean and Bridget. They currently reside in Floral Park, NY.



CHARLOTTE GRACE O'BRIEN.Charlotte Grace O'Brien, author and socialworker, second daughter of William Smith O'Brien

Iby his wife, Lucy Caroline Grabbett, of High* Park,was born at Caliermoyle, Co. Limerick, on 2ïkdof November, 1845, the year of the first greatpotato shortage in Ireland.During her childhood, she witnessed many of theharrowing scenes which famine brought to thecountry ; and' her father was transported when shewas three years old and not allowed to returnuntil she was eleven. Thus Charlottte was bornto be a rebel and remained so all' her life.This spirit first showed itself in a novel of theFenian Rising of 1869, "Light and Shade," whichwas publised in 1878. The material for this novelwas gathered by word of mouth from the Fenianleaders, and Stephen Gvvyun, her nephew, says ofit:-"It is violent, even dramatic in incident; itJacks the power of characterisation, but it hasmany passages of beauty. . ."Smith O'Brien died in .1864 but Charlotte con-tinued to live with her married brother at Calier-moyle until 1879, when she went to Ärdanoir, over-looking Foynes Island. Here she spent the restof her life.In 1880 her first volume of verse, "Drama andLyrics," was published and in the same year sheshowed her interest in Irish politics and economicsby writing "The Irish Poor Man," an article forthe "Nineteenth Century" magazine. She became astaunch supporter of Parnell, and this led her toher life's work, the care of the poor emigratingIrish.In articles and letters to the newspapers and re-views, she exposed the awful conditions existingin the Queenstown (Cobh) lodging-houses, on boardthe emigrant ships, and in thei dock-slums of NewYork, where the Irish had to stay on landing.She travelled twice to Liverpool to see con-ditions on the boats for herself, and her exposureof them caused a great sensation and a marked

The Stack's http://churchstreet53.com/people.html
In 1874 Thomas Stack, originally from Lissahane, purchased the House from John Dillane Their first son Thomas Francis was born October 15 the same year they bought the house. This was bought as a family house and shop by the Stacks. Thomas Stack was married to Hanora o Donoghue from Ballyrehan Lixnaw They were Married in 1870 at Lixnaw church Thomas had spent 15 years in the US prior to returning to his native Kerry. While in the US Thomas and his brother Richard partook in the long held Stack tradition of engaging in the major military battles. Like Edmund Stack a war hero of the 1745 French battle at Fontenoy and Decorated Captain Edward Stack, the American revolutionary war hero. The two stack brothers were engaged in many of the bloodiest battles of the devastating American Civil War. Thomas and Richard were not career soldiers. They were working in Alabama doing hard manual labor when story has it that if they did not sign up, they would not get paid monies due for some contract work that they were involved in. Thomas joined the Alabama 2nd regiment based mostly in Mobile, Alabama and Richard joined the Alabama 8th regiment company A. This regiment fought in all the major civil war battles.

St. Patricks in Montana built by Fr Thomas Francis Stack

A Confederate soldier
Thomas escaped serious injury and returned home to a poor country but a safer one that the one he had left behind. The Stacks had Seven children Born here at 53 Church St: Molly, Thomas, Richard, James, Ellen, Elizabeth, Michael. All seven emigrated to the US as their father had done forty years prior. Philadelphia was the destination for most of these young church streeters. The girls worked as domestics and housekeepers mostly. James became a clergy assistant, Thomas Francis was ordained a priest in 1900. He built a cathedral in Billings, Montana in 1906 called St Patricks Co Cathedral. Michael Joseph, the youngest boy, was well taken care of by Molly his eldest sister. She was a housekeeper for some wealthy Philadelphia families. Michael served in WW1 in the Navy. He later became a Congressman (1930s). He served in the Naval Affairs Committe with future president, Lyndon B Johson. Ellen (Nelly) married William Hayes from Dromkeen Co Limerick . They had 5 boys and one girl.

