


As more & more counties get more solar farms.....


From a STEPHENVILLE resident, George Franklin:


I should start by telling you what bonafides I have for writing this.  I am a retired aerospace engineer.  A literal rocket scientist if you will.   I worked on MX (Peacekeeper) Space Shuttle, Hubble, Brilliant Pebbles, PACOSS, Space Station, MMU, B2, the Sultan of Brunei's half billion dollar private 747 with crystal showers, gold sinks and 100 dollar a yard coiffed silk carpets.  I designed a satphone installation on prince Jeffry's 757.  I did all of the design work for the structure of Mark 1V propulsion module currently flying on at least 3 spacecraft that I know of.  Some of the more exciting projects I have worked on are not shareable.  I am also am FAA certified glider pilot and FAI certified gold glider pilot.  I fly both full scale and model sailplanes.  I am Microsoft certified and ComTIA A+ certified.


SOLAR PANELS are at best about 20% EFFICIENT.   They convert almost 0% of the UV light that hits them.  None of the visible spectrum and only some of the IR spectrum.  At the same time as they are absorbing light they are absorbing heat from the sun.  This absorbed HEAT is RADIATED INTO THE adjacent ATMOSPHERE.  It should be obvious what happens next.  When air is warmed it rises.  Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are capable of creating powerful forces of weather like thunderstorms and tornadoes.  These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced by land features as they are blown downwind.  It is all too obvious to me what will happen with the heat generated by an entire solar farm.  SOLAR FARMS WILL BECOME THUNDERSTORM and TORONADO INCUBATORS and MAGNETS.


Solar panels are dark and and they emit energy to the space above them when they are not being radiated.  This is known as black-body radiation.  Satellites flying in space use this phenomenon to cool internal components.  If they didn't do this they would fry themselves.


So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer than the original land that they were installed on, but they also produce more cooling in winter, thus exacerbating weather extremes.


So I conclude with this.  THERE IS NOTHING GREEN ABOUT GREEN ENERGY except the DIRTY MONEY flowing into corrupt pockets.


There is no such thing as green energy.  The science doesn't exist.  The technology doesn't exist.  The engineering doesn't exist.  We are being pushed to save the planet with solutions that are worse than the problems.




1841. Attendances.  Schools Co. Cork in Receipt of Grants for Books or Teachers Salary. Grants for School building.  The chilling information here is that many of the pupils listed were to die in the famine.












    Search Documents


    Commissioners of National Education in Ireland: eighth report, 1841








The potato fundamentally changed world history. So argued historian William H. McNeill over a career spanning more than fifty years, from his doctoral thesis on the influence of the potato on Irish history in 1947 to this 1999 article on the potato’s two periods of “critical difference for world history.”




Firstly, “potatoes provided the principal energy source for the Inca Empire, its predecessors and its Spanish successor.” Secondly, via Spain, the New World plant spread to northern Europe, “where potatoes, by feeding rapidly growing populations, permitted a handful of European nations to assert dominion over most of the world between 1750 and 1950.”















A Miscellany of The Deasy Family in West Cork from John T. Collins, Kilmeen Historian




Deasy Magistrates:


Rickard Deasy, Superseded 1822, Clonakilty, Brewing family.  Deasy, Rickart, Esq., of Clonakilty, to Miss Cotter, at Millstreet – (CMC 8/9/1802).  Father Collins, PP Bantry evidence to Parliamentary Enquiry that he had £2,000 per annum when half pay Protestant Officers on £40 per annum were preferred for Quarter Assizes Juries in Bantry. 1828 seeking reform of the House of Commons. Reinstatement supported by Dr John Richard  Elmore, Clonakilty. 1822 local fishery committee.  1822 insisted that inquest be held into the killing of Patrick Buckley on a poteen raid commanded by Lieutenant Hungerford of Clonakilty later Yeomanry Sergeant acquitted.  1822 with Dr. Elmore and John Molony seeking Chief Secretary; support for harbour works for poor relief at Ring. Attending dinner Devonshire Arms Hotel for Daniel O’Connell 1839 listed as J.P. Chairman of meeting of Independent Liberal Electors thanking electoral personnel for Impartiality in 1835 elections.  The Reformers of the West Riding of Cork to Daniel O'Connell MP to Dinner in Bandon, Co Cork, with 200 Liberals in attendance including, Francis Bernard Beamish MP (1802-1868), Rickard Deasy (1766-1852) Brewer Clonakilty, James Clugston Allman Distiller Bandon, James Redmond Barry J.P., Commissioner for Fisheries, Edward O'Brien, Masonic Lodge Bandon, John Hurley Brewer, Major E. Broderick, Henry Owen Beecher Townsend (1775-1847), Major Mathew Scott J.P. (1779-1844), Philip Harding, Carrigafooka, Macroom, Richard Dowden (1794-1861) Unitarian, Frances Coppinger Esq., Parkview, Bandon.



1822, Letter of Protest from Dr. Elmore, Clonakilty, Co. Cork against Dismissal of Rickard Deasy Early Catholic Magistrate.


At the time there was a considerable amount of dismissals possibly because of age or infirmity.



The project was made possible by a bequest from the late Professor Francis J Crowley. Born in New Haven, Connecticut, Professor Crowley was educated at Yale and Princeton, and became a professor of French at the University of California at Los Angeles. Both his parents were born in Ireland, and in his will he bequeathed most of his estate to the Republic of Ireland to be used for the preservation of records of the history of the Irish people.



The Deasys were part of an extended family network heavily involved in politics:





Those of us who are graduating from college, or who are sidestepping student loans to start grinding on a career, are taking our first steps into the “adult” world. But that terminology is misleading — it’s not like we’ve been locked away in a kid’s room and suddenly a door is opened. We’ve actually been practicing adult skills for a long time. It’s just that the stakes are higher now that we are setting out to find our own path.


After school, there are no programs or structures that rule our lives — and that’s part of what’s exciting about being a grown-ass person. We get to make our lives into what we want them to be.


But even if we want to start crushing it in this new phase of life, it’s not easy to know how to be successful. And what does “successful” even mean, really?



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In Praise of The Humble Sloe. Flor Crowley 1959.




Dec 14







Sloe jelly (or sloe jam, if you prefer) is almost unknown, which is a shame because it’s quite possibly the finest fruit jam you can make; tart, tangy and mysteriously dark. Sloes grow on blackthorn bushes, which are prickly customers at the best of times, and ordinarily you wouldn’t get much jelly for your trouble. Happily there’s a cheat, which is the addition of cooking apples. Apple brings out the flavour of the sloes and mellows their bitterness, helps the jam to set, and plumps the jam out to three times its original volume, making those prickly little prizes go a lot further. You can also get very similar results using bullaces instead of sloes; the flavour isn’t quite so good but the bushes are less thorny and tend to yield more heavily.


Sloe jelly, image

How to make sloe jelly

Weigh your crop of pricked, frozen or frosted sloes in a saucepan. Add just enough water to cover the fruit, bring to the boil, and simmer until the berries are pulpy (you may need to mash them a bit).

Add twice the weight of washed, chopped apples (peel, core and all), and the juice and peel of half a lemon for every kilo (2 lbs) of apples. Bring to the boil, simmer until pulpy again, and leave to cool down a bit.