Nelly Stack
Thomas Stack left the house to his eldest son Fr Thomas Francis Stack (Glendive Montana USA) when he died in 1912. The Kielys were living in the house at the time. Jack Kiely and his wife Hanora Fitzgerald had a shoemaker business in the shop. 11 children were born to the Kielys here, twins died at birth leaving nine surviving children. Jack Kiely died tragically in 1914 at the age of 43 from tubercolosis leaving behind his young family. Kiely children were Mai b1902 she worked at Mc Auley Solicitors. The Square, Fr Michael b1904 spent most of his life in Sydney Australia. Agneas b1905 worked at Presbetary Duagh. John Kiely b1906 lived in Bronx, New York. Elizabeth Kiely b1909 worked in Mc Mahons Bar on Market Street for Jack McKenna's mother. She later worked at JP Kennelly's hardware shop in Main St. Lizzie as she was known was on a formidible local Camogie team. Nora Mary b1912 married Mossie Collins Abbeyfeale and reared a family in Abbeyfeale. Johanna b1908 lived at the Home place at College Cross. James was a twin of Johanna he was a Dental assistant to Dentist Bourson on Upper Church st. James or Jim died in his thirties. One by one the Kiely children were moved to College Cross where Nora Kiely's brothers and sisters helped rear the young family. By 1921 the House had been empty for a few years. The Young fatherless Kiely family had now fully relocated to their mother's home place at College Cross. In 1921 Fr Thomas Francis Stack sold the house to Marguerite Prendeville. Marguerite had lost her husband the previous year 1920 in the War of Independence. She bravely moved her five sons and one daughter to start a new life on Church st. The Country was at war. Church st had its share of strife with several shops being burned to the ground (Flavins, Breens and Jr Walshes). Murder, mayhem and mutiny ensued on Church st during that time.

Posted by: o'sullivan () http://www.odonoghue.co.uk/dphorum/read.php?1,1420,1420
Date: April 08, 2009 17:31


Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: O'SULLIVAN ()
Date: April 08, 2009 17:44


Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: O'Sullivan ()
Date: April 09, 2009 17:50

You are Welcome , i throught the information on my cousins may be of help since alot of them are O'Donoghue's from County Kerry . i went to Loughfouder met all my cousins, have lots of information on the family and lots of pictures of my Ancestors. In july had the first O'Sullivan reunion here and alot of the cousins from Ireland came to it , I have been lucky my family kept alot of records and pictures . My cousin Mortimer O'Donoghue #5 in Loughfouder had his DNA done . loughfouder knocknagoshel was very near Duagh , Abbeyfeale, and Brosna as i'm sure you know . i went to loughfouder and walked in the house my GG Grandfather was born in 1862 . Also my gg grandmother was Mary O'Connor of Loughfouder ,her Aunt was Bridget O'Connor and she married an O'Donoghue . Bridgets father was Edward O'Connor . she had a sister Winifred, Margaret, brother Bryan,brother James, John, Terrence, Cornlius , Michael . i did speak to a Geoffrey O'Donoghue in Ardydonegan ,Duagh parish in County Kerry about 6 months ago and he told me he was told when he was younger that he had cousins in Knocknagoshel, not sure but think his Bridget O'Connor might be my Bridget O'Connor but that i'm not really sure about .There was so many O'Connor's . But all my other information is correct and i'm sure about like i said i do hope the information might help some one . i believe everyone should share what ever they know and help each other .

Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: o'sullivan ()
Date: April 09, 2009 18:23

O'Donoghue information







Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: Rod O'Donoghue ()
Date: April 09, 2009 22:03

Your cousin Mortimer and I had a common ancestor about 500 years ago. John (above) and I are also close.

My direct ancestors
Great grandfather Thomas married Mary Sullivan in England
Gggrandfather Thomas married Ellen Connor (his second wife) who was almost certainly from Glanageenty in Ballymacelligott parish. Children John, Catherine and Mary Ann. I do not know who his first wife was but they had a girl Julia. I suspect there were other children who died in the famine. They all left for London in 1851

I have been unable to find either Thomas (births or marriages) in the local records. It is possible that the family came from Cools, Aghadoe but really surmise based on christian names rather than fact. Recognised traditional family names are Thomas, John, Julia, Catherine, Mary, Mary Ann, Margaret, James

Lots of names from the area figure in the family history including Mahony, Murphy, Harrington from your earlier emails

Mike Donahue of Chicago is the closest 67 marker genetic match for me. I will email him to read this.



Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: O'SULLIVAN ()
Date: April 09, 2009 23:49




Posted by: O'SULLIVAN ()
Date: April 11, 2009 00:42

12 MICHAEL 1928
13. PATRICK 1829

Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: Donald Price ()
Date: April 11, 2009 01:50

I have found that my ancestors also came from Loughfouder, Knocknagoshel.I am not sure but the O'Donoghues that you mention may very well be related. My Ggrandfather is M.John O'Donoghue, born 25 Sept 1823. Don't know what the M. stood for. Story goes that he fell in love with a servant girl and the family not being pleased sent him to Canada. He arrived in Canada in 1849 and settled in Ontario. Apparently he did marry this servant girl and they had a family however she died and he remarried a girl from Ireland named Bridget Jane Farrel. Do any of these names ring a bell with the information that you have collected as I am having great difficulty in finding my ancestors on the O'Donoghue side of the family. Coming to Ireland the 2 May 09 and will be coming to Loughfuder, Knocknagoshel in search of my long lost ancestors.

Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: JimHorgan ()
Date: July 02, 2009 18:52

My wife is a cousin of Geoffrey O'Donoghue (we call him Joe) of Adydonegan, Duagh.
Here is some of what I know:
Geoffrey O'D married Bridget O'Connor and had 6 children: Patrick (1824-?), Charles (1825-?), Michael (1827-?), Joanna (1830-?), Jeffrey (1832-1916 died in Chicago), Bridget (1834-?)
Michael O'd amrried Johanna Laughliln - they had 6 children: Bridget (1873-1935 Chicago), Patrick (1881-1931 Chicago), Mary, Helen, Geoffrey and Catherine
Geoffrey married Lizzy Keane and they had 6 children: Hannah (1897-1977 USA), Denis (1898-1974 Pittsburgh), Michael(priest) (1901-1932 Reno NV), Patrick (?-1974), Mary Ann and Geoffrey
Denis is my wife's grandfather and he married Johanna Molyneaux from Behins and they had 9 children all of whom came to the US.
I'm still trying to put a lot of the O'Donoghue pieces together, so I'm glad i just found this forum.

Options: Reply•Quote
Re: Related to O'Donoghues in County Kerry
Posted by: Brendan O'Donoghue ()
Date: September 03, 2009 12:14

Thank you very much, I am going to take the DNA test

My O'Donoghue's moved to Dromkeare, Waterville 1690, from Glenflesk after the Battle of the Boyne, they were granted land by the McCarthy Mor for their loyalty to him.

As my Mortimer was born c 1760/70 it is possible that he may have been called after his grandfather who may have been born in Glenflesk, I wonder were other O'Donoghue familys granted land in other parts of Kerry, they may have been a particularly loyal part of the clan, and thus rewarded. All the Mortimers may in fact be related.

I understand that there are some very good books in the National Library on our clan, including Old O'Donoghue family trees.

Maybe we should all do a bit of research, I have my Keating line back to 990AD, I researched my own line back to John Joseph born 1760 and there he was in a family tree in the library, A person had spent 30 years researching the tree from John Joseph back to the Gheardinis in Florence 990AD.

Cathy and I have converted all the LDS records for Glenflesk & Killarney into spreadsheets and databases, the database is good as you can carry out parent and sibling searches.

Glenflesk Christenings: 1820-1879
Glenflesk Marriages: 1830-1880

Killarney Christenings: 1780-1839
Killarney Marriages: 1892-1880

If anyone needs a lookup give me a shout


Evicted Tenants (County Kerry).
HC Deb 23 November 1909 vol 13 c178W 178W
asked the Chief Secretary whether he can state the number of applications received from evicted tenants in Kerry for reinstatement in holdings, the number of applicants noted or approved of for reinstatement, and the actual number of evicted tenants put into possession of holdings in Kerry?