Strain the pulp through a scalded jelly bag or fine muslin into a suitable container. You shouldn’t squeeze the bag to hurry it up or you will have cloudy jelly, so leave it to dribble through overnight.

The next day, measure the juice and add 400g of sugar per 500ml (1 lb per pint). Stir it over a medium heat until it comes to the boil, and skim off any scum.

Boil the liquid until it reaches setting point (you can use a sugar thermometer for this, or just keep checking it with a cold plate), then ladle into hot jars and seal

Sloe Cordial


1kg Sloes


1 litre water


Juice of 1 lemon


Granulated Sugar (80g per 100ml liquid)


1. Bring the sloes, water and lemon juice to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.


2. Break up the cooked sloes with a wooden spoon or potato masher, don’t bother about the stones as they will be sieved out later.


3. Simmer for a further 10 minutes.


4. Pour the mixture through a sieve.  If you want your cordial to be clear you should line your sieve with a muslin and don’t push the pulp through.  I didn’t do that and although the cordial is perfectly fine it isn’t clear.


5. Clean the pan and pour the juice back in, add the sugar and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved.


6. Bring to the boil and simmer for another 10 minutes.  Cool and bottle in sterilised bottles.


Sloe gin is just the tipple for warming up cold days, but you have to think ahead and make it now so the rock-hard, purple-black fruits have time to flavour the gin. Your gin isn't ready until the colour resembles a decent Beaujolais.



Prick your sloes, about 450g, with a needle or freeze them and bash with a heavy weight. Tip them into sterilised bottles, the fruit coming a third of the way up. Divide 350g of caster or granulated sugar among them then top up with gin or vodka. It will take about 750ml. Little point in using an expensive brand, by the way. Place the sealed bottles somewhere cool and dark. Leave for 8-10 weeks, turning the bottle occasionally, giving it a shake every week.



For me, the hardest part of making sloe gin is keeping my patience while it mellows. Well, that and finding enough sloes. I take great pleasure in pricking each berry with a needle in several places then dropping them into a bottle with sugar and gin, but others like to freeze the sloes in a plastic bag then bash them hard with a hammer or rolling pin. It is an effortless, kind-on-the-thumb way to get the best out of your hedgerow booty, though I much prefer the slow, non-violent way. Sloes are notoriously evasive. Forage for your own or try local farmers' markets. I found this year's supply in a greengrocer in Bristol.



Yes, warming in a glass, but have you ever thought of using it in the kitchen? Even a tablespoon will add fruit depths to everything from gravy for game birds (pour it into the roasting tin and stir over a high heat to dissolve all the roasting debris into the gravy) to a major injection of flavour to a fruit crumble. Try it with plums or – best of all – with blackberry and apple. Not a gin type? Then use vodka. Suggest a drop of vanilla




Autumn is the perfect time to make sloe gin or vodka. Hedgerows are full of ripe, juicy sloes and the delicious fruity liqueur will be ready in time for Christmas. So why not give it a go? It's so easy to make and you certainly won't regret it when, feet up in front of the fire with the wind and snow howling outside, you treat yourself to a warming tipple. Why not try one of the other Allotment Heaven easy recipes?


Equipment needed


2 litre preserving bottle such as show here


Weighing scales


Ingredients needed


1 litre bottle of gin or vodka (no need to buy an expensive brand!)


450 grams of sloes


250 grams of white sugar, whose purpose is not only to sweeten the liqueur but to also extract the maximum amount of juice from the sloes.




1. A few days before you're ready to start put the sloes in a plastic bag and place them in a freezer. This will break the skins.


2. Let the sloes defrost before using.


3. Put the sloes, sugar and gin or vodka into the preserving bottle and seal.


4. Give the contents a thorough shake.


5. Shake the bottle every other day for a month.


6. Shake once a week for the second month.


7. When you're ready to drink (see below) strain clear the liquid into the 1 litre sterilised gin or vodka bottle.


8. Add more sugar if necessary according to preference.


9. The liqueur can be drunk from the third month onward, though will improve with age.


The leftover sloes can be used to make jam.




To drink, add 10 parts water to one part cordial.




Words in Irish from Dunmanway, West Cork from Flor Crowley N.T. (National Teacher), Behigullane, Dunmanway.    Flor is the short for Florence the old version of the name in Irish is Finín, Fineen, Finghín.


Magistrate of same name:


Florence Crowley,1895, Behagullane, Dunmanway, listed 1913.



From his book 'In West Cork Long Ago', 1979, Mercier. Some of the practises flailing had probably gone out by the early 20th century.


Pages 9 and 10




Drinagh 1940s




Pre 1965 farming practices West Cork, Red Elephant and Epicure potatoes, working with the grufán, threshing with the steam engine, winnowing of wheat and oats, working in the bog.


Flor Crowley NT, Behigulane describes farming practices in Dunmanway for small to middling farms which would have been common to Protestant and Catholic farmers from the Famine to the early 1960s. From then on, reclamation, rural electrification and specialisation spelled the end for many of the prctices described.


The page sequence in the PDF is out, note the bottom page number.


In West Cork ong Ago


1-Scan 1520

2-Scan 1521



Bowlers Aughaville, Dromore, Colomane, Durrus, West Cork.  Bill Barrett, Patrick O'Driscoll, Richard Barrett, John Connolly, Jimmy Crowley, J.j. Sullivan, Donald Crowley, Eugene Daly and Possible Origins in Co. Armagh and The North of England.


It has been suggested that road bowling was introduced to West Cork by weavers who came in in t18th century from the North of England.


Flor Crowley, a National Teacher from Dunmanway who taught in Bandon founded An Bol Cumann.  He wrote extensively on local matters and is books are now collectors items.


Thanks to Peter O'Driscoll, San Francisco and Donal O'Mahony, Cobh.


Bill Barrett who always wore white tennis shoes.    Patrick O'Driscoll of Aughavile was recognised as a reasonable good bowler he was the man that guided Bill Barrett during his early days as a bowler.


His grand son Peter O'Driscoll was told by Tom Hayes from Aughaville whom he met in San Francisco. Tom Hayes came to America & San Francisco in 1910, at the age of 17 years he was in the first World War, he died in 1974 and is buried in the Golden Gate National Cemetry. He never married.

Bill Barrett in his younger days was a senior class bowler. This was before you had tar and crushed rock surfaced roads.


Richard Barrett from Colomane Wood he would be a cousin to Bill Barrett, Richard brothers were Pat, Bob, Steven and John.  Older men around Colomane often said that John Barrett had the ability to a great bowler.

Richard was a local good bowler not quit a senior class bowler.


John Connolly of Colomane West was a senior class bowler.

Jimmy Crowley of Colomane was a local good bowler He was from the family that owned the trashing machine.

Donald Crowley of Colomane Pub was a local good bowler.


J.J. Sullivan of Coomane north was a local good bowler, he came to America about 1958 he was a cousin to  John Crowley's family. My best guess is that John Crowley's mother was J.J. Sulivan's aunt.


The up and coming star was  Eugene Daly of Dromore  in 1960 and the later arrivals in San Francisco have told Peter O'Driscoll  that Eugene was a senior class bowler.