One thousand and forty-two applications have been received by the Estates Commissioners from persons seeking reinstatement as tenants, or the representatives of tenants, evicted from holdings in county Kerry. Two hundred and ninety-seven of the applicants have been reinstated or provided with new holdings, the names of 121 have been provisionally noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land, 479 applications have been refused after inquiry, and 145, received since the date prescribed by the Evicted Tenants Act, have not been inquired into.


Kerry V Louth In All-Ireland Gaelic Football Final 1909. It was the first time Louth were Linster Champions since 1887,Half time Kerry 1-03 to Louth 0-3, Kerry won 1-9 to 0-6. Kerry Team were; T.Costello (Captain), M. McCarthy, F.J.Cronin, C.Healy, J.O`Sullivan, M.J.Quinlan, T.Rice, D.Breen, R.Fitzgerald, P.Dillon, C.Murphy, E.Spillane, J.Skinner, J.Mulanne, J.Kennely, B.O`Connor and J.McCarthy. The attendance was 15,000.On their way to the All Ireland Kerry beat Tipperaty, then played Limerick in Listowel ,score 2-18 to 1-02.Kerry had a disputed match with Cork which was given to Kerry following an objection, but Kerry insisted in playing Cork again and beat them on November 7th in Cork City. Before winning the All Ireland in 1909 Kerry had lost two All Ireland finals in a row.

Farewell to a native son of Kilbaha, Newtownsandes.
By Bill McEvoy

It is with profound sense of sorrow and deep regret that we record the passing of Frank Thornton, Chicago, Illinois on October 21, 1997. He was 89. Frank was born in Kilbaha near Moyvane, County Kerry on August 29, 1908. It was then and still is an area rich in Irish heritage, culture and tradition. He played a leading role in the founding of Comhaltas here in North America.

Of all the great personalities who illuminated the Comhaltas scene here in the early seventies, there is little doubt that Frank Thornton was one of the most memorable. An extraordinary man in every sense of the word, the very embodiment of a joyous spirit, in love with all things Irish, particularly traditional Irish music, song and dance. He brought consistent and unflagging enthusiasm into his work for Comhaltas. One could only gasp with wonder at the sustained energy with which he had been endowed.

At a very young age, Frank got his first lessons on the flute from his Uncle Jerry, a renowned flute player in that time period. He came to America in 1929 during the Great Depression. It was very hard to find work. He often recalled how he stood in line for hours at Montgomery Wards while job applicants were being interviewed. When my time came to be interviewed, I was extremely polite. The man asked me where are you from?' I said ‘Ireland.' Moved by his sincerity of heart and his meaningful approach, Frank was hired. He was one of a very few hired on that occasion. He went on to serve at Montgomery Wards for the next 9 years, when he joined Chicago Police in 1938. Most of his distinguished services with the police department was on foot patrol, in an area near Lawrence and Milwaukee Avenues, where he endeared himself to the business community and citizens alike. He retired from Chicago Police in 1965.

Almost from the time of his arrival in Chicago, Frank threw himself wholeheartedly into promoting Irish music. He started to teach tin whistle to the young people in his area. The basement room of his home would be filled. Lessons were free and many times he bought instruments as well for those who couldn't afford them. He went on to form the Thornton Fife and Drum Band, a colourful and spectacular group of musicians all dressed in green and gold, solid reflection of his great love for Ireland and for his native County Kerry. His three sons, Jimmy, Jerry and Frank were all members of the Band.

In 1959, Frank led a group of Chicago-based Irish musicians on a tour of Ireland. It was the first ever performing group from America. They performed 23 concerts in 27 days. The great Chicago Pianist, Eleanor Keane Neary, was part of that group.

This trip to Ireland would always have a profound bearing on Frank's life thereafter. The weather was just dreadful over the North Atlantic. The plane developed engine trouble and was forced to land at Gander, NewFoundland. Soon after departure, the trouble reoccurred and the plane had to return to Gander again.