Around Drimoleague and Drinagh, there was a family of Sheen's (Sheehan?) three brothers John, Jerry and Michael. also a Humphrey O'Leary was a senior class bowler.

These are bowlers that that bowled on a Sunday evening along the main road from O'Driscolls pub in Aughaville to Crowleys pub in Colomane.


The score of bowl started from the roadside sign post about two hundred yard east of the Aughaville cross-roads and ended at the sign post about two hundred yards west of Colomane pub, a distance of two miles.

There are other bowlers that came from Bandon and places near Cork City to bowl from Aughaville to Colomane.


In the Durrus area Danny O'Mahony of Ahagouna reckoned to be the best 84 yard loft with Mick Barry.  In his early years on the Dunbeacon Road sometimes Bill Barrett  would mark for him.


In the local folklore a son of one of the O'Donovan Landlord families (either That of Timothy of the Cove or Richard of the Fort) was reckoned to be a good bowler.   There is an excellent painting in the Crawford Art Gallery Cork of a member of the landlord Smith Barry family of East Cork bowling early 19th century in all his finery.


It has been said that road bowing was introduced to West Cork by weavers from the North of England.  In the Durrus/Schull are the Crostons were a weaving family who may have originated in Croston, Lancashire.  Another location for bowling is Armagh.  Here too there were may families introduced in connection wiht weaving/linen/flax to West Cork in the early 18th century from Co. Armagh, names such as Johnson, Richardson, Shannon. Williamson adn Young among others..




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October 2022;

Joe Harrington, author of the book, Once Upon a Road which he describes as a book of local and not so local history.


A road trip through the past best describes a new book just hot off the press.


Written by Lyreacrompane native, Joe Harrington, its 364 full colour pages and 315 images, maps and photos is an account of the very first Butter Road from Kerry to the Cork Butter Market.


Joe describes the book, which took five years to compile, as a “search for the olden days on a sixty-mile journey through 275 years of time and I thought ‘Once Upon a Road’ was an appropriate title for a book on local, and not so local, history.”


The subject of the book is the road from Ballyduhig, near the Six Crosses, through Lyreacrompane, Castleisland, Cordal, Tooreencahill, Millstreert, Aubane, Vicarstown, to Kerry Pike outside Cork City.


Built by a Castleisland Man


The road was built under a 1747 Act of Parliament by a Castleisland man, John Murphy, who had the right, for 61 years, to place six toll gates at different points on the turnpike road.


The story of the road first appeared a couple of years ago in a song by Joe entitled ‘The Road John Murphy Made’ which won the Sean McCarthy Ballad Competition.


“The ballad was about one man’s trip on the road in the 1750s and the book broadens the story,” Joe explained.


“In a time when butter was gold this first Kerry to Cork turnpike/toll road provided a passage from the dairy lands of North and East Kerry to the already renowned Cork Butter Market.


Dipping into Local History


“Every mile on ‘The Road John Murphy Made’ tells its own tale and along the way we will meet Whiteboys and hedge schoolmasters, freedom fighters and Moonlighters, famines and natural disasters, Mass rocks and wedge tombs, bronze-age hoards and bog butter, lost estates and evicted tenants – and the part played by the road in the slave trade.”


Once Upon a Road dips into the local history of the townlands, towns, villages and settlements through which the road passes.


Castleisland – For Example


“An example is Castleisland – an area that deserves a book all to itself. From the grave of Diarmuid Donn in Derreen, through Cordal and Kilmurry to Castleisland town, history has left many marks and we visit them all in the course of the book.


“From Ballyduhig where the road began near the present day Six Crosses to Kerry Pike near Cork City the book is a travelogue in time and place and I would like to thank all the local historians along the route who unstintingly related to me what they had discovered about their own area and, on a road known for its ‘straight as a gun-barrell’ stretches. To Kay O’Leary, who, so to speak, kept me on the straight and narrow.


Widely Available Locally


The book, which Joe was delighted to have printed locally by Walsh Colour Print, Castleisland with graphic design by Easy Design, Causeway, is widely available including from Joe Harrington, Lyreacrompane. Joe can be contacted at 087 2853570.




The Medium Has a Message


Visual works, no matter what form they take, are subject to both the limitations and possibilities of their medium. Medium refers to what material a visual work is made of: the vehicle for an idea. This could refer to a general form, like sculpture or drawing, or a specific material, like marble or charcoal on paper.


By understanding how a visual medium shapes interpretations of a work’s subject matter, unique perspectives on the same subject begin to emerge, highlighted by the capabilities of different media or the expectations viewers bring to a medium.









Slow me down Lord, slow me down! Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting


of my mind.


Give me amid the confusion of my day, the calmness of everlasting hills.


Break the tension of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing


streams that live in my memory.


Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep.


Teach me the art of taking minute vacations, of slowing down to look at a flower,


to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read few lines from a good book.


Remind me each day of the fable of the hare and the tortoise, that I may know


that the race is not always to the swift - that there is more to life than increasing




Let me look upward into the branches of the flowering oak and know that it is


great and strong because it grew slowly and well.


Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life's


enduring values that I may grow towards the stars of my great destiny












Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.


However,these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.


A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.


Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!


Did you know that heart attack and water go hand in hand.


How many people do you know who say


I don't want to drink water before I go to bed, because I'm going to have to get up




I didn't know this!


I asked my doctor why people piss a lot at night. The Doctor answered me, that a heart gravity holds the water at the bottom of the body and when it is in the vertical position the legs swell When you lie down, the lower body (legs, etc. ) they are up to the kidneys, and it is then when the kidneys eliminate the water because it is easier




I knew it takes minimum water to help eliminate toxins from the body. What I didn't know is, that drinking water at some point maximizes its effectiveness in the body, and the right time to drink it is:




2 glasses of water after waking up; helps activate internal organs.




1 Glass of water 30 minutes before a meal, helps digestion.




1 Glass of water before taking a bath, helps lower blood pressure.




1 Glass of water before going to bed, prevents stroke or heart attack.




I can also add this: my doctor told me that water at bedtime will also help prevent leg cramps in the night.


The muscles of the legs are looking for hydration and then the cramps awaken you.




The Dr. Virend Somers, is a cardiologist at the mayo clinic, who is the main author of the report of July 29, 2008 in the journal of the American College Of Cardiology and says




Most heart attacks occur in the day; usually between 6 am and noon. Suffering one during the night, when the heart must be at the greatest rest, means something strange happened.


Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to prove that sleep and snoring are to blame.


If you take an aspirin once a day, take it at night.




The reason:




The Aspirin, has an "average life" of 24 hours, so if most heart attacks occur in the early hours of the morning, the aspirin would be more concentrated in your circulatory system.




Something that is good to know to be able to help ourselves: Bayer is making crystal aspirin to instantly dissolve in the language. This one works much faster than the pills.




Why keep aspirin next to your bed?


Because of heart attacks! If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirin in your mouth and swallow with some water.




There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain in the chest and left arm. An intense pain in the right jaw and / or neck, as well as nausea and a lot of sweating; however, these symptoms may also not occur often. Maybe there is no chest pain during a heart attack.


Most people (about 60 %), who had a heart attack during their sleep were not awake.




However, if this occurs with chest pain, it can wake you from your deep sleep. Then call the phone of a neighbor or a family member who lives very close.




Say, "heart attack". sit on a chair or couch near the front door, wait for your arrival and... eye... don't lie down!




A cardiologist said, that if each person after reading this text, shares it with their facebook friends, probably several lives can be saved!




This message. Can save many lives!


Source Nikky’s Health Recipes




10 Years of Athea Community First Responders




By Rodge Byrne




It all started in 2007, when Dr Kieran Murphy, Athea Community GP, and I met up at the annual conference, known as www.Resus.ie.  Kieran and I spent some time discussing how a Community First Responder (CFR) system would work in and around the parish of Athea.  and attended a meeting in HSE South Ambulance services in Cork to get the process started.




How it developed




I was then a member of staff in the Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training team at Kerry General Hospital. I arranged for a CPR training colleague to kick us off, with the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF), Heart Saver CPR AED programme, in Con Colbert Hall in April 2008.




We cast our net across the community to see who would like to get involved in such an important service and excitingly, there was no shortage of interest. People came forward from the Fishing Club, Gun Club, Credit Union, GAA, Motorcycle Road Races Association, along with local pub staff, nurses, Irish Red Cross personnel and farmers – it was a mix of everyone from the community. In a village where the nearest ambulance is sometimes more than 30-45 minutes away, it was (is) about taking care of our own.




Raising money locally from donations and Church gate collections for training, equipment and resupply, the Athea Community First Responders (CFRs) was launched. Personnel across 2008-2010 had nationally recognised IHF training. We arranged to be contacted by the ambulance personnel if they were coming to our “patch” and hence a CFR would be first on scene, knowing what actions were most appropriate and equipment needed.




By 2010 we had developed key personnel to become instructors, just as the emergence of the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (Phecc) for Ireland became active. This organisation is the sole “Legal authority”, for all Pre-Hospital Care practitioners-providers and sets out 6 National Standards of competency. All of Athea CFRs progressed through such training, to increase their capability of dealing with a wider set of emergency care needs. With this new “Cardiac First Responder” qualification (CFR) personnel had expanded their competence and confidence.




Additionally, Athea CFRs had a joint endeavour with Kerry Civil Defence EMS team to train a number of personnel to qualify as Occupational First Aid (OFA) now known as First Aid Responder (FAR). In concert with this training Dr Murphy has provided a range of enhanced training sessions across the years on key topics and practices.




Why they become CFRs




My observation of CFRs, is that they, are motivated people willing to provide a “skilled helper” to others living in a community “where everybody knows everybody” and makes it a more personal service. Consequently, a family do not need to experience “helplessness” at this important time.




The importance of swift and speedy action in emergency care is critically important to ensure the best outcomes for residents, and thereby the parish is split into zones, with a number of responders in each zone.




What the CFR service provides




CFRs provide an on-call service to within the community for emergency care needs from 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday and from 6pm Friday to 8am Monday, 365 days a year (Yep 2017 a call on Christmas day too @14.22). The CFR phone holder acts as coordinator when they receive a call, they forward details to all CFRs of the nature and location of an incident.




Subsequently a group of responders will go to the scene to assess and carryout appropriate actions. Members of the team will have picked up the defibrillator and oxygen-breathing equipment from its position in the Defibrillator phone box outside Griffin’s Butchers in Main Street, Athea.




On that note Athea Tidy-towns vision for the “Telefon” box was an inspired choice to locate the defibrillator essentials from 2018 onwards and reaffirms our great working partnerships. Additionally 2018 saw the arrival of a second defibrillator awarded to us. We are surrounded by them / Athea GAA + Vales Football Club / and as of Jan 2019 Con Colbert hall (inside).     




During 2008-2010 there were seven call-outs and several of those were heart attack-type events. In one instance, an individual received a stent in less than three hours. So these are critical responses and show the significance of incidents CFRs attend.




In 2012 on the last occasion of Road Races, and 6 minutes before the “official road closure order” came into force, CFRs had to travel up the circuit from the bridge to Knockfinisk to a person requiring assistance.  In the same year Athea CFRs featured in the Irish Times: If you have access to on-line then search this statement, “Could this be the safest village in Ireland” it will take you to that article, along with a feature on TG4.




In 2014 a very demanding call involving multiple agencies that included CFRs first, followed by Shannon Doc presence, and Ambulance along with Gardaí to prepare for landing of the Irish Army Air corps, Rescue 112, air-medical evacuation helicopter.




In 2016 the whole CFR team underwent mandatory re-certification training that takes place every two years. Additionally we were approached by the NAS – Community Engagement




Officer for Limerick, requesting us to be re-registered as NAS 112-999 CFRs. Across the next 12 months we passed through the appropriate steps and hurdles e.g. evidence of training records = Phecc registrations / car insurance data / uniform requirements / equipment lists, and were incorporated into the 999 dispatch system.




Across the same period 2016-2017 the Athea CFR committee agreed that we should become a registered charity. Under the stewardship of Mary Sheahan Athea CFR Secretary it became a reality in early 2018. As you may know its takes a lot of background work to get registered and sets us apart from other groups that do not have such scrutiny applied to “what we do and how we keep our books”.




Athea CFR team members are trained to the Phecc.ie CFR Level 1 for First Responders, some members with OFA – FAR, along with other professional registered practitioners and instructors. Every two years CFR teams are required to undergo recertification training in addition to their attendance in the 1 hour training- testing session carried out every 90 days.




Looking ahead 




Across the years the demand for NAS – CFR services has been continuously expanding with regular monitoring to ensure that the Irish system meets International protocols. To that end since 2012 the expectation is that, following receipt of a 112–999 call to NAS, CFRs are required to be at the “scene” within 7 Minutes 59 seconds. I am pleased to advise that Athea has consistently met that target. All responses we’ve had in the village and across the Parish in the 10 years of existence have been between three and five minutes. You’re in good hands!




As 2018 draws to an end and 2019 kicks off, I want to update “our community” on where we are and where we are going. Earlier this year we were re-registered and went live with NAS 112-999 service. Since that time we are providing CFR services to a wider area, therefore increasing the frequency of calls.




If you are concerned about a person in your home showing signs of any of the following:




Heart attack signs – Chest pain and short of breath




Stroke signs – Face weakness – Arm weakness or Slurred Speech




Choking – where the person cannot cough or make a sound – cannot breath




Unconscious or Unresponsive – doesn’t wake or move on their own or when you touch them




Cardiac arrest – Heart stopped – poor colour or changing colour not breathing




Call 112 or 999 and a group of Athea Community Responders will be dispatched to your Eircode – Home address, with all the necessary equipment prior to an Ambulance arriving.




For all other calls Dr Murphy’s surgery or Shannon Doc or 112-999 Dispatcher will advise




Lastly, I would like to invite any member of the community who might like to be involved in the First Responder organisation to get in touch CFR phone 087 2737077 or Rodge 086 3103233. Full, free training is given – equipment, uniform and identity documents issued / following Garda checking protocols and insurance indemnity. Rodge Byrne, Training advisor Athea CFRs




Useful websites to visit for more information




www.irisheart.ie for all matters regarding national F.A.S.T Campaign




www.phecc.ie for the national standards for Emergency Care Practitioners levels 1-6


My new Jimdo-Page



Kennelly's Homevalue Hardware


Yesterday at 9:10 AM ·




Today marks another big milestone at Kennelly's Homevalue Hardware, we are celebrating 40 years in Business - October 1978-2018. Thank you to our staff, both past and present and all our customers for your continuous support throughout the years. Here's to many more!