Recalling the awful experience Frank said, ‘my thoughts went back to my mother who prayed daily for our safety. All on Board were praying the Rosary as the plane bounced from one air pocket to another. ‘I swore in my heart I would never fly to Ireland again.' However, this transatlantic experience and pledge for the future did not keep him away from the Emerald Isle. He made 12 more trips, mostly by boat.

In 1956, Frank thought the time had come for a more positive and unified association of Irish Musicians in the various cities of America. Together with a few distinguished musicians here, among them the late Ed Reevy of Philadelphia, Louis E. Quinn of New York, and Johnny McGreevy of Chicago, others too. He founded the l.M.A. Irish Musicians Association of America. Guided by Frank Thornton as its first president, the organisation quickly grew in strength and number. In 1963 there were 27 IM. clubs flourishing all across America. In 1969, Frank organised the first ever concert tour of Irish champion musicians from Ireland. This prestigious group was led by the then Comhaltas President Labhras O Murchú. This led to the founding of Comhaltas Ceoltóiri Eireann here in 1972, when the then Chief Comhaltas Organiser, the late Diarmuid O Cathain came here as the Ardchomhairle representative. He soon made contact with Frank Thornton, who supplied a list of names and contacts that played a vital role in the establishment of Comhaltas here, especially the Annual Concert Tours.



MULVIHILL may be of Kilbaha

North of the remote shores of Lake Manitoba in Canada, is the tiny village

of Mulvihill. It lies along what used to be the Canadian National Railway

line to Hudson Bay at Churchill and was a divisional point for the railroad.

In its heyday, Mulvihill had a train station, boarding house, cream grading

station, blacksmith shop, grist mill, trading post, butcher shop, coal dock,

fish storage shed, post office, church, a livery barn that could shelter

twenty teams, five stores, three schools and a dancehall. The homesteaders

built the first school in 1912. Roads were mainly rough trails. The growing

season was very short, the winters brutally cold. Wildlife was abundant.

They fished, hunted and gathered wild berries and mushrooms. They drove

oxen and horses. They grew grain and kept pigs, cattle, chicken and geese.

They enjoyed home-brewed beer, baseball, dances and frequent surprise

and card parties. The northern lights and natural beauty of the area graced

their lives.

One of the families that settled in Mulvihill had been scheduled to board

The Titanic, but since the doomed ship was overbooked, they ended up on

another ship bound for Canada.

Mulvihill, Manitoba is one hundred miles north of Winnepeg on Highway

6, between Ashern and Eriksdale. The post office there was originally

called Mona. Around 1913 it was changed to Mulvihill, although oddly,

the Mulvihill Cemetery has a 1910 date. The town was named for a

Roman Catholic priest who traveled the district. Father Mulvihill was of

the OMI-Order of Mary Immaculate and was also the Reeve, similar to a

mayor, of the municipality of St. Laurent. Manitoba was settled by

French, Scandinavians, Irish, Scottish, English, Icelandic, Polish and

others. It is rich with the culture of the Métis (people of mixed Native

Canadian and European descent). Mennonites also colonized Manitoba.

At some point, much of the town was destroyed by fire. According to

clansman Ed Connolly, there are now only about ten houses and one

general store/luncheonette in Mulvihill. We know of no Mulvihills who

live there or are buried there. If anyone knows anything about the priest or

any clansfolk who might have lived in or near Mulvihill, please let us




Notes on Thomas FitzMaurice and Botany Bay


The following is from a printed article, undated, kept by David Gregory FitzMaurice (b 23 Dec 1908), given to him by his oldest brother Jack (John Loftus FitzMaurice b 9 Nov ____)


Thomas FitzMaurice, Kiltomey, Lixnaw, Co. Kerry, Ireland


Born about 1771, died about 1868. Transported to Botany Bay, Australia, England's Penal Colony, about the year 1795, for six years. About six month's voyage in a sailing vessel.