A little history of the business:


Kennelly's Homevalue Hardware is a family run business which was established on 23rd October 1978 by Mike Kennelly.


After working in Dublin for 2 years, Mike returned to his local village of Moyvane where he opened a hardware business and began as a sole trader in a rented premises.


In 1981, Mike purchased a new shop in the centre of the village. Nearly a decade later, the business expanded when he bought a site on the Glin Road and built a timber and materials yard. This gave further employment to the local community.


In 2002, the business moved to a larger premises where is it is still trading today. This is adjacent to the original shop of 1978 and over 40years later, the family-run business continues to serve its customers from all over North Kerry and West Limerick.









Gerald Griffin 1803-1840 Gerald Griffin born 12th Dec 1803 died Christian Brother Cork in 1840 son of Patrick Griffin and Ellen Geary of Limerick .His grandfather James Griffin died 1798 aged 68yrs .It is claimed that his Great Grandfather was Francis Griffin who married Nora Fitzgerald and lived at Glenalappa , Newtownsandes .Gerald Griffins sister Lucy Sr Evangelist born 1806 died 1844 .Joined Presentation Convent Youghal in 1837.Her sister Anne Sr Baptist 1805 -1878 Entered Sisters of Charity, Superior Clarinbridge 1844 died there 1878 . Three of their cousins joined The Mercy Order in Limerick . The first Ellen Entered 1840 , Bridget Entered 1852, Maria Entered 1853 she died 1908 .Several of their nephews joined the Priesthood , Rev Frederick died 1902, Rev Carroll Nash died 1889, Rev John died 1939, Rev Gerald died 1940 .Another cousin Sr Mary Westropp Brereton a Mercy Sister Limerick. Gearld Griffins sister Bridget married Mr. White. They had five daughters in religion in the USA. His brother Dan had a daugter Alice born on the 22rd of February 1847. She was known as Sr. Magdalen F.C.J. She died in Canada on the 30th of April 1901. She was of the order of the Faithful Companions of Jesus. She made her vows in Brittany in France on the 28th of July 1872. The order had a house in Clarendon Street, London.

Lists Knockanure.Old Knockanure Church was Built C1400
Augustinian Priests were in charge of the Church.
Rattooabbey was a principal Abby in this Area Near old Knockanure Church the Dominicans had a house in the C 1800 and they were Banished from Tralee in the time of Cromwell.Fr Shine PP of Brosna Died 1827 was the last of the Knockanure Dominicans.Bishop Moriarty made a Survey in 1856 there was a National School in Knockanure with 90 Children.C 1800 Knockanure had a thatched Church.A Stone and Slate Church was Built in 1855.It was Replaced by the Church of Corpus Christi in 1964.
Moyvane Church of the Assumption was Built in 1956.

Knockanure Football 1934.
Knockanure Football Team in 1934 reached the final in Division 2 of the North Kerry Championship . The failed to take the field in time to play the final in Asdee.Their transport a Lorry from Athea Failed to pick them up in Knockanure.So they made a dash for Asdee in lashing rain by Trap Car and Bicycles .When they arrived in Asdee late the match was already awarded to Craughdarrig .
The team included Jack Carroll.Pat Joe Stokes, Ned Scanlon, Davy O Connor, Patsy O Connor, Jack Stokes, Ned Murphy, Fr Jim Leahy, Fr John Connor, [Islandanny] Fr John Connor Keylod, Bill Buckley, Fr Morgan O Connor Rathoran, Pat Joe Stack, Jack Nash, John Murphy. Subs Jerry Carroll, Tom Scanlon, Matt Dillon, Micky Connor, Billeen Connell.

Hanging at the Cross Hanging at the cross where the streets meet in Newtownsands. Told by Con Shine Written by J.B. Connell (NT Moyvane)

My father remembers the white boys. There was a landlord in Kilbaha called Wall. There was another in Moyvane named Sands. Sands knew the names of all the white boys in the district. So did Wall. The white boys trusted Sands. But they were afraid that Wall would tell all the names. So they decided to do away with wall. Wall was afraid of them. He made up his mind to take a house in Glin and went the Kerry line to Glin . But he came back by Newtownsands way. The white boys watched him they attacked his house that night and the firing went on till morning. In the morning they set fire to the house and Wall was burned to death. 200 soldiers came from Limerick the following day. They were to kill everybody they met. But Sands met them over on the Tarbert road near Johnny Nashs and told them not touch anybody that he would have all the white boys arrested that he knew them all. The soldiers did no harm then. They went to Kilbaha and the first they met were my father and my uncle Johnny threshing in the haggard. Sands said they are two honest boys, they?re a widow sons they never did harm to anybody. And so they did noting to them. My father was about 18 at the time. Sands gave the names of all the white boys and they were arrested and tried in Tralee. Three of them were sentenced to be hanged one of them was ordered to be brought to Newtown to be hanged his name was Neill (Nayle). He was the ringleader he was hanged in Newtown by the soldiers. They drove 2 poles in the ground below at the cross and put another pole across they then put him standing in a horses car put a rope around his neck then pulled away the car and left him hanging there. He was hanging there all day. The soldiers use to come often and give him a swing for sport and leave him swing away for himself. All the doors were shut that day. You would not see a head out the door.
In the evening they took him down and carried him to Tralee in a car. But they lost him above at Shea`s height Clountubrid. They turned back and found him again and carried him to Tralee. The other two were hanged in Tralee on of them was Mulvihill. I do not know who the other man was. Wall lived in Kilbaha where the road turns up to Kennelly`s house. Note Michael Mulvihill tried Tralee 3rd march 1809 .He set fire to Walls House . Executed 29th July 1809 .

Knockanure Branch of the Land League

A meeting of the Branch was held on Sunday 1885. Mr T. W. Leahy in the chair. Other officers were Mr Patrick Kennelly, Mr J. T. Nolan honouree secretary, Mr. James o Connor, Mr. Hugh Goulding, Mr. John Carroll. Mr. M. o Connor, Mr. Dan F. Leahy, Mr. W. T. Leahy, Mr. James o Sullivan, Mr. Dunne.Honouree secretary of Athea Branch also Present.Reports of previous meetings were also read. A large number handed in their subscriptions and received cards for membership. Subsequently a large contingent headed by the Athea fife and drum band marched into the village. A large crowd had assembled outside the League room and were addressed by Mr. D. T. Leahy Mr. J O Sullivan and Mr P Dunne who spoke forcibly on the necessity of the organising the friendly feeling between Farmers and labourers vote of thanks to the Athea Contingent brought the Proceedings to a close. The Release of Knockanure Land League Prisoners in 1885 who arrived in Listowel by train from Tralee was greeted with deafening cheers. Mr. James o Sullivhan of Kilmorna presented of behalf of the noble young ladies of the parish a bouquet of flowers to Daniel Leahy and his colleagues who were just realised from prison. A crowd headed by the Listowel Brass Band marched through to Mr. Stacks new house. A meeting chaired by John Fitzpatrick of St. Michaels Collage was held. Others attending were J. Condon, solicitor Newcastlewest. J. Moran, solicitor, Listowel.
J. Stack M.P for North Kerry addressed the Meeting. A vote of thanks having been passed the people dispersed. The released prisoners were entertained to dinner at the residence of Mr. John Stack.

JJ Kennelly Australia Letter

The North Western portion of this State has been visited by a plague of grasshoppers. Some say the hoppers came to visit His Royal Highness, Duke of Gloucester who is still here and must feel somewhat bored with the fulsome flattery and other rubbish that is daily heaped upon him by the Jingoistic element in these parts. In the hope of getting an advertisement for my book. I sent a copy to the Duke, but so far, I have not heard from him. If he accepts, the papers will have a feature of "Ned Kelly" being installed in the bosom of the Royal Family, But if he does not accept .I will send a similar copy to President De Valera with a suitable letter My father arrived in MELBOURNE in 186 ? and my mother nee Julia Dillon of Lyrecrompane with her four children -Johanna Matthew ,Honora ,and Daniel arrived at Melbourne on the 10th of August 1865 . Patrick died at Listowel he was between Matt and Hanora .These born in Australia were Julia Mrs Ryan ,Jeremiah who died on 31st of August 1884. James Jerome yours truly ,Elizabeth and Mary Mother Benidect at the Presentation Convent , Windsor ,Melbourne .Dan died 16th July 1933 .Hanora is an invalid and has lived with me for many years .Matt is a well to do farmer at Eleven Mile Creek ,Glenrowan West ,Victoria ,Australia . Matt has 3 sons and 1 daughter . Dan 4 sons and 3 daughters .Mrs Ryan 2 sons and 2 daughters . Mat married Bridget O Brien , Dan married Ellen Kelliher , and I married Elie Deegan . I addressed a copy of my book to Messrs Dillon Bros ,Lyrecrompane , but I have not heard from any of them .I understand that some of Ned Dillon s sons are still living in the old family homestead and I would like to learn something about them .I am inclined to think that cousin Tim Kennelly when living in West Australia was not very enthusiastic in his search for relatives in Victoria . I contested the Merenda Federal Electorate as a Labour Candidate inDecember 1906 and again in 1910 . In each case was defeated by one of my own Nationality . In 1906the late Richard O Neil acted as vote splitter for Robert Harper the retiring Member .In 11910 Mr Thomas Hunt of Kilmore , who had previously attended as delagate thePan Celtic Congress in Ireland acted , knowlingly or un knowlingly as Harpers vote splitter The result was Harper protectionist 7900 votes Kennelly Labour 7200 votes . Hunt Independent Labour 1945 votes . Thompson Independent 876 votes lost deposit In a non-Labour Electorate, my effort was regarded, as the best fight put up for Labour in the whole Commonwealth Elections if 1910. I am pleased to learn that you are taking a keen interest in Public Affairs. With Fondest Love to All I wish you every success. Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Your Loving Cousin Melbourne. Essendon

Knockanure Branch of Macra na Feirme was Established in 1955.

President: Fr. J Galvin C.C
Vice-President: Joe Sweeney ,Pat Kennelly .
Chairman: John Leahy .
Treasurer; James o Connor
Secretary: Tom Flavin
Committee: Ned Sheehy, John Murphy, Jerry Clancy, Jerry Enright, Maurice Stack, Willie o Connor, J. Hanrahan, Tim Scanlon, Jackie Goulding, James Ahean.Members: Sean Nolan, Jim Connor, Sean Broderick, Tom Kennelly, Denis Murphy, Rich Shanahon, Hugh Goulding, Christy Goulding, R. Stack.
The first meeting held on the 27th of December 1955.Mr S Seaney VS Castleisland attended and Mr. N. Horan chairman of the county exeulure of macra.
The church building fund was in progress at this time also.
Mr. J McNamara gave a lecture to the class on January 21st 1956 on his visit to Denmark. Described their methods and answered questions. They
Hoped at their next meeting to get a film show on farming methods,. Later reeplies from film operators stated that E.S.B. must be installed before they could show films. The department of agriculture asked farmers to dress cattle against warables and to castrate or slauter all male calves not intended for breeding immediately.
A public meeting also called to encourage the E.S.B.to come to the parish.
Macra social in Killarney on Dec 18th 1956 at ten schillings per ticket.
The branch also enquired the cost of Mr Walsh's hall in Listowel for a dance the fee was £22. On the 30th November 1957 the branch held a dance in Moyvane they also deceided to give £3 to the church building fund. Emmet Leahy also joined the club in 1956.
In Oct 23rd 1957 Dr Michael Brosnan asked the branch to do some thing for the kerryman's hostel in London. It was decided to hold a church gate collection for them.
More meetings were held with the E.S.B to encourage them to send an official canvasser to the parish, without result so local public representations were contacted to enlist their help.
Lectures were given by Mr R. F. Ryan on soil fertility, also Mr Fred Hayden national organiser for macra attended one of their meetings. He introduced debating to the club. March 12th 1957 James F. Nolan photographer attended and took photos for the farmers journal. Moyvane had a film show on the cow on 22nd Feb 1957 Mr McNamara agricultural instructor in charge of the film. The branches first film show was shown on Nov 19th 1957.They also put down concrete floor in the old hall and got seats from the old church in Moyvane to furnish it.

New members in 1957 were Jerry and Paddy Carroll, Willie Stack, and Philip Donovan. The branchs first outing was held on May 20th 1958 they visited Mitchelstown and the Ivan Allen farm. The branch also had a quotation for a bus from Knockanure to Limerick show for £19, not enough members were interested and the trip was canceled
In october the secretary wrote to the B.T.E office in Tralee to get lecture on TB.They also hired Bunny Dalton Band for a dance .Repairs to the Hall cost £12 ten Shillings .Many Dances were held over the years The Bands included The Western Star Band tickets for their Dance cost 3 shillings .The oConnell Band and another new pop Band called The Radar also played at dances .A discussion took place on staging a play .Fledged And Flown was chosen as their first play .That decision was made on March 9 th 1959.Members of the drama group went to see Sive in Listowel on May 13 th 1959 On the 22of Feb 1960 the Club wrote to the Minister for Posts and Tellegrafts asking him to erect a Public Phone Booth in the Village,It was also decided to ask the Council to erect Public Lights in the Village .A card game was planned for 24 th of Oct 1960 .First Prize £5 plus other Prizes.Lectures continued from time to time given by Local Instructor Mr Maurice Stack of Listowel .On sept 16 th 1965 the Club was told of a new Television Programme ,called Telefis Feirme . It was decided to apply for a T v set so that members could view the Programme .A short time later the Club was told that they were one of 5 in the County selected to receive a free T V set .Mansholdt came to Tralee in 1970 many from the Parish went to see and hear him in the Brandon Hotel . He predicted that the viable farmer would have 40 cows and do all the work himself .There was great excitement in Tralee on the night Mr Mansholdt gave his talk with anti Common Market protesters waving Placards and shouting slogans It appeared to be an organised protest with little local support .Inside in the Brandon Hall many questions were asked of Mr Mansholdt and the Minister for Agriculture
The final Story of Knockanure Macra Na Feirme is yet untold old Photos and Minute Books have been mislaid it is hoped to collect further details at a later date.