Grandfather of Mrs. Mary MacAuliffe, formerly Mrs. Patrick Quilter, whose Maiden name was O'Flaherty; FitzMaurice was her mother's father. Mrs. MacAuliffe is the narrator of the following:


FitzMaurice was present at a meeting of some members of the "Whiteboy" held in an upstairs room in a public house in Ahabeg, near Lixnaw, of which FitzMaurice's mother was the proprietor. The "Whiteboys" was an organization of young men who roamed the countryside at night, wearing white gowns, and whose objects were to intimaidate tithe gatherers and also to seize guns. Tithe gathererw - officially called "tithe-proctors" - were abhorrent to the mass of the peasantry, because they acted for the Protestant Ascendancy Church, which the peasantry, almost all Catholic, was compelled to support. If a man did not pay his tithe charge, the proctor could, and often did, seize the man's bullock or sheep and sell it on behalf of the Protestant Church.


At the aforsaid meeting in FitzMaurice's mother's house, some discussion was had about proposed raids to be made for arms, etc. some of the conversation was overheard by Ferdinand Lyon, a "Tithe-Proctor", who was a half-brother of FitzMaurice. Lyon took down the conversation and reported it to a magistrate. The magistrate, meeting FitzMaurice shortly afterwards, told him that he had a paper he wished him to sign. FitzMaurice foolishly signed it wothout reading it, or knowing its import.


Then FitzMaurice was arrested and put on trial, but would not divulge the names of those at the meeting, even though he was not generally supposed to be a Whiteboy himself. Lyon, the informer, being a Tithe-Proctor, had probably been raided by the Whiteboys, hence his desire to have the members arrested.


For two weeks previous to his trial, FitzMaurice was forced to stand in cold water up to his hips for two hours each day, in the hopes of breaking his will and making him disclose the names of those at the meeting. The trial was held at Tralee. In a further effort to break his will, FitzMaurice was placed in the stocks, but the Tralee shopkeepers put up their shutters in protest at this action, and all business places were closed.


At the time he stood trial FitzMaurice's oldest child was but nine months old. His wife attended the trial.


The great Daniel O'Connell happened to be in court during the trial, which, at that time, like most other trials of Irishmen, was only a judicial farce, and O'Connell asked and received permission to speak to the prisoner. In the excitement and confusion FitzMaurice was unable to remember the advice of O'Connell, althugh it is believed that the advice, if followed, would have freed him.


FitzMaurice was transported for six years. Little provision was made for feeding the prisoners during the long voyage. Fortunely, FitzMaurice's mother owned a grocery store and fully supplied him for the voyage. This fact enabled him to save the life of a fellow prisoner whose rations were exhausted during the voyage.


At the completion of his sentene FitzMaurice was faced with the problem of transportation home., for while his wife had sent him sixty pounds (about $300) for the trip, he never received it. But standing at the docks one day he saw a vessel about to sail for Englland, and he managed to make arrangements to work his passage home. His general knowledge of work around a farm stood him in good stead, and he had charge of the butcher's store during the voyage.


There was, of course, no advance notice of his arrival in Tralee in those days. However, an old friend recognized him, and seizing his hat, dashed through the town, yelling in Gaelic, "This is Tom FitzMaurice's hat!" A crowd quickly gathered, and, strange to say, one of the first to try to shake hands with FitzMaurice was Lyon. But on seeing this, one stout-fisted Kerryman belabored Lyon, with the remark that "No informer is worthy to shake the hand of such a patriot."


During his absence, his wife was never known to laugh.


End of Mrs. MacAuliffe's Narrative.


It is also known that FitzMaurice was met by a crowd of his friends as he approached his home, who drew the car in which he was traveling up to his own door.


Besides the charge of attending the meeting, FitzMaurice also was said to have allowed the Whiteboys to use his horses on midnight raids. FitzMaurice insisted that he never gave the horses-he knew nothing about it.


Thomas FitzMaurice had, among other children, his oldest son, John, who had a son, Thomas, whose son is John Paul FitzMaurice, whose son is John Loftus FitzMaurice, whose son is Desmond Gregory FitzMaurice, whose son is Kevin.