School Folklore

Fr o Connor was my granduncle. He was a powerful strong man. ;Lord Adare was building a castle one time the gave the contract to a Englishman, but he told the Irish were to get work. The contractor brought a great big strong man from england with him, and any one that could bar stones with him got work .A labour men brought a letter from FR. O Connor of Shanagolden looking for work but they could not bar stones with the english man so they were sent away. Fr. O Connor gave a letter to a poor man and he went to lord Adare to get work . He was barring stones with the strong man and he was sent away because he couldn`t carry keep up with him . " For Fr. O Connors sake give me work" said the poor man. "If Fr. O Connor were here himself I`d give him work" said the foreman. When Fr. O Connor heard it, he got an old suit of clothes and he put them on and carried his letter to adare looking for work. He started working with the strong man. When the bar was full Fr. O Connor said " Is that all you`re going to carry" The strong man said "the load maybe be too heavy when you get to the top with it. With that Fr. O Connor put on a few more stones on the load. When they were going to start he gave a little shake and broke the englishmans back. Everyone got work after that. He died in Shauagolden and some friends were there when he dying and he said to them "If the parishioners want to keep me don`t go against them. The parishioners buried him in knockanure graveyard beside the wall. (This story was told by C. Shine a Carpenter at Newtownsands)

The Football Feats of Jack Flavin
John Murphy
One of Moyvanes greatest footballer was born in Aughrim and grew up when Con Broshan was the best midfield player in Ireland from 1924 to 1932.
At 19 he was on the Newtown (Moyvane) team which won North Kerry in 1928. At 20 he was of the Kerry junior team who won the all-Ireland in 1930. Two of that team also went of to greater honours -David o Keeffe and Roondy Landers. In 1931 he was of the team who won the National League and was sub the same year when they won the all-Ireland. In 1932 he was again sub in the 4 in a row win. Then politics began to rear its ugly head and a valley period in Kerry Football set in from 1933 to 1936. But back again in 1937. He was part of a forward machine which swamped Cavan in the replayed final -the other forwards were Purty and Roondy Landers, Miko Doyle, Charlie Sullivan and Tim o Leary. In 1938 he was on the Galway team which beat Kerry in a replay. In 1939 he won the National League with Galway. Still with Galway he won three more Connaught Championship medals only to be beaten twice by Kerry in the All- Ireland Finals of 1940 and 1941 -the third time by Dublin. Truly a great player. A local poet puts it better,
Mick Roche played a great game at mid-field, but Flavin was peerless. That day for his equal is surely missing from football in Kerry today.


Knockanure Tithe List c1825.
Keylod and Gortaglanna
John Sweeney ,John Sandes, Tom Connor, John Moran, Con Keane, Pat Moore, Tom Kelly, John Goulding, ? ? ,Tim Ahern, ? Connor, James Leahy, John Goulding, ? Moloney, ? ? , Mc Mahon, Tom & George & John Sandes, James Nash.

Carrueragh And Coilagurteen

Denis Mahony, Tom Lister, Fitzgerald & Dore, Widow Larkin, Francis Carroll, David & ? Flynn, Tom Nolan, Joe Sweeney, Widow Stack, Garrett Stack, John Relihan, Pat Stack, Wm. Connor, John Griffin, Tim Leahy, John & Widow Leahy, Tom Costelloe .

Geo Gun, Mrs Raymond, Widow Sullivan, Ml & Widow Relihan, ? Pope, Wm. Moore, D Finucane, John & Phil Costelloe, Pat & Dl Burns. Buckley & Finucane, Ml & John Costelloe.


John Kelly, James Fitzgerald ? ,John Cregan, John Mc Mahon, Ml & Tom Mulvihill, John Buckley, Ml Scanlon, Widow Stack O Connor, Widow Connor & Son, Dl & Eamon Griffin, Tom & John Connor, Wm. Stack, Tom Mulvihill, Rob & Tim Leigh, Widow Sullivan , Dl & P Connor & W Buckley, Tim Leahy , Darby Connor.


20 November 1852 DANIEL DUNFORD Of DANIEL & PATRICK DUNFORD, native of parish Murkher, Newtownsands [co. Kerry] - when last heard of Daniel was in Cleveland Ohio; Patrick sailed from Tralee in August 1851, for Quebec, in ship Nestor. Also of HENRY FITZMAURICE, of Ballydonohue, parish Galey, - was in Livingston County, N. Y, in March, 1851. Information will be thankfully received by TIMOTHY FLAHAVAN, Hedgesville, Berkley, Va. Volume II: 1851 - 1853

3 March 1855 ELLEN PELLICAN OF ELLEN PELLICAN and her two children, William and Mary, also Betsy Pellican and Ellen Connors, all natives of Newtownsands parish of Murher, co Kerry, who sailed from Limerick August 3 '54, for Montreal; when last heard from they were in Montreal on the 11th November. Should this meet them, they will direct to John Pellican, in care of James L. R. Leonard, Tuscumbia, Franklin co, Ala. Volume III: 1854 - 1856

19 May 1855 LAWRENCE CUSIC OF LAWRENCE & EDMUND CUSIC, natives of parish Newtownsands, co Kerry. Lawrence when last heard of was in Sidndy [sic], Ohio, last summer. Edmund, in '53, was in Indianapolis. Information will be received by their sister Hanora Cusic, Rockville, Parke co, Pa. Volume III: 1854 - 1856

20 February 1858 LAWRENCE CUSIC OF LAWRENCE CUSIC, native of parish Newtownsands [co. Kerry]; when last heard from was in Sidney, Ohio, and moved to Iowa. Information received by his sister, Hannah Cusic, Crawfordsville, Montgomery county, Indiana. Volume IV: 1857 - 1860

6 March 1858 MICHAEL CONNOR OF MICHAEL CONNOR, son to Dennis Connor and Mary Sheahan, native of Newtownsands, Leitrim [co. Kerry]; when last heard from he was in New Orleans. Information received by his sister Mary, care of Bartholemew O'Connor, No 6 Middlesex street, Boston, Mass. Volume IV: 1857 - 1860

3 August 1867 MARY MULVIHILL OF MARY, JOANNA and DENIS MULVIHILL, or either of them, but especially of the last named Denis. Mary came to America in 1848, Joanna in 1858, and Denis in 1864, at which last time all three were living in or near Albany, New York, where they are still supposed to reside. They are the children of Patrick Mulvihill, of the parish of Newtownsands, county Kerry, Ireland. Whoever will have the kindness to furnish to the undersigned, by letter at an early day, any tidings of the foregoing persons, shall be repaid his trouble, and have the thanks of their brother, whose address is - Patrick J. Mulvihill, Memphis, Tennessee. Volume VI: 1866 - 1870

12 March 1870 DANIEL MULVIHILL OF DANIEL MULVIHILL, parish of Newtownsands, county Kerry; when last heard from, two years ago, he was in the State of New York. Any one knowing his where-abouts will confer a favor by addressing John Kennedy, Reese Graff and Dull Fort Pit Iron and Steel Works, Twelfth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. Volume VI: 1866 - 1870

17 March 1883 JOHANNA MULVAHILLE OF JOHANNA MULVAHILLE, of Glanalappa, parish of Newtownsands, Co. Kerry, who came to America about the year 1856. Any information will be thankfully received by Mary Flaherty, care of James F. Kirby, So. Framingham, Mass.

18 March 1854 MAURICE RELAHAN OF MAURICE RELAHAN, native of Kilmeany, parish of Knockanure, near Listowel, co Kerry, who arrived in New York about 4 yrs ago; when last heard of (18 months) was at Savannah. Information of him will be received by his sister and brother-in-law JOHN MOORE, formerly of Pyremount, near Tarbert, co Kerry; now of Danville, Canada East. Address, care of THOS CULHANE. Volume III: 1854 - 1856

16 December 1854 JOHN LANGAN OF JOHN LANGAN, of parish Knockanure, co Kerry, who emigrated to America about 1 yr ago last May; when last heard from he was in Lowell Hall, Wallingford, New Haven, Conn. Information will be received by his brother Thomas, Xenia, Green co, O. Volume III: 1854 - 1856

5 January 1867 TIMOTHY THORNTON OF TIMOTHY THORNTON, a native of the parish of Knockanure, county Kerry, who came to this country about seventeen years ago; when last heard from he was in Connecticut. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his friend, John Mulville, Box 239 Waterbury, Conn.


Knockanure Girls
Knockanure Girls






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What happens when people of different occupations get old.

- Old accountants never die, they just lose their balance.

- Old actors never die, they just drop apart.

- Old archers never die, they just bow and quiver.

- Old architects never die, they just lose their structures.

- Old bankers never die, they just lose interest.

- Old basketball players never die, they just go on dribbling.

- Old beekeepers never die, they just buzz off.

- Old bookkeepers never die, they just lose their figures.

- Old bosses never die, much as you want them to.

- Old cashiers never die, they just check out.

- Old chauffeurs never die, they just lose their drive.

- Old chemists never die, they just fail to react.

- Old cleaning people never die, they just kick the bucket.

- Old cooks never die, they just get deranged.

- Old daredevils never die, they just get discouraged.

- Old deans never die, they just lose their faculties.

- Old doctors never die, they just lose their patience.

- Old electricians never die, they just lose contact.


A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
-Greek proverb

When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it, always.
-Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948)

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
-Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president (1809-1865)

Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers.
-Mignon McLaughlin, author

I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. president (1932)

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-George Bernard Shaw, writer, Nobel laureate (1856-1950)

It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.
-John Philpot Curran: Speech upon the Right of Election, 1790.

To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.




If the people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny".

- Thomas Jefferson


"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patient in the importance of the human frame, diet and the prevention of disease."

- Thomas Edison





A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor.When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. 'We must do something about Father,' said the son. 'I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor.' So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner. Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
The four-year-old watched it all in silence. One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, 'What are you
making?' Just as sweetly, the boy responded, 'Oh, I am making a little bowl for you
and Mama to eat your food in when I grow up. The four-year-old smiled and went back to work. The words so struck the parents so that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done. That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table. For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.



The bells of St. Bartholomew's rang in the morning air,
The mission bells were pealing to summon souls to prayer,
Three rebel sons of Ireland their fear of danger shed,
To kneel before God's altar and receive eternal bread.
Paddy Walsh and Paddy Dalton and their companion Dee,
Because they loved their Motherland they strove to set her free,
They little knew that morning what they shortly would endure,
As they took the road towards their last abode in the Valley of Knockanure.

The sun of May was rising, casting shadows to the west,
On a bridge in Gortagleanna those men sat down to rest,
They chatted there with Jerry Lyons their comrade from duagh.
But, alas! Too late to make escape when the Black and Tans they saw,
From lorries three in fiendish glee the Tans did leap and roar
With rifle-butt, with fist and foot they beat their prisoners sore,
Nought could they gain, the poured in vain rough language and impure,
No fear they showed in their last abode in the Valley of Knockanure.

They put them in the lorries and travelled towards Athea,
But there, again, they turned west and went the other way
Beyond the Gortgleanna cross a fort came into view
The Black and Tans hatched evil plans in a field behind Lisroe.
Again, their captives gave their names but nothing more they'd tell
Within their breasts beat hearts as brave as e'er for Ireland fell,
The tans foul breath or threats of death could nothing more procure,
For valour glowed in their last abode in the Valley of Knockanure.

With love undying they stood in line, clasped hands and said goodbye,
They shouted prayers for freedom when they knew they were to die.
No order had been given,they fired in random glee,
One dared to dash for freedom; a rebel called Con Dee.
In that lonely dell three comrades fell their tortures were all o'er,
In tale and song they still live on and will for evermore.
They met their God on their own green sod with stainless souls and pure
And their red blood flowed in their last abode in the Valley of Knockanure.

The Tans were raging furious as Dee kept gaining ground,
The hills around re-echoed the rapid rifle sound.
Though wounded early in the chase he held both head and feet
On towards the wild wide mountain where green and purple meet.
He prayed to those he left in death that they his life would spare,
God bless the hands that found him and took him in their care.
They nursed the worn weary limbs that bore him o'er the moor
As he fearless strode from death's abode in the Valley of Knockanure.

The bell of St. Bartholomew's still speaks in solemn tone,
The Patriot hearts who gave their all are still in memory known.
The graves that hold their fleshless bones a veil o'er life has drawn
But their souls have flown to that bright home of God's eternal dawn.
May they look down from Heaven's crown on the land they died to save,
God grant that we might ever be as fearless and as brave.
There's a cross to tell where those men fell our freedom to secure
And the sun of May shines bright today o'er the Valley of Knockanure.

By local poet Dan Keane born 1919.




The following poem was written by James Dineen, son of

Charles Dineen and Johannah McCarthy and published in

the Stevens Point Journal, a daily newspaper in Stevens

Point, Wisconsin, in March 1909. Donald Dineen,

grandson to James,

kindly submitted this poem.

See Dineen Moloney



In days of yore on Erin's Shore,

The sprig of green they oft had seen,

A Christian stood alone,

He gently plucked from Erin's sod,

A stranger in a pagan land,

To make the people understand

No friend to call his own.

The mystery of the living God.


Twas Patrick, fair, who landed there,

In Tara's hall he met with all

A youthful saint from Rome,

The Druids with ancient pride,

To plant the cross on hill and plain,

Who listened to the words he

Spoke and in each pagan home.

Of Christ, the crucified.


In fancy now we see him bow,

O, Erin fair, for ages there,

And kneel in silent prayer,

The victory Patrick won,

Yet none but God and Patrick knew

Was handed down on battlefield,

The homage offered there.

from Celtic sire to son.


From shore to shore he traveled o'er,

Though forced to roam, exiles from home,

That famed isle of green,

Though crushed by tyrant's hand,

No hand was raised to mar the saint,

They spread the faith St. Patrick gave,

No bloodstain there was seen.

To many a distant land.

Jas. P. Dineen. Custer, Wis., March 14, 1909

Don Dineen