Direct Spearin line-Joe Spearin

Spearin ancestor Place & Date of Birth Date & Place of Death Spouse

Luke Spearin ?Limerick 1833 1900 Limerick Ellen Kenealy

Joseph Spearin Limerick 1873 Dec 3rd 1940 Limerick Mary Catherine O'Mahony

William Spearin Limerick 1907 April 1959 Limerick Patricia Keyes

JRGS Limerick



Freemans Journal; Jan 1862, Miss Cronin from Clougheen, Killarney, Professed at Listowel Presentation Convent. Fr McDonnell officiated. The F J of 26th Oct 1864, reports death of Mother Teresa Kelly of Presentation Convent, Listowel, Miss Kelly entered in Killarney fifty years ago. When the Mount Mellary monks came to Killarney she helped to provide for them and she is still prayed for at Mount Mellary as a benefactor. She established Milltown Convent and stayed there till her 50th year, then with other sisters she established Listowel Convent about 20 years ago. Mother Theresa Kelly was known for her charity during the famine year’s and support for missions at home and abroad. F J of 17th Oct 1877, carries the report on the death in Listowel of Canon McDonnell PP. V.G.F. born in Dingle 1813 ordained 1844, he done great exertions during the famine, was involved in the opening of the Cathedral in Killarney, he was transferred to Listowel on the death of Fr Mahony in 1857. Canon McDonnell was struck down by illness for most of the past year. High Mass was celebrated by Archdeacon O Connell from Castleisland, assisted by Rev. m Scannell CC. Listowel, Rev. m Godley CC Listowel and Rev A Moynihan CC Listowel was master of ceremonies. Archdeacon Higgins PP Kenmare led the choir, Fr J Foran and Fr W O Callaghan were cantors. Among the priest were Franciscans Fr Arsenus and Fr Jarlathe of Killarney. Priests from the Diocese included; P Moriarty, Brosna; Fr Lonergan Duagh; Fr Mc Carthy Duagh; G Burke and G Barton Newtown; M O Sullivan and M Dillon, Ballylongford; D Foley Tarbert; M O Connor and T Lawlor Ballybunion; T Enright and F Cregan? Of Causeway; T Nolan and M Herlihy Lixnaw; G griffin Adm. Killarney; M Dillon Killarney; M W O Callaghan Ballymacelligott and from Tralee came, T O Connor, D McGillicuddy and P Pierce.




Listowel Poor Law Union was formally declared on the 27th March 1840 and covered an area of 326 square miles. Was governed by elected Board of 27 Guardians, 27 representing 21 electoral divisions. Abbeydorney, Ardfert, Ballyheigue, Ballylongford (2), Drumkeen (2), Duagh, Gunsborough, Kilconly, Kilfeighney, Kilflynn, Killahan, Killahinny, Kilmoyley (2), Kilshinane, Kiltomey, Knockanure, Lissleton, Listowel (3), Newtownsandes, Rattoo, Tarbert (2).

The Board also included 9 ex-officio Guardians, making a total of 36. The population in 1831 census had been 65,198

Listowel workhouse declared fit for the reception of paupers on 17th August 1944, fit for 700 inmates. It cost £5,980 plus £1,276 for fittings etc.

During the famine sleeping galleries were erected to accommodate 100 inmates. A fever hospital for 46 patients was erected.


American Community Survey found that 47.5 per cent of Scituate's 18,000 residents list their primary ancestry as Irish.



New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXIV, Issue 17, 21 August 1896, Page 17


The news of the death of Jeremiah Enright, which took place at Nightcaps on the 14th inst, was received with general regret in this district. The deceased, who was a comparatively young man, was born (writes an occasional correspondent) at Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, and came to this Colony about twenty years ago. He resided for the last twelve or thirteen years in the Wrey's Bush district, where he was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. He complained of a cold about ten days before his death, and, notwithstanding all that medical skill and careful nursing could do, he succumbed to his illness on the 14th of August. His funeral was one of the largest seen in the district. He was buried in the Wrey's Bush cemetery. The Very Rev. Father Walsh officiated at the grave.



New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXV, 24 December 1897, Page 9


Bartholomew Dowling, the writer of "Life's Wreck," was born at Listowel. County Kerry, about the year 1822. While still a child his parents emigrated to Canada, where his father died. Later the mother and children returned and settled in County Limerick, He wrote several poems for the Nation after its foundation. In 1848 he proceeded to California, where, after spending some time as a miner, he lived on a farm at Crucita Valley. In 1858 he was appointed editor of the San Francisco Monitor. In 1863 he met with an accident while driving, and soon afterwards died from its effects in St. Mary's Hospital, San Francisco. Dowling's best, and best known poem is probably "The Irish brigade at Fontenoy."



KERRY— A Klondyke Millionaire-— Mr Patrick Galvin, one of Klondyke's millionaires, has arrived in Listowel, whence he emigrated over twenty years ago to America, and where he experienced varying fortunes until he struck for Klondyke, where he became immensely rich. He refused £200,000 for some land he owns there and sold one of his claims for £20,000 before starting for Ireland. His account of the journey from the new gold country is most interesting. Mr Galvin, who was accompanied by his wife, travelled by the Dalton trail and had to tramp 374 miles, and Mrs Gaivin had to walk 150 miles during the journey. When starting from Klondyke they had eleven pack horses, and at the journey's end they had but four. The provision's too, ran scarce, and they had to subsist on flour and water for a considerable time.



Famous photographer: Timothy O'Sullivan was of Irish ancestry. It is known that as a teenager he worked in the studio of photographer Mathew Brady, . A veteran of the American Civil War in its first year,Tim O'Sullivan went photographing the civil war during the final three years of the conflict before setting out later on his cross-continental expeditions.

Timothy O'Sullivan, who used a box camera, explored the land in the 1860s and 1870s.


O'Sullivan died from tuberculosis at the age of 42 in 1882



I have been trying to find information about this man...my GG Grandfather. He appears to be born in Kerry and had a child with Bridget Kennelly in Kilbaha in 1868. I can find them both the 1901 cesus and him in the 1911 census in Direen but after that he disappears. I wonder in this might be him. This was found at https://www.familysearch.org/ but I am really not sure if it was him.

name:Cornelius Cunningham

registration district:Listowel

event type:DEATHS

registration quarter and year:Jan - Mar 1912

estimated birth year:1835

age (at death):77

Cornelius and Bridget lived around Athea and attended the Parish church there but most of the children and Bridget immagrated to Kansas City. Dennie, their son and my G Grandfather, married Catherine O'Sullivan (Katie) daughter of Patrick O'Sullivan and Mary Mullane.

Thanks for any help that can be provided.


am hoping to find more information about my great-grandfather, Michael Sullivan, born around 1844 near Listowel, Co. Kerry. Unfortunately, I do not know the townland. With such a common name (and so little information that passed down to my family), it is VERY difficult to research him. On his death certificate his father's name is listed as "Michael Sullivan" and his mother as "Johanna Mulvhill." We also know that when he came to the the USA (around 1858) he was accompanied by his younger brother, Patrick. Family lore says that their father died and their mother remarried, and that there was 1 step-sister. Not sure if Johanna's maiden name was Mulvhill, or if the man she married after Michael died was Mulvihill. Also not sure of any other siblings that might have remained behind. But clearly Michael and Patrick left after their father (Michael Sullivan) died. Apparently they worked in upstate NY as indentured farm laborers. Michael met another Irish immigrant (Abigail Sheehan, also from Co. Kerry), and they married in the early 1860s. In the early 1870s they moved to Galesville, WI, and eventually (in the 1880s) to St. Paul, MN.







an undertaking to be of good behavior, and all the remaining internees were released

from confinement shortly before Christmas, 1916.

In February, 1917, a small number of persons were deported to England owing to

their seditious and pro-German activities, but these persons were not interned in

England; they were merely required to live in specified localities, and the Irish

Government bore the cost of their maintenance.

In May, 1918, it also became necessary to arrest and intern in England, for the same

reasons, a considerable number of persons, many of whom had been convicted of

participation in the rebellion of 1916, and sentenced to terms of penal servitude, from

which they were released by an amnesty granted by the King in June, 1917.